I don't know why, but the thought of George Soros being pounced upon and carted off to an undisclosed location warms my heart more than a bouncing puppy. Wait, I do know why. This guy has more blood on his hands than Dracula ever had dripping from his chin. (Apologies to Dracula, who might think the comparison is unfair to vampires.)
You know, I wonder about, Nancy Pelosi. Every time I thought she was dead in the water, she came rising right back up like a zombie in a movie to be speaker of the house again. Makes sense. The dead consistently voted for her.
This fake information isn’t even new. It’s from several years ago. This exact pic was posted less than two days ago. The original twitter poster looks like a fraud. He’s asking people to support his Patreon account. Also that account hasn’t posted in a long time. I searched several search engines & this isn’t true.
Wish it was but it’s not.
I don't know why, but the thought of George Soros being pounced upon and carted off to an undisclosed location warms my heart more than a bouncing puppy. Wait, I do know why. This guy has more blood on his hands than Dracula ever had dripping from his chin. (Apologies to Dracula, who might think the comparison is unfair to vampires.)
Can we do Schwab next, or maybe Leo DiCaprio?
Or Bill Gates?
Yes, Bill, his ex, the other Bill, his wife, Piglosi, just to keep the ball rolling.
Immediately after the second pie to the face.
You mean Vlad the Impaler - who never had blood dripping from his chin. But did line the streets of Romania with a terrible garden.....
I'm waiting for when one of the countries puts a bounty on George Soros regardless of living state.
Will he raise from the dead after three days
You know, I wonder about, Nancy Pelosi. Every time I thought she was dead in the water, she came rising right back up like a zombie in a movie to be speaker of the house again. Makes sense. The dead consistently voted for her.
Is this legit? Sounds too good to be true
i'm reposting my response from another thread that was removed due to fakin the funk.
Found an old article from March 9, 2015.
Another from Mar 2012
Twatter post is prob fake as far as current news goes.
I knew it sounded made up.
People need to start verifying the sauce before posting hoaxes on here. Its getting old
^ This.
For a set of people that rails against fake news so much, we sure do promote a lot of fake news here.
twatter post should read:
"Russia has had an arrest warrant against George Soros for 7 years"
Anyone with an actual Russian link, or ideally a cabal news site?
Fake news, unfortunately
Why do you people keep posting this? OSINT is the only source of this. They cite NOTHING.
Fuck I'd just delete the misinfonat this point. This shit discredits so badly
I figured I'd inform as many pedes as I can with a comment sticky so they can police future posts.
Are you being sarcastic?
Deleting your comment isn't a good look.
Fake and gay
If it were the US, they would capture the person abroad.
Like julian Assange
Dear George: "All your base are belong to us." Vlad
Ooh, China then Russia. Come on India and Brazil, join the fray.
I thought Russia put out a Wanted Dead or Alive thing for Sorryass?
sauce or gtfo
Dude didn't you see the tweet? Then the retweet? Then the screencap? That's triple confirmed.
well shit I better put those on a powerpoint and call Lin Wood!
Show me the sauce!
Wonderful if true, but got to have the sauce.
Declare the Bounty!
Let Capitalism work
It’s about damn time
"Breaking" for the fourth time this month. This warrant has been in place for over a year now.
Another train of thought to this, is maybe ‘they’ already had him or knew who had....
Wish there was proof... shouldn't there be accessible proof of this?
This fake information isn’t even new. It’s from several years ago. This exact pic was posted less than two days ago. The original twitter poster looks like a fraud. He’s asking people to support his Patreon account. Also that account hasn’t posted in a long time. I searched several search engines & this isn’t true. Wish it was but it’s not.
Is there any actual sauce on this?
I third that motion.
I always assumed Soros would wind up in GITMO. It would be hilarious if he winds up in some Russian prison in Siberia or some Chinese hell hole
Hope it's: DEAD OR ALIVE
Is there sauce on this?
If anyone can reach this, it'd probably be the best place to validate such a thing:
Appears to be down for me. I'm gonna browse a bit through archive.org and see if I can find an entry relating to this.