Kash Patel (Truth Social)
I have nothing to do with patel patriot and he has nothing to do with me, just so @truthsupport know.
I take it Devolution is off the table with Kash?
Kash Patel
Kash Patel (Truth Social)
I have nothing to do with patel patriot and he has nothing to do with me, just so @truthsupport know.
I take it Devolution is off the table with Kash?
Kash Patel
I took it as Kash will not discuss devolution, not that he is saying it is not true. Of course that’s just one mans opinion.
If he won’t discuss, doesn’t that give it more legitimacy?
To be fair large parts of devolution are a stretch and incredibly difficult to implement without globe shattering problems. However I have always said if Trump takes office and doesn't get the fed under control or taxes/insurance costs then really we are just getting a more benevolent ruler.
Until many in the CIA, Pentagon, etc, are punished for their crimes nothing will ever change.
Yes and yes I agree
I took it as discussion ABOUT devolution is off the table, as in questions during an interview.
If Kash meant to say devolution was impossible, then I think he would have said that.
Exactly. Wont discuss it. Absolutely does not mean it is not happening. Ans there is NO way anyone actually doing it is going to openly admit or discuss it. The whole point is secrecy.
And if it was a made up larp...he could have easily said that too since a larp is not classified.
devolution was retarded from the first min, but if you say anything against it, you'll get downvoted out.
You never move to a more inefficient state of management if you can help it. States power was simply more efficient back in the days before instant communication!
Untangling the webs of corruption may look like devolution at some angles, but the whole concept is utter garbage.
This comment alone shows you haven’t spent more than 30 minutes studying the Devolution topic. I expect comments of this nature from lefties.
And you, you need to change your user name because like I've been saying and they obviously have seen my posts, there is no devolution going on because Trump never conceded . He is Commander and Chief!
That's commander in chief, not and chief.
Can't he be Commander and the Chief at the same time? :)
I know I was doing a little celebrating in the end zone after the hard time I was given. I have the real Patel to thank. There's always been a plan in place but it's not devolution. Did you really think the Military would carry on without the genius of one Donald J Trump?
There never was devolution because President Trump is Commander in Chief.
you got scammed, like the sheeple got covid scammed.
Now you can double down, like the sheeple taking the vax, turn blinders on and continue down devtardlution lane or turn back and use critical thinking again.
Just because the shadow looks like something, doesn't mean that's what it is.
Puzzle pieces makes for great fiction. Q did not give us a puzzle, but proofs so assets can act accordingly. It was COMNS! clear as day if you needed to know!
It's only a puzzle to those not supposed to know.
Notice you can’t refute any point from Devolution. This is how anyone who even looks at the trash you wrote knows you’re full of it.
"Devolution" as coming from an EO and continued post-Jan 20th 2021? Nope, would be 100% unconstitutional. But "devolution" as another term for legal continuity of government in accordance with federal statute and the Constitution? Absolutely.
Tell us everything you know about Devolution, you learned from Mike Rothschild without telling us.
Remember. BIDEN reauthorized Trump's executive orders....
I wish I could sticky this.
Does anyone honestly believe that he would answer any differently? Just as we got screenshots of the Convo - so could anyone.
Now do "Dear Q: Is JFK Jr. alive?" ;)
Remember how peoples' reasoning for the "no" was that since his father died, JFK Jr. is no longer Jr.? I hadn't noticed this before yesterday, but on the cover of George magazine (the February 1997 issue) that is true: "Bill Gates talks to John Kennedy about Murdoch..."
Coming through with the sauce!
Qagg link: https://qagg.news/?read=TO3312
Screenshot: https://qagg.news/siteimages/truth108066142255153682.png
Oh, and btw, KP has a way of flooding the truth feed with shit without saying shit at all.
These people don’t lurk around message boards replying impulsively. Anything written by inner circle players is deliberate, strategy, planned. Don’t take his reply at surface level.
Why did Kash reply to a conversation he wasn’t a part of?
Draw attention to Devolution?
How many people follow Kash because he worked for Trump and has been on cable news interviews?
How many of those people, who have never heard of Devolution, were just introduced because of Kash’s reply?
Great point.
Wait, what? Devolution, what is that?
I agree with you. It only took me one letter in February 2018. What is Q?
Was around the same time for me too. My first intro was Rosanne tweeting ‘who is Q’ around Nov 2017, busy time at work so never bothered looking into it. Just a head scratch and moved on. Seen another mention somewhere in early 2018 and off I went
We will never be able to explain the feeling to those who weren’t in the club since the early days
My brother wouldn’t listen to me until 9 months into Covid. Better late than never.
Before 2020 inaug he was saying it’s all over. After a few months of repeated nuggets dropped here and there he rejoined
Anyone who did not experience a full year or more of Q, or who has not taken the time to read the entire series, will never understand
They still operate in 2D world where you just take everyone at their word, face value
Even Scott Adams, Bill Maher, many more… if you’ve been watching them through different acts of this place it becomes more clear what is happening
Have to wear your STRATEGY tinted glasses when perceiving anything non-local
Luckily both my parents are strategic minded people (some borderline or full blown psychopathic/narcissistic manipulators) so even pre-Q I was predisposed to see everything in terms of strategy
Journalist Lee Smith tagged him in the first part of the exchange though. So I don't think it's that weird. But you make a good point about him trying to get people to pay attention to devolution.
Information wars are confusing.
Consider that it was an indirect tag. And how many nobody’s tag a high profile person every hour of every day?
Any time you see a high profile reply, it is targeted and strategic
I learned this watching Scott Adams on Twitter…
He might reply or retweet to a seemingly random tweet announcing his disagreement
But you know what? He just pushed millions of people to a topic they’d never previously heard of. But announcing disagreement, he is innocent and immune to the Cancellers. Can just say hey I’m just a guy alerting the public of bad information, don’t shoot the messenger 🤷🏼♂️😉
Agree, some only see things in black and white when the whole government exists in the grey area.
Even if Devolution were real it's not like Kash would affirm its existence. These would be military operations even Trump can't talk about. Once the PEAD's go into effect, all civilians are outside its scope of privilege.
Slick Willy and Killary, perfect poser couple... remember her on again, off again bullshit southern accent? Yup.
I hope we get to see... Even if its just a pic of Trump pissing on GHWB coffin. Kek!
You mean like when John Belushi and Jane Curtain were on?
Yes some sketches were funny, but there was a lot that was dumb. Back in the day comedy was not so sterilized.
This is one of my favorites. This could never be make today.
AIDS-conscious Dracula - James Wood
This is one of my favorites: Could never be made today.
AIDS-conscious Dracula This was so funny because I could just picture old Drac trying to get him some poon at the height of AIDS.
And this one: Meet Ellen Sherman
I don’t like the fact that he felt like he needed to distance himself from Patel Patriot. I’ve never thought it was Kash and it doesn’t take much to figure that out. But, that’s just me. 🤷🏼♀️
I thought he was Kash when I first heard of him.
I think u/pec9019 makes a good point in this thread. Check his comment.
Interesting point here
LOL the mental gymnastics of these comments right now...
Yep, jumping to conclusions is way more exhausting than jumpin jacks... 😁
It could mean many things. OFF in caps may come off as a hard no, but it isn't a hard "There is no plan that involves devolution" statement.
Also interesting that the original post doesn't show up on Qagg.
Can anyone with Truth verify this post is gone?
His reply OFF is still there. Just verified 1647EST 4/3/22
Only the reply? What about the conversation before it?
The whole thing as far as I can tell.
Posted a screenshot named TS Kash Patel. For some reason, can’t copypasta
I think devolution is one of the cards. Maybe like a worst case scenario. There are other much less drastic avenues especially if all the right people are put into submission.
Any word on when Truth Social will be available to everyone, and not just on the Apple app? I feel left out.
LOL, PP just did a show on MILDEC and OPSEC last night.
For those of us not on Truth Social, who is @frostyb12?
I follow Kash on his Telegram.
based linux user
My gut says the entire Truth Social stuff is a ruse. Something way bigger is underway. Too much bs with parler, then grifter. I just don't believe Truth is going to be the big boom many are expecting.
So it's OK for him to say "OFF" but not offer any sort of lead onto what is truth? He just says "off", and we are just supposed to go "oh, well. OK then." Can't he say "it's a little off track from that" or "that plan is off" or "that's off the rails compared to what is going on!" or "Yeah, we thought of that. But now that plan is off the table." Instead, he just say "off" and doesn't offer any sort of new lead for people to go on, or hope, or anything. It's kinda like having something built up way big, and with a teeny tiny swoop of their wand, it's just dismissed. I'm not buying it.
My truth social account won’t work. Says I’m still in a waiting list. My SMS is verified and notifications are enabled. Is there something we’re I need to do?
Nope, just be patient, you will get an email letting you know you can login..
If devolution is a thing, why not just own it? Admit it already. They know devolution is real, we know devolution is real, let’s all just face the music. Call a spade a spade and move on. Admitting devolution is a thing doesn’t reveal the plan does it? Or does it?
Come on man. There is no devolution.
Another reason MSM doesn't want to touch Truth Social with a 50ft pole. Ex, "QAnon talk being spread on TS by Q account"
They know if people join, follow these people, start ask questions.... things get weird and maybe, just maybe, there's some truth in these crazy things.
(And, personally, I love the discussion on devolution, but I'm not completely bought into it myself.)
What have I been telling everyone here that we are not going thru devolution!! This vitiates everything so I want my upvotes back!!
Clip 1: notice the weird pixilation glitch at 4:06:19? Helicopter almost looks like it's bad CGI. Lots of video glitching. Realize it's "long view", but do those NBC cameras really have that bad of picture quality? "Typically this is not a shot our viewers often see." (4:08:28). "Optics are important." "That's not the way he normally goes in." (that's what she said! ha!). "We see this shot normally around Easter." Go back a little bit though to 4:00:00 when there are now 2 choppers in view. Where'd that 2nd bird come from? Mid-route as an escort?
Clearly 2 birds in the air. But what kind of shell game is that when the camera is following the same bird the whole time (at least so it appears)? This would have been the worst, least secure shell game ever...
Weird cut away from the chopper around 4:05:42. Camera moves back into view and super choppy, bad quality feed.
Clip 2: CSPAN camera feeds didn't seem to have any problem, unlike clip 1
Clip 3: Feed monitoring the motorcade goes black at 6:46. Maybe a shell game with the SUVs? Which SUV has Trump? When chopper gets to WH, video feed seems fine, unlike with NBC feed.
Clip 4: Marine 1 flying into Walter Reed. Why? Didn't it take him there 72 hours prior? Is it normal for Marine 1 to just drop POTUS off at the hospital and leave?? Wouldn't it make sense, and cost less, to just stay at the helipad at Walter Reed until it's time to take Trump back?
"Welcome to the white house" (Trump - "that's small letters.") EEOB. NW 17th Street, construction started in 1871 (1+8+7+1=17) and took 17 years to build. QQQ. Norman_F_Dixon and CHAOS_ACTUAL got us going down the EEBO rabbit hole a while back. I covered some of the history of the "White House" (the Executive Mansion/Residence), the Executive Office and the EEOB in this thread. Very interesting history of the buildings and the multiple relocations of the "Executive Office."