The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine, especially in the United States, despite its ancient and consistent associations with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom. ( )
So - Western Medicine somehow made the symbol of Hermes their Symbol of "Medicine"? What did Hermes do exactly? Why Hermes other than the obvious "Close enough" facade?
Hermes (/ˈhɜːrmiːz/; Greek: Ἑρμῆς) is an Olympian deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Hermes is considered the herald of the gods. He is also considered the protector of human heralds, travellers, thieves,[4] merchants, and orators.[5][6] He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, aided by his winged sandals. Hermes plays the role of the psychopomp or "soul guide"—a conductor of souls into the afterlife.[7][8]
So Hermes expedited souls to the afterlife of Greece - which was run by Hades. Who / what is Hades?
Death and Hades are repeatedly associated in the Book of Revelation.[14] The word "Hades" appears in Jesus' promise to Peter: "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."[15] and in the warning to Capernaum: "And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades."
Not only did Hermes expedite people to the underworld - he also often tricked them into this path and charged a fee. Sort of like Western Medicine literally charging people into Bankruptcy - all while knowing they won't solve the illness.
Another level of Hermes is he also lulled people into sleep states. Both literal sleep and into a state of walking sleep in which they were dreaming awake.
For James Hillman, for whom dreaming is inherently related to a descent from the conscious realm into psyche's underworld, it is Hermes “chthonic aspect from which comes the dream activity” (50). That observation brings together the images of Hermes as bringer of sleep and dreams and his more famous role as psychopomp, the guide of the souls of the dead to the underworld. Because of these dual roles, Christine Downing reminds us that the ancient Greeks “kept images of Hermes in their bedrooms and petitioned him to send them sleep but not death” (55). Similarly, suggests Doty, “perhaps we all, like persons in antiquity, ought to arrange our beds so that they faced the statue of Hermes, the Oneiropompos / Guide of Dreams,” because “learning from the dreams, presumably one learns something about Hermes as Psychopompos Guide of Souls (into Hades) as well”
Asclepius (/æsˈkliːpiəs/; Greek: Ἀσκληπιός Asklēpiós [asklɛːpiós]; Latin: Aesculapius) is a hero and god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology. He is the son of Apollo and Coronis, or Arsinoe, or of Apollo alone. Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts; his daughters are Hygieia ("Hygiene", the goddess of cleanliness), Iaso (the goddess of recuperation from illness), Aceso (the goddess of the healing process), Aegle (the goddess of good health) and Panacea (the goddess of universal remedy). He has several sons as well. He was associated with the Roman/Etruscan god Vediovis and the Egyptian Imhotep.[1] He shared with Apollo the epithet Paean ("the Healer").[2] The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, (similar to the caduceus) remains a symbol of medicine today. Those physicians and attendants who served this god were known as the Therapeutae of Asclepius.
Numbers 21:9
9 So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.
If you search around - the symbol of a snake wrapped on a pole is common among many different cultures and popped up, commonly, at roughly the same times in various places around the world. Always representing healing.
So without being too wordy ( heh too late )
Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall
By using the Symbol of Hermes they are legit saying their intent is to kill you, charge you for it, and expedite your death.
The only thing I want to highlight in this interpretation is the focus on alchemy. This isn't your hackneyed "lead into gold" alchemy that's always depicted in cartoons. Alchemy has a couple of meanings, and the one we care about is a spiritual alchemy. It is a process of transforming energies in various ways. Typically, then ends up in a discussion of the use of sex energy, basically, you engage in intercourse, but don't allow yourself to finish. This creates an energy that can be harnessed and redirected, giving a man more power. When you hear about Gandhi sleeping with his neices, this is what he was doing. He had no intention of completing the act. It was an act of self-restraint, not exploitation.
Ultimately, these discussions always end up in a discussion of transcendence, the idea of using alchemical methods to transform a man into a "god" who can impose his will upon others as he chooses and get the things he wants. When they speak about Hermes in specific contexts, it is this practice over which he is a god. This is what TPTB believe he represents.
There's a long, and rather salacious history of the founding of modern medicine. The men who first studied surgery were regarded as ghouls and graverobbers, because that's how they got the bodies to dissect and learn from. They would bribe gravediggers to give them bodies to dissect, and then again to bury the remains when they were done. Lots of the initial experiments on drugs and some of the most basic treatments we have today were morally bankrupt in the way they came about. Thievery, trickery, etc were all very prominently associated with doctors at the time. And make no mistake, this included the rich men from noble families who engaged as well. They brought this idea of "magic" and transforming of sickness to health to the profession, and within this milieu of a culture, we ended up with the ideas of alchemy finding their ways subtly into medicine, including Hermes as a symbol instead of Aesclepius.
Excellent tie to alchemy and the fact Modern Medicine is not just as ghoulish as the men slicing up the dead etc - it’s worse now and has gone to the very level of genetics. Now they slice how God made us.
The Most Telling thing for me personally through this research was Rockefeller and his ties to IG Farben during WW2. The Nazi SS contracted for IG Farben. Why? IG Farben knew that “Pharmaceutical Medicine” and profit was based on the level of human research could be done & how expeditiously that research conducted. So Farben legit funded Death Camps after successful results with Sigmund Rascher at Dachau.
So what happened after WW2?
Rockefeller saw what IG Farben did and showed up at the Nuremberg Trails - seeking to recruit this sick fuck Medical Fascists like it was the NFL Draft. They got a ton of them & Uncle Sam obliged approval ( on of the many FBI DECLAS terrors they had from Trump )
The US Medical Industry had to downplay the research they gained of immense value from the Nazi Camps. They continued this shit openly knowing and lying for decades.
The US Medical Military Industrial Complex emerged and committed acts like the Tuskegee Experiments & the MKULTRA / MKPRIME / ARTICHOKE experiments like the Montreal Experiments on the unsuspecting public. This complex only grows hungrier and led us into the kill box of the last 24 months of Plandemic
The Same Industry led by Monsanto, Bill Gates, Bayer ( literally IG Farben ) - now are looking to manipulate food further and introduce forced mRNA sequencing into what people ingest while also forcing world famine by pushing up prices of food and forcing scarcity.
Hermes was the God of Occult Knowledge among other things. When w get into Theology and the Esoteric nature ascribed upon that - steal in because the meanings go deep.
good point! even though Meheeko is a 3rd world country... their chinavirus death count pales in comparison to ours with all our "best-in-the-world" healthcare...
That shit is sitting on the shelves up for grabs on mexico and im getting on here to post links to the livestock version when it's available just so people candy have SOMETHING! 🤬
There used to be senior citizen bus tours to Mexican pharmacies to save a ton of money on prescriptions. Don't know if they are still doing that since Covidiocy.
Actually it's an insane mark up. You get Four 6mg Ivermectin tablets for $15.00 (USD). You could get 100 tablets from India for roughly $90.00. If you spent the same $90.00 in Mexico you'd only be able to purchase 24 tablets. I know this because I was on a cruise there last month and purchased some just to have on hand. The mark up is crazy. We didn't go inland further than the touristy spots, but I wouldn't doubt that the prices plummet the further away you go from tourist spots/docks/airports.
*Edit: Sorry math was off (it's still way overpriced) - it's 3AM
Ivermectin is, effectively, not available in the USA. Unless you are willing to eat "horse paste". I am, actually. Because it's the same molecule. Most are not.
I've looked seriously at the Indian stuff. For me the biggest issue is that I don't trust them. At all. Gulp down some Ivermectin and you may find you ate fentanyl or some other craziness. Or your use of a credit card will cause you to experience identity theft, etc. I hope I am wrong, but I would need a lot of convincing.
Ah yes. Gotcha. I have also speculated that Hindu obsession with cows comes from magic mushrooms that grow on cow poo. I have yet to find anyone to confirm or deny it in any way.
It's funny how one country schedules a drug and another has it OTC. I use Naratriptan for migraines and it's $30 for tablets with a schedule precription in Australia. In germany I can buy it over the counter for about $5 a pill.
The cost difference is due to patents, not on the drug which is old, but on the damn inhaler. That may be done now, IIRC protection ended in 2021, but I'm not sure off the top of my head if they have generic albuterol inhalers.
As for the prescription, I'm sure some hypochondriac thought people would find a creative way to help themselves get high with it. The other argument is that it's not a good treatment long-term if you've got asthma. If you're using the inhaler too much, you'd be better off on a stronger therapy, so they gatekeep a bit to ensure you're going to the doctor and getting escalated if your symptoms require it. These arguments are common reasons why some of this stuff is prescription. The goal was to provide people with better care and not encourage self-medication.
Fentanyl is okay but they'll arrest your ass for something safer than aspirin. I was sweating my ass off going through customs and it was only a few boxes
My grandpa (mom's side) does this. He knows a few guys who go there every six months-ish and pick up his alive-ing-pills. Dude's probably saved thousands in the past decade alone.
Pay that doctor tax. We use SOMA, it’s a miracle drug for migraines. Have to see our doctor (copay) to get a prescription (copay) to get it each year. Treat it like gold so we don’t have to do that too often.
Allowing our government to choose what we can put into our bodies does not make sense on so many levels...
Government is permanently entangled in corruption.
Drug companies and regulatory agencies have all the same employees transferring back and forth.
Adults are supposed to be in charge of government, not the other way around.
Conspiracy theorists (who have a track record 100's of times better than corporate news) tell us that governments are trying to harm us. Why take the chance?
Ibuprofen at $50/100 tabs? I just bought 200 for ~$2.50 right here in our inflated US economy. And that HCQ's about double what it should cost here in the US buying Indian-made generics.
Probably the most interesting is the carisoprodol (Soma) at $45. It's cheap as hell, but it's also a drug I couldn't imagine being OTC.
Regardless, there's some really, really weird stuff going on with the pricing here, and it has nothing to do with the chemistry involved in manufacturing.
It has to do with the manufacturing and availability. The ibuprofen is prescription strength. A lot of Spanish countries use ivermectin instead of shampoo for lice, so it’s abundant. We have an abundance of things in America but try to buy furniture in the Virgin Islands or a dryer in Central America, supply and demand.
I thought the prices looks very high even for an airport but the price for Ivermectin was about the same in a little dinky local Pharmacy in Punta Minta off the beaten Trail
It is, but it is also 800 MG. Several years ago, I got body slammed to the sidewalk by some random guy. I was okay for the most part, but they took me to the ER and they gave me Rx for muscle relaxants and Rx ibuprofen. That ibuprofen was only 400mg. OTC, I think is 200 mg.
The reason they gave 400mg is that's what studies show is where the pain control effect of the drug caps out. If you take higher doses, you get more anti-inflammatory effect, but more importantly, you get the side effects of NSAIDs to worry about like stomach issues, kidney issues, etc. You don't need to risk that crap for pain, so you just take the 400s.
They hand out 800mg like candy some places and it's frankly kind of embarrassing that they docs aren't more savvy about pain meds and potential side effects, especially after learning from the opioid experience. The drug makers lied and acted like there were no side effects, so docs handed them out like candy thinking they were helping with pain. They were, but side effects were real. All drugs have them. All of them. Tylenol is one of the most common causes of liver failure when people take too much. Docs need to tell people this stuff and not just assume they know, because God knows, people don't know.
The truth about "western" medicine is slowly coming out.
Caduceus vs Rod of Asclepius.
For those of us that know - it's not about healing.
you can’t just cryptically say this shit without enlightening the rest of us. come on
Fair Enough.
Caduceus ( ) has been used in Western Medicine ( Rockefeller Medicine:
So - Western Medicine somehow made the symbol of Hermes their Symbol of "Medicine"? What did Hermes do exactly? Why Hermes other than the obvious "Close enough" facade?
So Hermes expedited souls to the afterlife of Greece - which was run by Hades. Who / what is Hades?
Not only did Hermes expedite people to the underworld - he also often tricked them into this path and charged a fee. Sort of like Western Medicine literally charging people into Bankruptcy - all while knowing they won't solve the illness.
Another level of Hermes is he also lulled people into sleep states. Both literal sleep and into a state of walking sleep in which they were dreaming awake.
Rod of Asclepius -
Numbers 21:9
If you search around - the symbol of a snake wrapped on a pole is common among many different cultures and popped up, commonly, at roughly the same times in various places around the world. Always representing healing.
So without being too wordy ( heh too late )
Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall
By using the Symbol of Hermes they are legit saying their intent is to kill you, charge you for it, and expedite your death.
This symbol of the two snakes wrapped around a pole can also be found at the center of a statue of baphomet.
The only thing I want to highlight in this interpretation is the focus on alchemy. This isn't your hackneyed "lead into gold" alchemy that's always depicted in cartoons. Alchemy has a couple of meanings, and the one we care about is a spiritual alchemy. It is a process of transforming energies in various ways. Typically, then ends up in a discussion of the use of sex energy, basically, you engage in intercourse, but don't allow yourself to finish. This creates an energy that can be harnessed and redirected, giving a man more power. When you hear about Gandhi sleeping with his neices, this is what he was doing. He had no intention of completing the act. It was an act of self-restraint, not exploitation.
Ultimately, these discussions always end up in a discussion of transcendence, the idea of using alchemical methods to transform a man into a "god" who can impose his will upon others as he chooses and get the things he wants. When they speak about Hermes in specific contexts, it is this practice over which he is a god. This is what TPTB believe he represents.
There's a long, and rather salacious history of the founding of modern medicine. The men who first studied surgery were regarded as ghouls and graverobbers, because that's how they got the bodies to dissect and learn from. They would bribe gravediggers to give them bodies to dissect, and then again to bury the remains when they were done. Lots of the initial experiments on drugs and some of the most basic treatments we have today were morally bankrupt in the way they came about. Thievery, trickery, etc were all very prominently associated with doctors at the time. And make no mistake, this included the rich men from noble families who engaged as well. They brought this idea of "magic" and transforming of sickness to health to the profession, and within this milieu of a culture, we ended up with the ideas of alchemy finding their ways subtly into medicine, including Hermes as a symbol instead of Aesclepius.
Excellent tie to alchemy and the fact Modern Medicine is not just as ghoulish as the men slicing up the dead etc - it’s worse now and has gone to the very level of genetics. Now they slice how God made us.
The Most Telling thing for me personally through this research was Rockefeller and his ties to IG Farben during WW2. The Nazi SS contracted for IG Farben. Why? IG Farben knew that “Pharmaceutical Medicine” and profit was based on the level of human research could be done & how expeditiously that research conducted. So Farben legit funded Death Camps after successful results with Sigmund Rascher at Dachau.
So what happened after WW2?
I remember being taught that Hermes was the messenger of the gods.
Hermes was the God of Occult Knowledge among other things. When w get into Theology and the Esoteric nature ascribed upon that - steal in because the meanings go deep.
I mean the defense of using the Caduseus is that it’s meant to symbolize knowledge. Which is - way off generally speaking in the context
Right inside the baphomet
good point! even though Meheeko is a 3rd world country... their chinavirus death count pales in comparison to ours with all our "best-in-the-world" healthcare...
I think they also have a higher rate of obesity and diabetes. Which makes it even more embarassing for us.
I think there just shorter we got a lot of fatties too
Mmm ham.
Mexico has tons of obesity and diabetes.
WTF. Ivermectin is actually reasonably priced.
In most of the world yes.
It’s about a dollar in most places
Fuck I need to stop through Mexico real quick
That shit is sitting on the shelves up for grabs on mexico and im getting on here to post links to the livestock version when it's available just so people candy have SOMETHING! 🤬
Take a short vacation and stock up.
Oh I'm stocked to cover my immediate and extended family from ordering internationally. Got my supply of paste for the stallion (me 😂).
Just frustrating that IVM and hcq should be OTC.
What's a good international spot to get it from
Ordered from here with good results.
Ticket to San Diego is 100$ and 15$ bus ride to Tijuana.
I’m going next week.
There used to be senior citizen bus tours to Mexican pharmacies to save a ton of money on prescriptions. Don't know if they are still doing that since Covidiocy.
Most of these drugs are made in the USA (or licensed). What are they importing? Regulations.
Interesting that they not only sell Soma over the counter but they also prominently display it on shelves.
And all of that is not sold OTC in the US because the Groomers wouldn't get their cut.
Soma can be quite dangerous. No reversal agent. My using buddies and I used to call it the soma coma.
Yeah, Soma is some strong stuff and yet it's sold OTC there.
Dead from what? The FAKE covid-19 virus?
The flu kills brother also I hear it's good for cancer that kills your ass also
I agree it’s just a common flu…98+% recovery rate.
We're all in the know on this site brother that post anyway except for the Glowie's
I'm surprised by the mark-up. Surprisingly reasonable, on the Ivermectin. The HCQ markup is absurd.
Actually it's an insane mark up. You get Four 6mg Ivermectin tablets for $15.00 (USD). You could get 100 tablets from India for roughly $90.00. If you spent the same $90.00 in Mexico you'd only be able to purchase 24 tablets. I know this because I was on a cruise there last month and purchased some just to have on hand. The mark up is crazy. We didn't go inland further than the touristy spots, but I wouldn't doubt that the prices plummet the further away you go from tourist spots/docks/airports.
*Edit: Sorry math was off (it's still way overpriced) - it's 3AM
No you're good. I agree, but also two factors:
Also the "computer virus" scams.
It is,my mother lives 30 miles from the boarder and buys me that exact brand.
It was just a kiosk in the airport not really sure
The irony of your plane not making it to the airport due to clotshotted pilot when you just wanted to stock up.
So simple when you follow the$
Yargh, that would be epic.
SOMA is most likely Psilocybin according to my research
Yes BNW does use that term but not for it's original meaning.
I'm just here to quote "Orgy porgy! Orgy porgy! Orgy porgy!"
It's a really good "chronic" indicator to miss 4/20 by one day 🐸😂😇
No, carisoprodol breaks down into a barbiturate like substance.
I'm not talking about the SOMA in the picture but the historical SOMA used by Rishis and Gurus for enlightenment
Ah yes. Gotcha. I have also speculated that Hindu obsession with cows comes from magic mushrooms that grow on cow poo. I have yet to find anyone to confirm or deny it in any way.
Have you read any Terrance McKenna?
Learn to make Syrian rue - been using them for over a year now.
Shit I wish I could just go buy somas at Walgreens.
It's funny how one country schedules a drug and another has it OTC. I use Naratriptan for migraines and it's $30 for tablets with a schedule precription in Australia. In germany I can buy it over the counter for about $5 a pill.
Ventolin pre ronashow was $5 and OTC in Aus. No prescription necessary. Just go to the chemist and ask.
USA price: $35 and up with scrip.
I considered moving to America a few years ago but the health care system put me off
The cost difference is due to patents, not on the drug which is old, but on the damn inhaler. That may be done now, IIRC protection ended in 2021, but I'm not sure off the top of my head if they have generic albuterol inhalers.
As for the prescription, I'm sure some hypochondriac thought people would find a creative way to help themselves get high with it. The other argument is that it's not a good treatment long-term if you've got asthma. If you're using the inhaler too much, you'd be better off on a stronger therapy, so they gatekeep a bit to ensure you're going to the doctor and getting escalated if your symptoms require it. These arguments are common reasons why some of this stuff is prescription. The goal was to provide people with better care and not encourage self-medication.
A trip to Mexico is seriously needed to stock up!!
Who lives close? Buy in bulk and help out the GAW pedes!
Fentanyl is okay but they'll arrest your ass for something safer than aspirin. I was sweating my ass off going through customs and it was only a few boxes Allegedly.
But you're an illegal...what is customs? Rofl. KeK
No I didn't get a free phone
Lol this is Dallas Buyers Club all over again. Which was also brought about because of Fauci.
I want that ivermectin!
My grandpa (mom's side) does this. He knows a few guys who go there every six months-ish and pick up his alive-ing-pills. Dude's probably saved thousands in the past decade alone.
And the clincher here is this is an airport with inflated prices they bring.
At hose prices apparently they want everyone dead, everywhere.... $65 USD for 20 tablets are you fucking kidding me?
Pay that doctor tax. We use SOMA, it’s a miracle drug for migraines. Have to see our doctor (copay) to get a prescription (copay) to get it each year. Treat it like gold so we don’t have to do that too often.
Allowing our government to choose what we can put into our bodies does not make sense on so many levels...
And the police wonder why they're losing support all over.
You can buy Soma? The muscle relaxer? Neat!
Puerto Vallarta not duty free
Good Lord!
Ibuprofen at $50/100 tabs? I just bought 200 for ~$2.50 right here in our inflated US economy. And that HCQ's about double what it should cost here in the US buying Indian-made generics.
Probably the most interesting is the carisoprodol (Soma) at $45. It's cheap as hell, but it's also a drug I couldn't imagine being OTC.
Regardless, there's some really, really weird stuff going on with the pricing here, and it has nothing to do with the chemistry involved in manufacturing.
It has to do with the manufacturing and availability. The ibuprofen is prescription strength. A lot of Spanish countries use ivermectin instead of shampoo for lice, so it’s abundant. We have an abundance of things in America but try to buy furniture in the Virgin Islands or a dryer in Central America, supply and demand.
I thought the prices looks very high even for an airport but the price for Ivermectin was about the same in a little dinky local Pharmacy in Punta Minta off the beaten Trail
that ibuprofen is expensive
It is, but it is also 800 MG. Several years ago, I got body slammed to the sidewalk by some random guy. I was okay for the most part, but they took me to the ER and they gave me Rx for muscle relaxants and Rx ibuprofen. That ibuprofen was only 400mg. OTC, I think is 200 mg.
Yes. That's why it's safe to take four at a time. Same as prescription strength.
The reason they gave 400mg is that's what studies show is where the pain control effect of the drug caps out. If you take higher doses, you get more anti-inflammatory effect, but more importantly, you get the side effects of NSAIDs to worry about like stomach issues, kidney issues, etc. You don't need to risk that crap for pain, so you just take the 400s.
They hand out 800mg like candy some places and it's frankly kind of embarrassing that they docs aren't more savvy about pain meds and potential side effects, especially after learning from the opioid experience. The drug makers lied and acted like there were no side effects, so docs handed them out like candy thinking they were helping with pain. They were, but side effects were real. All drugs have them. All of them. Tylenol is one of the most common causes of liver failure when people take too much. Docs need to tell people this stuff and not just assume they know, because God knows, people don't know.
They just want our money.
Money is the scam to collect the world's time and attention.
Isn’t soma another name for the waters of life from ancient times?
It's the drug of initiation
Soma is Greek for "body".