I've already seen that. The family member who wrote the obit used something very close to that phrase. Sorry, I didn't save it - but I know that the link came from this board (at least six months ago).
The ducking news did it already. They wrote an article about a vaccinated guy that died from covid. They said it could have been worse if he wasn’t vaccinated.
Even in the face of serious health consequences, even death … the Pro-Vaccine warriors still push their outrageous propaganda!!!! Call these people out, identify them and shame the fuck out of them for their continued bullshit!!!!!
The alternative for them is either suicide from realizing they were duped into taking a bioweapon and the result will be death, or death due to a serious myocardial infarction from the levels of cortisol their bodies would produce due to the stress of the knowledge.
They wont admit they were cowards or that they were lied to. Their small worldview would be upended and we can't have that can we?
I still haven’t had covid, and I have been around a dozen people who tested positive last 2 years. Some of them, while they were still coughing and hacking. I don’t mask, don’t give a shit about anything. I have pretended it doesn’t exist and not changed my behavior a single bit.
I take a vitamin D supplement in MCT oil with K2 every day, and I’m convinced that’s why. If you are taking vitamin d in pill form, you should switch to the liquid/K2 form. Much better absorption.
Meanwhile, all of these fucking idiots ruined their immune systems and gave themselves ADE, and now they keep catching covid over and over.
I can’t imagine what it’s like inside the mind of one of these brainwashed retards.
On the D, take more than the dumbass USRDA is, if you are not doing so. Fauci The Great Cunt himself admitted he takes 40,000 IUs a day (4x USRDA, iirc). K2 with it is excellent and I would say essential. Taking both with an oil is essential for absorption, so good on ya mate.
Consider adding Zinc and Iodine. Selenium too is a powerful protector.
Survival of the fittest. Try to imagine any other kind of scenario in which the baddies cull the herd. Nuclear war, drugs, people who consume shit for food, etc. They've been culling the herd for decades. Do you really think anyone here is happy these people are ignorant? No, I don't think we are. I think we're frustrated these people won't wake up to save themselves. We can't save everyone and we shouldn't have to do so. We can try all we might, but most of these people are happy in their ignorance.
In any given scenario of a culling of the herd, the people who refuse to take measures to understand and assimilate to the possibility of being culled, are the ones who are going to die first.
Is it unfortunate? Yes. Is it inevitable? Not necessarily. No one has it all figured out, but the ones who are trying are the ones who will survive to fight.
One more thing. These people who are vaccinated likely harassed, intimidated, stigmatized, and cut people out of their lives who made a different choice. It may sound callous, but I don't want these people anywhere near me when the SHTF, and you know why? Because they'd just as soon turn on me or get me killed right along with them.
My loyalty is now to myself, my family and anyone who is willing to save themselves from themselves and WAKE UP!
Look at it this way. These people are going to pay a heavy price for their ignorance. It is a fact. It is happening right infront of your eyes in real time. Maybe this is what YOU need to make your peace with.
I am not a nice person ATM, this is also the facts on the ground. It will start to be mitigated when this is over....and I really do, with every fibre of my body, want the sleep walkers to have a violent and harsh awakening.
We are at war. Bring the casualties so the fuckwits can notice. They are comming whether you like it or not. Faster is better for me and everyone else too.
Despite this I get your point. It is, however, like passing a drowning man a glass of water ATM for me. Sorry for calling you a concern troll tho.
Metaphysically and spiritually you are correct. I am a long way from spiritual at this juncture. Just realise, though, that the Great Awakening is going to be a large percentage of ultra-violence. Violence perpetrated by the new state upon the memebers of the old one, and violence perpetrated by normies on those who have killed their children and rendered them selves genetically modified. When the Q'ster says they won't be able to walk down the street it is because they will be beaten to death.
It's how I feel. I hate them with the brightness of 1000 suns.
I disliked humanity before the inroads to the great awakening due to their "Flat Human" (clif high's term) outlook and general pedestrian levels of thought.
I will hate them once this is over. It is my M.O. for now and the foreseeable future.
I am moving to the country with my girlfriend after this to get away from them.
The comment you are disparaging has 19 upvotes to your 2. Maybe it resonates with many pedes.
It is callous and I am not sorry.
Edit:- If it was up to be my own brother would carry all his moveable belonging across a land border only to be stabbed to death for a bag of onions.
You are pissing up a rope with me. Any pivot back towards humanity will have to come naturally for me, not from some concern sentiment on a message board.
A better one would be Masshole. At least when I lived there, there wasn't this level of libtardation. Boston though? Its a liberal shithole, especially now.
I don't know a single person personally who got it 2 or 3 times. It sounds like it's only the hypochondriacs testing themselves with the failed rapid tests that claim multiple infections, which includes all politicians.
You'd have been in WORSE shape....if instead of HEART DISEASE you had something with a 99.97% survival rate and cheap, safe and effective cures that can wipe it out in 24 hours
OK, stupid...and the word "thinker" is in your username
How long til we just stop taking these idiots seriously
First, when people got a flu, they immediately put them on respirators (which are the third option, not the first), set to highest pressure to damage their lungs and kill them. To report high death rates right away.
Then they invented "asymptomatic" to cover for all the false positives.
Then they expanded the symptoms to check for, so that the list included almost everything!
Then they admitted that 9 out of 10 PCR positive results were actually false positives, and simply used the "any symptom is a good symptom" approach.
Then they continued all this BS with "variants."
Kind of like the shell game---Which Nut Is the Truth Under....
I had covid ONCE, over 2 years ago, and NEVER got it again. In fact, I've been barely sick with ANYTHING since then. A few sniffles here and there occasionally, but I've never had an illness since covid that put me out for more than 1 day.
2021: "if it can prevent just one person from catching the virus".
2022: "(addendum) "..catching the virus one out of five or six times, we meant to say..."
I'm unjabbed and almost died from Covid. Could hardly breath and my blood oxygen levels were dangerously low. People say it was the Delta variant or whatever. I don't really care.
It was very difficult for me to get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other life saving medicine that didn't include a jab. Once I did start taking those medicines and even started using a rife machine, I recovered rather quickly in about a week or 10 days.
Covid is really and truly nothing to fear if you can take normal, natural, immune boosting supplements. These things are very cheap and effective, but they prevent the mega medical corporations from making billions off the pain and suffering of others. Therefore, they have to be demonized.
"I use to be a fully functioning adult, but after the vaccine I became a vegetable who needs to use Microsoftsoft sam via neuralink in my comatose state to communicate. I would have been in a worse state had I not got the vaccine."
The idiocy of these fools….
I fully expect to see at least one obituary in the near future that says, "He would have been worse if he hadn't been vaccinated."
I've already seen that. The family member who wrote the obit used something very close to that phrase. Sorry, I didn't save it - but I know that the link came from this board (at least six months ago).
Hmmm, I dimly recall that too, but can't come up with the particulars. Oh the stories they tell themselves.
He would have been buried deeper underground except for the saintly vaccine-ish thing.
The ducking news did it already. They wrote an article about a vaccinated guy that died from covid. They said it could have been worse if he wasn’t vaccinated.
Truly, how did these people reach adulthood?
Dumb luck, emphasis on dumb.
Lies, damn lies and shitty statistics
"these people are stupid"
Even in the face of serious health consequences, even death … the Pro-Vaccine warriors still push their outrageous propaganda!!!! Call these people out, identify them and shame the fuck out of them for their continued bullshit!!!!!
The alternative for them is either suicide from realizing they were duped into taking a bioweapon and the result will be death, or death due to a serious myocardial infarction from the levels of cortisol their bodies would produce due to the stress of the knowledge.
They wont admit they were cowards or that they were lied to. Their small worldview would be upended and we can't have that can we?
So glad most of these people are going to die.
I still haven’t had covid, and I have been around a dozen people who tested positive last 2 years. Some of them, while they were still coughing and hacking. I don’t mask, don’t give a shit about anything. I have pretended it doesn’t exist and not changed my behavior a single bit.
I take a vitamin D supplement in MCT oil with K2 every day, and I’m convinced that’s why. If you are taking vitamin d in pill form, you should switch to the liquid/K2 form. Much better absorption.
Meanwhile, all of these fucking idiots ruined their immune systems and gave themselves ADE, and now they keep catching covid over and over.
I can’t imagine what it’s like inside the mind of one of these brainwashed retards.
Freeface - freeblood - freethinker
They go together
On the D, take more than the dumbass USRDA is, if you are not doing so. Fauci The Great Cunt himself admitted he takes 40,000 IUs a day (4x USRDA, iirc). K2 with it is excellent and I would say essential. Taking both with an oil is essential for absorption, so good on ya mate.
Consider adding Zinc and Iodine. Selenium too is a powerful protector.
The world will be a better place with less communists in it.
We have tried living them with them and tolerating them. How’s that working out for us?
Survival of the fittest. Try to imagine any other kind of scenario in which the baddies cull the herd. Nuclear war, drugs, people who consume shit for food, etc. They've been culling the herd for decades. Do you really think anyone here is happy these people are ignorant? No, I don't think we are. I think we're frustrated these people won't wake up to save themselves. We can't save everyone and we shouldn't have to do so. We can try all we might, but most of these people are happy in their ignorance.
In any given scenario of a culling of the herd, the people who refuse to take measures to understand and assimilate to the possibility of being culled, are the ones who are going to die first.
Is it unfortunate? Yes. Is it inevitable? Not necessarily. No one has it all figured out, but the ones who are trying are the ones who will survive to fight.
One more thing. These people who are vaccinated likely harassed, intimidated, stigmatized, and cut people out of their lives who made a different choice. It may sound callous, but I don't want these people anywhere near me when the SHTF, and you know why? Because they'd just as soon turn on me or get me killed right along with them.
My loyalty is now to myself, my family and anyone who is willing to save themselves from themselves and WAKE UP!
Look at it this way. These people are going to pay a heavy price for their ignorance. It is a fact. It is happening right infront of your eyes in real time. Maybe this is what YOU need to make your peace with.
I am not a nice person ATM, this is also the facts on the ground. It will start to be mitigated when this is over....and I really do, with every fibre of my body, want the sleep walkers to have a violent and harsh awakening.
We are at war. Bring the casualties so the fuckwits can notice. They are comming whether you like it or not. Faster is better for me and everyone else too.
Despite this I get your point. It is, however, like passing a drowning man a glass of water ATM for me. Sorry for calling you a concern troll tho.
Metaphysically and spiritually you are correct. I am a long way from spiritual at this juncture. Just realise, though, that the Great Awakening is going to be a large percentage of ultra-violence. Violence perpetrated by the new state upon the memebers of the old one, and violence perpetrated by normies on those who have killed their children and rendered them selves genetically modified. When the Q'ster says they won't be able to walk down the street it is because they will be beaten to death.
....and best wishes to you too. I just want the head in the sand phase to be over, the gaslighting is sucking all the oxygen out of the air.
Who is glad that "evil incarnate" as you put it is getting it's way?
I have almost lost my home, the quicker this is done the better. Been locked out of society for two years, no hot water and the ass through my jeans/.
Read the post again
You are a concern troll, fuck your concern.
It's how I feel. I hate them with the brightness of 1000 suns.
I disliked humanity before the inroads to the great awakening due to their "Flat Human" (clif high's term) outlook and general pedestrian levels of thought.
I will hate them once this is over. It is my M.O. for now and the foreseeable future.
I am moving to the country with my girlfriend after this to get away from them.
The comment you are disparaging has 19 upvotes to your 2. Maybe it resonates with many pedes.
It is callous and I am not sorry.
Edit:- If it was up to be my own brother would carry all his moveable belonging across a land border only to be stabbed to death for a bag of onions.
You are pissing up a rope with me. Any pivot back towards humanity will have to come naturally for me, not from some concern sentiment on a message board.
It has been proven that these people need to pay a heavy toll for a clue.
The sooner it happens the better for all of us.
Hampster wheels, dude. Hampster wheels.
Good chance it's just a bot
NHThinker .. does « NH » stand for « Not Honestly »?
He's certainly playing fast and loose with the term 'thinker'.
Maybe a better name would be NHPuzzler
A better one would be Masshole. At least when I lived there, there wasn't this level of libtardation. Boston though? Its a liberal shithole, especially now.
"Would've been worse" is one of the most unscientific things to say. So annoying...
I don’t know a single unvaxxed getting it twice. I know multiple vaxxed on 2nd and now 3rd positive tests.
I don't know a single person personally who got it 2 or 3 times. It sounds like it's only the hypochondriacs testing themselves with the failed rapid tests that claim multiple infections, which includes all politicians.
No worries its just a bot
You'd have been in WORSE shape....if instead of HEART DISEASE you had something with a 99.97% survival rate and cheap, safe and effective cures that can wipe it out in 24 hours
OK, stupid...and the word "thinker" is in your username
How long til we just stop taking these idiots seriously
Man, it's hard to give a winning award for being retarded to just one person. It really is.
So they would rather have AIDS or Ebola 1 time, rather than having a cold 10 times?
I find it interesting the post says the next five years. So, after 5 years, you are either cured or dead.
How many times?
As many as they say you will.
First, when people got a flu, they immediately put them on respirators (which are the third option, not the first), set to highest pressure to damage their lungs and kill them. To report high death rates right away.
Then they invented "asymptomatic" to cover for all the false positives.
Then they expanded the symptoms to check for, so that the list included almost everything!
Then they admitted that 9 out of 10 PCR positive results were actually false positives, and simply used the "any symptom is a good symptom" approach.
Then they continued all this BS with "variants."
Kind of like the shell game---Which Nut Is the Truth Under....
beyond stupid
these fucking tards would rather be dead than be accused of wrongthink
"How many times over 5 years will you get it?"
I had covid ONCE, over 2 years ago, and NEVER got it again. In fact, I've been barely sick with ANYTHING since then. A few sniffles here and there occasionally, but I've never had an illness since covid that put me out for more than 1 day.
Me too.
They are all Bots!
These people are fucking retarded.
someone tell him the fatality rate of myocarditis
It's gotta be a bot
and the handle has "Thinker" in it...
He definitely wins the Retard of the Day award.
" the stats indicate " not that he's seen them for himself.
I wonder what "stats" they are referring to. Dimwit!!!
2021: "if it can prevent just one person from catching the virus". 2022: "(addendum) "..catching the virus one out of five or six times, we meant to say..."
translation: " I don't want to go to work this week. I have to do some stuff for the DNC and Soros."
damn those bots
and calls himself Thinker!!!!!!!!!!!! You couldn't make it up.
"I'm now permanently damaged, but at least I won't have as bad of a case of Rona!"
Kek. These people really aren't smart.
I'm unjabbed and almost died from Covid. Could hardly breath and my blood oxygen levels were dangerously low. People say it was the Delta variant or whatever. I don't really care.
It was very difficult for me to get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and other life saving medicine that didn't include a jab. Once I did start taking those medicines and even started using a rife machine, I recovered rather quickly in about a week or 10 days.
Covid is really and truly nothing to fear if you can take normal, natural, immune boosting supplements. These things are very cheap and effective, but they prevent the mega medical corporations from making billions off the pain and suffering of others. Therefore, they have to be demonized.
These morons just don't get it, they are slowly starting to die.
"I use to be a fully functioning adult, but after the vaccine I became a vegetable who needs to use Microsoftsoft sam via neuralink in my comatose state to communicate. I would have been in a worse state had I not got the vaccine."
"Clippy, can I get a fact check??"
These are the ones who will own nothing and be happy. Mind control robots.
“Thinker”. 🤣