Peer pressure is what caused feeble-minded women to agree to wear burkas, or bind their feet, or to tight-lace their corsets until they couldn't breathe or eat properly, or to wear bras that made their boobs stick out like torpedoes, or to wear mini-skirts in the dead of winter. .
Now they all wear masks and deprive themselves of water to ward off the mysterious China virus.
It's interesting you used "peer pressure" here, when, actually, those women were usually put to death and/or tortured first before being put to death for ignoring the orders of their Masters (the men they were married off to.)
I'd hardly call that "peer pressure." More like, a slave society that puts women at bottom of the society ladder.
I can assure you, after travelling the Muslim world while serving in the U.S. Navy, that these women who wear burkhas, etc are not succombing to "peer pressure." Unless you consider "peer pressure" to be a forceful use of tyranny to keep certain demographics from achieving their best.
I have a friend in Bangladesh, has to wear be fully covered when she leaves the house or she'll get raped or beaten (her words), can't get work, can't leave home without her father or brother, CAN attend university but can't pay for it due to abject poverty. Her brother is a corrupt local politician who locks her in a storage room when he is in the house.
He is a fat, useless sack of shit that bullies his elderly parents and has even stolen money I sent her. I helped put her through some of college since it's a few Hundred bucks here and there, but I can only help so much. Women there have ZERO say in anything and it's set up to perpetuate that system.
That's why it boggles my mind when the left tries to be an ally to the very people that would stone them to death.
True. Japanese women who refused to bind their feet were ostracized and couldn't find a husband. Also it started when they were little girls so they probably didn't have a lot of choice in the matter.
Remember, they have told you the mask is not to protect you. It's to protect others FROM you. (That's ridiculous fanciful nonsense, but never mind. You abandoned logic and science years ago.) Therefore, the N95 is a particularly stupid choice: it vents your UNFILTERED breath out into the environment, instantly killing everyone around you.
N95s are for protecting the WEARER ONLY from airborne dust and large particles in contaminated environments. Read the box, dipshits.
Thank you for putting the Twitter link 💗
I love reading the comments - can you link her Twitter link - I would like to know what her friends said to her —- I don’t have a Twitter acct anymore because Jim Acosta had me kicked off twice !!! Thank you 🥰
It's amazing how many of these types i can trigger. Then they do the "poor me b.s" until I tell them I'm immune compromised know its MY responsibility to care for myself and yet to get sick (seems canna is beneficial in more then one way). That triggers them more claiming i dont speak for all immunecompromised. That's usually when I tell them stay home then 😅
Won't work if it's warfarin. It'll just make her throw up. It only kills rats and mice because they are unable to throw up. See! I did learn something in college.
Peer pressure is what caused feeble-minded women to agree to wear burkas, or bind their feet, or to tight-lace their corsets until they couldn't breathe or eat properly, or to wear bras that made their boobs stick out like torpedoes, or to wear mini-skirts in the dead of winter. .
Now they all wear masks and deprive themselves of water to ward off the mysterious China virus.
Ooh somebody doesn't like women...
Yes, the absolute trash. So unattractive with their neon hair and shit attitude. No class.
Awwww someone’s a bit sensitive. Faggggg
It's interesting you used "peer pressure" here, when, actually, those women were usually put to death and/or tortured first before being put to death for ignoring the orders of their Masters (the men they were married off to.)
I'd hardly call that "peer pressure." More like, a slave society that puts women at bottom of the society ladder.
I can assure you, after travelling the Muslim world while serving in the U.S. Navy, that these women who wear burkhas, etc are not succombing to "peer pressure." Unless you consider "peer pressure" to be a forceful use of tyranny to keep certain demographics from achieving their best.
I have a friend in Bangladesh, has to wear be fully covered when she leaves the house or she'll get raped or beaten (her words), can't get work, can't leave home without her father or brother, CAN attend university but can't pay for it due to abject poverty. Her brother is a corrupt local politician who locks her in a storage room when he is in the house.
He is a fat, useless sack of shit that bullies his elderly parents and has even stolen money I sent her. I helped put her through some of college since it's a few Hundred bucks here and there, but I can only help so much. Women there have ZERO say in anything and it's set up to perpetuate that system.
That's why it boggles my mind when the left tries to be an ally to the very people that would stone them to death.
True. Japanese women who refused to bind their feet were ostracized and couldn't find a husband. Also it started when they were little girls so they probably didn't have a lot of choice in the matter.
That custom was fucked up.
It's the equivalent of hobbling them.
so what's the problem
I kind of like those last two.
Duct tape will help to give a good seal. Lining the mask with a plastic wrap will increase the protection 🤣😂
Viruses are tiny, therefore the only effective solution is an airtight seal. This checks out.
Archon's solution is 100% effective at preventing you from dying of covid19 (if applied correctly).
Lol she'll be triggered that he said "buy" and not "adopt" because the shelters are full.
Remember, they have told you the mask is not to protect you. It's to protect others FROM you. (That's ridiculous fanciful nonsense, but never mind. You abandoned logic and science years ago.) Therefore, the N95 is a particularly stupid choice: it vents your UNFILTERED breath out into the environment, instantly killing everyone around you.
N95s are for protecting the WEARER ONLY from airborne dust and large particles in contaminated environments. Read the box, dipshits.
Lulz… they care about other people
dont they make them with, or without the vent?
Superglue around the edges? Duct tape? Plastic bag over head? Scuba diving gear? My gosh, what a maroon.
I mean really....Talk about going overboard.......
She should double mask and put a bag over her head with a duct tape seal.
Mental illness at its finest.
Tip...stop breathing...
Mentally ill boring people that crave drama and victimhood.
I wish I could come up with clever responses like this. I usually respond with vulgarity.
Vacuum seal yourself. It’s the only way to be sure.
Where was all her high risk before 2020? Oh that’s right!
Does this bitch just try and get everyone to hate her?
So much for thinking the vax will save them, clearly it means nothing
Thank you for putting the Twitter link 💗 I love reading the comments - can you link her Twitter link - I would like to know what her friends said to her —- I don’t have a Twitter acct anymore because Jim Acosta had me kicked off twice !!! Thank you 🥰
Thank you so very much - you’re the Best 💗
Paint thinner kills everything.
" water breaks...?!"
WTF is this woman, a bot? No one goes that long without drinking something. Especially whilst travelling.
I go that long every night. :)
Look to Kurt Cobain for inspiration?
Here's a helpful tip that will keep you from fearing death, get saved.
She reminds me of Trudeau.
I can't imagine living like this.
She could try spraying a thin line of that expanding-foam sealer at the edge of her mask. That would work.
try duct tape around the edge of the mask
...this dejitt's first name says it all
It's amazing how many of these types i can trigger. Then they do the "poor me b.s" until I tell them I'm immune compromised know its MY responsibility to care for myself and yet to get sick (seems canna is beneficial in more then one way). That triggers them more claiming i dont speak for all immunecompromised. That's usually when I tell them stay home then 😅
Yeah, go eat rat poison.
Won't work if it's warfarin. It'll just make her throw up. It only kills rats and mice because they are unable to throw up. See! I did learn something in college.
Fark so peeps who can't vomit are farked 🙈😳
I guess so.
Yes Taylors back for more abuse lol
You know she’s full of shit right? She’s twatting for attention.
She's a hot mess.
Shrink wrap body suit. Goid luck breathing, though . . .