I could barely understand the excited, emotional ranting the relatives were saying. It reminded me of a few years ago, I heard a ghetto couple arguing in a parking lot, and it was rapid-fire jumble of ghetto slang and and epithets....totally indecipherable. And then the guy says, "Know whut I'm sayin'?" I almost laughed out loud, thinking, "Son, NO ONE knows what you're saying."
EDIT: It just occurred to me that maybe one reason they're so angry is that the po-po confiscated The Family Gun, and now they will have to replace it.
#1 rule of guns: never point a gun at anything you don't intend to destroy.
So yeah, don't point a gun at me. I'll take it that you intend to kill me. So it's a quick draw game at that point: who can shoot first?
Whoever pointed the gun first is in the wrong. The clerk was in the right. The end.
they want death by officer, to claim the police are racist. This give them more voice to de fund the police. Hey if the police are de funded citizens will arm up plain and simple.
“Armed robber gunned down by an armed clerk”
That stupid, teleprompter reading report should be ashamed.
Better lead in, “A Dollar Store robber was shot and killed threatening the store attendant.”
Meh... when being able to read and understand, I almost said statistics, but more like basic arithmetic, is racist, it becomes a label that doesn't even matter.
My guess is to try to sneak some trolls through a quick handshake.
Show me any black community that doesn't have a ratio of at least 20% felons. In the US. Pick a county, any county.
They argue this way because they have no concept of consequences, future repercussions, or outside of their immediate wants. They are impulsive and when met with resistance immediately violent.
They're just being black people. So in their minds, they don't see any wrong in theivery, trespassing, threatening bodily ha, etc. It's just how they live.
Once people begin to really understand the Black, the better we can figure out solutions to contain them until removal. They are simply not compatible with an advanced civilization and are in a constant panic at every moment because they didn't evolve to live in a complex civilization.
Totally agree. Exactly why little villages in Africa may be poor but do okay, but the big cities built for them by whites eventually descend into chaos. They are not meant to live in large societies with infrastructure to maintain. They are not compatible with western civilization.
They didn't even have the fucking wheel. Or structures more than mud huts and piles. We may as well have plucked a species from another planet and expect them to seamlessly adapt to our culture. A very dumb alien species.
As a follow-up, a question for American anons. Would the family of the dead robber have any chance of successfully suing the clerk and/or Dollar General?
In the US a case can be brought at any time for any reason. How far it goes basically just depends on how corrupt or creative the lawyers and judges are in the region.
Rittenhouse freely went to protect the people of Kenosha on his own time and dime and was betrayed by most of them and their kangaroo court system. His gun was stolen as were many months of his life.
Dayton Ohio. "Stand your ground" state, NO duty to retreat. Clerk should be OK. Protections include "safe from civil lawsuits".
Ohio just went live with Constitutional Carry, meaning the clerk was likely carrying concealed and didn't need a CCR. (Even if its an old story, it's worth running it now. People started carrying on June 16 this year.)
This is GREAT. Criminals take note. You don't know who is carrying in Ohio anymore.
Criminal's dumbass sister and brother demonstrate the family's 70 IQ "gift". Sis is bummed---as is couch-mama, most likely---that lil brother won't be bringing home and sharing his ill-gotten gains. One step closer to having to get a job. No wonder she's so pissed.
that clerk is a hero... and a crime stopper!!! problem solved! those 2 morons had better tell their remaining siblings to get a job if they want money and not use a gun! does anyone want to guess how much that family of 10 kids cost the taxpayers??
There are rules to handling a gun proper. Major rule, don't point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy. That said, point a gun at me and you better be prepared for self defense. My favorite targets are cheap 6" foam plates. Headshot every time.
It gets the word out- I think it will make thieves think twice, and will reduce crime. Way better than giving airtime to a Jesse Jackson-style spokesperson promising a million dollar payoff.
And this illogical childish victim mentality is DIRECTLY resultant of the intentional and unintentional sabotage policies of America's enemies and the left, which run thick in inner city communities
Listen up to ALL would be robbers, looters, rapists, those who perpetrates assaults. Because the police have proved themselves to arrive late or when they arrive not protect us, we as armed citizens will open carry and conceal carry. You threatens our lives or the lives of others with any weapon, be it fists, pipes, guns, knives, hatchets, etc., we will defend ourselves. So think twice. We don’t care what your family thinks, says, does, we will defend ourselves against you too. Maybe you should have taught your family and friends what any decent, law abiding citizen should know and then they would still be alive. Just because you are alive on this earth, does not mean you are entitled to take what isn’t yours-be it property, a life, or goods. Try working for what you need, instead of taking the “easy” route. You do wrong there are only three ways for you: dead, prison, or turning your life around before it is to late. To the family of these thugs, put the blame where it lies and stop making excuses. You make excuses, you convince yourselves that you are the victim.
These low IQ retards truly are amazing.
“Why are you exercising your right to self defence? You can’t defend yourself against my murderous criminal family, das raycis.
I could barely understand the excited, emotional ranting the relatives were saying. It reminded me of a few years ago, I heard a ghetto couple arguing in a parking lot, and it was rapid-fire jumble of ghetto slang and and epithets....totally indecipherable. And then the guy says, "Know whut I'm sayin'?" I almost laughed out loud, thinking, "Son, NO ONE knows what you're saying."
EDIT: It just occurred to me that maybe one reason they're so angry is that the po-po confiscated The Family Gun, and now they will have to replace it.
Play stupid games…
The same as saying their brother should have been allowed to rob the store.
#1 rule of guns: never point a gun at anything you don't intend to destroy.
So yeah, don't point a gun at me. I'll take it that you intend to kill me. So it's a quick draw game at that point: who can shoot first? Whoever pointed the gun first is in the wrong. The clerk was in the right. The end.
"Ya'll sposeta call da police"
This was the first bit of gold....they don't like police. It's double think at work. Kek
I know right? I literally lol'd when they said that about the POlice
they want death by officer, to claim the police are racist. This give them more voice to de fund the police. Hey if the police are de funded citizens will arm up plain and simple.
or maybe "half-think"
5 Oh...Po Po
And when he pointed the gun at police and got shot and killed that way, they'd be saying he dindu also. Did you know he was on his way to school?
Prolly volunteer'n at an old folks home
"He dindu nuffin'! He were a good boi!"
Getting cash to take to the church on the way to apply to college.
The Nuffin brothers, strike again! Dindu and dunno.
Hindu Muffin, the new aloha snackbar
Nothing is more fair than self-defense.
When the “Democrats” stopped following the rules, don’t expect the “Republicans” to follow them.
He fucked around and found out.
But the clerk did follow the rules, and shit when his life was in danger while legally owning and possessing the gun.
You're right that isn't fair! But the award for stupid games is still stupid prizes, so tell everyone you know: Don't play them!
“Armed robber gunned down by an armed clerk” That stupid, teleprompter reading report should be ashamed.
Better lead in, “A Dollar Store robber was shot and killed threatening the store attendant.”
Dollar 39 and a half General should provide a safe working environment for all thieves.
But, the register did not contain a living wage, so they would be complaining about that too.
Why is this old story getting multiple threads?
Its an attempt to slide this forum to paint anons as racist
Meh... when being able to read and understand, I almost said statistics, but more like basic arithmetic, is racist, it becomes a label that doesn't even matter.
My guess is to try to sneak some trolls through a quick handshake.
Maybe because this is like the progressive position statement on crimes in recent years.
Defund the police + take away guns + decriminalize theft
Comedy gold
They are why America is a shithole.
It happened again! I remember the same thing from like a year ago!
Why do American black people speak in such a weird accent, different from American white people in the same place?
English black people speak English just like English white people, except a few who like to use a fake Jamaicaaa accent.
Ebonics. Why? Because their IQs aren't high enough to grasp proper English
Because their "culture" brings crime, death, destruction, illiteracy, and rampant single motherhood. It is a cancer on the world.
His life wasn’t wasted, brother.
His memory lives on as an example of what not to do.
Show me any black community that doesn't have a ratio of at least 20% felons. In the US. Pick a county, any county.
They argue this way because they have no concept of consequences, future repercussions, or outside of their immediate wants. They are impulsive and when met with resistance immediately violent.
They're just being black people. So in their minds, they don't see any wrong in theivery, trespassing, threatening bodily ha, etc. It's just how they live.
Once people begin to really understand the Black, the better we can figure out solutions to contain them until removal. They are simply not compatible with an advanced civilization and are in a constant panic at every moment because they didn't evolve to live in a complex civilization.
Totally agree. Exactly why little villages in Africa may be poor but do okay, but the big cities built for them by whites eventually descend into chaos. They are not meant to live in large societies with infrastructure to maintain. They are not compatible with western civilization.
Africa didn't have written language until the white man came along.
They didn't even have the fucking wheel. Or structures more than mud huts and piles. We may as well have plucked a species from another planet and expect them to seamlessly adapt to our culture. A very dumb alien species.
The very, extremely uncomfortable truth.
Not all of them
If it was Canada, the clerk would be behind bars right now.
As a follow-up, a question for American anons. Would the family of the dead robber have any chance of successfully suing the clerk and/or Dollar General?
In the US a case can be brought at any time for any reason. How far it goes basically just depends on how corrupt or creative the lawyers and judges are in the region.
Rittenhouse freely went to protect the people of Kenosha on his own time and dime and was betrayed by most of them and their kangaroo court system. His gun was stolen as were many months of his life.
It probably depends on the state.
Dayton Ohio. "Stand your ground" state, NO duty to retreat. Clerk should be OK. Protections include "safe from civil lawsuits".
Ohio just went live with Constitutional Carry, meaning the clerk was likely carrying concealed and didn't need a CCR. (Even if its an old story, it's worth running it now. People started carrying on June 16 this year.)
This is GREAT. Criminals take note. You don't know who is carrying in Ohio anymore.
Criminal's dumbass sister and brother demonstrate the family's 70 IQ "gift". Sis is bummed---as is couch-mama, most likely---that lil brother won't be bringing home and sharing his ill-gotten gains. One step closer to having to get a job. No wonder she's so pissed.
They're bummed they won't be able to profit off their shitty brother's wasted life.
Police should be searching that families home for stolen property.
Doubtful. Even as fucked up as our legal system is, that would be unlikely.
that clerk is a hero... and a crime stopper!!! problem solved! those 2 morons had better tell their remaining siblings to get a job if they want money and not use a gun! does anyone want to guess how much that family of 10 kids cost the taxpayers??
I doubt, they're acting.
If that's the case, my town is full of really great actors who act all over the Walmart parking lot daily
There are rules to handling a gun proper. Major rule, don't point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy. That said, point a gun at me and you better be prepared for self defense. My favorite targets are cheap 6" foam plates. Headshot every time.
Mob rule again?
Fuck these idiots. Catch the next plane out of the USA. I'll buy the damn ticket!
Wow. Just wow. The station shouldn't even have aired such ridiculous opinion, in my opinion.
It gets the word out- I think it will make thieves think twice, and will reduce crime. Way better than giving airtime to a Jesse Jackson-style spokesperson promising a million dollar payoff.
I wonder how many will think the sister is right vs how many will see her comments for the insanity they are.
Thinks why I think it was absurd to air such, it's normalizing/saying such positions are okay.
It is absolutely 100% their brothers fault. Honestly though, neither sibling looked to be very effected by it at all.
"Not fair" eh? So he was the chief breadwinner of the family? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
And this illogical childish victim mentality is DIRECTLY resultant of the intentional and unintentional sabotage policies of America's enemies and the left, which run thick in inner city communities
"let my brother rob you" - Hillary Clinton
But.. but... how is he supposed to buy his clothes? Remember that case anyone?
Yeah, I do remember that stupid case. The blatant stupidity of these people is awesome to behold.
Bro fucked around and found out.
Listen up to ALL would be robbers, looters, rapists, those who perpetrates assaults. Because the police have proved themselves to arrive late or when they arrive not protect us, we as armed citizens will open carry and conceal carry. You threatens our lives or the lives of others with any weapon, be it fists, pipes, guns, knives, hatchets, etc., we will defend ourselves. So think twice. We don’t care what your family thinks, says, does, we will defend ourselves against you too. Maybe you should have taught your family and friends what any decent, law abiding citizen should know and then they would still be alive. Just because you are alive on this earth, does not mean you are entitled to take what isn’t yours-be it property, a life, or goods. Try working for what you need, instead of taking the “easy” route. You do wrong there are only three ways for you: dead, prison, or turning your life around before it is to late. To the family of these thugs, put the blame where it lies and stop making excuses. You make excuses, you convince yourselves that you are the victim.
This happened back in 2019.
And, Jamal has not robbed anyone since...
Probably the longest streak of committing no crimes he has had since early elementary school.
And nothing of value was lost.
Fucked around and found out... careful where you chimp out next time