She married a liberal and lives near his family, so she’s getting a huge dose of woke liberalism. I’ve watched her progress down the proverbial dark hole after being raised in a conservative family.
And she was upset last night about Roe Vs. Wade. And we were texting and she said, “this is a freedom some people no longer have access to!”
And I said, “EXACTLY! Although abortion is not a freedom I approve of, I want you to understand that since 911, many of our freedoms have been removed, vanished, banned. This is something I Desperately need you to understand! Freedom of speech? Gone! Freedom of choice over our own bodies with vaccinations—-gone! Freedom to bare arms? Going! I want you to understand the truth of our times through your own lens of what freedom means! And now you do.”
And guys, she got it. She finally understood. But she had to have a lightbulb moment in her own way, in her own time.
It’s possible to redpill by discussing Roe.
Also time to explain to here that abortion rights havent gone away. it just became State's rights, and people can move to a state where they provide that.
I did that, too. Thanks friend. She’s in a better place today—starting to live where truth lives.
“ Freedom of choice over our own bodies with vaccinations—-gone!”
But that’s not true. Abortion is now a state issue, not federal. Blue states can still support if they want. Even Red states if they so choose.
States rights is the original intention of our Republic, so as to prevent societal decay. SCOTUS upholds the constitution and bill of rights, the law of the land and sets landmark decisions for federal law to follow.
SCOTUS is cutting off a cancerous branch of unconstitutional opinions that have been put in place to destroy America, turning it into what it is today.
Also the federal gun bill passed is also unconstitutional and will be over turned or ignored by Red states.
I could go on with more but this is the salient point. We still have bodily autonomy via “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.
"Also the federal gun bill passed is also unconstitutional and will be overturned
orand ignored by Red states."Abortion rights have IMPROVED. Americans now have the freedom to vote on such things at a level closer to the people rather than it being mandated by the federal government.
If you're against that you're against the entire idea of freedom and democracy in the first place and probably should find a totalitarian country to live in.
And I am grateful to live in one of the many states where abortion is now illegal after being triggerred by Friday's ruling. These baby killers will be eradicated from my state and eventually all of the US will be rid of the menace that is medically induced infanticide.
You're not allowed bare arms? Must get hot in the summer.
It feels extra hot with my bear arms.
If only they hadn't restricted razors you could shave them
It all goes back to 9/11 after all doesn't it.
Joe Biden authored the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995 which Ashcroft's Patriot Act was based on...
Did he really write it or did he plagiarize that as well?
I have Beer arms
Came here to say sleeveless shirts is not being infringed upon!
Excellent job, Patriot!
Good start, anon, good start. Although, to be fair and honest, her "right to an abortion" was always a mythical thing. And it really hasn't been banned, it's just up to the states to enact, in their various ways, how or if abortion will be allowed. There are and will continue to be states that allow, even encourage, abortions.
So what it really gets down to is that women might be INCONVENIENCED by having to go to another state. There is no outright prohibition, except in states that understand the moral necessity of banning abortions. States that don't have that moral clarity will welcome women with open arms.
Banned? Not even close. Inconvenienced? Oh yeah.
"Now I have to drive 5 hours to another state."
Bitch how damn often do you need one anyway?! Hoes be outing themselves more and more.
The way some of these people talk about it, you'd think they were getting abortions every other weekend.
This! ☝🏻
A woman doesn't even know she's pregnant for a couple months, does she? So two months. Get one. Sex the next night. Discover two months later. So the most fertile woman would need one every two months for maximum carnage.
Hopefully you're joking...
For me, I knew just before 4 weeks both times with a test because I was too excited to wait until after my missed period.
Some women never get a positive pregnancy test with an at home test and require a blood test at the doctor.
Women should suspect as soon as they miss their period if they had unprotected sex, unless they have weird cycles. Average cycle is 28 days.
If a woman is having unprotected sex without any form of birth control and doesn't want to get pregnant, it's highly recommended to go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a morning after pill over the counter. They go by weight, so probably more than one would be needed.
I'm not a biologist, just a woman. Shit, am I allowed to even say I'm a woman? Do I need a biologist to tell me???
Edit to add: so basically, every month for maximum carnage... depending on how long it takes to heal.
Many states like Texas and Oklahoma are taking steps to outlaw the morning after pill as well. And its good that they are, after Friday's decision Godliness will return to many states.
dude do you even biology? even a little bit?
Is even a verb?
I started throwing up 6 days after conception. Way before a missed period. Most women know at least 3 weeks after ovulation and conception.
It depends on the woman honestly. I know someone who’s stomach didn’t even swell all 9 months. She was actually on the 2nd season of “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”.
You handled that so much better than I did. I jusr told my liberal niece how wrong she was. I hit a nerve because all of the sudden my sister texted me asking me to stop arguing with her. She was brainwashed by college. I told her i stand by what I said and then I posted the satanic temple statement and said you know you're on the right side of the issue when.... so the next family get together should be fun!
I know what you mean. I am not looking forward to vaca with family members who support abortion and all things liberal. SIL posted that yesterday was a sad day b/c women's "privileges" were taken away. Who looks at killing a child as a privilege? That's just SICK!
Right? And they are spreading lies about dangerous eptopic pregnancies or IVF procedures being effected in order to rile up clowns . So dumb!
I can’t even with the ectopic argument anymore! I’m so done with it and all the idiotic people, even some on our own side, who start talking about abortions when the life of the mother is in danger and using ectopic pregnancies as their example. For the love, everyone on all sides, y’all sound like morons!! An abortion is the intentional killing of a preborn child!! The procedures that are performed when a woman has an ectopic pregnancy are not the same thing! Stop calling it an abortion! 🤯
A salpingostomy or a salpingectomy is performed depending on the amount of bleeding and damage done to the Fallopian tube. A baby literally can’t grow in a Fallopian tube and survive, that’s not the purpose of our Fallopian tubes, that’s why we have uteruses. Not to mention the mother will die as well if the ectopic pregnancy isn’t removed. It is considered an abnormality just like any other miscarriage and the procedures used to remove this particular pathology have never historically been referred to as an abortion..ever! That’s why they have different medical terms. Now sometimes they can give you a medication called methotrexate which basically dissolves the cells of the baby and some pro life advocates consider this not to be an acceptable form of dealing w/ an ectopic pregnancy and I can see their argument but I would still hesitate to classify it myself as having an abortion. But regardless, even if you took the option of the medication away, that still leaves two surgical procedures that have ALWAYS been available to women to remove an ectopic pregnancy and save their life.
I would say I don’t know how this fake information started about ectopic pregnancies being the same thing as having an abortion but we all know how amazing the left is at shaping the narrative and over the years everyone forgets that their narrative is actually false. 🤦🏼♀️ Yes, this is one of my major soap boxes! 😬😂🤷🏼♀️ Especially when I see people on our side misrepresenting the issue as well and not educating pro choicer’s on what happens with an ectopic procedure vs an actual abortion. Not one pro life person is advocating that women can no longer have a salpingostomy or a salpingectomy. We just don’t want you to intentionally kill your pre-born child that’s growing in your uterus where it’s supposed to be. It’s not rocket science. 🤷🏼♀️😬
We especially don’t want you to kill your clump of cells at 40 weeks as it has a head and two arms and a leg outside of the birth canal…but one leg is still inside…so MY BODY…MY CHOICE!
Also the “perinatal death” bill introduced in California saying that deaths won’t be investigated either 7 days post-partum, or 30 days post-partum, or whatever it says, is simply codifying infanticide. But…NOT MY BODY, BUT I STILL HAVE TO FEED IT, MY CHOICE seems to not have as many fans as they think it would have.
Right!? Straight up insane if you can’t even call that out as infanticide. I think CO is passing something similar to CA. Surprise, surprise! 🙄🤦🏼♀️🙈
I like the way Stephanie Gray Connors handles the “my body my choice” nonsense! Everything in our bodies was made specifically for us to function and is for our body, except the uterus. The uterus was designed specifically for our offspring and every month it gets ready w/ great anticipation to carry that offspring. When an egg and sperm do not fuse together, the lining of the uterus sloughs off and goes through the same process the next month and will continue to do this until egg sperm fusion happens. This then generally results in the fused egg and sperm implanting in the uterus which is specifically designed to house our offspring while they grow and mature, if left alone long enough, for 9 months. Our uteruses aren’t in our bodies for our bodies, our uteruses are in our bodies for our offspring. 🤷🏼♀️
Wow…that is good. I also heard something like “my body, in which another body with a separate brain shares for a short time…”
Yes! I’ve heard that as well, all great points! If you ever need help getting clarity on ANY of the left’s abortion talking points/arguments (they definitely can come up w/ some tricky ones) Stephanie Gray Connors is AH-MAZING and my pro life advocate hero! She has helped me so much with thinking through and breaking down every aspect, big and small, of the abortion debate and I use her examples, quotes, and talking points all the time.
Ectopic pregnancies tend to be self-terminating in a surprise emergency that no one wanted. I've often wondered if early detection could lead to a chance at saving the baby by transplanting it--like IVF. And multiple IVF "successes" lead to suggesting selective abortion, but again, multiple births is a known risk and could be managed.
"I've often wondered if early detection could lead to a chance at saving the baby by transplanting it..."
I'm not a doctor, but I think blood type matching is a critical factor.
The ectopic pregnancy is doomed to fail because it is in a place, usually the fallopian tube, where the placenta just can't develop and there is no room for expansion of it or the fetus. I am suggesting getting it out of there and in the womb. It is the mother's same blood and tissue either way. The blowout and subsequent bleeding and peritonitis happens very early, earlier than most people would be looking though. I don't know if modern imaging can detect it early enough.
They never seem to think that the baby is female…and their abortion is taking away that small woman’s “privilege”. That aborted baby will never get to choose her own abortion!
Seriously, their arguments are so silly.
It’s not 1973 anymore. Women have lots of choices for reducing reproduction. Planned parenthood still gives out tons of birth control pills, condoms, implantable devices with hormones, spermicides, don’t they give plan b or the morning after pill? Isn’t the morning after pill almost like taking 3 or 4 birth control pills at once?
And condoms for men? Doesn’t anyone want to keep from getting herpes or some other STI?
Both men and women seem less fulfilled by the hook-up culture. Maybe everyone should start treating sex as something a bit more special than a late night Taco Bell run? You could even fall in love.
Rarrr? RAARRR!!!! RAARRRR!!!!!!
Signed, Bear
Interesting approach. Hopefully she comes full circle one day...and realizes abortion is not a right.
We have the RIGHT to be left alone.
There is no right or freedom to end an innocent human life, so the "eroding rights" argument doesn't apply well to abortion, but it's good to point out the other things going on.
Awesome! Good for you (and her.) Mama's never give up. But dang, she lives with her leftist hubby and family, so she's got a tough road ahead. May God help her stay calm and carry on. Thank you for sharing. I love these stories.
Hopefully no more back door federal spending to subsidize murdering babies.
Indeed. I'm wearing a T-shirt.
Also, good job :)
Liberals don't want the death penalty for murders and they are ok with that being a state right issue. How is sentencing a perfectly normal baby to death before being born much different especially when the baby has done no crime instead?
Bare arms? Like with a sleeveless blouse?? NO! BEAR arms. It's not about bears, either. Learn to pay attention to spell check, or learn to read. One or the other.
Nice job!
As an aside, the importance of this ruling is not about abortions. Abortions were already mostly regulated by states. The only difference is now some states can ban it, which merely creates an inconvenience for abortionists who will have to drive to another state.
They key point is this ruling is giving States their constitutional rights back. For decades, under the tyranny of liberal SCOTUS, many rulings have overruled State rights. This country was designed to have a VERY limited Federal Govt, with few rights constitutionally guaranteed at the federal level, everything else is by default to be decided by the state. This makes most agencies, CDC, FDA, Education Dept and many more non constitutional. If it's not explicitly the role of the federal govt, as per constitution, then it should be devolved to the states. That was at least the original intent. This design has been corrupted by both sides, with Democrats getting SCOTUS involved on social issues which are none of the Federal Govt's business.
This ruling is a huge victory for state rights and liberty, more dominos will likely fall as a result, which will make the states stronger.
I did explain that part to her as well.
Very glad for you. Still praying and waiting for mine to wake up.
Well done ABlonde. It's unfortunate, but there are far too many people who are comfortable, maybe even feeling safe, living within that ever shrinking fence.
What about our right to bear arms? Or clothe arms? Kek.
Abortions aren't a freedom. It's fucking murder.
What I hear from these progs is "You let us kill babies when we want, or we kill you...when we want."
They wouldn’t allow a kitten or puppy to be killed in the same way as a “clump of cells.”
I do believe that a lot of the anger and rage stems from the guilt and/or trauma of having had one. It is a heavy burden to carry and pretend it was nothing wrong. This was a point brought up by Liz Yore who has been fighting on the pro-life side for 30 years. And I thought it was so loving to bring it up and offer forgiveness to women who have had one. And even to understand that they were sold a bill of goods and lied to that what they were doing was without meaning.
Beautifully explained! I'm Praying for all of our children to wake up worldwide! Well done! 👏
This is a huge win for you! You did a great job with that one!!!
It's honestly pretty gross she couldn't wrap her head around infringements on freedoms until someone told her she couldn't kill her kids anymore.
How I would imagine my conversation with liberal family members would go:
Them: Can you believe this?
Me: ain't it awesome!
Them: but, muh womenz rights
Me: get the fuck out of this state then! You can still still murder innocent babies in liberal ran places
Them: REEEE!!!
Stealing your statement to post on FB. Well stated!
This! It's getting left wing idiots to realize the government has no business making decisions for them. Something we have been saying for decades
Time to reframe the whole argument. They frame it as freedom of women to do to their own bodies what they want, but what about the baby’s rights and freedoms? That’s why many in the pro-life movement call it “right to life.”
ALSO, explain to her that "freedom" does not mean we should have "freedom" to murder an innocent victim. JUST SAYIN! Unborn women should have rights too.
I have said that in the past. She knows what I believe.
“Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE.”
Good job mama (papa) bear.