All my family who was vaccinated seem fine to me. I thought they were vaccine shedding because my eyes would get itchy and it was harder to breath when I was around them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I'm hoping that President Trump was able to swap out the vaccines and they'll be alright. It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.
I'm really beginning to think that maybe President Trump did push out a miracle vaccine and we should give him credit for that. I just can't imagine him promoting it if there was any chance it could really hurt us.
Researchers state when people comment that they are fine they are not. They will be sick in 2 - 5 years as their immune weakens. Cancer is already spiking .
I don't know. I remember when they first came out, they said we would have mass waves of death within a 6 months to a year, then it turned into 18 months. We've reached the point where the initial vaccine trials are already two years old. For the number of people who got the vaccine, I would expect massive hospital over runs, which would be blamed on some new variant, but it seems like everything has just gone back to normal.
I know many sick. Local funeral director is overun. I posted thus before.
This is why people won't wake up. Husband's great nephew 18 year old died of heart attack. Brother in law cancer came back. Niece's husband at 40 has stage 4 lung cancer and AFib. Oldest sister testing for lymphoma or leukemia. Cousin died of heart attack. All within 8 months. All VACCINATED.
His oldest sister the most recent to get sick sends him a card and says .. wait for it .. hope you are all vaccinated and masked.
Says stay home world is crazy with computers and guns.
But how many of these would happen anyway? Lung cancer for instance often takes years to develop. If the vax was causing it, I would expect a massive increase in lung cancer cases. I'm not saying its not legit, but in any given time, people will be dying from... well everything.
Thomas Renz: "I had a nine-year-old kid at church collapse the other day ... [His] dad works for the hospital. You think he's jabbed? You think anybody that saw that happen didn't say, 'That's odd. I wonder what caused that?' "
Quit justifying this. All his family members were completely healthy with no health problems. All of them within 8 months are sick. Two died an 18 year old from heart attack with no previous issues.
My sister is high functioning Down Syndrome. She is in group home. They berated me about her getting it. I figured they would never let her do anything so I gave in. A few months in she was taken to ER with seizures. Never had any in her 58 years. When I went to visit she had no clue who I was. All symptoms of vax. Just this month rushed back to ER now has Afib.
Good friend parent got vaxxed and boosted ended up in hospital with Covid. Now on dialysis.
Cousin got Afib.
Couple we just met she had a previous stroke. Pretty sure vaxxed then had second stroke then brain surgery for blood clot.
My 36 year old owner of company I work for had chest pains after vax completely healthy. Now on blood thinners.
Same same. Every Lib I know is vaxxed. Most Repubs I know are vaxxed, too. Their comminality? They all listen to the MSM and the supposed "trusted experts." Only the critical thinkers I know remain unvaxxed and healthy.
It's gotten so bad within my extended family that our Independence Day celebration was cut short because my neice came home from work all pissy because her boyfriend "tested positive for Covid." So, my oldest aunt (our family matriarch) took it upon herself to send everyone home...from my cousin's house. And then my cousin's husband "tested positive" using a home testing kit. So now, more family functions until EVERYONE is tested and passes, which kills our family's July Birthday celebration later this month, because myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission during the hot FL summer months. Plus, I work outside all day, so I know I won't test (+), seeing as how Vit D and UV light kills the Coof on contact. My kids won't test positive because two of them already had the Coof and are now immune, one is a child (so she's safe) and the other child has natural immunity having been exposed to his two older brothers while they had it. I'm pretty sure I'm naturally immune having been exposed to them, as well. We're ALL super healthy, no co-morbiditiea, eat as healthy as we can, get plenty of vitamins and sunshine, yet the rest of the family is Coof vaxxed and have been sick with all kinds of bullshit since being vaxxed. But somehow, we're being punished with ostracization because we refuse the deadly mRNA injections?!
Ya know, I used to thinky family was populated with fairly smart, well educated people, seeing as how most of us have college degrees. Two were college profs and computer scientists. One is an Occupational Therapist (said cousin) her husband is a horticulturalist. My other cousin (they're sisters) is a college educated interior designer and her boyfriend is an architect with a Master's degree. Their mom holds a Bachelor's of Bus. Admin. Yet another aunt and uncle hold Master's degrees in Bus Mgt. My son has a Bus Mgt degree, too. I went to college but never graduated, having decided to go into the Navy to become an EOD tech. Which isn't easy, physically, mentally, or emotionally, btw. I have a kid who graduated college with a B.A. in Bus Admin (focus in Event Mgt). The rest of my kids haven't gone to college yet, bit one is a certified welder another is in auto mechanic school, and my youngest son just graduated H.S., so he's still trying to figure things out. My daughter, the youngest, is 11, yet she has more sense than my extended family put together, especially when it comes to what's going on in the world.
Just goes to show y'all that education doesn't mean squat when it comes to critical thinking skills or common sense.
It's been my observation and interactions with my own family that a degree means you can do what you're told really well without asking dissenting questions. Smart does not mean wise.
As the old saying goes back where I'm from; I'd rather have 1 good'ol boy with life experience than 10 " college educated" know it alls. Lotta truth to that.
Disclaimer: I know there's a rare few college folks who toed the line to get thru but are also wise enough to know bullshit when they see it. Ain't knockin y'all at all. Just know you're the exception rather than the rule.
myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission
You're missing out on the fun. My spouse got injected (twice) for his work. Came down with "covid". We went and got the test kits and for fun, I tested myself too (no injection). His came back positive, mine did not. We share food, a bed, and all that other fun stuff, yet I didn't get a sniffle and he had man-flu for a few weeks.
I got to witness a 1:1 effect of covid a few weeks ago.
I got the shit and gave it to my gf. I have 0 vax, she has vax and a booster (maybe 2? Idk.) Our progression of symptoms, degree of illness etc were all identical.
I came down with it on a mon - woke up pretty sick but I had an abscess on my leg so I assumed the fever was from MRSA or some bullshit like that and so did the ER doc when I went in (abscess + fever can have you dead pretty quick so I went in)
Tues she jumped a plane to her sister's across the country, weds morning woke up with the exact same symptoms and level of general malaise that I had on Monday. Out of genuine curiosity I tracked her symptoms alongside mine it was legitimately 100% the exact same illness and progression to the day. The only difference is she was actually worse coming out of it. Had a lingering wet cough that's just now subsiding 2 weeks later. Prob also worth mentioning that she is all-around way healthier than me - eats right, works out, etc, genuinely takes care of herself a good bit better than I do.
Tldr: gf who is prob 5x healthier than me in terms of lifestyle who is double vaxd got covid the same time as me and hers was -worse-
I know someone personally who did get Bell's palsy back in 2020 he did not have the vaccine, is a patriot, and retired military. It does happen. He recovered fairly quickly.
If he was in the military, he had a whole slew of vaccines, some experimental. I've seen vax damage from friends and family from all kinds of vaccines: flu, boosters, travel, childhood.
I don't know, he's in his 50s any vaccine he probably had was probably almost 40 y years ago. How about I give you his facebook page and you can add him and ask him. I didn't realize I was going to be in trial for saying that he had bells palsy.
FYI I just tried searching for Bell's Palsy and there are many reports for other vaccines such as influenza.
This vaccine problem has been going on for a lot longer than many realize. The covid vaccine is just the most obvious one because the adverse events are so numerous.
I had a teacher in high school who got it. So this was like 2000 or around there. She tried to keep teaching Spanish when she could barely speak with half her face paralyzed. It was very sad. I think she eventually recovered.
Let's see, my fully vaccinated manager, my boss, my step nephew, my step sister, all got severely ill. I remember going to work during Omicron, it was a ghost town. I keep hearing at work "oh someones sick" and they all turn out by be vaccinated. I am basically the only unvaccinated at work, I haven't been sick in years.
I've never had the shingles shot or any covid shots and I had shingles but it was years ago. Those of us old enough to have had chicken pox carry that virus. That's where the shingles come from.
And a freshly vaxed person can shed on you where you end up with shingles. Happened to me riding in a car with my realtor friend. Didn’t know until she dropped me off that she informed me she wasn’t feeling well and attributed it to her 2nd jab which she had gotten 15 minutes prior to picking me up. Hurt like hell and all on my left side. Required me signing a proxy for my husband to sign for me on our closing which was done from my car, a visit to Urgent Care for antibiotics and steroids.
I also didn’t have the vaccine or covid vax and I had shingles in my early 20s. It can be triggered by stress but you have to have had chicken pox from my understanding. Either way they suck and I wouldn’t recommend
Stress is probably what triggered mine after the illness and death of a parent. Everything I'm reading says you have to have had chicken pox but I'm thinking they put the shingles virus in the covid vax? Who knows what is in there.
Oh I could definitely see that if people are getting shingles with no chicken pox vac or having had it. It has been obvious the so called conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine have been in fact true. At least for the most part so far so I don’t shit any door that has been opened when it comes to how evil the vaccines are
Back years ago when I was reading about the shingles vax trying to decide whether it was worth it, I read about a little girl of about 4 who caught shingles from sitting on her grandfather's lap just after he got the shot. She'd never had chicken pox so they were certain that's how she got shingles. Poor little thing. That and the fact that the vaccine doesn't guarantee you won't get shingles again (where have we heard that?) and I didn't get it.
This all started because people said they never knew anyone who had shingles except those who had the covid vax. I did. Never had covid or shingles shots, in fact it was long before covid. So did my mother, another older friend, two aunts, a cousin, etc. Which is not to say it doesn't cause some shingles but you can get shingles without any contact with the covid vaccine.
The fact that people can get shingles who have never had chicken pox to me proves there's something in that vaccine - the actual virus or something equally bad. Not to mention all the other horrible side effects.
Shingles is reactivation of chicken pox virus. So if you had chicken pox as a kid, it can reactivate later in life at any stage, not just in the elderly. I copped a dose of shingles at 45 .. bloody painful.
5, maybe 10 years from now it's going to be glaringly obvious how bad of an idea all the vax stuff was. There's not gonna be a debate once there's mountains of hard evidence (that already seems to be piling up)
I wonder - will they flee the country? Will everyone involved just resign as billionaires before they ever have to see any actual consequences? Or will they be bold enough to say "yeah we knew but you offered us billions and told us nobody could sue us so go pound sand" ?
Also haven't heard of any FREEBLOODS—we outright reject the term "unvaxed", since we refuse to define ourselves in terms of the deepstate cabal's poison injections—getting COVID, or flu, or colds lately.
Every single person I know that is getting covid now or already had it multiple times and have some ongoing health issues they never hade pre-vaccine, have all been vaccinated multiple times.
Not one person I know personally who refused the vaccine and either got or not covid has none of these issues, me being among them.
Every day that goes by confirms iImade the correct choice not to be part of a human experiment done by billionaires.
All of these are issues that have been around, though SADS is a new term. I would say SADS is just sudden cardiac death, which is also nothing new. Question is, are the rates going up in the vaccinated population? Going to be hard to pin down concrete stats because the gov lies, there are no clear lines between the vaxxed and nonvaxxed population, and I would guess all of the above are most certainly being underreported. Well, with the sole exception of monkey-pox, but that seems to be a rump-humper issue.
attack site is just a silly term i use for an MSM website with open comments, or one with a lot of blue-pilled normies pushing the left/democrat/liberal narratives.
Generally, i maintain troops of throw-away accounts for those sites, and i send a few in. The most ruthless are the kamikaze red-pill bombing runs, dropping red-pill after red-pill of the stuff you anons bring up in GA.W (you're my ammo dept. - thank you) until the account is permanently banned (then i wipe their stats and create a replacement). Sometimes i'll dual or triple duty with supporting flights to guard the bomber, other times it's solo, other times it's just a casual flight of light red-pill questions that a left/democrat/liberal might ask in a moment of clarity.
Older people have always occasionally gotten shingles. Maybe vaxxed ones get it lots worse though! As for Bell's Palsy, generally not permanent. It is different than the kind of palsy vaxxed Justin Beiber has which can be permanent (Crutchfield-Jacobs) as a side note, years ago when one of my horses was vaccinated (made me quit doing vaxxs except for tetanus if injured) my boy had palsy on half of his face. Could still see some effects permanently. He'd had the Ft. Dodge 4-way.
About a decade ago, my mother in law got bell's palsy. Randomly. No reason we or the doctors could ever figure out. Right side of her face was paralyzed for about 2 months, then gradually improved back to normal over the next 6 months.
I know someone who got bell's palsy as a symptom of covid. Definitely was unvaxxed. She is over it now but it really sucks that you can get it without being vaxxed.
You can get Bell's palsy from a fan blowing on your face all night while sleeping... it's rare, but not unheard of. The rest on the list is mostly no, unless you aint living right or you're a skank.
Only one. An extended family member (teen, female), unvaccinated, had Covid (mostly asymptomatic) in april 2021, and bell's palsy for about 3 weeks in May/June 2021.
Honestly, the worst part for her was she couldn't smile during her graduation photo. She fully recovered by end of June.
Neither one was a big deal. Bell's can be caused from a virus infecting the trigeminal nerves. Doesn't have to be covid.
It can also be caused by bacteria, so I hope she doesn’t have Lyme and Bartonella. Bells Palsy can be a first sign. Lyme can remain dormant until a virus weakens your immune system, then it explodes.
All the healthy people I know are pure blood, and all the people I know with issues have been injected.
I agree. Same with people around me.
All my family who was vaccinated seem fine to me. I thought they were vaccine shedding because my eyes would get itchy and it was harder to breath when I was around them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cats. I'm hoping that President Trump was able to swap out the vaccines and they'll be alright. It's the only thing that makes sense to me at this point.
I'm really beginning to think that maybe President Trump did push out a miracle vaccine and we should give him credit for that. I just can't imagine him promoting it if there was any chance it could really hurt us.
Researchers state when people comment that they are fine they are not. They will be sick in 2 - 5 years as their immune weakens. Cancer is already spiking .
I don't know. I remember when they first came out, they said we would have mass waves of death within a 6 months to a year, then it turned into 18 months. We've reached the point where the initial vaccine trials are already two years old. For the number of people who got the vaccine, I would expect massive hospital over runs, which would be blamed on some new variant, but it seems like everything has just gone back to normal.
I know many sick. Local funeral director is overun. I posted thus before.
This is why people won't wake up. Husband's great nephew 18 year old died of heart attack. Brother in law cancer came back. Niece's husband at 40 has stage 4 lung cancer and AFib. Oldest sister testing for lymphoma or leukemia. Cousin died of heart attack. All within 8 months. All VACCINATED.
His oldest sister the most recent to get sick sends him a card and says .. wait for it .. hope you are all vaccinated and masked.
Says stay home world is crazy with computers and guns.
Watchs MSNBC.
But how many of these would happen anyway? Lung cancer for instance often takes years to develop. If the vax was causing it, I would expect a massive increase in lung cancer cases. I'm not saying its not legit, but in any given time, people will be dying from... well everything.
Thomas Renz: "I had a nine-year-old kid at church collapse the other day ... [His] dad works for the hospital. You think he's jabbed? You think anybody that saw that happen didn't say, 'That's odd. I wonder what caused that?' "
Do you think everyone will drop at the same time? Too obvious.
Quit justifying this. All his family members were completely healthy with no health problems. All of them within 8 months are sick. Two died an 18 year old from heart attack with no previous issues.
Wake up.
My sister is high functioning Down Syndrome. She is in group home. They berated me about her getting it. I figured they would never let her do anything so I gave in. A few months in she was taken to ER with seizures. Never had any in her 58 years. When I went to visit she had no clue who I was. All symptoms of vax. Just this month rushed back to ER now has Afib.
Good friend parent got vaxxed and boosted ended up in hospital with Covid. Now on dialysis.
Cousin got Afib.
Couple we just met she had a previous stroke. Pretty sure vaxxed then had second stroke then brain surgery for blood clot.
My 36 year old owner of company I work for had chest pains after vax completely healthy. Now on blood thinners.
Local funeral director is overwhelmed.
Never in 60 years has this ever happened at this rate.
Darn cats! Always meddling..
I am unvaccinated but did get shingles.
Siberian cat and Bengal cat are said to be causing much lower allergic reaction. Just in case ;)
Same same. Every Lib I know is vaxxed. Most Repubs I know are vaxxed, too. Their comminality? They all listen to the MSM and the supposed "trusted experts." Only the critical thinkers I know remain unvaxxed and healthy.
It's gotten so bad within my extended family that our Independence Day celebration was cut short because my neice came home from work all pissy because her boyfriend "tested positive for Covid." So, my oldest aunt (our family matriarch) took it upon herself to send everyone home...from my cousin's house. And then my cousin's husband "tested positive" using a home testing kit. So now, more family functions until EVERYONE is tested and passes, which kills our family's July Birthday celebration later this month, because myself and my kids aren't going to get tested for something that has next to no transmission during the hot FL summer months. Plus, I work outside all day, so I know I won't test (+), seeing as how Vit D and UV light kills the Coof on contact. My kids won't test positive because two of them already had the Coof and are now immune, one is a child (so she's safe) and the other child has natural immunity having been exposed to his two older brothers while they had it. I'm pretty sure I'm naturally immune having been exposed to them, as well. We're ALL super healthy, no co-morbiditiea, eat as healthy as we can, get plenty of vitamins and sunshine, yet the rest of the family is Coof vaxxed and have been sick with all kinds of bullshit since being vaxxed. But somehow, we're being punished with ostracization because we refuse the deadly mRNA injections?!
Ya know, I used to thinky family was populated with fairly smart, well educated people, seeing as how most of us have college degrees. Two were college profs and computer scientists. One is an Occupational Therapist (said cousin) her husband is a horticulturalist. My other cousin (they're sisters) is a college educated interior designer and her boyfriend is an architect with a Master's degree. Their mom holds a Bachelor's of Bus. Admin. Yet another aunt and uncle hold Master's degrees in Bus Mgt. My son has a Bus Mgt degree, too. I went to college but never graduated, having decided to go into the Navy to become an EOD tech. Which isn't easy, physically, mentally, or emotionally, btw. I have a kid who graduated college with a B.A. in Bus Admin (focus in Event Mgt). The rest of my kids haven't gone to college yet, bit one is a certified welder another is in auto mechanic school, and my youngest son just graduated H.S., so he's still trying to figure things out. My daughter, the youngest, is 11, yet she has more sense than my extended family put together, especially when it comes to what's going on in the world.
Just goes to show y'all that education doesn't mean squat when it comes to critical thinking skills or common sense.
It's been my observation and interactions with my own family that a degree means you can do what you're told really well without asking dissenting questions. Smart does not mean wise.
As the old saying goes back where I'm from; I'd rather have 1 good'ol boy with life experience than 10 " college educated" know it alls. Lotta truth to that.
Disclaimer: I know there's a rare few college folks who toed the line to get thru but are also wise enough to know bullshit when they see it. Ain't knockin y'all at all. Just know you're the exception rather than the rule.
God bless
You're missing out on the fun. My spouse got injected (twice) for his work. Came down with "covid". We went and got the test kits and for fun, I tested myself too (no injection). His came back positive, mine did not. We share food, a bed, and all that other fun stuff, yet I didn't get a sniffle and he had man-flu for a few weeks.
Same here. Now my husband’s had two bad colds in the past month.
Same here.
Same here, I don't know any freebloods who have taken ill lately.
Freeface - freeblood - freethinkers FTW
I got to witness a 1:1 effect of covid a few weeks ago.
I got the shit and gave it to my gf. I have 0 vax, she has vax and a booster (maybe 2? Idk.) Our progression of symptoms, degree of illness etc were all identical.
I came down with it on a mon - woke up pretty sick but I had an abscess on my leg so I assumed the fever was from MRSA or some bullshit like that and so did the ER doc when I went in (abscess + fever can have you dead pretty quick so I went in)
Tues she jumped a plane to her sister's across the country, weds morning woke up with the exact same symptoms and level of general malaise that I had on Monday. Out of genuine curiosity I tracked her symptoms alongside mine it was legitimately 100% the exact same illness and progression to the day. The only difference is she was actually worse coming out of it. Had a lingering wet cough that's just now subsiding 2 weeks later. Prob also worth mentioning that she is all-around way healthier than me - eats right, works out, etc, genuinely takes care of herself a good bit better than I do.
Tldr: gf who is prob 5x healthier than me in terms of lifestyle who is double vaxd got covid the same time as me and hers was -worse-
Proud Pureblood here!
The K is silent.
Or the huge rise in highly aggressive terminal cancers. Or stillborn babies and SIDS suddenly being viewed as normal not incredibly rare.
I know someone personally who did get Bell's palsy back in 2020 he did not have the vaccine, is a patriot, and retired military. It does happen. He recovered fairly quickly.
If he was in the military, he had a whole slew of vaccines, some experimental. I've seen vax damage from friends and family from all kinds of vaccines: flu, boosters, travel, childhood.
True, but it used to be rare. I only came across one lady who had it.
I had shingles twice in the '90s. And yes, my life was very stressful at the time.
Covid vaccine isn't the only vaccine that causes such problems.
Are you saying he never had ANY vaccines?
I don't know, he's in his 50s any vaccine he probably had was probably almost 40 y years ago. How about I give you his facebook page and you can add him and ask him. I didn't realize I was going to be in trial for saying that he had bells palsy.
FYI I just tried searching for Bell's Palsy and there are many reports for other vaccines such as influenza.
This vaccine problem has been going on for a lot longer than many realize. The covid vaccine is just the most obvious one because the adverse events are so numerous.
Yep, influenza vaccines can definitely cause Bell's Palsy. Been documented for a long time now.
Lyme and other bacteria can cause it. Wonder what he was exposed to.
I had a teacher in high school who got it. So this was like 2000 or around there. She tried to keep teaching Spanish when she could barely speak with half her face paralyzed. It was very sad. I think she eventually recovered.
Let's see, my fully vaccinated manager, my boss, my step nephew, my step sister, all got severely ill. I remember going to work during Omicron, it was a ghost town. I keep hearing at work "oh someones sick" and they all turn out by be vaccinated. I am basically the only unvaccinated at work, I haven't been sick in years.
And we didn't get the Chyna virus 14 times.
Unvaxxed and I am actually healthier now than I was in 2019 because I started eating better.
Old people get shingles, but the only ones I know who got it years ago ALSO took the shingles vax! I’m sure it’s a coincidence.
I've never had the shingles shot or any covid shots and I had shingles but it was years ago. Those of us old enough to have had chicken pox carry that virus. That's where the shingles come from.
And a freshly vaxed person can shed on you where you end up with shingles. Happened to me riding in a car with my realtor friend. Didn’t know until she dropped me off that she informed me she wasn’t feeling well and attributed it to her 2nd jab which she had gotten 15 minutes prior to picking me up. Hurt like hell and all on my left side. Required me signing a proxy for my husband to sign for me on our closing which was done from my car, a visit to Urgent Care for antibiotics and steroids.
That isn't what happened to me. I had shingles about 15 years ago.
I also didn’t have the vaccine or covid vax and I had shingles in my early 20s. It can be triggered by stress but you have to have had chicken pox from my understanding. Either way they suck and I wouldn’t recommend
Stress is probably what triggered mine after the illness and death of a parent. Everything I'm reading says you have to have had chicken pox but I'm thinking they put the shingles virus in the covid vax? Who knows what is in there.
Oh I could definitely see that if people are getting shingles with no chicken pox vac or having had it. It has been obvious the so called conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine have been in fact true. At least for the most part so far so I don’t shit any door that has been opened when it comes to how evil the vaccines are
Back years ago when I was reading about the shingles vax trying to decide whether it was worth it, I read about a little girl of about 4 who caught shingles from sitting on her grandfather's lap just after he got the shot. She'd never had chicken pox so they were certain that's how she got shingles. Poor little thing. That and the fact that the vaccine doesn't guarantee you won't get shingles again (where have we heard that?) and I didn't get it.
This all started because people said they never knew anyone who had shingles except those who had the covid vax. I did. Never had covid or shingles shots, in fact it was long before covid. So did my mother, another older friend, two aunts, a cousin, etc. Which is not to say it doesn't cause some shingles but you can get shingles without any contact with the covid vaccine.
The fact that people can get shingles who have never had chicken pox to me proves there's something in that vaccine - the actual virus or something equally bad. Not to mention all the other horrible side effects.
Bound to be.
Shingles is reactivation of chicken pox virus. So if you had chicken pox as a kid, it can reactivate later in life at any stage, not just in the elderly. I copped a dose of shingles at 45 .. bloody painful.
My aunt is unvaccinated and has shingles.
did she get the shingles vaccine? Shingles are caused by inflammation.
I'm not sure. Could be.
usually old people are pressured severely to get it by "doctors". I know my dad's VA forced him to get it, not sure if he did or not.
My roof is unvaccinated, and doesn't have shingles. I see a trend. 🤣
Oh noes! Roof will live a happy healthy life now.
I'd really like to know what their plan is here.
5, maybe 10 years from now it's going to be glaringly obvious how bad of an idea all the vax stuff was. There's not gonna be a debate once there's mountains of hard evidence (that already seems to be piling up)
I wonder - will they flee the country? Will everyone involved just resign as billionaires before they ever have to see any actual consequences? Or will they be bold enough to say "yeah we knew but you offered us billions and told us nobody could sue us so go pound sand" ?
Also haven't heard of any FREEBLOODS—we outright reject the term "unvaxed", since we refuse to define ourselves in terms of the deepstate cabal's poison injections—getting COVID, or flu, or colds lately.
Every single person I know that is getting covid now or already had it multiple times and have some ongoing health issues they never hade pre-vaccine, have all been vaccinated multiple times.
Not one person I know personally who refused the vaccine and either got or not covid has none of these issues, me being among them.
Every day that goes by confirms iImade the correct choice not to be part of a human experiment done by billionaires.
I have never heard of anyone dying of covid outside of a hospital, but I could be wrong, I could be right.
Everyone I know who is vaxxed is sick with Covid.
What about unvaccinated children living with vaccinated parents? I'm not sure what the story is with shedding
This tweet sure pushed some buttons
There are a few still covid duped.
All of these are issues that have been around, though SADS is a new term. I would say SADS is just sudden cardiac death, which is also nothing new. Question is, are the rates going up in the vaccinated population? Going to be hard to pin down concrete stats because the gov lies, there are no clear lines between the vaxxed and nonvaxxed population, and I would guess all of the above are most certainly being underreported. Well, with the sole exception of monkey-pox, but that seems to be a rump-humper issue.
lol, someone was asking this very question at an attack site i visit today. Now i know where it came from.
Anon if you are here, good job on that attack run before you got banned.
attack site is just a silly term i use for an MSM website with open comments, or one with a lot of blue-pilled normies pushing the left/democrat/liberal narratives.
Generally, i maintain troops of throw-away accounts for those sites, and i send a few in. The most ruthless are the kamikaze red-pill bombing runs, dropping red-pill after red-pill of the stuff you anons bring up in GA.W (you're my ammo dept. - thank you) until the account is permanently banned (then i wipe their stats and create a replacement). Sometimes i'll dual or triple duty with supporting flights to guard the bomber, other times it's solo, other times it's just a casual flight of light red-pill questions that a left/democrat/liberal might ask in a moment of clarity.
That’s awesome. Thank you for your service and bravery. I salute you!!
It's just a basic part of the digital clone war, anon. There are far braver so thank them, and thank God.
I know a pureblood who came down with shingles a couple of weeks ago.
My father actually just got a case of Bell’s palsy. Not vaccinated for covid though.
Nope, still know nobody of the purest blood suddenly not here anymore!
Older people have always occasionally gotten shingles. Maybe vaxxed ones get it lots worse though! As for Bell's Palsy, generally not permanent. It is different than the kind of palsy vaxxed Justin Beiber has which can be permanent (Crutchfield-Jacobs) as a side note, years ago when one of my horses was vaccinated (made me quit doing vaxxs except for tetanus if injured) my boy had palsy on half of his face. Could still see some effects permanently. He'd had the Ft. Dodge 4-way.
About a decade ago, my mother in law got bell's palsy. Randomly. No reason we or the doctors could ever figure out. Right side of her face was paralyzed for about 2 months, then gradually improved back to normal over the next 6 months.
It's a weird thing.
I know someone who got bell's palsy as a symptom of covid. Definitely was unvaxxed. She is over it now but it really sucks that you can get it without being vaxxed.
Why, no, I haven't. Could it be there is some connection with the vaccine? My, that would be nefarious!!
You can get Bell's palsy from a fan blowing on your face all night while sleeping... it's rare, but not unheard of. The rest on the list is mostly no, unless you aint living right or you're a skank.
Well, actually the gym manager where I go he is vaccinated and he hot shingles few months ago.
Only one. An extended family member (teen, female), unvaccinated, had Covid (mostly asymptomatic) in april 2021, and bell's palsy for about 3 weeks in May/June 2021.
Honestly, the worst part for her was she couldn't smile during her graduation photo. She fully recovered by end of June.
Neither one was a big deal. Bell's can be caused from a virus infecting the trigeminal nerves. Doesn't have to be covid.
It can also be caused by bacteria, so I hope she doesn’t have Lyme and Bartonella. Bells Palsy can be a first sign. Lyme can remain dormant until a virus weakens your immune system, then it explodes.
I mean, yeah, I have.
I work in medicine though (lol) and mine is a very small slice of the Murican population.