You know how I know we are very close to The Storm?
The mainstream media is now actively pushing for the normalization of grooming and pedophilia.
The Cabal absolutely must normalize this behavior if they have a hope in hell of surviving. We in The Great Awakening community know that this will ultimately not workout for them, but it will not prevent them from trying like hell. Its either normalization, or the death squads for these animals. They don't realize yet, but humanity will never accept the normalization of child abuse.
They are "broaching the subject" for a start, then getting everyone to accept this "perception" and then having the parent say it's ok!!!!! These people will burn in hell for shit like this!!!!!!!!!!
IN A COMBAT ZONE --- The children are considered innocent BUT sometimes the parents minds are so warped they put the child in EXTREME HARM of being shot...Can anyone say Vietnam & Bosnia!!!!!!....That is what they, parents were doing to their children...
I REALLY DO HOPE that parents wake up to this shit and turn the damn TV off and TALK, ACTUALLY TALK to their children about ANYONE TOUCHING THEM OR FOLLOWING ANYONE...ectc....
The worked with Netflix to put "Cuties" on a fast-track production, hoping for a perception change and it was one they needed like yesterday, by the time it came out. They want you to think crimes agaisnt children that have already occurred are "come on, not really that bad."
This path leads to their destruction. There will be NO rehabbing, no consensus that this is now ok, no perception change.
The crazy thing about "Cuties" is that the director (herself an African immigrant to France like the main character) made the movie because she saw a young dance troupe dancing provocatively and was shocked by it. Problem is,1. She isn't that good of a director and 2. She seems to have wildly misunderstood how the elites in the film industry would receive it vs the audiences watching it. She seems to come off a bit tone deaf about it. sigh
They do. They always change definitions to fit their narrative. From the article;
But that’s a departure from the commonly understood meaning of grooming, according to experts, who say the term refers to specific tactics that sexual abusers use to initiate contact with their victims.
The "AP Fact Check:" part of the title informs you that the quote that comes after is FROM the AP.
Those two dots on top of each other (this thing :), is called a colon, which you may not have learned about if you're younger than 40 and went to public school in the US.
Try to remember that just because YOU are IGNORANT about something, doesn't make everyone else wrong.
But the article that is referenced doesn't include that quote anywhere. The only occurrence I can find of that quote is from the Breitbart article.
A colon is a great introduction to the meat of a sentence, such as in this case or where there is a list following. However, in journalism it's more appropriate to have the actual quotation marks around the statement if they're pulling a quote. They did use single quotes around "grooming," but nowhere else.
But again, the biggest flaw in the argument you're making is that you can't find the supposed quote anywhere affiliated with AP. Unless Breitbart can source the origin of the quote (which it doesn't in the whole article), it looks like it's just the title of the article
So, if you can find this quote within AP, please let me know! Because I can't
Basically yeah. The second one would imply that this quote is pulled from the AP fact check, and would absolutely be headline worthy, because to claim that action isn't grooming is downright heinous.
The first one, intentionally or not, implies it to someone who may not know any better, or reads headlines without doing their own research, when in fact the AP Fact Check didn't address that at all
And who does this? Lesbians. Lesbian partners that have children and target one and groom them to become the opposite of what they were born. Look at them in pic of those trans. book reading sessions. All lesbians. Of that bar recently where children were encouraged to push money down the trans pants. All lesbians.
Maybe you're just trying to point out that the quote in Breitbart's headline isn't an actual quote from the AP fact check of April 12?
Hmmm... well, the part of the headline that expresses the AP's opinion of the situation isn't in quotes, so it shouldn't be considered to be an exact quote.
When something isn't an exact quote, it's typically a paraphrase or summary of the overall article.
So, does "It’s Not ‘Grooming’ to Sexualize Young Kids Away from Parents" properly summarize the AP's fact check from April 12? I believe it does.
So, again, what are you trying to accomplish here?
I don't like fake news. The way this post is presented is a little misleading and I'm only looking to correct people who may be misled.
I'm not trying to smear Breitbart at all, but I think it's important to give the whole story. Breitbart is summarizing their thoughts on the AP article, and the way the headline is written implies AP wrote the statement, which they hadn't.
Maybe you're just trying to point out that the quote in Breitbart's headline isn't an actual quote from the AP fact check of April 12?
So, does "It’s Not ‘Grooming’ to Sexualize Young Kids Away from Parents" properly summarize the AP's fact check from April 12? I believe it does.
I don't think it does, tbh. I mean, the word "sexualize" isn't once mentioned in AP or the Breitbart article at all. Where are they drawing that conclusion in the headline when they don't even seem to address it in the rest of the article? Where is the sexualization?
AP = All pedos ? They prolly use terms like MAPS instead of pedos as well.
It just crazy when u even think about how much we have to hear and see 2 words that should never be associated with each other.
Our modern day version of "Fact Check", is nothing more than the promotion of propaganda and the suppression of the Truth. So for AP to state that its not "Grooming" just confirms that it is in fact, "Grooming". And if someone is sexualizing children away from their parents. Then that person is a predator and a pedophile.
THE FACTS: The term “grooming” is being used on social media to undermine Disney’s diversity initiatives, a tactic that also has been used at school board meetings across the country by parents who oppose discussions of sexual orientation in schools. But that’s a departure from the commonly understood meaning of grooming, according to experts, who say the term refers to specific tactics that sexual abusers use to initiate contact with their victims.
Aren't school boards elected? I know I'm over simplifying here, but can't we just fucking take it? There's no way the woke nonsense beats out the traditional "children first. Education and success is priority. Body is colorblind. Rewards success, and helps those children who struggle - and has zero opinion on sexuality, race relations, sociopoly standing, wealth, etc." Like has anyone ever been boo'd down saying "we think parents should have the final say in teaching children morals, not teachers" ?
So, that's Breitbarts headline... It alludes to progressives bait and switch about the Florida/Disney "don't say gay" thing from a few months back
APs headline from April 13, the article cited, does not say this. AP certainly dives through hoops to mislead and straight up lies, but they did not say this as far as I can tell.
How so? Did you read the same Apr 12 fact check article I did? Not the Breitbart article - the fact check that it links to.
Would you not summarize the article thusly? "The AP thinks it's fine to sexualize little kids, as long as you're not actively trying to fuck them. Only if you're trying to fuck them is it "grooming", otherwise it's just "education""
So, if you're writing an article about the AP saying it's fine, how is
"AP Fact Check: It's not 'grooming' to sexualize little kids away from their parents"
a little misleading?
What SPECIFICALLY is misleading?
AP 'Fact Check' -well, it definitely came from an AP fact check, so that's not it...
Is it the word grooming? Do you concur with the AP that teaching little kids about anal sex, how to give blowjobs, and "gender is a construct" would not be considered 'grooming' them?
Is it the word sexualization? Do you concur with the AP that teaching little kids sex is not sexualization?
Is it the phrase "away from their parents"?
I'm really trying to wrap my head around your opinion, but it's not patently obvious to me.
The Scripture would be more accurately translated, "Thou Shalt Not Murder" -Scripture had distinct rules as to whether a killing could be charged as a murder or not, including the intent factor.
You know how I know we are very close to The Storm?
The mainstream media is now actively pushing for the normalization of grooming and pedophilia.
The Cabal absolutely must normalize this behavior if they have a hope in hell of surviving. We in The Great Awakening community know that this will ultimately not workout for them, but it will not prevent them from trying like hell. Its either normalization, or the death squads for these animals. They don't realize yet, but humanity will never accept the normalization of child abuse.
Yep, they are trying to lessen the perception of evil of the crimes they have already commited. They know the crimes against humanity are coming soon.
They're out of time.
I pray that you are right about this!!!!!!!!
They are "broaching the subject" for a start, then getting everyone to accept this "perception" and then having the parent say it's ok!!!!! These people will burn in hell for shit like this!!!!!!!!!!
IN A COMBAT ZONE --- The children are considered innocent BUT sometimes the parents minds are so warped they put the child in EXTREME HARM of being shot...Can anyone say Vietnam & Bosnia!!!!!!....That is what they, parents were doing to their children...
I REALLY DO HOPE that parents wake up to this shit and turn the damn TV off and TALK, ACTUALLY TALK to their children about ANYONE TOUCHING THEM OR FOLLOWING ANYONE...ectc....
Hunter Biden is limited hangout to normalize pedophilia from the elite.
The worked with Netflix to put "Cuties" on a fast-track production, hoping for a perception change and it was one they needed like yesterday, by the time it came out. They want you to think crimes agaisnt children that have already occurred are "come on, not really that bad." This path leads to their destruction. There will be NO rehabbing, no consensus that this is now ok, no perception change.
The crazy thing about "Cuties" is that the director (herself an African immigrant to France like the main character) made the movie because she saw a young dance troupe dancing provocatively and was shocked by it. Problem is,1. She isn't that good of a director and 2. She seems to have wildly misunderstood how the elites in the film industry would receive it vs the audiences watching it. She seems to come off a bit tone deaf about it. sigh
LMAO, that sounds like what a Randy Marsh focused episode of South Park will be in like three years.
This headline was actually Breitbart's headline. AP didn't say that
I did, and I don't see how the title sums it up well, unless they have a different definition of sexualizing children
They do. They always change definitions to fit their narrative. From the article;
But that’s a departure from the commonly understood meaning of grooming, according to experts, who say the term refers to specific tactics that sexual abusers use to initiate contact with their victims.
Yeah that's what I understood grooming to mean too, hence my confusion
But I'm mostly confused about their definition of sexualizing children. Breitbart makes no further mention of what they mean by that in the headliine.
Wow. You're a special pede, aren't ya?
The "AP Fact Check:" part of the title informs you that the quote that comes after is FROM the AP.
Those two dots on top of each other (this thing :), is called a colon, which you may not have learned about if you're younger than 40 and went to public school in the US.
Try to remember that just because YOU are IGNORANT about something, doesn't make everyone else wrong.
But the article that is referenced doesn't include that quote anywhere. The only occurrence I can find of that quote is from the Breitbart article.
A colon is a great introduction to the meat of a sentence, such as in this case or where there is a list following. However, in journalism it's more appropriate to have the actual quotation marks around the statement if they're pulling a quote. They did use single quotes around "grooming," but nowhere else.
But again, the biggest flaw in the argument you're making is that you can't find the supposed quote anywhere affiliated with AP. Unless Breitbart can source the origin of the quote (which it doesn't in the whole article), it looks like it's just the title of the article
So, if you can find this quote within AP, please let me know! Because I can't
The portion of the headline attributed to the AP isn't in quotes, thus it is a summarization of the thesis of the article, right?
Correct. I don't think it's a good or accurate summary though.
The difference between this:
AP ‘Fact Check’: It’s Not ‘Grooming’ to Sexualize Young Kids Away from Parents
and this:
AP ‘Fact Check’: "It’s Not ‘Grooming’ to Sexualize Young Kids Away from Parents"
Basically yeah. The second one would imply that this quote is pulled from the AP fact check, and would absolutely be headline worthy, because to claim that action isn't grooming is downright heinous.
The first one, intentionally or not, implies it to someone who may not know any better, or reads headlines without doing their own research, when in fact the AP Fact Check didn't address that at all
Now do you understand the millstone around their neck?
And who does this? Lesbians. Lesbian partners that have children and target one and groom them to become the opposite of what they were born. Look at them in pic of those trans. book reading sessions. All lesbians. Of that bar recently where children were encouraged to push money down the trans pants. All lesbians.
These people are sick. Sick and EVIL. Q
This is not either lesbian or gay, but both and; NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) has been pushing for this under the radar for years.
Decades. Flying incognito while they do it.
I’ve lesbians in my family…No f ng way support such.
Written by: Mike Rothschild (jk)
That's actually a very well educated guess, considering AP is the propaganda outlet for the Rothschilds
I wasn't sure whether or not to put the j/k at the end, LOL.
It was actually written by Breitbart.
Breitbart is being critical of the AP's attempt to normalize grooming.
I don't see how the AP Fact check is an attempt to normalize grooming
Article Link:
So now rapists can define rape for the rest of us too?
Take control of the language, force THEM to DEFINE woman/grooming...etc without saying what it ISN'T.....and they'll fail ....every single time.
If it werent so disgusting Id have a sens of humor about it. Here is an easy litmus test for their 'fact check'
Its not ' ' to sexualize young kids away from parents.
Fill in the blank.
That fact check wasn't written by AP. It was written by Breitbart. The AP stance itself is very different from the headline.
What are you trying to accomplish here?
My initial assumption was that you're just a moron. But you're really pushing the whole "Breitbart wrote this" angle, so what's your deal?
Are you trying to smear Breitbart, or are you trying to get us to trust the AP?
No, maybe you are just a moron... if you read the article, the 3rd paragraph references the AP fact check from April 12:
"The switch-and-smear defense is spotlighted by an Associated Press fact check, posted April 13."
The date is linked to the AP fact check here:
Maybe you're just trying to point out that the quote in Breitbart's headline isn't an actual quote from the AP fact check of April 12?
Hmmm... well, the part of the headline that expresses the AP's opinion of the situation isn't in quotes, so it shouldn't be considered to be an exact quote.
When something isn't an exact quote, it's typically a paraphrase or summary of the overall article.
So, does "It’s Not ‘Grooming’ to Sexualize Young Kids Away from Parents" properly summarize the AP's fact check from April 12? I believe it does.
So, again, what are you trying to accomplish here?
I don't like fake news. The way this post is presented is a little misleading and I'm only looking to correct people who may be misled.
I'm not trying to smear Breitbart at all, but I think it's important to give the whole story. Breitbart is summarizing their thoughts on the AP article, and the way the headline is written implies AP wrote the statement, which they hadn't.
I don't think it does, tbh. I mean, the word "sexualize" isn't once mentioned in AP or the Breitbart article at all. Where are they drawing that conclusion in the headline when they don't even seem to address it in the rest of the article? Where is the sexualization?
These were the ones I tried:
Legal Acceptable Cultural Jewish Polite Profitable Sinful
AP = All pedos ? They prolly use terms like MAPS instead of pedos as well. It just crazy when u even think about how much we have to hear and see 2 words that should never be associated with each other.
Children and Sexual.
Breitbart is the site that put those 2 words together, not AP:
Fact Check: it's not "murder" to kill groomers.
Our modern day version of "Fact Check", is nothing more than the promotion of propaganda and the suppression of the Truth. So for AP to state that its not "Grooming" just confirms that it is in fact, "Grooming". And if someone is sexualizing children away from their parents. Then that person is a predator and a pedophile.
It's literally the DEFINITION of grooming
When oh when will every last one of these sick fucks hang? What a waste of life these freaks are. Beyond redemption.
It is certainly conscious evil.
It's not murder either, when we stop them.
For Christ's Sake- It's Millstone Time!
to Quote gloopitygloop:
Foxtrot Oscar you evil pervs!
In 2011, Daniel Villareal published an article to Queerty, with this title:
"Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids?"
Make rope great again.
The left are obsessed with murdering babies and raping the remaining
Aren't school boards elected? I know I'm over simplifying here, but can't we just fucking take it? There's no way the woke nonsense beats out the traditional "children first. Education and success is priority. Body is colorblind. Rewards success, and helps those children who struggle - and has zero opinion on sexuality, race relations, sociopoly standing, wealth, etc." Like has anyone ever been boo'd down saying "we think parents should have the final say in teaching children morals, not teachers" ?
The fuck?
(Grabs rat-bashing baseball bat)
Argh. "They" think it is their job to set the definitions.
God sets all limits, btw.
Um, your Marxism is showing!
That’s a red pill right there.
...the [ AP ] needs to b exposed and destroyed
Its a death wish is what it is.
Who wrote that headline?
"Sexualize" and "Young Kids" should never appear in the same sentence together.
So, that's Breitbarts headline... It alludes to progressives bait and switch about the Florida/Disney "don't say gay" thing from a few months back
APs headline from April 13, the article cited, does not say this. AP certainly dives through hoops to mislead and straight up lies, but they did not say this as far as I can tell.
That part of the headline was not in quotes - it's a summarization of the overall fact check, not a direct quote.
Yes but it's a little misleading
How so? Did you read the same Apr 12 fact check article I did? Not the Breitbart article - the fact check that it links to.
Would you not summarize the article thusly? "The AP thinks it's fine to sexualize little kids, as long as you're not actively trying to fuck them. Only if you're trying to fuck them is it "grooming", otherwise it's just "education""
So, if you're writing an article about the AP saying it's fine, how is
"AP Fact Check: It's not 'grooming' to sexualize little kids away from their parents"
a little misleading?
What SPECIFICALLY is misleading?
AP 'Fact Check' -well, it definitely came from an AP fact check, so that's not it...
Is it the word grooming? Do you concur with the AP that teaching little kids about anal sex, how to give blowjobs, and "gender is a construct" would not be considered 'grooming' them?
Is it the word sexualization? Do you concur with the AP that teaching little kids sex is not sexualization?
Is it the phrase "away from their parents"?
I'm really trying to wrap my head around your opinion, but it's not patently obvious to me.
Yes I did read the link from April 13th.
You can absolutely interpret it th the way you say
You can certainly paraphrase it that way.
And yes, in my eyes you are probably right to do so.
But my point is proven by some of the responses in this thread.
"Who wrote that headline?" for one.
I guess my point is by just posting the pic, it makes it seem as though that's a quote from the AP.
Got ya - thank you very much for the clarification.
Sorry if I came off too strongly - I have 5 kids and pedos are the one type of person that I struggle with to obey, “thou shalt not kill”…
The Scripture would be more accurately translated, "Thou Shalt Not Murder" -Scripture had distinct rules as to whether a killing could be charged as a murder or not, including the intent factor.
I’m aware, thanks.
No worries.
They should all burn.
And they will
According to 9 out of 10 Groomers.