Fauci announces he’s retiring
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Let’s offer him tar & feathers, then a nice hemp rope as a tie.
That's too light,
start him off with the box full of sand flies sealed around his head, while pegged over a fire-ant nest, just to get him warmed up.
bastard dog torturer.
Or, Throw him to The Christian Mothers.
How bout some dog experiments. Same as he did to the dogs? Fair’s fair...
I'm positive that Karma has these things under consideration.
Karma is nice and all that, id prefer to see this piggy squeal tho.
Do both the Dog and monkey experiment on him.
Yes! Let the punishment fit the crime!! Sick POS!
How about an injection a day for as long as it takes?
I like this. And with each injection he gets another mask layered on top of the next. Til he reaches the pinnacle of health 😄
So, 2, 3 days?
Tar and used cloth masks
Yes. Only the best and strongest rope for Dr. Fauci.
That would be in a sane world.
Of course, there is no legitimate, objectively rational reason to actually EXPECT that sort of justice to occur at this point in history. All we have is HOPE for it.
So November?
Hate to be a stickler for details, but does this mean as soon as Biden is removed or resigns from office, Fauci retires? Or does he mean "Biden Administration" term. Cannot happen soon enough for this Mengele dirtbag. I pray to God every day, that this evil monster has already been executed behind the scenes, and what we see is either CGI'ed, actor, or both.
Very possible this dude is responsible for more murders than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol-pot combined if you count all the abortions used to feed his BigPharma monster.
You're comment is right on ! Correct he has murdered more. I pray he was taken out but if not , I pray he will be !
He deserves eternity in hell -- with Killary
creepy whisper Two weeks from now, Jack
Not soon enough
They're building it up for SOME unknown reason
Wonder what, who, how many, and when
Exactly. And under Bidet's "watch"!
If the plan succeeds, them. Otherwise it'd be us.
693 Feb 07, 2018 9:59:30 PM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo No. 300345 Make sure the list of RESIGNATIONS remains updated. Important. When does big pharma make money? Curing or containing? Cancer/AIDS/etc. Mind will be blown by chain of command. Q
Only thing more satisfying than a military execution of Fauci would be to make Fauci reveal the truth about viruses AND the cures for cancer in a press conference just before his sentence is carried out. I don't want this guy to have ANY positive legacy whatsoever.
Can he retire from life?
Dr. Brix is the first to write the tell book and toss everyone under the lawsuit bus.
Watch them all start eating each other.
Firing squads commencing Wednesday.
Popcorn! Get yer Popcorn!!!
💥 🍿
Retiring here = he’s been talking to the white hats. Not sure it’s a coincidence this is happening the day after 7-17. I think they arrested him yesterday.
That would make my year!
He should be announcing he’s been charged with treason, fraud, manslaughter….
crimes against humanity, genocide...
That comes next.
hmm hmm hmm very interesting
For his retirement party, someone should cut out his vocal chords, put a tent of plastic over his head, and let flies eat his fucking face just like he did to those poor beagles. And while that's happening, inject him repeatedly with the poisonous shit he pushed onto the world.
Actually, screw that... don't cut his vocal chords. I want to hear that piece of shit scream.
Hmmmmmm dasting timing.
Do ol’ Joe can step down this week. Based on results Hoe you ain’t got the gas….
To gitmo?
May Bidens term end tomorrow the sooner the better.
“Retire” 😂 Is that what they are calling it these days! I
looking for a pardon ?
Of course he is retiring before Biden is gone. No way he risks a Republican President that will fire him. With the way the courts work he would likely still get his retirement anyway (see Andrew McCabe), but why risk it?
Didn't trump say he didn't have the authority to fire fauchi?
Possibly - it is pretty hard to fire people that high up. It can be done though.
I was hoping he’d retire in Gitmo
Biden may be 25th'd soon, so soon for the fauch
To Gitmo would be nice
retire at the end of a rope?
A few vax shots under the fingernails nice and slow.
Oh no you don't. You will not escape!
He should get tortured to fucking death not retired.
I hear GITMO is nice this time of year... the next stop for fowchi!
Does that little demon forecasting cuz he knows POTATUS won’t finish all four years?
He knows what is coming. Retirement should not free him of accountability.
He's worshipped as a Saint by the radicals and sheeple. Everyone else knows he's a mass murdering sellout for fame and personal gain.
I believe the message is that if you 'love' Fauci, and don't want him to go away, don't let Biden's term end.
Yeah, he’ll be here to oversee the Midterm Variant, the new lockdowns and fresh deaths. He’s not going to miss that!
Outside the U.S in a country with no extradition most likely.
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