Considering the young lady I saw today, walking down a road in our rural community in 80+ degree weather with not another soul in sight (I was in the car driving past her) WEARING A MASK, I think this moron is completely serious saying he might have forgotten to hold his breath. I’m sorry, but IDIOTS!
Ha! I laughed. I actually envisioned someone trying to put a real cigar up their butt and thought of how well it would have to be made to not crumple.... unless it were a Swisher Sweet tipped.
I went out to Twatter and can confirm that this isn't satire. I genuinely try to be eloquent rather than crass on GAW, but fuck this guy. I am so sick of this kind of abject stupidity from our medical community. It infects every dumb, liberal MF'er that reads it.
Man oh man have the last couple of years given me anger issues.
I immediately thought of this img. Can we get some of our best memesmiths on this?
Also just wanted to say something this "doctor" won't is that this entire premise is predicated on the fallacious idea that c19 is somehow aerosol. What people need to understand is that in order for something to be aerosol, it must be able to be suspeended in theair by particles that are 5 to 10 microns.
This is because h2o particulates E V A P O R A T E before reaching a surface at approximately 5 to 10 microns. C19 is 0.1 microns, and the idea of it being able to be capable to withstand the environment for about THIRTY MINUTES is one of the most unscientific, unsubstantiated idea I've heard BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHOW AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH ACTUAL NUMBERS as I have yet to see one.
On the chance it is, and I'm not denying the possibility, what people need to know is that this is even WORSE for the narrative that these things work. You wouldn't be able to B R E A T H E if there was amask designed to keep water vapours, the very thing that keeps c19 and such afIoat, out.
I just looked for this on Duck and apparently it's a thing among the... fearful and unbelieving. Many seem to think it's beneficial to hold their breath.
Lol, I have a relative who lives in an extremely nasty environment (cats)... Used to get me to go feed them when away on vacation. When I told them I held my breath when going in to feed them, they quit asking me. Kek!
Could this be a bot? I can’t imagine someone being so stupid…then again.
I thought it was satire. Was he being truthful or joking?
Difficult to say but it's a hilarious idea that the one place he forgot to hoId hisbreath is in some public sh*troom.
It was a democrat.
The first time it read it I thought he was saying the public restroom adjusted his mask for him while his Tesla was charging…..
There is no shortage of clowns in this world
I am not surprised someone with a Laharl profile pic is listening to him.
Who charges their Tesla at “a gas station”?
Wawa has a lot of Tesla chargers.
As the amount of time that you hold your breath increases, the likelihood of dying from Covid approaches zero.
All I can do is shake my head at the continued insanity and hope I dont have a medical emergency in my future.
What do you call a med student who passes with a C average?
A government employee?
His turn at the glory hole, had to demask. Tragic what we do for love.
Considering the young lady I saw today, walking down a road in our rural community in 80+ degree weather with not another soul in sight (I was in the car driving past her) WEARING A MASK, I think this moron is completely serious saying he might have forgotten to hold his breath. I’m sorry, but IDIOTS!
Laugh all you want, but holding your breath while you take a shit in a public restroom is the best way to avoid getting covid.
Viruses can't infect dead people.
Yes. It’s the best way to get found laying next to the toilet pants down and a cigar hanging out your ass. 🤡
please explain what happened to get a cigar in your butt... in full detail... for research purposes I swear...
Cigar = TURD.
Ha! I laughed. I actually envisioned someone trying to put a real cigar up their butt and thought of how well it would have to be made to not crumple.... unless it were a Swisher Sweet tipped.
I did wonder about "laying" instead of "lying" but now I understand the context - you are referring to "laying" a turd.
Tesla Owner.
Gas station rest room.
“Likely forgot to hold my breath”
Having something blocking your airway is not the same as holding your breath.
We all know how you got it.
Won’t be long until the monkey pox appears.
Yeah, one has to hold one's breath the WHOLE time on is the rest-room. Apparently deep sea free divers are the only ones to survive public rest-rooms.
Maybe the MD stands for Mentally Deficient.
I went out to Twatter and can confirm that this isn't satire. I genuinely try to be eloquent rather than crass on GAW, but fuck this guy. I am so sick of this kind of abject stupidity from our medical community. It infects every dumb, liberal MF'er that reads it.
Man oh man have the last couple of years given me anger issues.
Mockery and open ridicule.
Every mask I see.
Tesla causes covid. Ban/quarantine all Teslas.
All that time and money to get his degree as a doctor for absolutely nothing what a waste 😂
Dude need to stop visiting the gloryhole stalls then maybe he will stop getting "Covid"
If the mask works then why hold your breath?
Another idiot who memorized the text for testing purposes and became a "DR"
Tesla says it all; What a fag
I immediately thought of this img. Can we get some of our best memesmiths on this?
Also just wanted to say something this "doctor" won't is that this entire premise is predicated on the fallacious idea that c19 is somehow aerosol. What people need to understand is that in order for something to be aerosol, it must be able to be suspeended in theair by particles that are 5 to 10 microns.
This is because h2o particulates E V A P O R A T E before reaching a surface at approximately 5 to 10 microns. C19 is 0.1 microns, and the idea of it being able to be capable to withstand the environment for about THIRTY MINUTES is one of the most unscientific, unsubstantiated idea I've heard BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHOW AN ACTUAL STUDY WITH ACTUAL NUMBERS as I have yet to see one.
On the chance it is, and I'm not denying the possibility, what people need to know is that this is even WORSE for the narrative that these things work. You wouldn't be able to B R E A T H E if there was amask designed to keep water vapours, the very thing that keeps c19 and such afIoat, out.
So, how did he stop his skin for absorbing oxygen?? Asking for a friend.
How much CO2 does covid produce?
I just looked for this on Duck and apparently it's a thing among the... fearful and unbelieving. Many seem to think it's beneficial to hold their breath.
I hope his doctorate aint in sciences.
Doctors rate with lawyers now for me. Surgeons if not woke are ok. Pill pushers not so much.
All the keywords, Tesla, Charging station, mask....................MD!
Lol, I have a relative who lives in an extremely nasty environment (cats)... Used to get me to go feed them when away on vacation. When I told them I held my breath when going in to feed them, they quit asking me. Kek!
The dumbest person I ever had to deal with in a work situation was a State employed Doctor.