This was actually a great movie! Good guys beat the deepstate actors who were pushing GMO etc onto the world. Tons of keks dropped on the deepstate throughout, e.g. a combo lock has a combination of 1984.
well if we get hardcore, the Matrix movie, to avoid finding results of the Matrix, the 2012 movie the ''end'' of the world, to avoid finding results of the control of the world of 2030.
Yep. While the movie is likely about the good guys stopping the new world order their real goal is very apparent. More normies being able to say "this is just fiction guys" or "that's the plot of Captain America you moron!" while also blocking out any real information.
Would be inclined to believe you, IF the Comms contained within all major films weren't incredibly positive 2019+.
I've not watched a Marvel movie in years, but it is my understanding that Black Widow and Winter Soldier symbolize the MKUltra system getting dismantled by the Patriots. "Wandavision" symbolizes The Wanda Group.
Spiderman: No Way Home represents villains getting another chance (aka a chance to Flip). Which is a similar premise to Suicide Squad, a film which keeps getting re-made. I believe the whole concept of "multi-verse" are themes used for this Comms messaging.
Disney Flipped in 2019 with the release of Disney+ (harkening back to Q+), and Bob Iger stepping down. What was the biggest media property that year? That also involved themes of baddies Flipping on each other and helping an MK victim? The Mandalorian.
Latest Matrix movie, who is the Big Bad? A psychiatrist. A profession most closely associated with Clowns due to the MKUltra system.
So, Clowns in Media are nothing if not public relations savvy. Allow them that much credit. They control the airwaves, they know how to propagandize and influence normies writ large.
The most notable thing to come out of the Disney gay/trans narrative earlier this year was how in-your-face it was, and the backlash. Yes, the backlash AGAINST Disney was itself publicized. In MSM articles. Were Clowns in control of the narrative, they would have contained it better. Damage control 101, right? Instead, Disney normies found themselves for the first time agreeing with Gov DeSantis.
It's hard to imagine a Flipped "leftist" org shooting itself in the foot as means to wake normies up. But the concept, of purposefully creating a failure, isn't new in Comms. Avatar the Last Airbender, a purposefully bad film. One Piece, a purposefully bad English dub. Sonic's horrific CGI trailer in 2019, purposefully bad. All for Comms purposes.
To think that the leadership of a sinking ship wouldn't relent and obey Patriot commands to escape jail time is to ascribe too much loyalty to Clowns. Clowns have only ever been kept in line by threats of other Clowns (blackmail). Cut the strings, as the Patriots have, and you have more Flips than we could hope to keep track of.
Yes, it is controlled by white hats. Or how do you explain westworld season 4 (new world order emmisary) or new boys season. Redpilling everywhere. There is too much going on behind the scene..
Are you saying that Disney has been under Patriot control since 2019, and they are doing a controlled demolition from the INSIDE? This is very interesting, indeed.
Bit late responding but I have noticed this about the new shows. The actual message usually appears good or something like what you explained, but then again Disney still seems up to their usual pedophile degeneracy such as in Florida a few months back when they got bitch slapped by DeSantis. They pretty much invented (or at least popularized) the Ok Groomer meme with that stunt.
I pretty much stopped watching Marvel once the whole "MCU" thing took off. If I can't watch a movie and understand the plot without watching 10 other movies before it, then I'm typically not interested. To each their own I suppose but I just don't have that kind of time to dedicate to fiction.
Yeah. My first experience/awareness of this strategy was when I was looking into 'fast and furious' under Eric Holder. I was stupid initially and was naively annoyed at how the movie got in the way of my searches, not making the connection that the naming of the operation wasn't a coincidence.
I'm honestly surprised at how many watched and got others to watch shows from Marvel, such as WandaVision – literally a show trying to normalize witchcraft and the occult. We actually watched it based off of others, and I was shocked at the Christian friends talking about it. Very dangerous.
After about 19 or 20 I looked at EVERYTHING with discernment... Specifically the fine print they display in commercials, directly telling you how hard they're gonna bang you and for how long after you buy their designed obsolescent POS...Hit pause and read that crap. Start watching commercials with the sound off...if you thought they were ghey with sound, you're in for a treat on mute. It magnifies the absurdity. I try not to watch any commercials but sometimes unavoidable.
Don't think WandaVision was viewed positively by the vast majority of people, though. Even mainstream YouTube channels called into question Disney trying to make us feel bad for this lady imprisoning people against their will and for her imaginary children
To be vague, I will say that one aspect of my job is working with magazines. Magazines are a losing venture financially, so a company printing one is looking for influence, eyes to still take in a message at the checkouts. I have done this job for a long time. Since Covid, there have been 5 "specials" a year on Witches...they are misunderstood, the truth of their history etc etc. Someone out there is investing an awful lot in witches and what you think of them, and doesn't want you to think they are all that bad.
Yes, for sure. The problem is that there are TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS... and people gotta see em all because they'll miss the inside joke at work or whatever. The endless universe of specialized distractions (something for everyone specifically) is what is keeping people asleep. They're not in tune with reality and what's really going on AT ALL because they've got the everlasting gobstopper of distractions in the palm of their hand so why look at sour reality? Let someone else do that...I'm too busy trying to find a virtual Squirtle in a back alley...I think my kids around here somewhere? Did I bring him...oh look a piece of candy 🍬... it's like short attention span theatre. So yeah...escapism
I remember seeing an unsourced list (which upon clicking the shittily titled Daily Beast link is what is being shown) which was just black text on a white background anyone could have typed up in notepad or something that appeared to be potentially fake and trying to discredit the whole thing by just throwing in any name they could think of. I've also heard several reasonable objections to some of the names on the claimed list from people here back when it first dropped.
Sp is he on the actual flight logs? Daily Beast could be full of shit saying some of the names aren't on there and I wouldn't trust them to actually check or check very well but that doesn't change the fact that a random screenshot anyone could have made isn't evidence or the actual flight log.
Saying 'yes he is' isn't a picture of the flight log entry. Sorry, but my standard of proof, especially for such grievous accusations, is a bit higher than random unsourced text from a tweet and some guy typing things on an anonymous forum.
After reading a few Facebook posts about this, it’s sad how so many people are sheep to this.
Saying it’s a conspiracy and only referencing WWF back in the 90s.
It’s sad that humanity has fallen so low as to not question anything, but then again I shouldn’t be on Facebook with those mouth breathers.
Well it's Disney, they did the same thing with people looking into the conspiracy that Walt Disney cryogenically Froze himself, so they came up with the tiled movie "Frozen." Before when doing searches on Disney being frozen, searches brought you websites talking about the conspiracy, then it turned into all about the movie after.
George Herbert Walker Bush started talking about this in the late 1980s
Agenda 2030 is been out for quite a long time
What we’re seeing now in the Netherlands and other places like Sri Lanka are the evil globalist trying to implement their agenda and the people fighting back
Fortunately we now live in a world where even the poor and poor countries all have an iPhone and connected to the Internet and can learn the truth themselves without the media and the government telling them what the truth is
What we’re seeing here in America is the last death throes of the Cabal which stole the election in 2020
As they tried out King singer and shady and all these other losers what you’re gonna get trounced by 30 points we can see they have nothing absolutely nothing
I do also believe that the white hats are going to be in control of the elections from 2022 to onward
I don’t believe the Democrats are going to be able to cheat anymore based outside of places like California New York where they have complete utter control of the system
What is the most important statistic right now?
The Hispanic population is abandoning the Democratic Party I saw a number of 16% support
The redpilling is obvious. Thor: Love & Thunder major major obvs.... The Dr. Strange movie where the multiverse police introduce themselves as the Illuminati I fucking spit my drink
The term "New World Order" really pisses me off. As if they have decided for us what it should be, or that there should be one. The true term is "Liberal World Order". That is what should be repeated again and again and attached to all of the kooky crap they want to turn our civilization into.
that's to dilute the search results for "new world order"
Smartest comment I've read all day. 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Jurassic World DOMINION 🦖🦕
This was actually a great movie! Good guys beat the deepstate actors who were pushing GMO etc onto the world. Tons of keks dropped on the deepstate throughout, e.g. a combo lock has a combination of 1984.
"new world order" -captain
Kinda like they did "superwoman 1984"?
Good point
That's Wonderwoman 1984! And Superwoman is a girl! I studied comicology!
So you're a biologist as well hahaha
well if we get hardcore, the Matrix movie, to avoid finding results of the Matrix, the 2012 movie the ''end'' of the world, to avoid finding results of the control of the world of 2030.
I looked up WWF and all I got was muscle dudes saving pandas. And then wrestling them, presumably.
I got this
Keklarious! 🐸
This place keeps me sane
Me, too Amber! Just wish we could wake up the normies faster!
Yep. While the movie is likely about the good guys stopping the new world order their real goal is very apparent. More normies being able to say "this is just fiction guys" or "that's the plot of Captain America you moron!" while also blocking out any real information.
Would be inclined to believe you, IF the Comms contained within all major films weren't incredibly positive 2019+.
I've not watched a Marvel movie in years, but it is my understanding that Black Widow and Winter Soldier symbolize the MKUltra system getting dismantled by the Patriots. "Wandavision" symbolizes The Wanda Group.
Spiderman: No Way Home represents villains getting another chance (aka a chance to Flip). Which is a similar premise to Suicide Squad, a film which keeps getting re-made. I believe the whole concept of "multi-verse" are themes used for this Comms messaging.
Disney Flipped in 2019 with the release of Disney+ (harkening back to Q+), and Bob Iger stepping down. What was the biggest media property that year? That also involved themes of baddies Flipping on each other and helping an MK victim? The Mandalorian.
Latest Matrix movie, who is the Big Bad? A psychiatrist. A profession most closely associated with Clowns due to the MKUltra system.
Disney didn’t flip when they are pressing for gay and trans messaging for kids.
So, Clowns in Media are nothing if not public relations savvy. Allow them that much credit. They control the airwaves, they know how to propagandize and influence normies writ large.
The most notable thing to come out of the Disney gay/trans narrative earlier this year was how in-your-face it was, and the backlash. Yes, the backlash AGAINST Disney was itself publicized. In MSM articles. Were Clowns in control of the narrative, they would have contained it better. Damage control 101, right? Instead, Disney normies found themselves for the first time agreeing with Gov DeSantis.
It's hard to imagine a Flipped "leftist" org shooting itself in the foot as means to wake normies up. But the concept, of purposefully creating a failure, isn't new in Comms. Avatar the Last Airbender, a purposefully bad film. One Piece, a purposefully bad English dub. Sonic's horrific CGI trailer in 2019, purposefully bad. All for Comms purposes.
To think that the leadership of a sinking ship wouldn't relent and obey Patriot commands to escape jail time is to ascribe too much loyalty to Clowns. Clowns have only ever been kept in line by threats of other Clowns (blackmail). Cut the strings, as the Patriots have, and you have more Flips than we could hope to keep track of.
Yes, it is controlled by white hats. Or how do you explain westworld season 4 (new world order emmisary) or new boys season. Redpilling everywhere. There is too much going on behind the scene..
Are you saying that Disney has been under Patriot control since 2019, and they are doing a controlled demolition from the INSIDE? This is very interesting, indeed.
Yep, decode involving the Mandalorian:
It's at the very bottom of the article, but of course, the entire thing is worth reading. And re-reading.
Bit late responding but I have noticed this about the new shows. The actual message usually appears good or something like what you explained, but then again Disney still seems up to their usual pedophile degeneracy such as in Florida a few months back when they got bitch slapped by DeSantis. They pretty much invented (or at least popularized) the Ok Groomer meme with that stunt.
Don't know how to fit those two pieces together.
Does anyone watch these movies? They seem so fucking overdone I can’t even get interested enough to watch a trailer.
I pretty much stopped watching Marvel once the whole "MCU" thing took off. If I can't watch a movie and understand the plot without watching 10 other movies before it, then I'm typically not interested. To each their own I suppose but I just don't have that kind of time to dedicate to fiction.
Yeah my roommate does and they mostly fucking suck
Maybe, but for sure the "good guys" will be portrayed nearly as reprehensible. Kind of a pyrrhic victory.
Yeah. My first experience/awareness of this strategy was when I was looking into 'fast and furious' under Eric Holder. I was stupid initially and was naively annoyed at how the movie got in the way of my searches, not making the connection that the naming of the operation wasn't a coincidence.
F&f series was out way before that
Winner winner
Don't give anything more to Disney.
I'm honestly surprised at how many watched and got others to watch shows from Marvel, such as WandaVision – literally a show trying to normalize witchcraft and the occult. We actually watched it based off of others, and I was shocked at the Christian friends talking about it. Very dangerous.
I agree. Entertainment is one of the main places where the cabal tells us what they are up to.
After about 19 or 20 I looked at EVERYTHING with discernment... Specifically the fine print they display in commercials, directly telling you how hard they're gonna bang you and for how long after you buy their designed obsolescent POS...Hit pause and read that crap. Start watching commercials with the sound off...if you thought they were ghey with sound, you're in for a treat on mute. It magnifies the absurdity. I try not to watch any commercials but sometimes unavoidable.
WandaVision + Dick Van Dyke Comms
Don't think WandaVision was viewed positively by the vast majority of people, though. Even mainstream YouTube channels called into question Disney trying to make us feel bad for this lady imprisoning people against their will and for her imaginary children
To be vague, I will say that one aspect of my job is working with magazines. Magazines are a losing venture financially, so a company printing one is looking for influence, eyes to still take in a message at the checkouts. I have done this job for a long time. Since Covid, there have been 5 "specials" a year on Witches...they are misunderstood, the truth of their history etc etc. Someone out there is investing an awful lot in witches and what you think of them, and doesn't want you to think they are all that bad.
Classic monkey trap... people refuse to let go of the banana. They just GOTTA see whatever the latest swill is.
If you don't know what a monkey trap is, look it up.
Most are hooked on escapism from reality. Be it distractionary lamestream entertainment, or socialist media, etc...
Yes, for sure. The problem is that there are TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS... and people gotta see em all because they'll miss the inside joke at work or whatever. The endless universe of specialized distractions (something for everyone specifically) is what is keeping people asleep. They're not in tune with reality and what's really going on AT ALL because they've got the everlasting gobstopper of distractions in the palm of their hand so why look at sour reality? Let someone else do that...I'm too busy trying to find a virtual Squirtle in a back alley...I think my kids around here somewhere? Did I bring him...oh look a piece of candy 🍬... it's like short attention span theatre. So yeah...escapism
Symbolism is their downfall.
Liberal World Order, LWO. Mirror, OWL.
I always knew Overwatch League was bad.
I wonder if this is why they had to kill off iron man, because RDJ is implicated in child sex crimes
He’s on the list.
Daily BEAST. Seriously? Fuckers are hiding in plain sight.
I remember seeing an unsourced list (which upon clicking the shittily titled Daily Beast link is what is being shown) which was just black text on a white background anyone could have typed up in notepad or something that appeared to be potentially fake and trying to discredit the whole thing by just throwing in any name they could think of. I've also heard several reasonable objections to some of the names on the claimed list from people here back when it first dropped.
Sp is he on the actual flight logs? Daily Beast could be full of shit saying some of the names aren't on there and I wouldn't trust them to actually check or check very well but that doesn't change the fact that a random screenshot anyone could have made isn't evidence or the actual flight log.
Yes he is
Saying 'yes he is' isn't a picture of the flight log entry. Sorry, but my standard of proof, especially for such grievous accusations, is a bit higher than random unsourced text from a tweet and some guy typing things on an anonymous forum.
Okay. The list i am referring to was posted by john mcafee 4 years ago. I understand the concern for daily beast baiting though.
"It's just fiction guysh don't worry you're just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorist nutjob qanon terrorists!!!!!" -Normies
After reading a few Facebook posts about this, it’s sad how so many people are sheep to this. Saying it’s a conspiracy and only referencing WWF back in the 90s.
It’s sad that humanity has fallen so low as to not question anything, but then again I shouldn’t be on Facebook with those mouth breathers.
Well it's Disney, they did the same thing with people looking into the conspiracy that Walt Disney cryogenically Froze himself, so they came up with the tiled movie "Frozen." Before when doing searches on Disney being frozen, searches brought you websites talking about the conspiracy, then it turned into all about the movie after.
Jurassic kingdom dominion.
Jurassic Park 33: Global Warming
The phrase is written on the US dollar... But that may have been a different new world order.
? where
Well what the fuck now…
Chris Evans's wet dream of a title
Wait until you learn about Bash at the Beach 1996.
Wait til CapStain America Pacific RimJob comes out. Fun for the whole family 😉
You're gonna love this:
wcw? speak up
Bobby Heenan knew. He'd be a valuable asset if he was still with us today.
Troll Level: 100
This is absolutely nothing new
George Herbert Walker Bush started talking about this in the late 1980s
Agenda 2030 is been out for quite a long time
What we’re seeing now in the Netherlands and other places like Sri Lanka are the evil globalist trying to implement their agenda and the people fighting back
Fortunately we now live in a world where even the poor and poor countries all have an iPhone and connected to the Internet and can learn the truth themselves without the media and the government telling them what the truth is
What we’re seeing here in America is the last death throes of the Cabal which stole the election in 2020
As they tried out King singer and shady and all these other losers what you’re gonna get trounced by 30 points we can see they have nothing absolutely nothing
I do also believe that the white hats are going to be in control of the elections from 2022 to onward
I don’t believe the Democrats are going to be able to cheat anymore based outside of places like California New York where they have complete utter control of the system
What is the most important statistic right now?
The Hispanic population is abandoning the Democratic Party I saw a number of 16% support
that is the death now of the Democrats
The bill is coming due for the Satanists
The redpilling is obvious. Thor: Love & Thunder major major obvs.... The Dr. Strange movie where the multiverse police introduce themselves as the Illuminati I fucking spit my drink
The term "New World Order" really pisses me off. As if they have decided for us what it should be, or that there should be one. The true term is "Liberal World Order". That is what should be repeated again and again and attached to all of the kooky crap they want to turn our civilization into.
Will you keep buying the brands now that we have this new truth in advertising?
They are being forced to expose themselves.