There are ways of correcting this behavior amicably.
The problem with most "educated" people nowadays is that they are rote-learners and rote-thinkers. That is, they memorize a collection of factoids and simple "If A then B" syllogistic rules, instead of being able to derive and reason about concepts. The tragic fact is that for the most part, they are completely unaware of the fact that they don't actually understand a subject.
It's like only knowing that if you push down the gas pedal, it will make the car go faster. And from that singular knowledge deluding yourself that you understand how engines work. A better and more encompassing analogy is Searl's Chinese Room, which involves a man getting messages in Chinese, following a complex set of rules depending on the characters received so that he himself can respond with an appropriate set of characters. All the while, the man doesn't actually understand a single word of Chinese and has no idea what the original message or his response to it actually mean.
So how can you remediate your daughter's behavior? Use the Socratic method. Have a genuine interest in her position and explore it with her, while asking her to explain or justify that position from an epistemological standpoint. That is, try to find out how is it that she knows what she knows. If she is stumped, can't answer, or gets angry (a common reaction when someone is put in that position), don't pressure her. Just let it go and be nice about it.
It should suffice that she gets confronted with the fact that she doesn't truly understand what she's talking about on a semi-regular basis. With time, the difference between rote-thinking (doxa) and actual understanding (episteme) should start to dawn on her.
Its the problem with doctors too. They get your labs and just do what ever internet medical protocol that pops up.
No critical thinking, just a trained monkies job.
I have 160 some odd college credits starting g at 33 yo. No degree I only took stuff I wanted to learn. The degree required I take all their politically correct courses that drained your money and hurt your education more than helped it.
I loath academia, those who can do and those who can't pretend to teach.
This is also a method of introspection we should use ourselves, to keep ourselves honest and ensure our research is following truth and not just what we want to believe.
Most of us who make it here are genuinely objective, else we’d still be mindlessly repeating the narratives of the media and big tech.
But it’s also easy to let the comfort of being with like-minded people goad us into skipping key details in our own minds that might challenge the theories we find easiest to absorb.
Some of the greatest advice remains “if you want to learn something better, try teaching it to someone”, because it will force you to confront gaps in your knowledge.
I have a good, longtime friend who has a PhD and is a pilot with many ratings. He owns a twin engine plane he's flown over the North Pole. One day I asked him if his plane's engines were turbines or piston engines. He was confused and it was because he didn't know the difference between the two types of engines. He didn't know what type of engines he was flying.
He's very intelligent. He was a tenured professor at a major university. He's also vaxed all the way up.
Why does everyone, including those who cannot afford them, have smart phones?
Does it make people smart, or ignorant, dependent and compliant?
Why do only a few companies control all cell phone networks? What is white space?
Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook won’t tell you the real story of Racine, Wisconsin.
They won’t tell you the real purpose of the 8th Wonder of the World, what Brad Smith learned in Racine, why Bezos divorced, why Zuckerberg bribed officials, and why The Prairie School is next to Google in Chicago.
College Graduates are more likely to never read a book again, and on average read fewer books per year than Highschool Graduates. It doesn't take many years for the highschool graduate to be more intellectually advanced than the college graduate.
Add into that the old saying: a Jack of all trades is a master of none, but always better than the master of one.
One of hundreds of examples over the past 20 years:
Buddy: "Hey man you can't run a naked HVAC duct through an attic."
HVAC guy: "I know what I'm doing I went to college for this."
Also, by the time I was of age to have graduated college 22, I had been halfway around the world twice on a nuclear aircraft carrier, visited 10 countries, participated in some history off rhe coast of Lebanon, completed all my initial military training and scored about 30 college credits while my ship was at sea, free not to mention the experience of doing a job 12 hours a day 7 days a week. That all was about 2.5 years because I was 20 when I went in.
It's simple hubris. I have 2 of four who chose university. 1 nurse lost job for being unvaxxed, one aerospace engineer no vax plus she refused the vax for the army reserve so far they've retained her. Her gov contract job also retained her. The difference I think is, when they were kids I was at rhe dinner table most every night. Often At the breakfast table too whe. I worked years of night shift as a cop. 6pm ton6 am. Any questions about life, we pulled out the Bible. Dinner table same thing. They learned where they could find trustworthy info. Mainly only the Bible. The rest of rhe sources are a crap shoot. Zero of my kids, their spouses and children are vaxxed.
We are turning out millions and millions of college graduates, some with advanced degrees, whose career path is limited to human resources, social worker, psychologist/mind fucker, journalist/propagandist, social media coordinator or primary education/indoctrinator. Most of these people are idiots whose only real skill would be as a ditch digger. And theyd probably fail there.
Even a ditch digger has to have some skill and common sense. As a former water and sewer worker who has been in too many excavations to count, there are ways to dig that save energy and get the job done faster. There aren't many people with the smarts and physical traits to do that kind of work. I've watched many try and fail. Most college graduates these days lived off of Mommy and Daddy, or student loans, while getting their degrees and have never worked a real job.
That is why I like it here. Sometimes we all have different t ideas about what's up. I'll state mine here sometimes then see a comment and go, oh shit, nice perspective, better revise refine my understanding. A constant process with ino and most people here add something from where they sit and somehow we see the picture develope. It's a giant roundtable.
Wish I had done that but they didn't even have the get then. U drop out u were sol.. and honestly, my 8th grade frop out dad (father died) said graduate and it was non negotiable. Headed me do the best thing for that time.
Funny thing is, college is how I received my first red-pill.. of course it probably happened because I went to a much smaller accelerated college that allowed free thought and actually pushed for it.
Sad thing is, said college is no longer open in my area.
He’s talking about my cousins. Couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag but they’re “educated”. Meanwhile I have studied a wide variety of subjects and keep up with global politics etc. But what I say carries no weight.
It's them professors feeding poison to the young fertile minds. A classic example of this is "Professor" Khiara Bridges of the University of California's Berkeley School of Law "schooling" Senator Josh Howley on transgenderism. The arrogance and hubris in her exchange was overwhelming. Dad would have thrown his supper plate at someone who spoke like.
When I was growing up I wanted to be a surgeon. My parent's didn't have near enough money to even think about college so I graduated early and went into the USAF as soon as I could get in. 11 months delayed enlistment, and I was finally able to get in. Graduated basic training the day I turned 18. In the 10 years I served I took as many CLEP and DANTES tests as I could - they were free and I'd get the afternoon off :) . The Air Force stopped me when I tried to get them to let me take the nursing DANTES test. In all that time I took all of the CLEPs, and somewhere around 25 DANTES tests and passed them all. I even got 6 credit hours for French (5 years after I took 1 year of it in high school). I've been told by a dean of admissions at a DC area college that I would be either late 3rd year or somewhere in my 4th year of college if I took a few tests and wrote a few papers for life experience credit.
I had the old GI Bill as well, but I never used it when I got out - there wasn't really anything that could help advance my career at that point. By the time colleges caught up and offered degrees and/or certs in my field I had no desire to go since I had been working in my career for at least 15 years by then. I went from never making over $25k per year in the USAF, to 6 figures when I got out and have been at that level for about 25 years now. I have never taken a single in-person or online college class. If you are wondering, I have been a very early pen tester, UNIX and mainframe administrator, developer, worked with very early IDSs and IPSs, and now I work both nuclear and refining cyber security.
Anyone can do this if they have the desire to learn, and the aptitude. Parents - you don't have to send your kids to some prestigious university (unless it is required like for medical or legal). They can do very well by reading, or taking web training, or even tech classes at places like SANS. They could even go to a trade school or a community college if they do need some extra help before they start out on their own. None of my employers in the last 25 years cared that I didn't have a degree. In fact I'd wager that now many of them probably prefer that younger people do not have one thanks to the woke and entitlement atmosphere that tends to surround recent graduates.
Just my 2 cents (probably 5 cents now with inflation). Hopefully it helps someone.
What they obviously didn't learn was discernment, a spiritual quality that allows people to distinguish good from evil and other dichotomies. You don't need a degree to acquire discernment, you just need to be close to God. So, we are thrown back into the world of spirit, time and time again. Man's learning can only take you so far.
You also need God's wisdom and the virtues. This has be demonstrated in Christianity since the beginnings. Think of St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Ambrose and all the Desert Fathers. They superseded the learning of the day, whether it was Greek or Roman philosophy. They all had discernment.
Yet another thing we have been telling people for years. Colleege degree does not make you an expert. And it doesnt mean you are so smart you cant be fooled or lied to by those that were tesching you.
That totally describes my daughter's attitude to any info I give her, specially about the vax. Ugh.
There are ways of correcting this behavior amicably.
The problem with most "educated" people nowadays is that they are rote-learners and rote-thinkers. That is, they memorize a collection of factoids and simple "If
" syllogistic rules, instead of being able to derive and reason about concepts. The tragic fact is that for the most part, they are completely unaware of the fact that they don't actually understand a subject.It's like only knowing that if you push down the gas pedal, it will make the car go faster. And from that singular knowledge deluding yourself that you understand how engines work. A better and more encompassing analogy is Searl's Chinese Room, which involves a man getting messages in Chinese, following a complex set of rules depending on the characters received so that he himself can respond with an appropriate set of characters. All the while, the man doesn't actually understand a single word of Chinese and has no idea what the original message or his response to it actually mean.
So how can you remediate your daughter's behavior? Use the Socratic method. Have a genuine interest in her position and explore it with her, while asking her to explain or justify that position from an epistemological standpoint. That is, try to find out how is it that she knows what she knows. If she is stumped, can't answer, or gets angry (a common reaction when someone is put in that position), don't pressure her. Just let it go and be nice about it.
It should suffice that she gets confronted with the fact that she doesn't truly understand what she's talking about on a semi-regular basis. With time, the difference between rote-thinking (doxa) and actual understanding (episteme) should start to dawn on her.
Its the problem with doctors too. They get your labs and just do what ever internet medical protocol that pops up.
No critical thinking, just a trained monkies job.
I have 160 some odd college credits starting g at 33 yo. No degree I only took stuff I wanted to learn. The degree required I take all their politically correct courses that drained your money and hurt your education more than helped it.
I loath academia, those who can do and those who can't pretend to teach.
......this is how I know I am in the right place.
Thanks - I live in hope.
Well said!
This is also a method of introspection we should use ourselves, to keep ourselves honest and ensure our research is following truth and not just what we want to believe.
Most of us who make it here are genuinely objective, else we’d still be mindlessly repeating the narratives of the media and big tech.
But it’s also easy to let the comfort of being with like-minded people goad us into skipping key details in our own minds that might challenge the theories we find easiest to absorb.
Some of the greatest advice remains “if you want to learn something better, try teaching it to someone”, because it will force you to confront gaps in your knowledge.
Super post, LXA.
I have a good, longtime friend who has a PhD and is a pilot with many ratings. He owns a twin engine plane he's flown over the North Pole. One day I asked him if his plane's engines were turbines or piston engines. He was confused and it was because he didn't know the difference between the two types of engines. He didn't know what type of engines he was flying.
He's very intelligent. He was a tenured professor at a major university. He's also vaxed all the way up.
To anyone who doubts that the vaccine industry ;now over 150 years old ; is completely evil and demented , you have to read this
Romans 1:22, "Professing to be wise, they became fools,"
Why does everyone, including those who cannot afford them, have smart phones?
Does it make people smart, or ignorant, dependent and compliant?
Why do only a few companies control all cell phone networks? What is white space?
Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook won’t tell you the real story of Racine, Wisconsin.
They won’t tell you the real purpose of the 8th Wonder of the World, what Brad Smith learned in Racine, why Bezos divorced, why Zuckerberg bribed officials, and why The Prairie School is next to Google in Chicago.
All in how the phone is used. Not considering the fact ots a platform tontrack everything about you. Every keystroke
Amen! Sending you more ‘spiritual’ updoots!
Thanks for this.
Zuby probably has the most upvotes per post average in GAW history....if that makes any sense.
Nah that can't be true, CNN says we're all racist!
College Graduates are more likely to never read a book again, and on average read fewer books per year than Highschool Graduates. It doesn't take many years for the highschool graduate to be more intellectually advanced than the college graduate.
Add into that the old saying: a Jack of all trades is a master of none, but always better than the master of one.
One of hundreds of examples over the past 20 years:
Buddy: "Hey man you can't run a naked HVAC duct through an attic."
HVAC guy: "I know what I'm doing I went to college for this."
Me: "Hot plus cold makes water."
HVAC guy: blank stare
Buddy: "Oookay. Uh, where's [General Contractor]?"
Fast forward to HVAC guy arguing with the GC and getting kicked off of site for being a fucking retard.
Also, by the time I was of age to have graduated college 22, I had been halfway around the world twice on a nuclear aircraft carrier, visited 10 countries, participated in some history off rhe coast of Lebanon, completed all my initial military training and scored about 30 college credits while my ship was at sea, free not to mention the experience of doing a job 12 hours a day 7 days a week. That all was about 2.5 years because I was 20 when I went in.
And I got paid
Absolutely the truth. Knowledge driven by pride seems to negate wisdom.
It's simple hubris. I have 2 of four who chose university. 1 nurse lost job for being unvaxxed, one aerospace engineer no vax plus she refused the vax for the army reserve so far they've retained her. Her gov contract job also retained her. The difference I think is, when they were kids I was at rhe dinner table most every night. Often At the breakfast table too whe. I worked years of night shift as a cop. 6pm ton6 am. Any questions about life, we pulled out the Bible. Dinner table same thing. They learned where they could find trustworthy info. Mainly only the Bible. The rest of rhe sources are a crap shoot. Zero of my kids, their spouses and children are vaxxed.
Educate an idiot and all you get is an educated idiot.
We are turning out millions and millions of college graduates, some with advanced degrees, whose career path is limited to human resources, social worker, psychologist/mind fucker, journalist/propagandist, social media coordinator or primary education/indoctrinator. Most of these people are idiots whose only real skill would be as a ditch digger. And theyd probably fail there.
Even a ditch digger has to have some skill and common sense. As a former water and sewer worker who has been in too many excavations to count, there are ways to dig that save energy and get the job done faster. There aren't many people with the smarts and physical traits to do that kind of work. I've watched many try and fail. Most college graduates these days lived off of Mommy and Daddy, or student loans, while getting their degrees and have never worked a real job.
Will state e the biggest truth I've learned. If you are unwilling to be wrong you can never be right. It's cognitive cowardice.
That is why I like it here. Sometimes we all have different t ideas about what's up. I'll state mine here sometimes then see a comment and go, oh shit, nice perspective, better revise refine my understanding. A constant process with ino and most people here add something from where they sit and somehow we see the picture develope. It's a giant roundtable.
I dropped out in high school and got my GED and that was it for me for education with the exception of a couple online courses decades later.
I used to regret not having the whole college experience, plus a higher education, but these past couple years or so I thank God I didn't.
Wish I had done that but they didn't even have the get then. U drop out u were sol.. and honestly, my 8th grade frop out dad (father died) said graduate and it was non negotiable. Headed me do the best thing for that time.
I testify to that.
This was definitely me pre COVID. I was lucky enough to have parents that didn't give up on me. If not for them I'd probably be jabbed and dead.
Damn! This guy is brilliant. I always enjoy reading a new Zuby post. So much wisdom packed into as few words as possible.
Funny thing is, college is how I received my first red-pill.. of course it probably happened because I went to a much smaller accelerated college that allowed free thought and actually pushed for it.
Sad thing is, said college is no longer open in my area.
Nailed it
So accurate
He’s talking about my cousins. Couldn’t find their way out of a wet paper bag but they’re “educated”. Meanwhile I have studied a wide variety of subjects and keep up with global politics etc. But what I say carries no weight.
Exactly, education filtered through dysfunctional thinking.
Remember that in the masonic "The Wizard of Oz," the Scarecrow (or Strawman) is given a diploma instead of brains.
They're known as educated idiots.
It's them professors feeding poison to the young fertile minds. A classic example of this is "Professor" Khiara Bridges of the University of California's Berkeley School of Law "schooling" Senator Josh Howley on transgenderism. The arrogance and hubris in her exchange was overwhelming. Dad would have thrown his supper plate at someone who spoke like.
Apply this to average "clearance" holding government cucks... It's the biggest accolade they'll ever achieve
Absolutely true.
When I was growing up I wanted to be a surgeon. My parent's didn't have near enough money to even think about college so I graduated early and went into the USAF as soon as I could get in. 11 months delayed enlistment, and I was finally able to get in. Graduated basic training the day I turned 18. In the 10 years I served I took as many CLEP and DANTES tests as I could - they were free and I'd get the afternoon off :) . The Air Force stopped me when I tried to get them to let me take the nursing DANTES test. In all that time I took all of the CLEPs, and somewhere around 25 DANTES tests and passed them all. I even got 6 credit hours for French (5 years after I took 1 year of it in high school). I've been told by a dean of admissions at a DC area college that I would be either late 3rd year or somewhere in my 4th year of college if I took a few tests and wrote a few papers for life experience credit.
I had the old GI Bill as well, but I never used it when I got out - there wasn't really anything that could help advance my career at that point. By the time colleges caught up and offered degrees and/or certs in my field I had no desire to go since I had been working in my career for at least 15 years by then. I went from never making over $25k per year in the USAF, to 6 figures when I got out and have been at that level for about 25 years now. I have never taken a single in-person or online college class. If you are wondering, I have been a very early pen tester, UNIX and mainframe administrator, developer, worked with very early IDSs and IPSs, and now I work both nuclear and refining cyber security.
Anyone can do this if they have the desire to learn, and the aptitude. Parents - you don't have to send your kids to some prestigious university (unless it is required like for medical or legal). They can do very well by reading, or taking web training, or even tech classes at places like SANS. They could even go to a trade school or a community college if they do need some extra help before they start out on their own. None of my employers in the last 25 years cared that I didn't have a degree. In fact I'd wager that now many of them probably prefer that younger people do not have one thanks to the woke and entitlement atmosphere that tends to surround recent graduates.
Just my 2 cents (probably 5 cents now with inflation). Hopefully it helps someone.
What they obviously didn't learn was discernment, a spiritual quality that allows people to distinguish good from evil and other dichotomies. You don't need a degree to acquire discernment, you just need to be close to God. So, we are thrown back into the world of spirit, time and time again. Man's learning can only take you so far.
You also need God's wisdom and the virtues. This has be demonstrated in Christianity since the beginnings. Think of St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Ambrose and all the Desert Fathers. They superseded the learning of the day, whether it was Greek or Roman philosophy. They all had discernment.
I highly recommend Bourgeois Overproduction and the Problem of the Fake Elite by James Lindsay
Yet another thing we have been telling people for years. Colleege degree does not make you an expert. And it doesnt mean you are so smart you cant be fooled or lied to by those that were tesching you.
Having worked at a major university, I can attest to this first hand. Spot on Zuby!
All kinds of doctors and lawyers that can't even tie a tie, though.
I was told to read a history book… by my engineer half my age.
some of the biggest idiots I know have phd's