It’s a win win. When they know we’re praying for them to get mentally ok some will cry even harder producing better memes. Eat pray meme. Circle of life.
I saw a F&W encyclopedia during a medical call today...maybe it was one of these guys that was complaining. Kinda looked like one of them. Complaint was of one who hasn’t done much...
The biggest complain the libs on my social media grumble about is "Why is no one taking this pandemic seriously? It's still deadly, people!"
But if it was deadly enough to cause mass fatalities then people would take it seriously. Anyone can see it's not deadly. Everyone who got covid made a full recovery despite trying to act like they had the plague.
These fucking retards are so lost. I honestly do not feel sorry for most of them anymore. They have let the common fucking cold ruin their lives, and they cannot take a step back for a moment to realize it. I understand they are brainwashed, but when does common sense finally take the wheel.
Same. Hopefully we’ll have the last laugh and come out stronger for it, once this is all over.
I’m trying to prepare myself to be loving and compassionate towards them when their realities are fully shattered — which I hope is soon.
But honestly, unless people like these admit they were foolish and wrong, apologize for wanting us locked away in camps, unemployed, uninsured, starving and left for dead — and display a genuine shift in attitude/behavior — then I’m not confident I’ll be able to show them anything other than utter and complete disgust
We've all lost at least a year of our lives because of these fuckers and still aren't fully back to normal in many ways thanks to their ongoing bullshit. No sympathy, no mercy.
Reddit is full of guys like this.....they get molested as children, fall in love with their rapist...and then their abuser loses interest in them when they hit 14 or 15 years of age....Next thing you know, they're on Reddit 24/7 and fan-boying for Fauci. Truly pathetic.
Seems like some of my relatives may have posted those questions. My question is, are non jabbed people getting covid anymore? I have 6 relatives that have covid again but they all are dbl jabbed and boosted. 2 have actually started to question the vaccine but the others are anxiously waiting for another booster to come out so they can get it.
Sad, so sad.
The wife and I are pure blood. Got the rona several months ago. Took Ivermectin for 5 days, felt like a had a cold for two of the 5 days, and we’ve been perfectly healthy ever since. Oh, and by the way, I have asthma.
Unjabbed and apparently it is going around where I live (SF BayArea). Started feeling sick a week ago. Coughing up the last remnants. Did Zelenko supplement protocol. Friday and Saturday were probably the worst days. Have been tired but better now. Might have it, not sure. If I did, oh well.
I think I had it twice, and I am unjabbed and immunocompromised already because of my autoimmune medication. But since I have been taking the supplements people on here have recommended (zinc, quercetin, NAC, etc.) I haven't been sick again. They are spraying chemicals over my town every few weeks and that gives me a wet cough but the cough doesn't last as long as it did before I took the supplements.
Given that John Carpenter says that he adapted the film as a "take that" against Reagan I'm not surprised, leftards always think they're the ones who see through the Matrix when they're the blue pillers.
After reading the CDC guidelines, I see a perfect excuse for people to use for getting out of going to work. The "isolation" recommendations are insane.
I would just like to know how they are so fluent with typing after being born in Mid-2020.
I mean, let's answer them with: "So, how the fuck are you still alive if being at the office would kill you? Especially since you lived through it before?"
If they say: "But COVID!" The answer to that is: "Well. I guess you'll die. I'll bring my home made bean dip to your funeral AND I'll splurge and buy SCOOPS in your honor. We'll miss you."
I wonder if they realize they ARE free to continue with any covid measures they want to practice. Leftists always think that just because they DON'T HAVE to do it doesn't mean they are not ALLOWED to do it.
No they're mad that everyone else can just ignore it, which 1) in their mind they think makes it impossible to "eradicate" the disease (as if that really happens) and 2) they're worried that if enough people stop taking it "seriously" that their employers will also stop accepting their excuses to not come to work.
The really painful part was when they were told that the new rules "they" were given to attempt to manage other people's lives for them were no longer in place and the admission of utter failure it using covid to create 2 seperate classes of people....the virtous vaxxed, and the mean,ugly and dirty un-jabbers. In the last year or so covid was most useful by the people who put it in place as a reason to be able to dodge the public or avoid a meeting. It allowed 'Biden' to give a non-blinking video from the comfort of his own home. I don't know if he ever cleared his covid, and this new ahem guidance comes right in the middle of Stacey Abrhams bout. So now the cdc just told her to not worry about it now?
I think the truth is that they knew the a full on arrest attempt had to be made on Trump at some point, when it got to that level it would be worthless to even try to continue with the covid lie and a waste of energy. They either "get" Trump here (they will not) or they lose everything trying.
They must not have much of a life b/c they couldn't continue to live that way if they did. Spouses, kids, jobs and other responsibilities would get in the way of their pathological and irrational fear.
This happened before, back in 2021 the CDC relaxed guidance and within days there was articles like "It's come to this, now we have to ignore the CDC."
It gave them an excuse to be lazy and virtue signal at the same time. Once you realize that it all makes sense.
After covid they literally will go back to having no perceived meaning in their lives.
It’s easy to mock them but I think we should pray for them.
Nah fuck 'em, meme them until they cry then make memes of them crying.
Can’t we pray for them AND make memes of them crying?
You can pray for them, I'll fart in their general direction.
I will gladly join you in praying for them. This is the way. Keep spreading this message fren. God bless u. Much love
It’s a win win. When they know we’re praying for them to get mentally ok some will cry even harder producing better memes. Eat pray meme. Circle of life.
Show them sympathy. It's in their Funk'n Wagnall somewhere between shit and syphilis.
I saw a F&W encyclopedia during a medical call today...maybe it was one of these guys that was complaining. Kinda looked like one of them. Complaint was of one who hasn’t done much...
I wonder how many boosters they have had.
Probably several from every pharma company that makes one. Can't be too protected.
im learning unreal engine 5!
The biggest complain the libs on my social media grumble about is "Why is no one taking this pandemic seriously? It's still deadly, people!"
But if it was deadly enough to cause mass fatalities then people would take it seriously. Anyone can see it's not deadly. Everyone who got covid made a full recovery despite trying to act like they had the plague.
"same question here..."
"severely immunocompromised..."
"AND my drs said..."
"I would likely not survive covid."
"Guess we're disposable."
These fucking retards are so lost. I honestly do not feel sorry for most of them anymore. They have let the common fucking cold ruin their lives, and they cannot take a step back for a moment to realize it. I understand they are brainwashed, but when does common sense finally take the wheel.
They don't have any common sense, and were never taught any critical thinking skills by anyone.
Common sense arrives 115 grains at a time and can be dispensed as often as necessary.
Apply liberally to the brain stem
god "They have let the common fucking cold ruin their lives..." holy shit couldn't have said it any fucking better bro
Same. Hopefully we’ll have the last laugh and come out stronger for it, once this is all over.
I’m trying to prepare myself to be loving and compassionate towards them when their realities are fully shattered — which I hope is soon.
But honestly, unless people like these admit they were foolish and wrong, apologize for wanting us locked away in camps, unemployed, uninsured, starving and left for dead — and display a genuine shift in attitude/behavior — then I’m not confident I’ll be able to show them anything other than utter and complete disgust
We've all lost at least a year of our lives because of these fuckers and still aren't fully back to normal in many ways thanks to their ongoing bullshit. No sympathy, no mercy.
Yup I tried to be forgiving but I can’t feel sorry for people that don’t help themselves or have common sense.
I have no idea how this country can be reunited. Too many psychological scars.
Common cold… I guess ivermectin was a scam then?
It was overhyped biological weapon released.
Reddit is full of guys like this.....they get molested as children, fall in love with their rapist...and then their abuser loses interest in them when they hit 14 or 15 years of age....Next thing you know, they're on Reddit 24/7 and fan-boying for Fauci. Truly pathetic.
Um, quite a comment you had there. Kek
Hell of a take but I wouldn't be surprised.
I guess we’re disposable?… So they’re just now figuring it out?
They're mad because they're finally realizing that they're more disposable than us "MAGAts".
Yeah, apparently we are all disposable and they'd prefer we just die already, the sooner the better for those freaks/demons.
Thought their gene therapies protect them. What happened?
That Li chick used Cheetolini and now 47952 uses “cheddar cheese guy”?
These clowns can never produce a single good and solid dig against Trump. They can’t meme.
What are the new cdc guidelines they are mad about?
Seems like some of my relatives may have posted those questions. My question is, are non jabbed people getting covid anymore? I have 6 relatives that have covid again but they all are dbl jabbed and boosted. 2 have actually started to question the vaccine but the others are anxiously waiting for another booster to come out so they can get it. Sad, so sad.
The wife and I are pure blood. Got the rona several months ago. Took Ivermectin for 5 days, felt like a had a cold for two of the 5 days, and we’ve been perfectly healthy ever since. Oh, and by the way, I have asthma.
You're lying youre actually dead arent you? /S
Unjabbed and apparently it is going around where I live (SF BayArea). Started feeling sick a week ago. Coughing up the last remnants. Did Zelenko supplement protocol. Friday and Saturday were probably the worst days. Have been tired but better now. Might have it, not sure. If I did, oh well.
It is awfully curious that it is still active, yet the CDC now is no longer interested.
I think I had it twice, and I am unjabbed and immunocompromised already because of my autoimmune medication. But since I have been taking the supplements people on here have recommended (zinc, quercetin, NAC, etc.) I haven't been sick again. They are spraying chemicals over my town every few weeks and that gives me a wet cough but the cough doesn't last as long as it did before I took the supplements.
Bunch of AIDS riddled Trannies worried because they are severely immunocompromised. I guess Monkey Pox was the last straw to their immune systems.
Had to leave the groups for the area and state I live in even though the state is conservative. They never want Covid to end.
Cute, that one of them references "They Live" implying that they are the ones wearing the glasses.
Right? That one actually made me laugh.
Given that John Carpenter says that he adapted the film as a "take that" against Reagan I'm not surprised, leftards always think they're the ones who see through the Matrix when they're the blue pillers.
No, it's the N95 masks that give you true clarity.
If only you'd gotten into an alley fight with a Redditor who slapped one of those masks on your face, you'd know better, Frank.
Oh these morons talking about drinking bleach like Trump actually suggested it, it was their butt-buddy media running with some bullshit.
We can afford to lose a few of these mouth breathing neck beards
Answer to every post should be "fuck you"
Stop questioning and doubting CDC you predditors, that's going to get you branded a conspiracy theorist. Cope with your cognitive disonance.
New covid guidelines:
After reading the CDC guidelines, I see a perfect excuse for people to use for getting out of going to work. The "isolation" recommendations are insane.
Must suck to live in fear.
They're mentally ill.
They are just as scared of the flu.
Muh cytokine storms!
I would just like to know how they are so fluent with typing after being born in Mid-2020.
I mean, let's answer them with: "So, how the fuck are you still alive if being at the office would kill you? Especially since you lived through it before?"
If they say: "But COVID!" The answer to that is: "Well. I guess you'll die. I'll bring my home made bean dip to your funeral AND I'll splurge and buy SCOOPS in your honor. We'll miss you."
I wonder if they realize they ARE free to continue with any covid measures they want to practice. Leftists always think that just because they DON'T HAVE to do it doesn't mean they are not ALLOWED to do it.
No they're mad that everyone else can just ignore it, which 1) in their mind they think makes it impossible to "eradicate" the disease (as if that really happens) and 2) they're worried that if enough people stop taking it "seriously" that their employers will also stop accepting their excuses to not come to work.
Yea, if there is Trump plus a red wave, they won't even be able to use high gas prices as an excuse either.
Maybe that's part of waking up. "This doesn't seem right to me, what should I do?"
The really painful part was when they were told that the new rules "they" were given to attempt to manage other people's lives for them were no longer in place and the admission of utter failure it using covid to create 2 seperate classes of people....the virtous vaxxed, and the mean,ugly and dirty un-jabbers. In the last year or so covid was most useful by the people who put it in place as a reason to be able to dodge the public or avoid a meeting. It allowed 'Biden' to give a non-blinking video from the comfort of his own home. I don't know if he ever cleared his covid, and this new ahem guidance comes right in the middle of Stacey Abrhams bout. So now the cdc just told her to not worry about it now?
I think the truth is that they knew the a full on arrest attempt had to be made on Trump at some point, when it got to that level it would be worthless to even try to continue with the covid lie and a waste of energy. They either "get" Trump here (they will not) or they lose everything trying.
Don’t these retards live on Vr chat.
These people still acting like getting sick sometimes is not normal way of life. Incredibly sheltered individuals.
They really should go get another booster or two. It'll make them feel better.
They must not have much of a life b/c they couldn't continue to live that way if they did. Spouses, kids, jobs and other responsibilities would get in the way of their pathological and irrational fear.
Some of them somehow have spouses who are just as psychotic as them and those poor children...
Reddit deserves the rope.
Except for /r/rule34.
Lol. That's rad.
It's as if they don't know COVID has a 99.97 survival rate, don't they see any real news???
You got what you deserve
This happened before, back in 2021 the CDC relaxed guidance and within days there was articles like "It's come to this, now we have to ignore the CDC."