John Podesta in the news...
(If you haven’t caught on yet, we are having the Biden admin send the clown car to parade all of these jokers. A prep walk for the World to See)...😁😁

If anyone deserves real Justice it is this sick piece of crap. I will never forget that little boy
And don’t forget his sick piece of shit brother.
His taste in art alone, tells me he’s a Satan worshiping pedo.
I guess we are just not advanced enough to appreciate fine art of children in distress.
...or Madeleine McCann
Yeah. Can still hear him.
That had to be a leak by the WHs, that shit woke up a ton of people
Whole bunch of normies 'bout to learn about Skippy...
I mean, at this point it is blatantly obvious that these people are building their own gallows.
Haven't forgot about you at all, Skippy.
We will never forget the children Skippy. Your time is very limited....
From Tony Podesta, who has an underground chamber underneath his house to his brother John Podesta:
To: john.podesta@gmail.com, podesta.mary@gmail.com
Date: 2014-01-31 19:17
Subject: Last night was fun
Still in torture chamber
Another question. Do you two wanna have feb 14 valentines day dinner
Article about Tony Podesta:
Archive: https://archive.ph/doj4E
More about Tony Podesta's taste in 'art'
If you click on the 'viewing' box at the bottom of the page you will recognize the artwork of Biljana Djurdjevic
The Podestas got their big break into art and politics after meetings in Racine, Wisconsin.
I will NEVER forget the first time I saw these years ago...still feel sick to my stomach!
EVERYONE worldwide must be forced to look at these,..ultimate red pill.
Thanks for the info and links...
John Podesta is likely the father of the lead singer from Linkin Park, Chester Bennington. Chester supposedly died by suicide, about 5 years ago. The resemblance is uncanny. Knowing this also puts Linken Parks songs into context.
Was chester silenced or sacrificed? I know the Vanderbilts sacrificed a kid. Must be a common price of admission for the devil worshippers.
My opinion was that he was going to “go public” and was silenced. Similar to music artist Avicci, and similar to Chef Anthony Bourdain.
Avicci song (very symbolic) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/juSZdGLCkqEb/
Anthony Bourdain —- MUST WATCH (Jay Myers Documentary 20min) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2V5hwKV5Xmm4/
Thanks for posting this. I lost track of Jay when he got kicked off YT. He does stellar work.
I was so devastated when YT banned him!! Lol!!! His documentaries are top notch!!
This is his official channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3DMfn9eEJZ0Y/
Pizzagate and frazzledrip on deck.
Just when “PedoHitler” is the leading trend and all the talk…
“Biden” announces King of the Pedo’s aka John Podesta to join the Admin...
You Are Watching A Movie...
I'm truly believing this more and more.
I was wondering how they were going to get him back on stage...
How can we help teach them? the MSM and Biden will not.
Voice print technology.
Oh this is juicy.
[Podesta] in the kill box !
I hope the real Podesta is gone and this is Chester in old age makeup.
Biden is a proxy for Obama faction
Podesta is a poster boy for the Clinton faction
Are we reaching a point where Biden will be removed from office ("I will catch a disease and leave...") to put the control ostensibly in the hands of Clinton faction before the curtain drops?
the party of pedophiles.
It is getting desperate to roll out this evil
Welcome back to the 'Show' Mr. Ski-I mean Podesta. We've kept your seat nice and warm, unlike your cell awaiting you in GITMO for however short your stay is left on this Earth.
This is Hilarious because they must all know Biden is working for Q now.
Imagine the shit Skippy has on Pedo Peter.
All the spending will be used for "pizza" and "hot dogs".
Indeed, it's like dragging this piece of shit back into the spotlight... Out of the memory-hole of non-reporting, back into the public memory.
Methinks good things are about to happen.
First line item in the new climate budget: $65k per month for hot dogs.
How many more corrupt people are going to join this fake administration?
it makes me seething angry he's not in jail or dead. What he did to that poor boy on camera is abominable.
I'd drop serious cash for a front row seat at his execution. This cocksucker is about the worst imaginable. Murder, cannibalsm, pedophilia, satanic worship.. I really want to know how high up he is on the ladder.
Guide spending = siphon off money for their cabal.
Looks like his hand has healed up...
I was hoping to see the shit post banner under this one, but I guess in this clown world we live in, why not parade him around and throw taxpayer money at this little satanic child molesting piece of shit. His collection of “artwork” still gives me nightmares.
Once Hilldawg is on the team, all the rats will be in the same place (Obama is in the WH basement already).
For anyone who is still blackpilled, there's no way this is not an act. It's going to keep getting worse and more obviois until the lefty retards find out what they were actually marching towards.
Honestly seeing this makes my blood boil. I hope it’s a perp walk but right now what I see is another pedophile being put into another position of power.