Zero accountability from the "baffled" "experts" "just trying to help" and "trusting the science".
Every single person who gave this injection without sitting down with their patients and giving them direct informed consent that was accurate to the trials is evil.
I'm really sorry to hear that, man. There are protocols created by America's Frontline Doctors to treat the vaccinated. Look for that and implement it. And maybe you received a placebo?
Thanks for the link. I'm surprised it doesn't say anything about NAC.
I have friends that fell for that crap on tv, even though I & another friend begged them not to get it. One got them because her husband wanted her to (who died less than a year after taking the shots, of cancer no one knew he had till the night before he passed). Another did it to keep her job because it was mandated, they work with the military, so mandatory for everyone. She couldn't find a job before the deadline, she's been sick at least 3 times since and it's been less than a year since getting the jab. Another friend (and I believe her husband also) got the shots, for the most part they seem pretty healthy.
I've told them that I have medicine if they get sick, but none of them tell me they are sick until they are almost over the flu. They all know about what to take because I've told them, they are just being stupid. They are kinda weirded out about the horse paste I guess, but also don't want to take the ivermectin pill form I got from an India pharmacy. They say but isn't that from India? I said yes, but you will take meds from china though, right? 🙄
It's amazing how irrational people are to protect their pride/egos. They'll do it all the way to their graves, unfortunately. Good on you though for being the light of reason to them.
Hope you dont mind sharing how did you notice the steal through all of the lies and manipulation? I remember my family running with the Russia helped Trump that the election (2016) was illegitimate but then for 2020 that Trumps a sore loser nothing fishy can happen.
Well, when Trump was leading in all of the swing states by a huge lead and then all those states stopped counting at 11pm and when they reopened Biden had the lead. That should have been a tip off for most folks.
Seems like 4-5% of the doses were active, the rest probably saline. And the more shots, the worse and faster the injuries. Plenty of people, the majority, won’t have vax injuries. They had to be extremely careful, couldn’t just go out with the first shot and kill or maim everyone. They assumed we would be taking the shots for years. Like Canada is forcing people to do. So they would have time to slowly depopulate and sterilize.
You probably lucky and got saline. Take aspirin a day, it reduces clotting by 50%. I take it and I didn’t even take the shots.
If you are both healthy in another year or two, you should be fine.
Especially since most of the early batches were for medical workers, they wanted them to turn into advocates and the majority of doctors and nurses dropping dead from the first doses would not have helped.
Tried to tell them. Got shunned for it. Still am even thou they are all experiencing side effects. I know this because they don't know how to use FB and unblocked some chats they didn't know I could read.
I'm done telling people. This is a free will planet and they have every right to kill themselves in delusion.
I'm so sorry. Please know that the anons that express hatred are wrong and bitter as we all are from this madness. I'll say a prayer for you two, and remember that what has been done to you can POSSIBLY be undone. There are steps we can take to mitigate the damage from these vaccines, and as the days go on, we will discover more and more methods of flushing the poison. God bless <3
My bosses really tried to get everyone to take it, back in late 2020 and early 2021. I knew I wasn't going to. I was sent a text with clinics and their hours to go get them. Never did it. I wasn't "forced" or heavily coerced, but they kept on about it. All that to say: My bosses trusted the "experts" and many of my coworkers did too. I'm sure some of them still wear daily masks still yet.
I said no several times. Literal days after the SCOTUS threw out the mandate my boss did a 180 and gave me a mid-year raise out of the blue. Found out later that the few others who refused got the same treatment.
That's awesome! My husband's company was getting ready to force it, and he would have done it, if the SC hadn't ruled when it did. I'm so grateful they did!
Really, wow! Do you know why? Did he reward those of you for your integrity and willingness to take a stand?
Fuck no, the cuck was first in line for the jabs himself. Clearly they were afraid of us making good on our threats to sue and were (and still are) having a very hard time hiring new staff. This was hush money.
Oh!! Okay, that makes sense. He's a wimp. I got confused with the 180, I thought it weird he changed his mind but he was just scared. But you know, you did give you a raise because of your integrity--integrity not to take the shot showed you were serious about suing or leaving, in the end you got respect.
My ex-coworkers would all share their Corona shot experiences like it was a rite of passage head/body aches, fevers, coughs etc. I think they realized i didnt get it because I never joined along I wasnt fired but i was put on hold last year.
Same, I work in a pharmacy. They did the exact same thing with me. Now very few people even wear masks, thankfully.
They keep setting up vaccine clinics in house. I walk by their little vax station on the way to my desk, smiling and nodding but never stopping to talk to them. So many sheeple at my work got jabbed just because they were there
I told all my family and friends about the dangers of vaccine in Sept-Oct of 2020. Yes, well before they came out. I knew this was all going to happen and I shared info and explained it all out. Told them in March/April 2020 about China, future lockdowns, id cards etc.
2 people listened to me.
I love them all but they are scared sheep without any ability to fully think for themselves.
Still have to try to educate though. Still have to love them. It is terrifying imaging being in their fearful, spontaneous, low-level minds.
I tried to get some not to take it too and was told "I'm not going down that rabbit hole." Now, do a search on rabbit hole and you'll find that Colbert used it back then.
It is very hard for many people to believe the government they trusted would exterminate their own people. Those of us who never trusted and were never fooled should pray for those who did and were. And EVERY SINGLE PERSON OR COMPANY who enabled this evil should be held accountable.
Held accountable yes but I also don't want to see another student loan forgiveness kind of thing. It's not ok for taxpayers to pay off some liberal arts turds loan off. And it won't be ok to compensate people dumb enough to have taken the shot but not those who didn't
Yet the millions of illegals coming in weren't a vax priority. And they tell us there's no such thing as the "great replacement." When we began seeing the corruption, they needed to replace us.
My workplace was one of the first businesses to mandate the jab for its workers or be let go. They offered the option of religious exemption, but then harrassed those claiming one and tried to create "gotcha" situations via continual additional questions to be able to deny their claim.
There was a certain ghoulish glee in the denials. When they found out workers had made a telegram group to share information, offer one another prayer and support, and help one another answer the neverending questions, they infiltrated it with moles and denied anyone's pending claim that used suggestions/language from the channel. They circulated a memo to all the managers informing them of the channel, urging them to try and find out if anyone in their work pool was taking part and report them immediately.
The jab-or-job bullshit only stopped when a few workers started dying and being hospitalized due to complications, and people started to ask questions.
I was somehow overlooked in the mass denials/firings. As far as I know I'm the only one in my work pool and one of about ten employees in the region to have a standing exemption. I believe God still has work for me to do here and I take every opportunity to try and give the sleepers I run into a shake
My employer at the time was heavily pushing the masks and jab... then an older man didn't show up for work because he had a sudden severe illness and wasn't coming back... the masks kept getting pushed but the jab talk died... they never would talk about what a "sudden severe illness" was or if former co-worker was okay. Everyone noticed though. We never heard what happened to him.
A few months after the third jab started we had several sudden deaths company wide of people in their 30s and 40s within a span of two months. Corporate hasn't said anything about boosters since.
My daughter works in an office with all vaxxed people, and she is not. Her daughter, my granddaughter, was just diagnosed with a rare skin cancer. Don't think shedding isn't real.
Her work probably insisted so they wouldn't have extra insurance costs for a new dependent + maternity leave. Doctor probably insisted in order to get a bonus for jabbing everyone. Notice that no part of that includes the well being of the child.
Boss doesn't give a shit because following orders, doctor is baffled,
tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe. Sorry about the cancer, but honestly... start listening to the tin foil hats. #toldyouso
I’m worried something like this will happen with my nephew. My sister-in-law took the jab while pregnant. Poor baby boy is barely 1 and has been sick his entire life, sometimes seriously.
We all felt the pressure, we all had a choice to make. I was scared, I didn't want to lose everything I had. I didn't want to be homeless, jobless with children to feed but I was absolutely prepared to take that road had it come to that. Read God's word, learn how to discern so you can't be tricked so easily. Having a relationship with God isn't a nice recommendation, it's a necessity. If you can't understand when you're being had, then this story is a good example of what comes from it.
I feel bad for the ones who trusted the "experts."
Now, those "experts" are "baffled".
So baffled
and retarded to the fullest extent of that word.
Zero accountability from the "baffled" "experts" "just trying to help" and "trusting the science".
Every single person who gave this injection without sitting down with their patients and giving them direct informed consent that was accurate to the trials is evil.
I'm really sorry to hear that, man. There are protocols created by America's Frontline Doctors to treat the vaccinated. Look for that and implement it. And maybe you received a placebo?
Here ya go! There's some great info on this page.
Thanks for the link. I'm surprised it doesn't say anything about NAC.
I have friends that fell for that crap on tv, even though I & another friend begged them not to get it. One got them because her husband wanted her to (who died less than a year after taking the shots, of cancer no one knew he had till the night before he passed). Another did it to keep her job because it was mandated, they work with the military, so mandatory for everyone. She couldn't find a job before the deadline, she's been sick at least 3 times since and it's been less than a year since getting the jab. Another friend (and I believe her husband also) got the shots, for the most part they seem pretty healthy.
I've told them that I have medicine if they get sick, but none of them tell me they are sick until they are almost over the flu. They all know about what to take because I've told them, they are just being stupid. They are kinda weirded out about the horse paste I guess, but also don't want to take the ivermectin pill form I got from an India pharmacy. They say but isn't that from India? I said yes, but you will take meds from china though, right? 🙄
It's amazing how irrational people are to protect their pride/egos. They'll do it all the way to their graves, unfortunately. Good on you though for being the light of reason to them.
Hope you dont mind sharing how did you notice the steal through all of the lies and manipulation? I remember my family running with the Russia helped Trump that the election (2016) was illegitimate but then for 2020 that Trumps a sore loser nothing fishy can happen.
Well, when Trump was leading in all of the swing states by a huge lead and then all those states stopped counting at 11pm and when they reopened Biden had the lead. That should have been a tip off for most folks.
I called it in spring of 2020 when masks and mail in ballots were so obviously pushed for a steal. - enter your batch number for the VAERS results on your vax batch.
Look on your vax card.
If the white hats win WWIII, there may even be the release of a cure for cancer.
Seems like 4-5% of the doses were active, the rest probably saline. And the more shots, the worse and faster the injuries. Plenty of people, the majority, won’t have vax injuries. They had to be extremely careful, couldn’t just go out with the first shot and kill or maim everyone. They assumed we would be taking the shots for years. Like Canada is forcing people to do. So they would have time to slowly depopulate and sterilize.
You probably lucky and got saline. Take aspirin a day, it reduces clotting by 50%. I take it and I didn’t even take the shots.
If you are both healthy in another year or two, you should be fine.
Maybe that's the 4-6% lost forever?
"These people are sick!"
Very sick.
That's 17 -18 million people in the US then.
That's a lot of people to care for and/or bury.
....and to put it in perspective there were 400,000 US deaths in WWII.
We've had more people die of Fentanyl overdoses in the last 5 years than WWII. Asymmetric covert chemical warfare.
Especially since most of the early batches were for medical workers, they wanted them to turn into advocates and the majority of doctors and nurses dropping dead from the first doses would not have helped.
Tried to tell them. Got shunned for it. Still am even thou they are all experiencing side effects. I know this because they don't know how to use FB and unblocked some chats they didn't know I could read.
I'm done telling people. This is a free will planet and they have every right to kill themselves in delusion.
I'm so sorry. Please know that the anons that express hatred are wrong and bitter as we all are from this madness. I'll say a prayer for you two, and remember that what has been done to you can POSSIBLY be undone. There are steps we can take to mitigate the damage from these vaccines, and as the days go on, we will discover more and more methods of flushing the poison. God bless <3
My bosses really tried to get everyone to take it, back in late 2020 and early 2021. I knew I wasn't going to. I was sent a text with clinics and their hours to go get them. Never did it. I wasn't "forced" or heavily coerced, but they kept on about it. All that to say: My bosses trusted the "experts" and many of my coworkers did too. I'm sure some of them still wear daily masks still yet.
I said no several times. Literal days after the SCOTUS threw out the mandate my boss did a 180 and gave me a mid-year raise out of the blue. Found out later that the few others who refused got the same treatment.
That's awesome! My husband's company was getting ready to force it, and he would have done it, if the SC hadn't ruled when it did. I'm so grateful they did!
Really, wow! Do you know why? Did he reward those of you for your integrity and willingness to take a stand?
Fuck no, the cuck was first in line for the jabs himself. Clearly they were afraid of us making good on our threats to sue and were (and still are) having a very hard time hiring new staff. This was hush money.
Oh!! Okay, that makes sense. He's a wimp. I got confused with the 180, I thought it weird he changed his mind but he was just scared. But you know, you did give you a raise because of your integrity--integrity not to take the shot showed you were serious about suing or leaving, in the end you got respect.
My ex-coworkers would all share their Corona shot experiences like it was a rite of passage head/body aches, fevers, coughs etc. I think they realized i didnt get it because I never joined along I wasnt fired but i was put on hold last year.
I experienced this as well. Strange times.
Same, I work in a pharmacy. They did the exact same thing with me. Now very few people even wear masks, thankfully.
They keep setting up vaccine clinics in house. I walk by their little vax station on the way to my desk, smiling and nodding but never stopping to talk to them. So many sheeple at my work got jabbed just because they were there
If they were normal people who didn’t discriminate against unvaxxed then yes me too. Vaxholes and Branch Covidians fuck no.
Sad about the kids that got caught up in this but those adults are getting what they deserve.
Yes... and the ones who let their employers 'coerce' them into taking an experimental dangerous "vax".
I feel bad for the children who don't get to choose, or even know why they are suffering.
Adults had plenty of time to read the warning signs and choose to not listen to lying doctors.
"This may kill me but i want my job/to travel/to go watch movies or concerts"...for them the red pill is going to be very bitter.
"In an age of information ignorance is a choice"
I told all my family and friends about the dangers of vaccine in Sept-Oct of 2020. Yes, well before they came out. I knew this was all going to happen and I shared info and explained it all out. Told them in March/April 2020 about China, future lockdowns, id cards etc.
2 people listened to me. I love them all but they are scared sheep without any ability to fully think for themselves. Still have to try to educate though. Still have to love them. It is terrifying imaging being in their fearful, spontaneous, low-level minds.
Some hero’s don’t wear capes.
I tried to get some not to take it too and was told "I'm not going down that rabbit hole." Now, do a search on rabbit hole and you'll find that Colbert used it back then.
It is very hard for many people to believe the government they trusted would exterminate their own people. Those of us who never trusted and were never fooled should pray for those who did and were. And EVERY SINGLE PERSON OR COMPANY who enabled this evil should be held accountable.
Why? It's always a government that does that.
Yeah but it's always "somebody else's government."
It WAS, until Obama. He's celebrating all this third world shit.
Even when it's local.
Held accountable yes but I also don't want to see another student loan forgiveness kind of thing. It's not ok for taxpayers to pay off some liberal arts turds loan off. And it won't be ok to compensate people dumb enough to have taken the shot but not those who didn't
Yet the millions of illegals coming in weren't a vax priority. And they tell us there's no such thing as the "great replacement." When we began seeing the corruption, they needed to replace us.
There are differences in iq with groups of people. Easier to control
My workplace was one of the first businesses to mandate the jab for its workers or be let go. They offered the option of religious exemption, but then harrassed those claiming one and tried to create "gotcha" situations via continual additional questions to be able to deny their claim.
There was a certain ghoulish glee in the denials. When they found out workers had made a telegram group to share information, offer one another prayer and support, and help one another answer the neverending questions, they infiltrated it with moles and denied anyone's pending claim that used suggestions/language from the channel. They circulated a memo to all the managers informing them of the channel, urging them to try and find out if anyone in their work pool was taking part and report them immediately.
The jab-or-job bullshit only stopped when a few workers started dying and being hospitalized due to complications, and people started to ask questions.
I was somehow overlooked in the mass denials/firings. As far as I know I'm the only one in my work pool and one of about ten employees in the region to have a standing exemption. I believe God still has work for me to do here and I take every opportunity to try and give the sleepers I run into a shake
My employer at the time was heavily pushing the masks and jab... then an older man didn't show up for work because he had a sudden severe illness and wasn't coming back... the masks kept getting pushed but the jab talk died... they never would talk about what a "sudden severe illness" was or if former co-worker was okay. Everyone noticed though. We never heard what happened to him.
A few months after the third jab started we had several sudden deaths company wide of people in their 30s and 40s within a span of two months. Corporate hasn't said anything about boosters since.
That’s so heartbreaking.
Poor child. Being born into this world only to suffer and perish.
Poor mother, having to watch their child suffer and carry the guilt laden burden of knowing you killed your child.
She chose this path, and will now live with it forever
This is how Narcissists get what they want: They push and push and push until you get tired, give in and let them have their way.
My daughter works in an office with all vaxxed people, and she is not. Her daughter, my granddaughter, was just diagnosed with a rare skin cancer. Don't think shedding isn't real.
Her work probably insisted so they wouldn't have extra insurance costs for a new dependent + maternity leave. Doctor probably insisted in order to get a bonus for jabbing everyone. Notice that no part of that includes the well being of the child.
I heard that even plastic surgeons were pushing it.
So sad for that baby.
Oh I’m sure it’s just a coincidence 🙄. That’s what my crazy COVIDIOT family would say.
Get fucking ready
Oh no, it can’t be happening. Poor baby. They are really trying so hard to kill us.
Prayers for the little one. This has to stop. These individuals all need to be prosecuted for forcing this crap.
Boss doesn't give a shit because following orders, doctor is baffled,
tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe. Sorry about the cancer, but honestly... start listening to the tin foil hats. #toldyouso
Crimes against humanity on a mind boggling scale
I can't stand this so sad
"Vaccine" doing what it was designed to do.
I’m worried something like this will happen with my nephew. My sister-in-law took the jab while pregnant. Poor baby boy is barely 1 and has been sick his entire life, sometimes seriously.
Crimes against humanity. We used to burn these snakes at the stake
Is the Irony visible enough in their username?
That's awful. Not even schadenfreude material
While this is extremely sad if true, I can’t take a random tweet at face value.
Holy smokes, these stories make me queasy
We all felt the pressure, we all had a choice to make. I was scared, I didn't want to lose everything I had. I didn't want to be homeless, jobless with children to feed but I was absolutely prepared to take that road had it come to that. Read God's word, learn how to discern so you can't be tricked so easily. Having a relationship with God isn't a nice recommendation, it's a necessity. If you can't understand when you're being had, then this story is a good example of what comes from it.