This is the beginning of the events in Red October. Trump is going to prove in court that the election was stolen. Its the only way to bypass the biased media.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

My only concern with this. How long is this going to take? Why didn’t he file this in the summer or earlier? They could tie this up in court for months or even years.
What am I missing?
it definitely could take a long time unfortunately. But this is huge IMO. I’m kinda in shock.. the general public, media etc genuinely believe the 2020 election narrative is settled, no amount of evidence coming out could prove it because they believe all the people repeating that it was stolen are partisan hacks, trump is considered a lunatic so desperate for power he’d lie and do anything to get where he is. This is how majority see it, the only people who don’t are the ones following closely and the general public DO NOT!! They’re unwilling to even entertain the idea, the conditioning is really strong. They simply believe the MSM narrative, this gives trump an opportunity to show the truth and give the evidence they have to show that the claims of it being “baseless with no evidence” is 100% wrong.
Am I bugging? This has blown my mind after really thinking about it..not sure people understand how huge this is.. majority I know who believe the mainstream narrative need something like this to actually show them the reality of what’s going on. If it’s done this way it makes it legitimate, This could be the way to show the public the truth LEGALLY so it’s undeniable. Imagine all the proof trump has to show there’s been election interference.
It’s baffled me why trump hasn’t spoken about the evidence of Chinas hacking and the evidence a bunch of other people have uncovered, like Italy. If he gets to reveal all of that in actual court, where it might be televised (I dunno how it works in America so not sure) and actually proven in court for the world to see.. it’s going to be absolutely fucking insane, think of the snowball effect it would have. This has sent me all the way to HopenHagen, to the purist of hopium dens
HopenHagen lol take my up vote.
I’ll have a fat lip of that with my covfefe
Same. Awesome POW, pede.
(POW - Play On Words. See how that works? 😜)
Reuters poll showed that majority of American voters believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election. The general public knows it was stolen. The media just keeps gaslighting, but only stubborn delusiotards still believe the media.
I agree. The people clinging to the narrative really have to try hard not to see at this point...and I have two in my circle who are doing just that.
'Whatever,' is what I say. The truth will come out in unmistakable terms in short order now, and if they still choose to deny it, well, it's no longer my business. God is merciful, and their fate is out of my hands.
Two weeks x 100
2 weeks * 100 = 2 weeks
Everything is now considered 2 weeks kek. It's always 2 weeks. Tomorrow? 2 weeks, if not, 2 weeks from then. Just like MOASS is always tomorrow.
I have ground breaking information that I will release in two weeks. It's so important I can't just release it. Please visit my online shop and click on my website ads.
They don't even have to answer the complaint for 28 to 30 days, and when they do it will be a motion to dismiss with an extended briefing schedule an no ruling until December at the earliest. Discovery won't start in earnest until they have to actually answer the complaint. Litigation is slow.
I have come to accept that the whole truth coming out is going to take a long time. My impatience is held in check, though, by the unbelievable progress I see in people close to me. The reversal of the years long brain washing really is working in my observation especially among the 20 somethings but others as well. Even a double vaxxed friend of mine who works in a well known woke hospital in Chicago said one of the doctors at a recent meeting said, "we all know the vaccines don't really work." No push back at all. That's not a full blown "they are lethal" statement but remarkable nonetheless. And the "and they are lethal" IMO is just a matter of time. The dam is breaking.
Timing is everything fren. IDK why but I think Q+ knows why. Happy to give you the 17th upcheck
You're missing almost everything because you're not on the Q team
What if the election was already ruled on by the supreme court? In a hidden docket,because of military and or national security, has been kept under wraps. Now its about to be released, the truth is out, time to clean up the media, by way of bankruptcy. All those of us ,who have had such dreams, will be vindicated. What a sweet reward to be had, by the people who believed, in justice!
This floated about in Nov 2020. That the justices have saw the evidence provided by the MIL and the ruling has already been secretly made.
Agreed, he never says stuff, before he is aware of the outcome. Have a great rest of your week! The wife and I are heading to the beach, for some really needed time out.
You too, I'm trying to get things together for my wedding so I've got a lot going on!
Great wishes for you friend. My wife an I were kinda poor, for 1k got a minuscule ring, my wife borrowed a prom dress from a friend. My family all brought great dishes that could feed 50 each, and my aunt made a 4 tiered cake for us. Its been over 33 years now, I still love her , and she still loves me. Who would a thunk that, none of my friends did, they are all divorced. I hope it goes perfect for you, the wedding ceremony and all your life. If not, it gives you things to laugh about later!
Thank you! We have been stressed about exterior situations in life and it's been hard to keep together lately but we are getting better. I think everyone is really, just in their own way. We shouldn't break maybe 700 total for everything, but it means a lot more to us to keep it simple rather than add any more planning stress to anything. It's not necessary to go all out anyway, we would rather keep the money in case we face hard times that I'm guaranteed will come soon, as we all here are well aware of.
I did tell her; something I've noticed about weddings; the bigger they are, the more likely they will divorce lol. I used to do photography and video for weddings and that stayed pretty consistent. The little weddings made for much better photography too because people weren't so stiff
You have already won the biggest battle. You don't give a crap about appearances, like the biggest and the best. You have a very good chance at success, And its been an extreme pleasure, to have conversed with you, even if it is only on this public forum.
The spirit and heart have the greatest value to me. To be full in both is my priority, always. Thank you, and you as well
"I did tell her; something I've noticed about weddings; the bigger they are, the more likely they will divorce lol. I used to do photography and video for weddings and that stayed pretty consistent."
Amen to that! I was a professional photographer till about 1985. And once, when I was looking back at my files, I noticed that 90% of the weddings I'd photographed had ended in divorce.
My wife and I, on the other had, eloped, and never had a full wedding at all. Yet here we still are!
We've lived together for a while, and it's practical at this point. Nether of us are really stressed about doing it, just making sure what little we are doing is secured. Wedding photography was so exhausting, but they loved my work. I just wish corporate America didnt try to push the whole extravagant wedding meme, because it makes for a less significant experience. At the end of the day, is it really worth all that stress, time and money? For some it is, and to each their own, but not for me and mine, lol
Many of the divorces come from women who would rather have a wedding than a marriage. The more fancy the wedding, the less prioritized the marriage.
Don't forget the three rings of marriage: the engagment ring, the wedding ring And the suffering. 😀
Jokes aside, congratulations! May God bless you both. 🙏
Lol! We have went through several difficult trials already. It's obvious the devil is trying to keep us apart in those moments, but we come through every time with no ill will towards each other.. she's stronger than me, I'll admit that. God has been working on us greatly and I'm ever so thankful for it
I am in total agreement ! Couldn't of said it better.
Thanks I will,hope your dreams come true someday. If not, life is what you made it ,make yours fun! Just remember, if things don't work out the way we want, lets do our best to try to make a difference. If not for ourselves ,then for our family.Good fortune to you, you are on this platform for a reason, make it count.
I have waited two years for this. It is So obvious that IF the courts do not accept that the proof of the communist COUP Destroyed a US. Election, This country is finished.
Election or not, the Senate is about to engage in a treaty with the WHO that would do an end run around the 10th amendment and make the WHO the medical police of the world with the people having no recourse.
Fox News is not going to exist after this lol
As they shouldn't.
They were the first one I thought of when he mentioned that, they will be filing more suits against other Fake News Media Companies.
I still haven't figured out what made them call Arizona early, but they knew what they were doing
Ya they did. Super Rino Paul Ryan at the helm.
The final stage - taking down the deep state megaphone. The movie does not end until the corrupt media is taken down and proven to be corrupt to the normies.
Screw everyone, I'm with you GEOTUS. Glad to see this. You've filed a fuck ton of law suits in the last couple of years and the only ones I remember you pointing out very specifically are the ones that were already won before they were started. If Rushmore in Lakota is Six Grandfathers, they need to get busy adding you and pepe.
This is pretty big. Bigly actually. One could even say Yuge.
Mate I’m flipping out over this.
I’ve always wondered why trump hasn’t really pushed the evidence that others have uncovered about the election.. like italy, China hacking etc. i doubted it’s legitimacy because he didn’t push it, but what if he’s aware the only way the general public—who hate him—will even entertain the idea he’s not actually lying, is if it’s proven legitimately in court so it’s undeniable?
The only people who know there was 100% fuckery afoot in the election are those who are actually paying attention, majority of people just think he’s genuinely a crackpot lunatic, i couldn’t think of a better way to prove the authenticity of his claims. Funnily I still think they’ll find a way to say its bullshit though
Fark that’s be some genius level 5d chess shit, I’ve always been on the fence about that but I’d be more than happy to eat my words
It won’t see a courtroom for years. Wheels of civil procedure grind slowly.
Agreed. I think people are getting ahead of themselves on the timeline.
Q Studies Theory: Every news event is a lesson. If a probable news event projects far into the future, our timelines should shift that far out.
Consider, for example, the maneuvering on the vice president vote counting legislation. This is obviously being setup such that liberals will have to flip and support it for some reason--thus awakening a few more of them by the mental weight of maintaining yet another discordant non-reality. That means Kamala will be counting presidential votes at some point in the movie and rejecting some of them. Hence, plan goes to 2024.
I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this, but mentally I've adopted the ape mentality of MoASS is always tomorrow and to just keep plugging away.
Courts take so much time- my BIL was killed by his own sis and nephew- we have waited more than a year to get 1 court hearing- they are now saying it will be more than 2 years before his killers will be brought into court- our courts are bogged down and this county only does 2 murder trials with 2 weeks of witness/evidence... a year which to me is insane- they should be able to do more- so says my tax dollars- This is why we wait-----
My condolences on the loss in your family. Sounds like a very rough thing to wrap your head around.
I think the difference between PDJT and the others is that he has access to some of the most classified info on this, and is legally the only one that could declassify it for public consumption.
Discovery is going to be a very interesting process. Timing as well. Didn't PDJT say he would be back sooner than we think?
Think mirror "the big lie in reverse".
I do genuinely believe there is going to be serious world news this saturday the 8th. Something is gonna happen
Never Fuck With a Billionaire President
All of these court cases and events (even Mike Lindell's) might just be enough to foil their plans to cheat again. They now are worried about what is really known and who might have flipped against them.
The people Trump needs to influence don't care about evidence. They are not upset the election was stolen. They'll say, 'even if it was, it was needed to save the country'. We've gone beyond good and evil, fact and fiction. Mass psychosis doesn't even come close to describing the mental illness of this country.
Good luck sir. We The People stand with you. 🙏❤️👍
Please include FOX News! I know too many who still believe in FOX and watch it daily. They are scum!
I wonder if CNN will first ask for the case to be thrown out, then maybe try to reach a settlement without it going to trial.
Wouldn't CNN be able to claim they weren't privy to the evidence Trump provides, and therefore, are not guilty of knowingly reporting what they did? But I guess that even if Trump doesn't win any lawsuits such as this, the publicly presented evidence would be worth the effort.
He knows damn well that neither Pee-lousy, Bowserwowser, nor the media will ever say that they needed to make a formal request. This is something that honestly I need to point out in exasperation.
I don't know how someone can hear a buzz phrase like "The Big Lie" and not be suspicious.
Smokescreen. These cases will get dismissed.
I know your life sucks and thats why you lash out at people in an anonymous way on the Internet. I hope you get the help you need to live a happier and healthier life.