Did you all notice the hotdogs on the clock?? Time on clock is 10.50? 5.0 on the streets stands for the police. Ten is a perfect even number. The entire convo means "Quiet! Police is at our doors, Stay 10(perfect).
The clock in the back - there's a q drop with that same time. Can't read the clock in the middle of the hot dog, 10:??. License plate over Oprah head is Ukraine colors, reads NEW YORK at the top and the plate number is MIKE. I wonder what the city is in the picture between Gayle and Hanks. She's wearing a weird necklace, the charm looks like a mask.
The last time I spoke to my psychologist, he asked me if the death of the queen was an issue for me.
I told him flat out… She’s a satanic, pedophile, lizard person! Ding dong the witch is dead. I also told her that Charles was no better, and then he was very good friends with Jimmy Seville - A well known and prosecuted pedophile.
He said he didn’t know who that was, I told him that’s OK, I know who he is, and you don’t have to go down that rabbit hole because I went there for you!
I’m pretty sure I’ll be earning my keep for a while. Lol. The rest of what I say seems reasonable to him, but I just throw in the lizard Queen business, to spin his mind around.
The sad part is… He’s a psychologist, he should know this stuff. He’s been my psychologist for 15 years, and I just keep trying to red pill him little by little. Every session we have, he hast to listen to me… He doesn’t have a choice. Lol! Infiltration, a captive audience. He’s actually open to some of my ideas.
But the lizard queen! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha woo hoo!
I have not been read telling him for 15 years, I legitimately had some mental issues that needed to be dealt with, but for the last three years, my brains back to working as close to normal as possible whatever that means lol. So I just keep chipping away at it… Since I’m feeling great these days, and most of our sessions are just me telling him how well things are going, I spend a little bit of time purposefully trying to read pill him. My insurance pays for the sessions. As far as psychologist go, he’s pretty cool. He does something called EMDR. He was one of the pioneers I guess, but it helps people with PTSD. Highly recommend!
I think that is the Chrystler Building in the picture between Hanks and Gayle. Also I typed the time on the back clock into search engine and I kid you not, a New York address popped up and according to the map you can see the Chrysler Building from the address. So it's in Midtown Manhattan. That's my two cents, for what it's worth
New York's 10th congressional district
New York's 10th congressional district is a congressional district for the United States House of Representatives currently represented by Democrat Jerry Nadler.
Notice he has a black eye.
Black is a parasite that enters through the eye and hijacks the mind of the subject. I think the parasite is called vrill.
Vrill is what deep state calls it.
Good catch, I had one of those in the third grade.
None since.
We hope not.
Yea Pb, if you were black eye club, we'd probably ban you.
But jokes aside, look at the link.
Surprised to see Egypt comms? You really shouldn't be.
I've seen many of those pictures,my point was that no one except these assholes get black eyes,to speak of.
Thanks for the link. How do former presidents with 24/7 SS get a black eye when the average Joe almost never does. Good point
Bush's black eye seemed more like a violent action to his face than from some substance in his body, to me.
6 weenies, 6 hamburgs, and hidden hexagon in the center. Symbolism will be their downfall!
FUN POST! Thanks!
6-word message.
Three 666 coms. (Clock, weenie clock, 6 word note.)
Clock, and weenie clock on the sides in the back, note book in the front, thats a pyramid, dood.
A pyramid with the tip coming towards you. 😱
Literally the gayest larp ever.
How about that license plate from New York?
"New York Mike"
Above Oprah's head too... 🤔
Anyone figure out who the girl on the right is?
Gayle King, Oprah BFF, supposedly
Gayle King https://g.co/kgs/C1CKQb
Oh yea, that's her. I searched for more pictures of her with glasses!
here's a comment I found on Twitter
Did you all notice the hotdogs on the clock?? Time on clock is 10.50? 5.0 on the streets stands for the police. Ten is a perfect even number. The entire convo means "Quiet! Police is at our doors, Stay 10(perfect).
Worth noting this was three years ago, by the way.
yes, i caught that later. so weird that it was reposted.
Um, 10 is not a perfect number. It's been too long and I had to look up the definition, but I knew that 10 wasn't one of them.
You're right!
The clock in the back - there's a q drop with that same time. Can't read the clock in the middle of the hot dog, 10:??. License plate over Oprah head is Ukraine colors, reads NEW YORK at the top and the plate number is MIKE. I wonder what the city is in the picture between Gayle and Hanks. She's wearing a weird necklace, the charm looks like a mask.
Ok, I'm not the only crazy one. 😉
Fully crazy one here!
I’ll top to you on that… I get paid for being crazy. Lol!
The last time I spoke to my psychologist, he asked me if the death of the queen was an issue for me.
I told him flat out… She’s a satanic, pedophile, lizard person! Ding dong the witch is dead. I also told her that Charles was no better, and then he was very good friends with Jimmy Seville - A well known and prosecuted pedophile.
He said he didn’t know who that was, I told him that’s OK, I know who he is, and you don’t have to go down that rabbit hole because I went there for you!
I’m pretty sure I’ll be earning my keep for a while. Lol. The rest of what I say seems reasonable to him, but I just throw in the lizard Queen business, to spin his mind around.
The sad part is… He’s a psychologist, he should know this stuff. He’s been my psychologist for 15 years, and I just keep trying to red pill him little by little. Every session we have, he hast to listen to me… He doesn’t have a choice. Lol! Infiltration, a captive audience. He’s actually open to some of my ideas.
But the lizard queen! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha woo hoo!
That probably did catch him off guard!
"Every session we have, he hast to listen to me" - Yes that is what he gets paid to do ; )
So you only have had 15 years to redpill him... How long do you estimate it will still take in your opinion ?
Two more weeks. /jk 😁
I have not been read telling him for 15 years, I legitimately had some mental issues that needed to be dealt with, but for the last three years, my brains back to working as close to normal as possible whatever that means lol. So I just keep chipping away at it… Since I’m feeling great these days, and most of our sessions are just me telling him how well things are going, I spend a little bit of time purposefully trying to read pill him. My insurance pays for the sessions. As far as psychologist go, he’s pretty cool. He does something called EMDR. He was one of the pioneers I guess, but it helps people with PTSD. Highly recommend!
I think that is the Chrystler Building in the picture between Hanks and Gayle. Also I typed the time on the back clock into search engine and I kid you not, a New York address popped up and according to the map you can see the Chrysler Building from the address. So it's in Midtown Manhattan. That's my two cents, for what it's worth
What time did you use in that search? Very interesting!
The clock read 10:24:40
okay, thanks for your reply, can you please point this out to me? Which clock? i can barely read any of them!
It's the small clock on the shelf by the jukebox radio
ohhhhh gotcha, great catch! I didn't even notice the second hand!
Amazingly, when I retyped it into search nothing came up/ Closest address was Brooklyn.....
New York's 10th congressional district New York's 10th congressional district is a congressional district for the United States House of Representatives currently represented by Democrat Jerry Nadler.
Also this
I thought it said "New York"
you're right, will edit
Dude, it is NY!
Look at the picture under the weenie clock! Its the NY skyline. You can see the Empire State Building.
So who the fuck is Mike from New York?
Michelle Obama.
I laughed and thought this for a minute. I'm really gunning for Bloomberg on this one.
If it was Bloomberg, the clock would have cocktail weenies instead of hot dogs.
Michael Rockefeller
He wasn't alive back then. That's why I think Bloomberg is very probable.
Tom Hanks IS Michael Rockefeller. He faked his death and changed his name to Tom Hanks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rockefeller
True. The dates don't add up. But what does add up, is that they're liars and fakes. ("Eaten by cannibals")
And for a bonus, you got the hands towards the 10 and 8 like the Mickey Mouse clock on Q post 4730.
Personally, I think this is a BIG fucking stretch, but it's also a weird coincidence that I found it. 🤷♂️ Time will tell.
No pun intended.
You know what else I just found? u/dty6
Look at the hands of the clock and go back to the lines within the hexagon. They line up!
This explains yet another layer to the Tom Hanks picture as well as the Mickey Mouse clock!
Imagine having to pose for pictures like this because "I have to remain famous and play ball."
If you have to do that, you're playin' wit the wrong balls, dood.
(Looks at Lebron James)
If the picture is from 2013, could Mike be Bloomberg? he was mayor from 2002 to 2013
I was thinking about him too. That's a good guess.
I wonder if theres any pictures of Bloomberg with 666/Saturn comms.
Tom Hanks fleed to Greece bc Greece sees pedophilia as a disease not as a crime. 🤔
Bill Hicks was right. Balless, souless, spiritless suckers of satans cock, each and every one of them.
The Man with One Red Shoe
Was this comms back in the day? The original film was French called "The Tall Blonde Man with One Black Shoe." Why change it to red?
I don't think I ever watched the Tom Hanks version. Seems odd, given what we know about him and red shoes.
Uh yea....hmm...looks like this requires further digging. I think you're onto something!
Why the notepad, though?
Isn't the hidden language of comms their whole thing?
Why make something THAT obvious?
It doesn't even seem like a hiding-in-plain-sight thing, it just seems that in-your-face.
Oh well. I admit I'm not that smart. Maybe there really is something glaringly obvious to the rest of you that I'm not getting.
Three 666 coms. (Clock, weenie clock, 6 word note in a notebook.)
Clock, and weenie clock on the sides in the back, note book in the front, thats a pyramid, dood.
A pyramid with the tip coming towards you. 😱
Are you sure?
What makes you say that?
Man, you sure let us all know who you are Mr. 3-month old account.
Spoken like a true fed.
This Is hilarious
License plate says MIKE NYC
EMPIRE state building in BG
The clock is code of hotdogs/hamburgers obvi we know what that gets into.
It’s also the Jesuit black sun, the cube, etc
Symbolism will indeed be their downfall!
Normal to them SICK to us?
Im thinking Mike Bloomberg, but Big Mike was my bias kicking in from repeating it so much. Lol
That also looks like a view of a black cube seen from a diagonal angle. ??dunno??
How old/recent is this pic? Tom looks quite scared in this photo.
After all those weird tweets, Tom Hanks trying to act like he is a hostage?
This is a super old picture, so I think it came out before the weird tweets. But I don’t have sauce for that
tineye.com shows this as the first url with that picture http://theberry.com/2014/01/29/oprahs-60th-is-today-lets-peruse-her-instagram-account/
tineye saw it Feb 2, 2014 but that blog post looks like Jan 29, 2014
I'm getting a 2020 date with a shallow dive
Tineye.com results for that photo way back. I can’t see the original post anymore but this one is dated 2013 from Daily Mail https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2338685/TONY-AWARDS-2013-Tom-Hanks-snaps-wife-Rita-Wilson-red-carpet-loses-leading-actor-Tony-Award-Tracy-Letts.html
oh thank you, that's great! 2013. Wow.
Cool! Thx
I would love to know what song the jukebox is on. That could be interesting.
Highway to Hell.
Haha - good one!
Look at the food clock ( both clocks ) and the name above Oprah.
Is that bracelet Purple for the color revolution. Then blue and yellow for Ukraine?
Who knew that something that was based on the number 12 would be so easily divisible by 6...That's some real Math-a-magic right there.
Forget about that, what written behind it? What's the little chick in the middle's time?
Need HD version
Hamburgers and hotdogs reference to Hussein?
As far as I know, this is the best picture we have.
As far as a Hussein reference goes, it very well could be, Oprah was good friends with him. However, it is totally arranged to form a hexagon as well.
Which is another symbol of 666 and Saturn(Satan), which Saturn also ate his children.
Again, all this shit is connected. Pizzagate is much bigger than many people know.
I agree. But yet I still feel like we're missing something
What does your gut tell you?
That there is a lot in this image that needs analysis.
The other clock, the mike sign, the picture of the sky scraper, the sign behind the hotdog thing, etc.
But again (big) Mike and hotdogs are definitely a Hussein reference.
Some were thinking Mike Bloomberg or Mike Rockefeller.
And the clock looks like it's at 4:51
Well there are a billion mikes, but only one public figure tied to hot dogs...
Not saying that I'm right by any means, but I'm just doing the math
Mike Bloomberg was the Mayor of New York at the time. So theres the NY license plate and the NY calendar.
Some believe Mike Rockefeller faked his death, also connected to New York. That could've been him too.
Now if it was a Illinois Plate with a Chicago calendar, I would think differently.
Gotcha thanks