He can't appear too one-sided. This move makes his position more ambiguous. Necessary to keep the left and normies on twitter for mass awakening when declas occurs.
Trump certainly surrounded himself with a bunch of treasonous snakes.
Why'd he do that?
Longterm plan.
In the case of twitter - it may take a two or three weeks to actually see what the new direction is going to be. I'm sure it's complicated and there's a lot to pay attention to and to do.
As others are saying, it can't be turned into a conservative-only forum.
You’re not getting the point. He can look however he wants. He needs to look like a normal mega rich Hollywood buddy. Because if he shows up to a Halloween party wearing a trump mask he’s going to turn them all off and Twitter will become a ghost town. This is important that he retains as many ears and eyes as possible. A little scary samurai outfit doesn’t mean jack shit.
This is the right answer to me. I have been following this stuff long enough to know that knee jerk reactions are rarely helpful. This one needs some time to develop.
I'm sorry, but -- and this goes to you, handshake, as well as Catturd --
He never said he was going to be on "our" side. He wants to have it be a middle ground. Sometimes that means he's going to fucking talk to retarded leftists too. And that's fine. Talking doesn't matter, action does. So far, his actions have been great.
just because he met with those ADL pinkoes doesn't mean he was slurping THEIR balls either.
The ideological puritanism is a tool the left uses to manipulate. be right with god for yourself, and enlighten others as you can... but barn burning is too far of a reach.
Judge a tree by the fruit it bares, and maybe he'll come around ideologically later? maybe not. God spoke out of the mouth of a donkey, I'm pretty sure even those that don't want to be can be part of the plan.
None of this twitter/Musk saga makes any sense. Musk was openly critical of twitter and their censorship. Says he bought twitter and paid a premium for it because he values free speech. Now that any censorship done on twitter goes directly back to Musk as the 'Chief twit" or whatever he's calling himself, he appoints a bunch of left-wing partisan hacks as the moderation council? Why go through all that expense to wind up right were you started? 44 billion is a lot of money, even for Musk. This only makes sense (at least to me) if:
B) Musk is trying to break into the higher echelons of the cabal and this is how he tries to do that (Cue "The Who" - "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss")
Elon Musk is conspicuously a brilliant guy, and I can't believe the willingness of people on this site to second-guess him when they don't know the whole story. For example, if I were in his shoes and wanted to do what he is doing, I would never dream of putting left-wing types and right-wing types in the same room. It would be nothing but a giant fight, and nothing would get accomplished. So, suppose we sit down with the lefties and let them get all their positions aired out---and then do the same thing with the righties, and compare the two pages of notes. Just because he listens doesn't mean he will do what they want him to do (if they think that, they haven't been watching the movie).
Let it go. See what happens. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I'm not aware of the feature, nor what it means. I went to Twitter only to read Trump. When he was removed, I followed suit. Is it a good thing? Sounds like it might be.
I still do not trust Musk. The Twatter acquisition was pure Vaudeville. He is the highest paid USDOD contractor. The DHS mission creep. CIA vs NSA bs. Twatter is pvt now, so we the people have even less say, & the DOD info flow can be unfettered & unrestricted now. He may be the MAGA antichrist equivalent.
I think it's a bit early to draw this conclusion. Game theory dictates that you only push a bit past the line, then wait for the outrage to die down, then push a bit past the new line, rinse repeat ad nauseam. There's a reason the enemy does it to the sheep all the time: it works.
Maybe 10:32 means 10 and 32 - they even hit a delta in the case of #32
...Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?
Why must we form concrete conclusions about information that we recieve that barely scratches the surface? Why cant we remain open to possibilities without being called delusional? Your post glows.
Because people state things as facts that are not true and then continue to spread them as rumors, knowing it's not true. The guy I'm complaining about is the one you should consider a real glowie, really think about what he is saying.
Buyden is fake and wears masks, see there's proof (true)
Therefore Elon and other Richie's are also wearing masks and fake.
Truly think about that second statement he is spreading.
It's forum sliding and narrative control at its finest. Glowies don't want people knowing or thinking buyden is actually fake with video evidence of his ears melting off. So they go around sharing that everyone else is fake too. This way if a normies ever searched for info about buyden being fake, they see all these crazies spreading it about Elon and others too, then they have a reason to disregard the buyden masks as fake news too.
Very insidious what mr "freedomlover" is doing, also, how fucking glow is that name. Shieeet. It's the perfect cover.
You thought it was valid enough to relay, therefore you believe it as well to spread it.
You thought it was valid enough to relay, therefore you believe it as well to spread it.
disclaimer just in case your wrong kinda like saying "its just a prank bruh", the world is gonna end in 2000 because of the y2k bug, I dunno bruh don't get too attached to it tho just in case.
Are you aware of the White House pulling a tweet down about SS benefits being raised? That was fact checked by a user and it forced the WH into making an embarrassing spectacle of itself and the lying bitch press secretary was forced to side step questions on the subject from the press causing further embarrassment. The WH was ridiculed mercilously.
That is the game here. Its not too difficult to see how this will play out. The pedo death cult moderators lies versus the Truth by user fact checks. Side by side.
Im not making excuses for anyone. I am simply pointing out what to me is the obvious play.
FTR I am not a Musk fan and if you look through my post history you will see that I remain skeptical of him (and everyone but Trump and Q really) until as Q says future proves past.
u/DeathRayDesigner Tagging you since you both have similar concerns about my post.
I think it’s too soon to fully know his true intentions. There are a lot of moves happening that will not come to light publicly for a while. Musk is walking the tight rope perception right now.
Judge based off what happened in the next few month at Twitter. Not by the Halloween costume he knew would be seen, photographed and posted all over. Those who rush to judge are blinded by emotions. 40k feet. Meet you there.
Elon Musk: runs Tesla factories in China, is a transhumanist, thinks garbage EVs are the future, wants "both sides" represented in moderation councils despite the painfully obvious fact that the Left is intolerably, irredeemably evil.
Retards on PDW and GAW: OMG this guy is based! He's one of us! NCSWIC!!!
People, including me, may not like the idea of a grey hat, but they can do the most damage. At one time, they thought Musk was on their side. At one time, they thought Trump was on their side.
He provides Starlink to the Ukrainian military, knowing that Ukraine is full of Nazis and the corruption capital of the world. He briefly considered pulling Starlink out when the Ukrainian government chewed him out for his peace deal idea, but Musk caved to them and continues supporting them.
And what would he do with that information? Expose Ukraine’s criminal Nazis to the world? Russia already tried that, and it didn’t work because the global elite don’t care. And they don’t care because they profit off of it.
It might be where the intel for the dirty bomb FF came from, and if so might have avoided nuclear armageddon. I think we can all agree that would be a good thing. There would be all kinds of crazy data going through those sats, and anyone with the ability to tap into that ocean of information would be a fool not to. For whatever gain they may want. Data is king in this modern world, that's why these social media platforms exist in the first place.
Not every move in a chess game is going to take out the opposing queen.
The people you mention (Lincoln excluded) actually did have positive impacts. Let’s see what good Musk and his companies have done:
PayPal: woke disinformation policy
Starlink: actively helping Ukraine, the most corrupt, Nazi-riddled country on earth.
Tesla: profits off of operating in China and Germany, two extremely socialistic and anti American countries. Tesla’s limited success is what’s gives the Left the excuse to ban/phase out ICE’s. Lithium mining for car batteries is far more invasive and less efficient than gas, and unlike gas legitimately isn’t sustainable long term. Even the Netherlands created a report that there’s not enough rare earth metals to sustain the electric car market for everyone.
Twitter: still bans conservatives, very few unbans as far as I’m aware, and Musk still insists on have content moderation with people from “both sides”. This clearly means radical Leftists and a few token centrists.
You can isolate all the bad and continue listing bad actions. Every one of them. To paint them in a bad way and justify hating him no matter what. That's how we got all those statues removed from parks cause of that tactic.
He is currently on stage, let his act play out. See what impacts are coming.
As for Twitter; Stop acting like firing the C-level management is going to flip Twitter to Godland. They still got Titan level facilities to weed out and Code to decipher. Gutting it is no better than closing the whole thing off. And he won't do that after a 44 billion dent to his wallet.
You should know better than use Twitter as an example.
He needs current employees to spill some of the beans as confirmation of what is already suspected or known. He's doing a 'Project Veritas' on them. Looking forward to what's to come and be revealed.
I think Catturd thinks that the jews that Elon talked to are somehow the new council, or that they will heavily influence Elon going forward from the meeting they had. It's an overreaction imo.
Yea suspended after 1 day for “platform manipulation and spam” no specifics or examples given. Didn’t create mult accounts or do anything manipulative or spammy….I would understand if it was for calling ppl cucks, or saying men can’t get pregnant, or hunters laptop, or the hard R in an LBJ quote, but this doesn’t make sense…unless they just classified everything ‘right wing spam’.
The dude has had the platform for less than a week. You know the big tech app stores are just foaming at the mouth to ban the app off their platform.
The acquisition of this company took almost a year. Why would anyone think that he is just going to start ripping and tearing? He would drive all the left-leaning people off the platform instantly. With the right getting mad it is just keeping the normies there longer for the preverbal red pill football suppository to launch.
He is already releasing company DMs proving they withheld evidence. Just think of the Messages on elections and 4 am talking points.
We are witnessing the longest wind-up punch anyone has ever seen. 40k view friends.
10K view (I am wary to call it 40K) this is a rescue op.
They can't expose them as criminals while millions of dipshits still follow their narratives. The dipshits will reject any reality where they are on team pedophile elite. They will simply reject reality and keep working for pedophiles.
Sleepers will have to pop out of the woodwork and give Dem normies an out. It's happening in waves. Tim Poole card played, Rogan card played, Russell Brandt played, Tulsi Gabbard played, Kanye played, Elon card is being played too. There will be more, until the ideologies that make up the "Left" are no longer relevant to anyone.
What doesn't grow dies. These ideologies are dying because they are no longer growing.
Oh boy does this remind me of goodold Gary gensler abd “ he’s only been in the role for a few weeks” as he’s bowing to the hedgies, spending taxpayer money on videos poking fun of meme stocks and raiding granny’s pensions d blaming gme
No free pass based on fucking tenure. How long as elon been ON TWITTER
It's brilliant, ask their opinions and do the exact opposite. Simple! Seriously, he is a white hat and the things that don't make sense are for optics. I was not on the Musk train for some time during his recent public resurfacing but I'm convinced at this point...or he's really on point controlled oppo.
Why so surprised? You don't get to that level of money without something. Those shits are in their own millennial war for power and control of the sheep.
Elon is the one who said he would like something like china's wechat system which is an all in one. Also the dude has been sketchy as shit in the past and his wife or ex was hard core illuminati. Won't believe till I see
You know he had them all there to placate them temporarily. The fact that THE DAMN WHITE HOUSE TWITTER IS GETTING FACT CHECKED that Elon's making the right moves.
I firmly believe there are big things, great things, that will be revealed shortly. Elon's team just needs time to dig.
All I know is, Twitter is a lot more fun these days and I haven't been banned for saying what's on my mind. As long as that continues, I'm good with it.
Elon has 2 sides, I believe. How he wants to live his life and how he wants to recieve the same respect he gives. I don't see him as politically based, but more a "I respect how you live your life, please respect how I live mine." He draws a line for open discussion, instead of forcing a singular vision.
On "Our side", I do not feel. I don't think that is his goal. I do feel like his end game here, is to create conversation free of 1 side being censored. That in itself, is a major Win...with us or against us...doesn't matter. Atleast, IMHO.
Then this whole Elon buying Twitter stocks, offers to buy twitter, gets sued into buying for more than its actually worth…but to only run it. “Same business as usual.” Makes no sense at all.
He can't appear too one-sided. This move makes his position more ambiguous. Necessary to keep the left and normies on twitter for mass awakening when declas occurs.
Now ^^^^THIS makes a lot of sense.
^ THIS. He needs his audience to stick around to hear the truth
its all just a show, catturd is playing a role too (witting or unwitting). all emotions need to be removed to understand this.
Personally I just like that we hold a user named Catturd with such high regard.
I love this timeline.
Also a GAW poster who goes by the handle "penisse", such a shitpost-y timeline!
Trump certainly surrounded himself with a bunch of treasonous snakes.
Why'd he do that?
Longterm plan.
In the case of twitter - it may take a two or three weeks to actually see what the new direction is going to be. I'm sure it's complicated and there's a lot to pay attention to and to do.
As others are saying, it can't be turned into a conservative-only forum.
But he’s being one sided….. or did you miss that….!?
FFS…..! Do some research mate…!
The likes prove the level of Q-Tards on here…!
You’re not getting the point. He can look however he wants. He needs to look like a normal mega rich Hollywood buddy. Because if he shows up to a Halloween party wearing a trump mask he’s going to turn them all off and Twitter will become a ghost town. This is important that he retains as many ears and eyes as possible. A little scary samurai outfit doesn’t mean jack shit.
Need deets. Some specifics? I do want Elon to not be full of shit.
We will have to see how things play out. It’s too early in the game.
This is the right answer to me. I have been following this stuff long enough to know that knee jerk reactions are rarely helpful. This one needs some time to develop.
I think Klaus Schwab visited Elon in his lingerie in middle of the night.
With a hammer.
The hammer joke is going to be the death of butt of jokes.
Lol. I see what you did there
Another post here. Straight from the horse’s mouth
I'm sorry, but -- and this goes to you, handshake, as well as Catturd --
He never said he was going to be on "our" side. He wants to have it be a middle ground. Sometimes that means he's going to fucking talk to retarded leftists too. And that's fine. Talking doesn't matter, action does. So far, his actions have been great.
Yeah id be a bit more worried about this if he didn't totally blow the fuck out of the Whitehouses bullshit pension tweet.
If Elon can somehow make the left see the truth that's a good thing.
just because he met with those ADL pinkoes doesn't mean he was slurping THEIR balls either.
The ideological puritanism is a tool the left uses to manipulate. be right with god for yourself, and enlighten others as you can... but barn burning is too far of a reach.
Judge a tree by the fruit it bares, and maybe he'll come around ideologically later? maybe not. God spoke out of the mouth of a donkey, I'm pretty sure even those that don't want to be can be part of the plan.
I agree, no need for him to spend all that money if nothing was going to change.
I talked to HR in multiple jobs before and nothing came of it. Starbucks talked with activists and nothing came up from it most occasions.
Kanye even being visible since his tweet and not changed back since is telling. But we need to see the sprouts before we weed.
You mean this Elon? Sheesh...
I'm watching to see how this plays out and not going to resort to emotional knee jerking.
None of this twitter/Musk saga makes any sense. Musk was openly critical of twitter and their censorship. Says he bought twitter and paid a premium for it because he values free speech. Now that any censorship done on twitter goes directly back to Musk as the 'Chief twit" or whatever he's calling himself, he appoints a bunch of left-wing partisan hacks as the moderation council? Why go through all that expense to wind up right were you started? 44 billion is a lot of money, even for Musk. This only makes sense (at least to me) if:
A) This is a trap for the cabal, u/#trap
B) Musk is trying to break into the higher echelons of the cabal and this is how he tries to do that (Cue "The Who" - "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss")
Yeah he could’ve acquired it without making all this noise, drawing attention to himself and possibly making people hate him. So odd.
Except for one guy we don't know who is on the moderation council
Elon Musk is conspicuously a brilliant guy, and I can't believe the willingness of people on this site to second-guess him when they don't know the whole story. For example, if I were in his shoes and wanted to do what he is doing, I would never dream of putting left-wing types and right-wing types in the same room. It would be nothing but a giant fight, and nothing would get accomplished. So, suppose we sit down with the lefties and let them get all their positions aired out---and then do the same thing with the righties, and compare the two pages of notes. Just because he listens doesn't mean he will do what they want him to do (if they think that, they haven't been watching the movie).
Let it go. See what happens. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Comparing notes? Look to the new feature, the user fact check. It was the user fact check that blew up Bidens lie about raising SS benefits.
I'm not aware of the feature, nor what it means. I went to Twitter only to read Trump. When he was removed, I followed suit. Is it a good thing? Sounds like it might be.
Would be nice for Kanye to chime in on this one. Only he can say it.
logical thinking.
I still do not trust Musk. The Twatter acquisition was pure Vaudeville. He is the highest paid USDOD contractor. The DHS mission creep. CIA vs NSA bs. Twatter is pvt now, so we the people have even less say, & the DOD info flow can be unfettered & unrestricted now. He may be the MAGA antichrist equivalent.
I think it's a bit early to draw this conclusion. Game theory dictates that you only push a bit past the line, then wait for the outrage to die down, then push a bit past the new line, rinse repeat ad nauseam. There's a reason the enemy does it to the sheep all the time: it works.
Yeah way too early /s
He’s wearing a very provocative costume sure to get media attention while clearly displaying 10:32 in his tightly clenched fist.
Hmm...when a Navy ship crashes, the captain is usually relieved of duty.
Maybe 10:32 means 10 and 32 - they even hit a delta in the case of #32
I noticed that too
Shit... I thought he was a transformer-guy.
they all are
Ooo...good post! Thanks!
you sorta had me there till the end.
not everyone is a fucking body double, stop being delusional. it discredits everything else you say that could actually be valid.
Why must we form concrete conclusions about information that we recieve that barely scratches the surface? Why cant we remain open to possibilities without being called delusional? Your post glows.
Because people state things as facts that are not true and then continue to spread them as rumors, knowing it's not true. The guy I'm complaining about is the one you should consider a real glowie, really think about what he is saying.
Truly think about that second statement he is spreading.
It's forum sliding and narrative control at its finest. Glowies don't want people knowing or thinking buyden is actually fake with video evidence of his ears melting off. So they go around sharing that everyone else is fake too. This way if a normies ever searched for info about buyden being fake, they see all these crazies spreading it about Elon and others too, then they have a reason to disregard the buyden masks as fake news too.
Very insidious what mr "freedomlover" is doing, also, how fucking glow is that name. Shieeet. It's the perfect cover.
& Retards on here eat it up like candy.
So dishonest you is.
You is lol you is bruh
No ability to look past the surface?
Are you aware of the White House pulling a tweet down about SS benefits being raised? That was fact checked by a user and it forced the WH into making an embarrassing spectacle of itself and the lying bitch press secretary was forced to side step questions on the subject from the press causing further embarrassment. The WH was ridiculed mercilously.
That is the game here. Its not too difficult to see how this will play out. The pedo death cult moderators lies versus the Truth by user fact checks. Side by side.
Im not making excuses for anyone. I am simply pointing out what to me is the obvious play.
FTR I am not a Musk fan and if you look through my post history you will see that I remain skeptical of him (and everyone but Trump and Q really) until as Q says future proves past.
u/DeathRayDesigner Tagging you since you both have similar concerns about my post.
I didn't have any "concern." I was just asking a question out of ignorance. Musk is a very long movie with a wandering plot.
Elons job is to get everyone to occupy Mars. The flaming libs are his target. Keep thinking about how only 4-6% are lost forever
So the guy that wants to put chips in people’s heads is not to be trusted? Noted.
I suspect the big scary people paid Musk a visit.
I think it’s too soon to fully know his true intentions. There are a lot of moves happening that will not come to light publicly for a while. Musk is walking the tight rope perception right now.
Yeah way too soon /s
Judge based off what happened in the next few month at Twitter. Not by the Halloween costume he knew would be seen, photographed and posted all over. Those who rush to judge are blinded by emotions. 40k feet. Meet you there.
Elon Musk: runs Tesla factories in China, is a transhumanist, thinks garbage EVs are the future, wants "both sides" represented in moderation councils despite the painfully obvious fact that the Left is intolerably, irredeemably evil.
Retards on PDW and GAW: OMG this guy is based! He's one of us! NCSWIC!!!
You haven’t mentioned any of the positives on his “ledger”.
He’s a mixed bag, hard to decipher. Anyone who thinks they “know” where his allegiance lies is probably wrong.
People, including me, may not like the idea of a grey hat, but they can do the most damage. At one time, they thought Musk was on their side. At one time, they thought Trump was on their side.
He provides Starlink to the Ukrainian military, knowing that Ukraine is full of Nazis and the corruption capital of the world. He briefly considered pulling Starlink out when the Ukrainian government chewed him out for his peace deal idea, but Musk caved to them and continues supporting them.
That should tell you exactly which side he’s on.
He's monitoring Ukraine thru Starlink. Think critically!
And what would he do with that information? Expose Ukraine’s criminal Nazis to the world? Russia already tried that, and it didn’t work because the global elite don’t care. And they don’t care because they profit off of it.
It might be where the intel for the dirty bomb FF came from, and if so might have avoided nuclear armageddon. I think we can all agree that would be a good thing. There would be all kinds of crazy data going through those sats, and anyone with the ability to tap into that ocean of information would be a fool not to. For whatever gain they may want. Data is king in this modern world, that's why these social media platforms exist in the first place.
Not every move in a chess game is going to take out the opposing queen.
You might benefit from some additional research into the Q drops. Have a good evening.
What about this is it a positive or a negative to you?
"He's a mixed bag" lmao...
Unable to view from both perspectives huh?
You know our opposition has done this same tactic on Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln and many others, omitting the posisitive impacts too.
The people you mention (Lincoln excluded) actually did have positive impacts. Let’s see what good Musk and his companies have done:
PayPal: woke disinformation policy Starlink: actively helping Ukraine, the most corrupt, Nazi-riddled country on earth. Tesla: profits off of operating in China and Germany, two extremely socialistic and anti American countries. Tesla’s limited success is what’s gives the Left the excuse to ban/phase out ICE’s. Lithium mining for car batteries is far more invasive and less efficient than gas, and unlike gas legitimately isn’t sustainable long term. Even the Netherlands created a report that there’s not enough rare earth metals to sustain the electric car market for everyone.
Twitter: still bans conservatives, very few unbans as far as I’m aware, and Musk still insists on have content moderation with people from “both sides”. This clearly means radical Leftists and a few token centrists.
So much positive impact, so much winning.
You can isolate all the bad and continue listing bad actions. Every one of them. To paint them in a bad way and justify hating him no matter what. That's how we got all those statues removed from parks cause of that tactic.
He is currently on stage, let his act play out. See what impacts are coming.
As for Twitter; Stop acting like firing the C-level management is going to flip Twitter to Godland. They still got Titan level facilities to weed out and Code to decipher. Gutting it is no better than closing the whole thing off. And he won't do that after a 44 billion dent to his wallet.
You should know better than use Twitter as an example.
It's a market funded research project for Mars rovers.
He’s invested countless billions into Tesla and is building new Gigafactories left and right. But yeah, not serious about EV’s at all.
It’s not about EVs. It’s about electricity.
Think of all of the nonsense that they did to make it look like people were opposed to him buying Twitter.
Some people were able to profit from stocks with that intentional stunt and its great marketing for their honeypot.
Don’t know what people see in him.
"When the people need a hero, we shall provide them with one" ~ Freemasons
Place ZERO faith in any man. I’ve said this countless times. Man will always fail you.
This is the hard one for people.
I said earlier
Disinfo is necessary
And possibility elon is on Q removing rogue agents and outside comms
Two birds, one stone. Make the libs think business as usual, eliminate your true enemies
If this is true then Gregg is not in jail, he is being insulated just like Trump
So, I've been thinking about the "Look to Twitter ....". DJT could use Melania's account, or DJT Jr's.
Did Q say Trump was going to post the message…or just watch for it to be posted?
He did not specify who it would be from
I'll get right on twitter and post it so we can go ahead and get this endgame started already!
Just to watch... but I'm still in the mindset that it's DJT.
If it comes from a democrat no one will listen (only us here will understand).
He needs current employees to spill some of the beans as confirmation of what is already suspected or known. He's doing a 'Project Veritas' on them. Looking forward to what's to come and be revealed.
nope. Cat person needs to calm their meowself
I think Catturd thinks that the jews that Elon talked to are somehow the new council, or that they will heavily influence Elon going forward from the meeting they had. It's an overreaction imo.
Yea suspended after 1 day for “platform manipulation and spam” no specifics or examples given. Didn’t create mult accounts or do anything manipulative or spammy….I would understand if it was for calling ppl cucks, or saying men can’t get pregnant, or hunters laptop, or the hard R in an LBJ quote, but this doesn’t make sense…unless they just classified everything ‘right wing spam’.
The hard R in an LBJ quote... oh man that's brilliant!
I was kicked off too. Now they want my phone number to get back on, but they aren't getting it.
The dude has had the platform for less than a week. You know the big tech app stores are just foaming at the mouth to ban the app off their platform.
The acquisition of this company took almost a year. Why would anyone think that he is just going to start ripping and tearing? He would drive all the left-leaning people off the platform instantly. With the right getting mad it is just keeping the normies there longer for the preverbal red pill football suppository to launch.
He is already releasing company DMs proving they withheld evidence. Just think of the Messages on elections and 4 am talking points.
We are witnessing the longest wind-up punch anyone has ever seen. 40k view friends.
10K view (I am wary to call it 40K) this is a rescue op.
They can't expose them as criminals while millions of dipshits still follow their narratives. The dipshits will reject any reality where they are on team pedophile elite. They will simply reject reality and keep working for pedophiles.
Sleepers will have to pop out of the woodwork and give Dem normies an out. It's happening in waves. Tim Poole card played, Rogan card played, Russell Brandt played, Tulsi Gabbard played, Kanye played, Elon card is being played too. There will be more, until the ideologies that make up the "Left" are no longer relevant to anyone.
What doesn't grow dies. These ideologies are dying because they are no longer growing.
CNN mouthpiece is being replaced and I bet it will be a main red pilling network in 2023
Oh boy does this remind me of goodold Gary gensler abd “ he’s only been in the role for a few weeks” as he’s bowing to the hedgies, spending taxpayer money on videos poking fun of meme stocks and raiding granny’s pensions d blaming gme
No free pass based on fucking tenure. How long as elon been ON TWITTER
All this to say I don't think Elon is the end-game savior, but he is a part of exposing the bullshit we are witnessing.
6 days.
It's brilliant, ask their opinions and do the exact opposite. Simple! Seriously, he is a white hat and the things that don't make sense are for optics. I was not on the Musk train for some time during his recent public resurfacing but I'm convinced at this point...or he's really on point controlled oppo.
Why so surprised? You don't get to that level of money without something. Those shits are in their own millennial war for power and control of the sheep.
It's one big club and we ain't in it
Elon is the one who said he would like something like china's wechat system which is an all in one. Also the dude has been sketchy as shit in the past and his wife or ex was hard core illuminati. Won't believe till I see
I'm ambivalent until Musk tweets "Let's talk about vaccines".
You know he had them all there to placate them temporarily. The fact that THE DAMN WHITE HOUSE TWITTER IS GETTING FACT CHECKED that Elon's making the right moves.
I firmly believe there are big things, great things, that will be revealed shortly. Elon's team just needs time to dig.
Go away and let the man do his job.
All I know is, Twitter is a lot more fun these days and I haven't been banned for saying what's on my mind. As long as that continues, I'm good with it.
Elon has 2 sides, I believe. How he wants to live his life and how he wants to recieve the same respect he gives. I don't see him as politically based, but more a "I respect how you live your life, please respect how I live mine." He draws a line for open discussion, instead of forcing a singular vision.
On "Our side", I do not feel. I don't think that is his goal. I do feel like his end game here, is to create conversation free of 1 side being censored. That in itself, is a major Win...with us or against us...doesn't matter. Atleast, IMHO.
Elon is not to be trusted. He is the savior of our enemies. Their last resort.
C’mon Catturd, you run a business.
Then this whole Elon buying Twitter stocks, offers to buy twitter, gets sued into buying for more than its actually worth…but to only run it. “Same business as usual.” Makes no sense at all.