What I totally love about the "horse paste" is this: The brand I buy, Durvet, lists the ingredients, which aside from ivermectin, only has apple flavoring (does NOT taste like apple). No chemical garbage at all.
I bought a tube of the Durvet horse paste. I requested the ingredients info from the company, and it was full of all sorts of chemicals with possible negative human consequences. Because I have a compromised liver, I didn't take any.
It was a pretty big list. I tried searching my computer but can't find it now. The company wouldn't say what some of the ingredients were. Getting the human-intended ivermectin is definitely the way to go.
Ask them how any virus that absolutely needs a host to grow, multiply and then spread, repeating the process, differs from the lifecycle of any other parasite.
Should be interesting to hear their answer as all viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat.
On the upside it caused millions to know where to get it since doctors weren't allowed to prescribe. The easiest way to tell who is lying is anybody that uses the word science.
Personal experience: Weekly dose of horse paste for 18 months and my toenail fungus is gone. Bonus: best health in decades.
Physician-prescribed anti-fungals didn't clear fungus despite multiple attempts over the years. Weekly IVM has cleared up several other annoying health issues.
I look forward to honest IVM research, honest results and a shift from expensive, dangerous meds to affordable and effective IVM for multiple conditions. It should be over-the-counter for humans. (Obviously, not medical advice in any way.)
I'd like to know this, too. I encourage anyone who posts about alternative medications they are taking to, at the very least, include the dosage. That way the rest of us will have some idea where to begin.
The only way I calculate dosage for the horse paste is by weight. I believe the horse paste is intended to be one dose/syringe. Horses average about 1100 to 1200 pounds, so just take it from there. There is some guesswork, but I weigh about 130 lbs., and estimate from that. Been doing that for nearly two years, and never had a problem.
Are you taking about an 1/8 teaspoon? I also take Boron for arthritis, etc and take 1/4 teaspoon but don't know if that is good or not. So don't take this as medical advice.
Dang people!! ….”a friend” told me … can’t remember who….India. Hmmm…I (A)m getting On-line to (D)o a little resear(C)h. I’ve heard… $. 75 cents a pill and easy.
Take it by weight. If paste just round up to the next 50 pounds. Tablets are calculated roughly at 1mg per ten pounds. Wife and I have been taking it for about 1.5 years. I had to reduce my blood pressure meds by 2/3 and she has reduced her insulin. Numerous other benefits as well and clears up any cold, flu, WuFlu in hours. Could take a couple days for more severe colds, WuFlu.
My primary physician refused to write a script for IVM as a preventative measure or so I could have some on hand in case of illness, despite me telling him that I would use horse paste if he refused. His hands were tied anyway as an employee of a huge health-care system. (High paid salesman for pharma...)
So, I purchased horsey-paste and started taking it after doing my research. It's now possible to purchase the human version of it legally in at least one state (I forgot the state). I recommend consulting a qualified medical professional for a legal prescription, and I'm not offering medical advice of any kind.
That said, the popular horse-paste version includes a plunger with settings that correspond to the weight of your horse. You dial the desired number, press the plunger and mix into your yogurt. Some suggested a mathematical adjustment to the weight, but others argued that the safety profile of the medicine makes it unnecessary. Do your own research, and I recommend the Dr. option if possible.
One more thing: I have a chronic but easily treatable medical condition that requires multiple blood tests every six months, and I've done this for over 20 years. I'm sure it would break forum rules for me to be specific, but I can say that after 18 months of weekly IVM the improvement to my health has been astonishing, and you can see the results in my blood work. Eliminating toenail fungus after years of failure by the pharmaceutical industry is the most minor of the benefits I've enjoyed from regular IVM.
It's also cool to not every get sick. When I feel something coming on, just take horsey paste for a couple of days and it's gone.
The medical profession is a criminal syndicate for withholding this amazing product from other humans. It should be over-the-counter.
Again, not medical advice. Consult a professional.
Amazingly I have a sister who is an accomplished veterinarian who goes ballistic about IVM screaming (literally) that it is only for animals. She becomes absolutely irrational and insane. At the same time, my (very sane) doctor prescribed Ivermectin to me and my wife when we had been really sick with...a virus (I refused testing) and we both felt fine the next day. I am not a scientist but IVM worked like a charm for us.
Democrats have this nasty habit of putting party above country and common sense no matter what. It really is a psychological hold. I bet your sister knows deep down its not harmful medicine, but can't deal with the cognitive dissonance of it going against what the party told her.
If IVM is only for animals, why does the NIH recommend IVM for refugees coming into the US and why has the NIH commissioned numerous studies to see how effective IVM is against scabies?
Show her the fact that Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for curing cancer and explain she is murdering people with her opinions. The CDC website search will show numerous studies when you search Ivermectin + Cancer.
Sorry Rolling Stone there will be no Covid amnesty only Gitmo, Tribunals and Execution. Even the CDC says that Ivermectin cures Covid so what is your excuse now Rolling Stone and Andrea Marks.
This better happen. This is bigger than election fraud. I want everyone from the top down to the dancing nurses injecting this shit to be terminated permanently.
It's apparently time to do your absolute worst now...fire all cannons! Because they know their ship is going down, there's nothing to lose at this point...it's an all or nothing kind of thing.
The misinformation was from the government that 1) covid was deadly 2) the vax was a real vaccine and was safe and worked 3) that ivermectin is not safe and does not work 4) masks work 5) social distancing works 6) ...................
I have been taking ivermectin regularly since just before being forced to take the death injection
Those who believe the actual lies will make there own bed. Rolling Stone has been a rag since day one. Give a listen to Guns & Rose's song Get in the Ring. Axel is not to fond of them either.
Only reason anyone in my family were annoyed with the whole Ivermectin/horse paste push the media was all about spreading information that Ivermectin even existed (even if they were trying to be assholes about it) was it caused the price of it to go up and when it came time to worm their horses the stores did not have it in stock or it was locked up and in short supply.
One updoot, for you my friend. Let Rolling Stone Magazine hence forth be known as LIGMA BALLS. this poster gets the theam song. Reeeal Men of genius, voice-over, when you name a libtard company an appropriate title as feckless cunts. Music increases...
We had family members calling it horse medication last year. Why? Because that's what they were told to believe. It's just disgusting.
Ask them why the discoverers of Ivermectin won the Nobel prize.
After they look into it, they'll say "They won it for a parasite in humans, not a virus."
That's when you say, "Oh, so now it's NOT horse paste? Why did the media lie to you about that?"
Don't ever let these people put you on defense. They're the ones repeating lies, make them defend their lies.
What I totally love about the "horse paste" is this: The brand I buy, Durvet, lists the ingredients, which aside from ivermectin, only has apple flavoring (does NOT taste like apple). No chemical garbage at all.
I bought a tube of the Durvet horse paste. I requested the ingredients info from the company, and it was full of all sorts of chemicals with possible negative human consequences. Because I have a compromised liver, I didn't take any.
So, don't take it if you feel uncomfortable about it. Especially with liver issues.would you mind sharing what the other ingredients are?
It was a pretty big list. I tried searching my computer but can't find it now. The company wouldn't say what some of the ingredients were. Getting the human-intended ivermectin is definitely the way to go.
Ask them how any virus that absolutely needs a host to grow, multiply and then spread, repeating the process, differs from the lifecycle of any other parasite.
Should be interesting to hear their answer as all viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat.
On the upside it caused millions to know where to get it since doctors weren't allowed to prescribe. The easiest way to tell who is lying is anybody that uses the word science.
Personal experience: Weekly dose of horse paste for 18 months and my toenail fungus is gone. Bonus: best health in decades.
Physician-prescribed anti-fungals didn't clear fungus despite multiple attempts over the years. Weekly IVM has cleared up several other annoying health issues.
I look forward to honest IVM research, honest results and a shift from expensive, dangerous meds to affordable and effective IVM for multiple conditions. It should be over-the-counter for humans. (Obviously, not medical advice in any way.)
what dose do you take? Your approx Age, weight?
I'd like to know this, too. I encourage anyone who posts about alternative medications they are taking to, at the very least, include the dosage. That way the rest of us will have some idea where to begin.
The only way I calculate dosage for the horse paste is by weight. I believe the horse paste is intended to be one dose/syringe. Horses average about 1100 to 1200 pounds, so just take it from there. There is some guesswork, but I weigh about 130 lbs., and estimate from that. Been doing that for nearly two years, and never had a problem.
Are you taking about an 1/8 teaspoon? I also take Boron for arthritis, etc and take 1/4 teaspoon but don't know if that is good or not. So don't take this as medical advice.
Not medical advice, just personal experience. YMMV.
I've read various sources at 0.2mg per kg of weight for prevention. And 0.4 to 0.6 mg/kg for treatment. go to the FLCCC website.
what is FLCCC?
Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance, a group of doctors that advocated for patients and pushed ivermectin and HCQ early on.
Dang people!! ….”a friend” told me … can’t remember who….India. Hmmm…I (A)m getting On-line to (D)o a little resear(C)h. I’ve heard… $. 75 cents a pill and easy.
Yeah, I was ALL DAY at the CHEMIST as well. Picked up some tretinoin and careprost for pretty skin and lashes too!
Take it by weight. If paste just round up to the next 50 pounds. Tablets are calculated roughly at 1mg per ten pounds. Wife and I have been taking it for about 1.5 years. I had to reduce my blood pressure meds by 2/3 and she has reduced her insulin. Numerous other benefits as well and clears up any cold, flu, WuFlu in hours. Could take a couple days for more severe colds, WuFlu.
My primary physician refused to write a script for IVM as a preventative measure or so I could have some on hand in case of illness, despite me telling him that I would use horse paste if he refused. His hands were tied anyway as an employee of a huge health-care system. (High paid salesman for pharma...)
So, I purchased horsey-paste and started taking it after doing my research. It's now possible to purchase the human version of it legally in at least one state (I forgot the state). I recommend consulting a qualified medical professional for a legal prescription, and I'm not offering medical advice of any kind.
That said, the popular horse-paste version includes a plunger with settings that correspond to the weight of your horse. You dial the desired number, press the plunger and mix into your yogurt. Some suggested a mathematical adjustment to the weight, but others argued that the safety profile of the medicine makes it unnecessary. Do your own research, and I recommend the Dr. option if possible.
One more thing: I have a chronic but easily treatable medical condition that requires multiple blood tests every six months, and I've done this for over 20 years. I'm sure it would break forum rules for me to be specific, but I can say that after 18 months of weekly IVM the improvement to my health has been astonishing, and you can see the results in my blood work. Eliminating toenail fungus after years of failure by the pharmaceutical industry is the most minor of the benefits I've enjoyed from regular IVM.
It's also cool to not every get sick. When I feel something coming on, just take horsey paste for a couple of days and it's gone.
The medical profession is a criminal syndicate for withholding this amazing product from other humans. It should be over-the-counter.
Again, not medical advice. Consult a professional.
These comments are why I'm here. That is massively huge.
Other people do use the word science all the time while telling the truth about it
Horse paste was another one.
I have a friend who is an anesthesiologist who still thinks IVM is for animals.
Amazingly I have a sister who is an accomplished veterinarian who goes ballistic about IVM screaming (literally) that it is only for animals. She becomes absolutely irrational and insane. At the same time, my (very sane) doctor prescribed Ivermectin to me and my wife when we had been really sick with...a virus (I refused testing) and we both felt fine the next day. I am not a scientist but IVM worked like a charm for us.
Democrats have this nasty habit of putting party above country and common sense no matter what. It really is a psychological hold. I bet your sister knows deep down its not harmful medicine, but can't deal with the cognitive dissonance of it going against what the party told her.
If IVM is only for animals, why does the NIH recommend IVM for refugees coming into the US and why has the NIH commissioned numerous studies to see how effective IVM is against scabies?
enter text
Ask her why the NIH considers refugees to be animals? Kek.
Show her the fact that Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for curing cancer and explain she is murdering people with her opinions. The CDC website search will show numerous studies when you search Ivermectin + Cancer.
Here is some ammo to shut her up for good.
Sounds like they've been imbibing their own products.
It's shocking, really.
And don't forget people like don lemon calling it horse past.
Sorry Rolling Stone there will be no Covid amnesty only Gitmo, Tribunals and Execution. Even the CDC says that Ivermectin cures Covid so what is your excuse now Rolling Stone and Andrea Marks.
This better happen. This is bigger than election fraud. I want everyone from the top down to the dancing nurses injecting this shit to be terminated permanently.
For their next performance the "Dancing Nurse" will be performing the "Rope Dance" for us.
Rolling Stone used to write really good articles about music. The second they touch politics, they sound insane.
Boring bad writing
There isn’t much modern music worth writing about
Agreed. The industry abandoned rock music for hip hop.
Antibiotics are given to animals. Does that make antibiotics animal medication too?
It's apparently time to do your absolute worst now...fire all cannons! Because they know their ship is going down, there's nothing to lose at this point...it's an all or nothing kind of thing.
let's see, my clown world translation matrix here says... rolling stone.. when they say... lies.. always means truth. yup, thought so.
The misinformation was from the government that 1) covid was deadly 2) the vax was a real vaccine and was safe and worked 3) that ivermectin is not safe and does not work 4) masks work 5) social distancing works 6) ...................
I have been taking ivermectin regularly since just before being forced to take the death injection
I like horses.
WE are the sole arbiter of truth and lies
WE are telling you ivermectin has no effect on COVID
Never mind what thousands of doctors say who have no incentive to make it up and every incentive to lie and say ivermectin is useless
--Rolling Stone dopesters
Rolling Stone has alway sucked. The only thing they’ve ever had going for them was their cover.
That plus back in the day it was used to clean seeds out of dirt weed.
Those who believe the actual lies will make there own bed. Rolling Stone has been a rag since day one. Give a listen to Guns & Rose's song Get in the Ring. Axel is not to fond of them either.
Only reason anyone in my family were annoyed with the whole Ivermectin/horse paste push the media was all about spreading information that Ivermectin even existed (even if they were trying to be assholes about it) was it caused the price of it to go up and when it came time to worm their horses the stores did not have it in stock or it was locked up and in short supply.
Sucking big pharmas dicks is the least rock and roll thing I’ve ever witnessed
Oops wrong post
One updoot, for you my friend. Let Rolling Stone Magazine hence forth be known as LIGMA BALLS. this poster gets the theam song. Reeeal Men of genius, voice-over, when you name a libtard company an appropriate title as feckless cunts. Music increases...
Fuck RS
It’s Johnson, ligma Johnson
Horse dick is great nutrients. They should eat horse shit.
Many of you aren't old enough to remember when Rolling Stone was a respected music publication.
Some oldfags remember, though - and we've watched it turn to shit over the last 20 years.
With respect, none of you should be reading it. A shell of its once former greatness...