Oops! Listen closely - You can hear her earpiece... picked up on the LiveStream.
Who is REALLY in charge here?? Who is feeding her lines at the podium??
🧠 These people are stupid!
Well dang!
It could be that she's like Biden and needs lines fed to her.
Or patriots are in control.
Possible that we were wrong on just "who" was feeding the info- that it was military all along?
This is the greatest movie ever. The "usual suspects" aren't who we think, and Kaiser Söze is Verbal... or is it the other way 'round?
Love that flick! "...gimme the keys ya fuggin cucksucka...whutdafug??"
The American people demand to know who was feeding her instructions, and to find out what gives that individual the authority to dictate instructions to members of congress.
McCarthy now has an investigation to conduct. Let's watch him get the job done, just like Trump said he would.
The US Government politley declines your request, and should you continue to push your racist disinformation we will kindly escort you to a local facility for social reorientation and behavior modification.
Don’t forget the medication, injections and vaccines you will be getting for your own safety while under government care.
I don't care what the govt. thinks about that. I want someone to put McCarthy on the spot, right now, and make him answer that question. Let's see him be a real leader for the house of congress.
The entire show last night was predicted by Q 5 years ago to the exact date. Keep watching its just a movie. Its about to get real good my fren.
This was posted on a few days ago when the first adjournings came up. the first one got replaced with this vessel for some fat donald trumpist feeding her lines all the time.
Can't find the links to it now, but the fat guy with glasses has been identified :P
I was wondering how we know if this was voiced over after the fact or honestly and truly happened like that real time. From your statement here— it seems that it was truly this way? Unless I’m misunderstanding....
Yes, at least since the diversity hire took over the gavel and count.
Pardon my ignorance, but who is she?
Posted a question about who she is... Just ignore it, I looked it up.
He was crouching in the podium getting cramps.
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! You made my day!!!!
Go watch recordings on CSPAN. I heard this life and thought it was someone sitting behind her.
Good idea- I’m wondering why this never occurred to me..... !!
I mentioned this a couple days ago, BUT I misidentified him. Originally thought it was House Parliamentarian Jason Smith (R... MAGA R), but it wasn't him. Must be some kind of clerk? Was there the entire time, behind her to her right.
The larger white dude with facial hair and glasses, who was behind her on her right, giving her lines and instructions for says. I asked this question 2 days ago, who exactly he was. Have yet to figure that out.
It's not an earpiece. There's a heavyset guy to her right that instructed her the entire time.
This happened throughout the entire voting process. I thought it was because she was new to the game / a fill-in of some sort and the person advising her (seemed to be a man to her right) was doing it according to the rules to have the proceedings stay in legal territory.
HAH! So I would assume everyone heard it. Wat a maroon.
So why don't they just put a mannequin up there and the real people in charge can just mouth the words. Why elect these people :D
Wondering whether you witnessed the apparent prompting yourself live, since I wasn't watching any of the proceedings, and as a video posted to Twitter, it's easily faked with the simplest video-editing software; i.e., I could listen to something, then record myself afterwards, overdubbing my voice to sound as if I'm feeding the person their lines.
I watched most of the voting as it happened, and the man to her left told her what to say when decisions needed to be made, e.g., to adjourn, to vote, to tally votes, etc. Seemed like he was walking her through the process. I did think it was strange to have someone unfamiliar with the process doing the proceedings...why didn't the man prompting her just do it himself?
I watched live feeds on FOX and CSPAN, the latter more of the time avoid interruption in the coverage by idiot commentators. All feeds had the voice clealry audible. No dubbing.
Yed I heard it live. There is plenty of video at rsbn or even cspan
Washington DC is the puppet capitol of the world.
It's about time we start cutting those strings. Excuse me, I'm wrong. We should have cut the strings 30 years ago.
This isn't that unusual. She's a stand-in for the normal speaker, and since she's never done this before she has to be coached from the sidelines. The voice is probably Jason Smith, the current Parliamentarian of the House.
Why though
Wtf doesnt he just speak instead of "coaching from the sidelines"
Seems disingenuous and stupid af to me
He's not allowed to participate in legislative activities like roll call voting, those tasks can only be done by elected members. He does teach and guide them though, in parliamentary procedures.
Interesting, thank you
It wasn't him though. Likely some other administrative clerk staffer. Still trying to ID.
The line feeding was blatant, but her script reading was even more obvious.
Voice matches Jason Smith, in my opinion:
That's what I thought too, as originally stated here:
BUT after seeing Smith walking around all over the floor yesterday, it's not him. Different guy. Fatter guy with goatee and glasses who was behind her the entire time. Odd, because you'd think that the Parliamentarian would be the one to assist with procedure, hence why I first thought Smith. But if not him, then who was the guy?
Black - check
Female - check
Not too smart - check
Obedient - check
Pin a note on a monkey and send it in...same result.
She is apparently the clerk, and I believe it was the Sergeant at Arms or some such giving her instruction.
According to some on twitter, she is new at doing the clerk's job, and you are right. It was likely the Sergeant at Arms who knows the rules better.
It wasn’t an earpiece it’s the dude sitting right next to her
Wow some of you are so rude and nasty, just because she's a black woman doesn't mean she's a diversity hire, that's actually just as petty and racist sounding as liberals. Be better than that. It's obvious she's a clerk and is doing her best to handle the proceedings, the debate is going hot and heavy and while she may be trained in dealing with them it's intimidating dealing with a bunch of people that are elected into the highest positions of authority in the land. So why is it so surprising that someone who's better versed in parliamentary procedure there assisting her? It's not some giant conspiracy, it's just someone helping a clerk do her job in a trying circumstance.
Honestly she's a part of history, part of the biggest Q proof we've had in a long time.
Why on earth would anyone this she's a diversity hire?
Biden says he'll nominate a Black woman to Supreme Court by end of February
Published January 27, 2022 2:50pm EST
Must be black. Must be a woman. Racist and Sexist. Right in front of your face.
Same guy that was telling her what to say the other day. Someone called him a MAGA Patriot on here.
I accidentally misidentified the guy as Jason Smith, the House Parliamentarian. Still trying to ID the actual guy.
Diversity hire with a gavel and an ear-piece.
thats the guy to her right with the glasses, pretty much directing the show the last 4 days
Maybe she’s in training for the job.
Because diversity
Edit: (house parlimentarian, not senate) parliamentarian training a new clerk of the house... its normal..
Definitely wasn't the Senate Parliamentarian... Elizabeth MacDonough
I thought it was the guy standing near her on her right (if watching this exchange, he is on our left). I remember while watching this that there was a guy standing there talking to her, then he started walking away. I felt like he was guiding her on what to say.
Edit: I don't know if this is the same time/video that the one above in this post but found a good spot in this video to show the guy speaking to her and looks like guiding her before she speaks.
At about the 10:19:20 mark.
Sounded like OBamma to me.
Everything is fake! Incredible
It's most likely the Parliamentarian since the person filling the position of chair is highly unlikely to be well versed in the rules, the precedents and parliamentary procedure.
That's what I thought too
But it wasn't Jason Smith, as I misidentified.
I’ve heard this before in hearings etc it’s the parliamentary aid or whatever they are called they are specialist in house rules of decorum, just pat closer attention you will see heads of hearings etc stopping to get wording etc
nothing nefarious. that’s the parliamentarian. the clerks don’t know all the rules and specific language. the same person/people provide all the parliamentary language used, even the speaker’s. he had to do it on the fly here because the situation got heated quick. p.s. Thank GOD for MAtt GAetz!!!
Agree 100%. I don't know who the parliamentarian is but you are 100% correct. That's exactly what it was.
These people don't know how to run meetings. It's all scripted.
Just watch. The pages are constantly passing notes. Most of these elected people do what the machine tells them to do.
I'm not sure that was a earpiece. I think that was someone off camera telling her how to regain control of the House.
Correct. They are literally all actors. Everything is scripted. Nobody writes their own speeches. All the drafts for legislation? Reports? Written by lobbyists.
"Bottom line is, they can't drive the boats... they're actors!"
That’s the Parliamentarian. Way less embarrassing than stepping away from the podium to have a chat.
Except the Parliamentarian is Jason Smith, and that wasn't him... I accidentally misidentified it as him a couple days ago. Still trying to find the correct identity
Someone said it sounded like Don Lemon 😄 🤣 😂
Yes, as I mentioned 2 days ago, the guy was feeding her lines nonstop, and she was literally reading from a script much of the day.
I don't think this is a nefarious conspiracy as people are trying to present it. I've never seen her before so she obviously lacks experience, and is filling a role.
Proper rules and procedures are necessary for the House, much like Robert's Rules of Order. There is a gentleman off camera, slightly back and to her left, who is the one speaking. When corrections are made and the gavel bangs, there have to be procedural reasons, and he is explaining them, as she repeats it.
Nothing to see here...
Yep. This was hardly a Hunter saying he'd made a deal moment.
Except that it wasn't the actual Parliamentarian, Jason Smith (who I previously misidentified). Moreover, that officer is there to provide ASSISTANCE when called on, not to literally feed exact lines to be repeated. There was one blatant example of when he told her to make a call on whether the Yeas or Nays had the voice vote for the adjournment motion, and after she didn't make a judgement, he tells her to say "the Yeas have it, the calls for the Yeas and Nays have been requested." SHE must make the judgement, not this random guy who is only there to be called upon for assistance and clarification.
The more damning evidence of scripting, are the countless times she literally read from a script. Not just notes of "this is what you say in these scenarios" but having exact information that was presented to us as being organic and naturally occurring, but was clearly preplanned.
Dang good catch!! That is exactly what is happening...
She is nobody. If you watch C-Span you hear that shit all the time. It is not an ear piece. There is someone off to her right. He is just telling helping her to know what to say.
No ear piece. Please help to stop spreading disinfo and diluting actual stuff we should be looking into. I do it to sometimes. When I realize I posted something wrong, I remove it for the good of this forum.
Hoping you do the same.
All the time eh?
Perhaps she was selected by the outgoing Dems to appear they were being "diverse", but didn't know the protocols, rules, order procedures, etc. - so had to have someone else feed it to her?
Ethics Lawyers in the House.
Senior Executive Service...