Oh, they have created a “Qanon Cult” hating cult. They have absolutely zero idea what Q is, and have lumped every theory and conservative ideology into their Trump-bashing narrative. CIA pawns, the lot of them.
I’ve pointed that out several times over there and it’s met with mixed responses. That place really went downhill after J6 and many of originals from r/T_D left or stopped posting. Not sure what happened, but just seems like a lot of juvenile comments now.
Summer 2016 was the absolute peak of what I like to call the "alpha era." People were so brazen in support and were openly calling out faggotry in my college, that I thought if Trump won, SJWs would be done by the next election. Of course I was naive and didn't quite understand the monster we are fighting, however I do think the young Trump crowd really failed in that they kept conceding ground. For some reason after he was elected, the brazen attitudes of young men who at least love themselves enough to want to live in a great country turned into smugness and over engagement of any enemy who has no recourse but to further ramp up the insanity. I knew when we retreated from Reddit it would be a huge blow for the cause and that culminated with the burnout of the same old SJW owned compilations really I think did a number on how young people act just 6 years later. I hope soon people will go back to brazenly defending actual freedom.
2nd that! From lots and lots of personal experience where I had told people it and then it was so! Don't expect to get acknowledgment from anyone. They may remember but would never admit that they were wrong / you were right.
If you press them on it they may lash out / get upset with you (while still being in denial).
That being said, that vindictiveness is divisive, selfish & counterproductive.
Yes, though just because Biden ain't POTUS, that doesn't mean Trump is. Under the Constitution, his term ended Jan 20th, 2021. Period. It ended. He was not inaugurated. However, since there was neither a qualified POTUS-elect nor VP-elect, then the serving VP remains Acting POTUS until there is a qualified POTUS-elect or VP-elect (e.g. the Electoral appointment disputes remedied), which means....... Mike Pence has been Acting POTUS this entire time. Or if Pence 25th'd himself prior to Jan 20th, then constitutionally next down the list would have been Sec of State Mike Pompeo (neither Speaker nor PPT are constitutionally eligible... see https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqmyEiZw/presidential-succession-the-way-/)
Legally, constitutionally, this is what should have happened. I certainly hope it did. I cannot and won't support any other attempt to circumvent the Constitution, even being done by DJT himself. Nobody gets to violate the Constitution.
The Constitution always applies. It reigns supreme over all federal statutes, even in time of war. Under the Constitution, Trump's term ended. Period. Done. No executive order or even legislative statute can extend a president's term past what the Constitution sets. However, the Constitution does authorize Congress with power to via legislation, establish who acts as POTUS until and eligible POTUS qualifies. Somebody will always at least be Acting POTUS. But in this case, that somebody could not have been DJT. Downvoters may not like that fact and the truth sometimes hurts, but that's reality.
But under Devolution he is not acting POTUS. Authority devolves onto, if I recall, the 4 designated military generals. Can't remember is one of the selected few is the "boss" of the others, but if he or they they are of one mind with Trump it really doesn't matter.
Except that under the Constitution, even during times of war, rebellion or occupation, there's always to be a POTUS, at least an Acting one, who is the Commander-in-Chief. Anything that deviates from this system, would be extraconstitutional and mean that our Constitution is no longer in effect...
Yes, law changes when antifa, BLM etc get violent and risk public safety, they are letting them play out their playbook with safeguards in place at every turn. "playbook known". Think "trap".
What is so awesome about this is that it's becoming brilliant red-pill ammo for all those millions and millions of DJT supporters out there still in normie land. Not only in the US but around the whole world, there are millions and millions who love DJT because they hear the voice of honest, non-manipulative straight talk when they hear him.
And at some point, it's going to be like, DJT is brilliant, right? yeah, I totally support that guy....
Well, did you know this (insert q content)?
after dropping some Q bombs, then roll out the videos of the wwg1wga music at the rallies, the retruths, etc, etc.
No need to oversell it. Just show the different elements together and let light do it's own work.
If folks are resonating with DJT, it means that already they are resonating with God's plan for the world, of which the Great Awakening and MAGA are a part. And Q+ is setting things up for a LOT of Maga folks to move into the GA sphere, and GA starts to go mainstream, probably in synchronicity as the wins also proceed step by step.
Just note: as GA becomes mainstream, things will change. It's not like everyone is going to become anons. the GA will transform and shape as it moves forward, so anons should be open to that, and not get too tied to how things are (were) (imo). GA in 2023 is very different from GA in 2018.....
For me, this is the Q proof that frees my mind of any doubt. There is no longer an argument to be made that suggests Q isn't real and the DJT isn't part of the operation.
If she were not eligible to be president, she would not be eligible to be vice-president. The VP needs to be able to take over if the president is unable to fulfill the duties of the office. I'm not saying that she is eligible or qualified, but now that she's VP, she will be considered eligible to be president.
Technically at least one should have a citizen for her to be a natural born citizen under jus sanguinis. Though arguably, if at least one parent had renounced allegiance to any prior home country, and put themself under the exclusive jurisdiction of the USA, which a green card (but not a work visa) would do, then practically speaking that should suffice.
Were either of the parents citizens or permanent residents?
I see it as Biden as well, but maybe not necessarily referring to the term being four years or less, but meaning it will be the presidential term where the people are shown (corruption, evil, etc).
Seeing how McCarthy was talking yesterday, I think the whole house vote was scripted. Dude was scorching everything in sight. He didn't come across as someone who caved to the far right, but was himself far right. That Swalwell rant was beautiful.
100% true! They (sleeping normies) won't and have not believed anything we've said for the past 2 years. We've wakened up as many as we could, and now the pain starts for the sleeping.
It’s so brazenly out in the open now.
This train is full steam ahead.
I love that the media and the blind lemmings will never ask the “Q”uestion or admit the truth.
choo choo...makes you feel that NCSWIC...or something like that.
Oh, they have created a “Qanon Cult” hating cult. They have absolutely zero idea what Q is, and have lumped every theory and conservative ideology into their Trump-bashing narrative. CIA pawns, the lot of them.
Yes but that means we're all right and that's even scarier🤯🤡👹🤬
This post should show 3000+ upvotes, but here it is front and center, and we're numb to everything. Come on! Let's go!
This isn't just some random ReTruth. Wonder what the angry curmudgeons at PDW have to say?
Never been the same since r/The_Donald days. That shit was lit 🔥 now it's pathetic.
I’ve pointed that out several times over there and it’s met with mixed responses. That place really went downhill after J6 and many of originals from r/T_D left or stopped posting. Not sure what happened, but just seems like a lot of juvenile comments now.
I was there until just after January 6th.
I had to leave for my own mental health.
I never knew this place was here even though I followed the Q train from Reddit to Voat
It's a lot more painful😢
Summer 2016 was the absolute peak of what I like to call the "alpha era." People were so brazen in support and were openly calling out faggotry in my college, that I thought if Trump won, SJWs would be done by the next election. Of course I was naive and didn't quite understand the monster we are fighting, however I do think the young Trump crowd really failed in that they kept conceding ground. For some reason after he was elected, the brazen attitudes of young men who at least love themselves enough to want to live in a great country turned into smugness and over engagement of any enemy who has no recourse but to further ramp up the insanity. I knew when we retreated from Reddit it would be a huge blow for the cause and that culminated with the burnout of the same old SJW owned compilations really I think did a number on how young people act just 6 years later. I hope soon people will go back to brazenly defending actual freedom.
Conceding ground? No, that is how you draw your enemy in and give them false courage.
It appeared we were weak like when we were strong and they took the bait. Now look.
Ha! They call us GAW'tards. That made me laugh.
yeah i wanted to post something just to see if they would say "username checks out"
Can't they all just WTFU?
And these people make millions of dollars and they're calling us names💥🤜🤡🤛💥🇺🇸🕊🙌
Wow. str8 morons
Judging by the comments, theDonald may now be predominately GAW posters. We won.
Man are the glowfags over there retarded lol
If NCSWIC and we’re watching a movie why does it matter?
Seems people are waiting for vindication where people say “wow they were right and we were wrong!”
That is never going to happen.
Just mentally prepare for that.
“I told you this years ago!”
“Really? I don’t remember that.”
It doesn't matter. Half the time people talk like its all random.
Control is the opposite of random.
Hopefully, back in the day, we put our warnings in emails to the biggest of the blowhards in our lives, so we can remind them.
2nd that! From lots and lots of personal experience where I had told people it and then it was so! Don't expect to get acknowledgment from anyone. They may remember but would never admit that they were wrong / you were right. If you press them on it they may lash out / get upset with you (while still being in denial).
That being said, that vindictiveness is divisive, selfish & counterproductive.
I remembered that you did but I thank you This form has helped me through the most terrible times of my life and I think I love you
Ding ding ding.
A.) He's not the POTUS
B.) POTUS is the POTUS
C.) Boomerangs are whipping around faster than we can track
D.) House Win/When? [15]
F.) Constant Trump reinforcement of Q (ReTruths + Song + Deltas)
Yes, though just because Biden ain't POTUS, that doesn't mean Trump is. Under the Constitution, his term ended Jan 20th, 2021. Period. It ended. He was not inaugurated. However, since there was neither a qualified POTUS-elect nor VP-elect, then the serving VP remains Acting POTUS until there is a qualified POTUS-elect or VP-elect (e.g. the Electoral appointment disputes remedied), which means....... Mike Pence has been Acting POTUS this entire time. Or if Pence 25th'd himself prior to Jan 20th, then constitutionally next down the list would have been Sec of State Mike Pompeo (neither Speaker nor PPT are constitutionally eligible... see https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqmyEiZw/presidential-succession-the-way-/)
Legally, constitutionally, this is what should have happened. I certainly hope it did. I cannot and won't support any other attempt to circumvent the Constitution, even being done by DJT himself. Nobody gets to violate the Constitution.
I think if devolution is a think none of the above applies though. Which makes devolution seem like the most likely scenario to me.
The Constitution always applies. It reigns supreme over all federal statutes, even in time of war. Under the Constitution, Trump's term ended. Period. Done. No executive order or even legislative statute can extend a president's term past what the Constitution sets. However, the Constitution does authorize Congress with power to via legislation, establish who acts as POTUS until and eligible POTUS qualifies. Somebody will always at least be Acting POTUS. But in this case, that somebody could not have been DJT. Downvoters may not like that fact and the truth sometimes hurts, but that's reality.
But under Devolution he is not acting POTUS. Authority devolves onto, if I recall, the 4 designated military generals. Can't remember is one of the selected few is the "boss" of the others, but if he or they they are of one mind with Trump it really doesn't matter.
Except that under the Constitution, even during times of war, rebellion or occupation, there's always to be a POTUS, at least an Acting one, who is the Commander-in-Chief. Anything that deviates from this system, would be extraconstitutional and mean that our Constitution is no longer in effect...
Yep. It had to be this way…
Yes, law changes when antifa, BLM etc get violent and risk public safety, they are letting them play out their playbook with safeguards in place at every turn. "playbook known". Think "trap".
What is so awesome about this is that it's becoming brilliant red-pill ammo for all those millions and millions of DJT supporters out there still in normie land. Not only in the US but around the whole world, there are millions and millions who love DJT because they hear the voice of honest, non-manipulative straight talk when they hear him.
And at some point, it's going to be like, DJT is brilliant, right? yeah, I totally support that guy....
Well, did you know this (insert q content)?
after dropping some Q bombs, then roll out the videos of the wwg1wga music at the rallies, the retruths, etc, etc.
No need to oversell it. Just show the different elements together and let light do it's own work.
If folks are resonating with DJT, it means that already they are resonating with God's plan for the world, of which the Great Awakening and MAGA are a part. And Q+ is setting things up for a LOT of Maga folks to move into the GA sphere, and GA starts to go mainstream, probably in synchronicity as the wins also proceed step by step.
Just note: as GA becomes mainstream, things will change. It's not like everyone is going to become anons. the GA will transform and shape as it moves forward, so anons should be open to that, and not get too tied to how things are (were) (imo). GA in 2023 is very different from GA in 2018.....
2023? 2+2+0+3 = 7.
And I always liked the number 7.
For me, this is the Q proof that frees my mind of any doubt. There is no longer an argument to be made that suggests Q isn't real and the DJT isn't part of the operation.
He knew all along Biden would not last.
What about heels-up though.
If she were not eligible to be president, she would not be eligible to be vice-president. The VP needs to be able to take over if the president is unable to fulfill the duties of the office. I'm not saying that she is eligible or qualified, but now that she's VP, she will be considered eligible to be president.
She’s an anchor baby
She's ineligible due to not being a natural born citizen.
She was born in Oakland..
Maybe, but then again, Obama was born in Hawaii, right?
Nope, he was born in Kenya.
None of these people are who they say they are. Many of them have changed their names. Family genealogies are blurred. Generational sheep dipping.
Sorry to disappoint you but she was born in CA. You didn't check before saying that ugh
Her parents weren’t citizens when she was born tho?
They certainly won't let that stop them.
Just looked after seeing the claim in another thread, and they hit it up with every fact check and deboonking they could.
You mean like Obama was born in Hawaii?
I thought her parents were here on work visas (not citizens) when she was born.
Technically at least one should have a citizen for her to be a natural born citizen under jus sanguinis. Though arguably, if at least one parent had renounced allegiance to any prior home country, and put themself under the exclusive jurisdiction of the USA, which a green card (but not a work visa) would do, then practically speaking that should suffice.
Were either of the parents citizens or permanent residents?
Mother of GOD is fucking right.
Outright putting Q posts out now.
NOW we know this guy is part of or IS the Q team.
God damn this is good.
"This is not another 4-year election."
I always thought this sentence to mean magnificent things would happen during Trump's time in office.
I know see it as Biden will not make it the 4 full years.
I see it as Biden as well, but maybe not necessarily referring to the term being four years or less, but meaning it will be the presidential term where the people are shown (corruption, evil, etc).
Q and Trump in control
They got control of the House agenda. That was impressive.
Seeing how McCarthy was talking yesterday, I think the whole house vote was scripted. Dude was scorching everything in sight. He didn't come across as someone who caved to the far right, but was himself far right. That Swalwell rant was beautiful.
Even crazier yet, someone posted this over at PDW! Will heads explode? Will salty tears flow? Will we all come together as frens? Stay tuned!
The problem with "oh he just likes the message it doesn't mean anything!" is "This is not another 4-year election".
How blind do you have to be to not see that him retruthing that almost assuredly means something lol
Wow. Well all right.
100% true! They (sleeping normies) won't and have not believed anything we've said for the past 2 years. We've wakened up as many as we could, and now the pain starts for the sleeping.
My face right now.