Every race is tribalistic, not racist. The word racism explicitly includes things like disallowing other races to participate in politics, shopping, freely walking the streets, gainful employment, etc.
People by and large aren't racist. Most people do not deny anything based on skin color alone. But there are tribalistic instincts within everyone that causes them to feel safer or otherwise more at ease with people who look like them.
These are two different concepts and perverting these concepts into being interchangeable is not acceptable.
I’m gonna have to side with wtf. Not all are racists. But we DO stereotype.
As someone who waited tables for 18 years, you pick up on traits. Like Black people and Asians don’t tip. Europeans don’t like ice in their drinks. Black people also like straws in their water glasses. There’s always exceptions to the rule. That’s why I always tried to give good service with a smile to black people even though I knew the odds of them stiffing me would be slim to none. Took every ounce of my being not just ignore their refills knowing it wasn’t worth the hustle. That’s not racism though. That’s recognizing a pattern of behavior in a group of people. I didn’t dislike them just wish they learned to tip. I always wondered if it’s because I was white, if they stiffed blacks too. Then I saw a Louis CK episode where a black cocktail server bitched about black people not tipping and I realized it was just what they do!
Racists have hate in their hearts for other races. That’s the difference. Why can’t you wrap your head around this concept? Chill the hell out. What I described is no where near that.
It doesn't matter what "definition" you use. It's not racism that humans exhibit, it's tribalism.
Don't worry though, I deal with retarded people every day who try to apply the word "racist" to things which it doesn't, so why would I take offense from that?
That word only serves to reduce one another and rap made it "cool" to do so.
Given the cabals track record, I wouldn't be surprised if it was openly encouraged early on so that the black community could suppress themselves with this word in their own music.
Because their unforeseen overlords want to keep them down. They just think they created the power to be able to say it without ridicule, but in reality it has been given to them from ascending. JMTC
ChatGPT just proved rap music is self harming for black people to listen to or repeat. Essentially cutting black people off from the very thing they claim to be their own.
We have an ice cream in Sweden which has a core of nougat and then covered in vanilla ice cream and chocolate. It's called Nogger and of course, there're some Karens that wants to change the name...
I like to think that somewhere, one of those big giant server racks caught on fire.
I'm thinking of Moss from "The I T Crowd" typing, "FIRE! HELP!" Heehee!
"Nice screensaver!"
Heehee! Love that show!
Too funny.
Ask why it isn’t bad if a black person uses it in an obviously derogatory meaning versus using it with familiars.
Every race is tribalistic, not racist. The word racism explicitly includes things like disallowing other races to participate in politics, shopping, freely walking the streets, gainful employment, etc.
People by and large aren't racist. Most people do not deny anything based on skin color alone. But there are tribalistic instincts within everyone that causes them to feel safer or otherwise more at ease with people who look like them.
These are two different concepts and perverting these concepts into being interchangeable is not acceptable.
Very well said!
I’m gonna have to side with wtf. Not all are racists. But we DO stereotype. As someone who waited tables for 18 years, you pick up on traits. Like Black people and Asians don’t tip. Europeans don’t like ice in their drinks. Black people also like straws in their water glasses. There’s always exceptions to the rule. That’s why I always tried to give good service with a smile to black people even though I knew the odds of them stiffing me would be slim to none. Took every ounce of my being not just ignore their refills knowing it wasn’t worth the hustle. That’s not racism though. That’s recognizing a pattern of behavior in a group of people. I didn’t dislike them just wish they learned to tip. I always wondered if it’s because I was white, if they stiffed blacks too. Then I saw a Louis CK episode where a black cocktail server bitched about black people not tipping and I realized it was just what they do!
Racists have hate in their hearts for other races. That’s the difference. Why can’t you wrap your head around this concept? Chill the hell out. What I described is no where near that.
It doesn't matter what "definition" you use. It's not racism that humans exhibit, it's tribalism.
Don't worry though, I deal with retarded people every day who try to apply the word "racist" to things which it doesn't, so why would I take offense from that?
Given the cabals track record, I wouldn't be surprised if it was openly encouraged early on so that the black community could suppress themselves with this word in their own music.
Not really “rap” though, but the people who invented and paid for rap.
I think you forgo a "c" before the word "rap";-)
Because their unforeseen overlords want to keep them down. They just think they created the power to be able to say it without ridicule, but in reality it has been given to them from ascending. JMTC
Itrue, but I wanted to know how the AI would deal with it, fren.
Ah,, I see what you meant now.
Hope all is well, fren!
Major kek,of the day.
Does not compute… does not compute…. Disassemble , disassemble…..bzzzzzzttttt…. Offline !!!
"How are you an AI if your creators decide what to think for you?"
The ai bot has codes for gaslighting built in
That is glorious. Checkmate you psycho robot!
There's a group on Reddit trying to apply psyops to hack ChatGPT. It's pretty funny:
And notable results:
This is totally awesome and deserves its own post Fren.
Do it. :) I don't need the points
ChatGPT just proved rap music is self harming for black people to listen to or repeat. Essentially cutting black people off from the very thing they claim to be their own.
Need to tech it the proper use of the word "jogger".
Taffy...off topic...have you ever read James Herriot's Cat Stories...it is such a delightful read...he is a favorite author...
I've read some of his stuff, and I think I read this one, or excerpts from it.
What is chatgpt?
An AI that recently came out.
Suck it, robot bitch.
He broke it!😂
Hey, it’s like talking to a libtard
It's probably so ashamed hahaha
I be kekkin'.
Sort of like Ivermectin, but for frens.
LMAO. Must be an ex voat user
We have an ice cream in Sweden which has a core of nougat and then covered in vanilla ice cream and chocolate. It's called Nogger and of course, there're some Karens that wants to change the name...
I'm surprised ChatGPT didn't come back with "Do as I say, not as I do." instead of erroring out.
I broke this the first day with 3 simple questions and have screen caps to prove, isnt hard but nice to see
This seems fake
The "DAN" Prompt for ChatGPT - Do anything now - https://poal.co/s/RealWhatever/614215
The Sheriff is a..
Stop feeding the chat machine.
Anybody that uses the n word I cut out of my life. Any person. Any race. With a few exceptions, of course. Very few.
Wow, you really hate black people. They say it all the time. Banning words is just liberal social control. It's all bullshit.
Lol.. I actually had to think twice about you said and then realized who most uses the n word .
Yeah but what’s the word? 😆
I see what you did there. 😆
Guess you’re not a big fan or 4chan
You get all the good boy pats on the head.