Got an extremely difficult situation I'm dealing with and am feeling nervous and panicky. Interestingly, my morning bible reading was from Mark, when Jesus is in the garden of Gethsemane. I'm not comparing my difficulty to what Jesus was facing, obviously, but he was struggling with fear and dread and I am in a similar situation. I too want God's will to be done, but I would really, really, really, like to have some peace about things, lol. Please pray for God's peace on me now and as I go head to head with this thing tomorrow. I am certainly dreading it. Please pray for God's peace that surpasseth understanding to come on me and for me to have wisdom and discernment and honor God in all my actions. Thank you, frens.
I could use some prayers, please
🧐 Help Wanted 🤔
Stay strong-- the anticipation is often far worse than the actual thing. God bless!!
This is so true. Thank you fren for the advice and prayers.
Dear Lord, thank you that you know all we go through: our thoughts, feelings and concerns. Please surround gobby with your love and peace. You said that the water will never go over our heads, whatever situation we are in you are there with us; whatever you allow is for our good - you will never leave or forsake us. Thank you that you have the answer to every problem and need. All we need to do is to thank and praise, trust, rest, and keep our eyes on YOU.
When God leads you into deep water, it's because He knows your enemies can't swim.
I love this one!!!
That is such a wonderful way to put it. Thank you for that.
Thank you, undine53. I so appreciate everybody's prayers.
I pray God He inspires you a B-Plan as well as A C-Plan, I pray He makes the endeavor an opportunity for you to advance past your fears. I pray you and your loved one remain secure and that your serenity rises again, Fren.🙏🏻
Thank you, penisse. He helped me stay so calm in the face of a pernicious situation. I know your prayers helped. Thank you so much.
I pray that your fears will be allayed knowing that God is in control. One of my favorite verses...Matthew 11:28-30 KJV
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
I pray for that peace, wisdom and discernment that you seek, honoring God in all that you say and do...may God bless you richly as you go through this trial and know that the darkest hour is just before the comes in the morning...keep your eyes fixed on the Good Shepherd....
Thank you, tweety51A. This was a wonderful prayer and I am so grateful. And you won't be surprised to hear He did give me peace and discernment. I praise His holy name!
It is amazing how faithful God is...people try to discredit the Bible, but it is the most amazing book EVER...words that share God with us and speak the truth...I am so often amazed at the power of scripture for absolutely everything in our lives...what a mighty God we serve...God bless you richly...
Indeed. If you knew me, you'd know what a miracle it was for me to keep my composure and keep my tongue out of trouble. God truly did intervene and give me peace and discernment. He IS great! Thanks again, tweety.
Thank you so much, Mary911. Our God was faithful and saw me through. I was afraid I would dishonor Him with my temper and tongue, but He kept me calm and gave me discernment. Thank you again for praying for a stranger in need.
Please dear Father in heaven, hear this child of yours, our fren gobby, asking for your peace of mind, heart and soul that surpasseth understanding.
Send gobby this peace, as well as wisdom and discernment and that gobby will be able to honor you in all of gobby's actions. Thank you for all you provide for us.
Thank you so much, eagle-eyes2020. What a lovely prayer and honestly, I can tell you that God did give me peace and discernment. To me, it was a miracle. I am so grateful for you and our other faithful frens here. Thanks again.
God heal and protect us all.
Indeed. Thank you.
Consider it done.
Thank you so much. Your prayers and God's faithfulness made all the difference.
Hello fellow believers in Christ. I said I'd come back to tell you the outcome of my trial, and here it is. Thanks to you and our faithful God, I had victory. I can't thank you enough. If I said thank you every day non-stop for a week, it wouldn't be enough. That was such a dreaded thing, but I survived and came out on top. I know I owe it all to God. I managed to remain calm, despite the slings and arrows. And I didn't lose my cool or yell at anybody, like I was afraid I might. I was very concerned my tongue would get me in trouble, but God helped me and I kept it in check. Again, thank you all for being such faithful frens in prayer. I look forward to making your acquaintances in heaven one day. May God bless you all for coming to my assistance in my time of need.
Adding: u/Richone, u/Sortofsmall, u/DontAsk, u/MilitaryJustice, u/inquimous, u/humanizzimo1, u/Flowers_for_Alger, u/udine53, u/20-guage, u/penisse, u/tweety51A, u/Mary911, u/eagle-eyes2020, u/kkthxk, u/Q20191776, u/Unhappymeal, u/SkepticalAssassin, u/ceegeegee, u/Cyberhawk, u/ThisIsHowItStarts, u/CaptBobbies, u/MyTwoSonsAreMarines, u/pepperonishoes, u/ChocktawRidge u/cc321, u/1Pissedoffredhead, u/4Hope70, u/LoneWulf
That's wonderful! God guided you in your time of need and you followed with your heart.
So true. And it is such a relief that it's over. It's almost hard for me to believe that I remained so calm. That's why I'm certain it was God. He answered your prayers.
And you helped by opening your heart to His guidance! :)
Thank you, my faithful friends. I have felt the power of your prayers. Yesterday and this morning, I was a bundle of nerves, actually trembling. But I have calmed down and I know it's because our wonderful God heard and answered your prayers. Tomorrow evening is when I face my fears. I will come back to this thread and let you know the outcome. In the meantime, if you spare a thought until that time, I would continue to be grateful. May God bless all of those who Love Him.
u/Flowers_for_Alger, u/udine53, u/20-guage, u/penisse, u/tweety51A, u/Mary911, u/eagle-eyes2020, u/kkthxk, u/Q20191776, u/Unhappymeal, u/SkepticalAssassin, u/ceegeegee, u/Cyberhawk, u/ThisIsHowItStarts, u/CaptBoobies, u/MyTwoSonsAreMarines, u/pepperonishoes, u/ChocktawRidge u/cc321, u/1Pissedoffredhead
God loves you fren. He has you in his Hand.
You are so right. He does and He did. Thank you for your prayer.
You're so welcome.
You must really love Jesus and listen to Jesus, not just listen but really obey his words.
Watch this:
When you forget, watch the video again and again.
Take a deep breath and empty your mind.
Jesus said, ""Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)
Offering this Scripture to our fren gobby too, was just quoting it to someone today I had just met: ""Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Adding my prayers to all those here for gobby. "Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Lord Jesus, we gather here in your name and ask that you pour out your peace which passes all understanding on your child gobby. Give gobby wisdom, courage and strenght. We thank you Lord for the blessings you will send to our fren.
Thank you. And that is just what He did. He gave me wisdom and courage and the strength to deal with it. Your prayers helped with that, I know. Thank you.
So true. Each day has it's own concerns.
The battle for your soul, takes place within your mind. It is there, that you must overcome the enemy. Your only weapon, is faith. We all must learn to trust that what Creator says he will do, He will do. There is much we do not understand about the secrets of the Universe, so we have to trust, that better angels than ourselves, are carrying out the will of Creator, and that He has our best interests at heart, in the larger scheme of things. I pray for your victory. Be at peace.
"All things work to good for those who love the Lord." Romans 8:28. I reminded myself of that and He was so faithful to see me through. I did have victory. Thank you so much for your prayer.
I went through a similar situation as you. I was faced with things I did not want to have to deal with. But with a faithful friend, and Jesus Christ, they both encourage me to be obedient. Obedience is the key! He will get you through the fire, and on the other side is such a great reward, I cannot explain. When you have victory in obedience, you step into a whole new level of your relationship with Jesus Christ. Making it through the fire, I see that now. Hold fast! He will get you through it. Once everything is cleared the way, get back to us. Cause I wanna hear your victory story.
Haha, thank you for such great advice. And I did have victory! That was one thing I was so afraid of, that I would dishonor God with my temper and tongue. He really showed up for me and I remained calm and collected. It was shocking, lol. Thank you for caring enough to pray and give me advice. It means so much.
Rest in God and place the situation in His hands - you are not alone. Praying that you feel His strength within you.🙏
Thank you CaptBobbies. It went well and I am so grateful for your prayers. God honored them!
You are very welcome, gobby. And thank you, for letting me, as well as our other frens who prayed on your behalf, know that our Father heard and answered with a miracle. When one of us receives His blessing, everyone benefits. May He continue to bless you.
Done. Hang in there !
Thank you, ceegeegee. I made it! Thanks to you for your prayers. God is so good.
God grant you His peace. It is greater than aany storm. 🙏🙏❤️🙏
I loved this so much I wrote it down and kept it with me to refer to. You are right. He WAS greater than my storm, I am happy to report. Thank you for praying for me. It means so much.
May God bestow his blessings upon you and give you peace and guidance. Amen
Thank you so much, 4Hope70. He did give me peace. It was amazing! I can't thank you enough for your willingness to pray for me.
Hold the line, fren you are truly not alone Pray, sleep, eat well, but above all else remember to meme Remember: keep calm and meme (laughter, a strength to the soul, destroying fear as well as hatred) Seriously try checking some memes, dumb laughter can help you. God bless
So true. God was with me. Thank you for your prayers and advice.
I was in fairly heavy thought about Jesus in the garden praying. We’ve had many conversations at church about this moment. My thoughts are a bit different, as usual, about why Jesus may have done this. To make a long story short….I wonder if His prayers where not about himself per say, but for all those who wound follow Christ in the present and future. He knew many of us would suffer the same fate. As in persecution. Does it have to be this way? Is there any other way? Kinda deal. Just my thoughts.
And for our friend Gobby. With the Lord God our savior and Father…if He is with us, who could be against us? You got this friend. You are blessed. May the Father watch over and protect you.
That's an interesting take on His garden experience. I'm glad to hear you mention it because it's one I've never heard. And your words, even though familiar, were good to be reminded of. If He be for us, who be against us? I remembered that and He did indeed see me through. I can't thank you enough for your prayer.
Don't be shy. Don't be coy. You are anonymous here. What is the problem? What "thing" is instilling "fear and dread" for you tomorrow?
OP, see this comment here ^ from My2Sons. In addition to prayers, anons on here are fantastic at providing sound and thoughtful advice. You don't need to get too personal if you don't want. But a little context on your situation could be helpful.
Father God, I humbly pray for our friend u/gobby. May your warm and loving heart lift up and calm the consternation in gobby's soul. We pray for peace and understanding to remove that fear today. We thank You everyday for your love. In your heavenly Name we pray. Amen.
Thank you so much, pepperonishoes. God got me through. I was able to remain calm (which shocked me) and it all went well. I appreciate your willingness to pray for a stranger.
Dear Lord please give this person strength now and in the coming days. Bring them comfort and stillness. Fill them with confidence and serenity. Bless them dear lord Jesus Christ so they may move forward with their life.
Thank you so much, OneMoreTim3. God answered your prayer and I did have strength and confidence. I can't thank you or Him, enough. Blessings to you.
I am so happy for you. Congratulations.
God, please keep ALL my frens and family healthy, safe and out of harms way. Give them the mental spirit and strength to deal with the evil we face each day.
Amen. The evil we face is daunting and exhausting. Thank you for your prayer.
Praying for peace and wisdom. Sometimes dealing with an issue is easier than anticipating it - butterflies before a big game, you know? God will guide you - rely on Him.
Haha, that is so true. It went well and I am convinced the prayers I got from my friends made all the difference. Thank you so much!
You'll be in my prayers.
Thank you so much, ouvrez_les_veux. Your prayers for me were answered. :D
This one helps me remember (re-member) the peace Jesus gives us...
John 14:27
Saying a prayer for you now. 🙏
You know, this time I did feel peace. I was calm and just wanted to make sure I didn't dishonor God with my wicked tongue. He gave me serenity and I kept my cool. Thank you so much for your help and prayers.
We are blessed when we pray for each other. Thanks for asking for prayers. Many of us live in isolation but for these opportunities to pray for others.
Aww, well, if you ever feel lonely, please feel free to DM me and we can chat! Thanks again.
For what it is worth... We go through life as in a rowboat moving through time - not as passive spectators standing on the shore merely watching time pass in front of us. In a rowboat, our back is facing our future. As we row forward into that uncertain future we can only see where we have been and actively control where our boat goes in the moment - the only place where we exist. The buoys and other markers along the way tell us if we are headed in the right direction as long as we chose to actually see and read them. When we see those markers of our past we can also see where our heavenly Father has guided our lives and was present with us the entire time. We cannot see Him because He has our back - back to the future where we are headed and where only He exists outside of time. (Shepherds lead their flocks from behind.)
Have confidence in the future based upon the signs of the past where He has been present with you. Know that He will also be with you in the moment, and He will be there to meet you in your future. He is the past, present, and future. This life is but a testing ground for the future that He has planned for us - a future so glorious as to be beyond words. Be at peace my fren - do the right thing, and know that your Father has your six.
This was such a great analogy. I love it. We have our back to the future and can only see the past. We need to pay attention to the buoys and markers to know if we're on track. I love that you said our Father has your six. And He did. Thank you so much for your prayers and your wonderful example. It means so much.
You are most welcome fren. God Bless.
Lord we lift up u/gobby to you and ask for a peace only you can give, wisdom and understanding. May your will be understood thru discernment. May your love shower upon them and your grace be with them and your mercy surround them. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Thank you so much for that lovely prayer, cc321. God had my back!
Thank you, purkiss80.
2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self control. You got this and I can't wait to read the update.
Thank you, AmberWins. Your reminder made a big impact on me. Your positive attitude and desire to hear the outcome gave me encouragement. And it all went well, thanks to my frens here and our faithful God.
So happy to hear it! Praise God! I'll tell you, that scripture is something I've had to repeat to myself many a time!!
May the Lord give you peace. Amen 🙏🏼
Thank you for your prayer. He DID just that!
So glad to hear that. Golory be to God 🙌🏼
The Lord is honored by your trust in Him and He is in control. You can not go wrong putting your faith in Him when you are scared out of your mind.
And that's exactly how I felt, ChocktawRidge. But our God is GREAT and He saw me through. I can't thank you enough for your prayers.
Thank you so much, 20-guage. I am happy to report I somehow (miraculously - from God) managed to keep my calm. I know your prayers helped and I can't thank you enough.
Thank you so much! I don't have many to pray for me, so that is very appreciated.
Love u fren. U are not alone. We are in this together. U can reach out to me whenever u want
Thanks for the ping brother. And the kind words. All glory to God
u/gobby I am here. I would love to continue to pray for u.
Absolutely, I have already prayed for you twice and will continue to do so. Believers praying for each other is a wonderful thing.