This 30 second trick will give you the results you want, but instead of just telling you what it is, let me waste an hour of your time telling you my life story, and some vaguely worded testimonials.
It's a rule among "influencers." They take turns being "that guy" and once every one has a turn, then they all get into a big fight with each other and spread drama. When that calms down, they start again with the vague announcements.
The Federal Reserves actual balance sheet for the last 75 years is leaked showing what payments went where and there is enough in assets to give every American citizen 300,000.00.
Thank God he waited till 4pm to announce that. can't imagine the craziness that would occurred if he would have just posted without all the fanfare. /s
I hate this tease and don’t deliver BS
This 30 second trick will give you the results you want, but instead of just telling you what it is, let me waste an hour of your time telling you my life story, and some vaguely worded testimonials.
Its like almost as insufferable as looking for a recipie and its just a 14 page blog life story of the person first
Blame search engine optimization.
Seriously. And the whole recipe, including the preparation instructions, are like 100 words max and fit in a screenshot.
This 20 sec life hack will make you instantly debt-free and clear for life !
Well, he is "that guy". I wonder why people feel compelled to do this "tease" bullshit? What is the point?
He should have just waited for today and released whatever it is... quietly. No advance warnings.
It's a rule among "influencers." They take turns being "that guy" and once every one has a turn, then they all get into a big fight with each other and spread drama. When that calms down, they start again with the vague announcements.
Right and at 4:32 EDT, as afternoon moves into evening, nothing.
That wouldn't be very annoying to the enemy though
fewer clicks
"I don't want to be that guy, but..." literally ALWAYS means you're being that guy.
One hundred percent of the time.
Just stop it
Just replying to top comment as another thread posted:
I'm guessing this is DC Draino's big news??
I'm hoping for a super special NFT.
Trump already beat him to the punch
Things that would benefit every American:
I have no idea what it will be, but there’s two things I’m sure it won’t be: 1) It won’t be incredible and 2) It won’t make history.
Climate change is all a hoax ?
The vaxxx is neither safe nor effective ?
Soros or Schwab (or both) choked to death on crickets ?
Those armed IRS agents were denied concealed carry permits ?
A Leprechaun is reclaiming the rainbow from the LGBQTs ?
Don't underestimate those leprechauns. They're small, but mighty.
Thank goodness for the height restrictions otherwise they would have taken over by now.
#3 would be fun to watch!
2 more HOURS ????!!!
2 moarrrrrrrrrrrrrr
At least it’s progress. It used to be two more weeks.
Well as the words of his post say, you will find out Monday afternoon.
What time zone is DC_draino in? I assumed it was east coast
He posted on TS, that whatever news he has drops at 4:30EST.
It the Twitterfiles Supreme Court lawsuit filed for removing his account due to CA govt request
Right around the same time as Elon drops the fauci files?
The Federal Reserves actual balance sheet for the last 75 years is leaked showing what payments went where and there is enough in assets to give every American citizen 300,000.00.
Well that’d be nice.
Well I am glad for the time change. One hour less waiting I guess.
Sweet, he’s about to file a lawsuit with the Supreme Court. How very exciting.
Thank God he waited till 4pm to announce that. can't imagine the craziness that would occurred if he would have just posted without all the fanfare. /s
It doesn't say booms incoming no worries!
Drink your Ovaltine.
In two weeks we can buy more NFTs?
He's filing a lawsuit!! Why didn't anyone think to file lawsuits!! This is going to change everything 🤣🤣🤣
I hope he gets rudy and Jenna to represent him. The dream team.
I'm going to have his Twitter open all afternoon now
Is the FED being booted out of this country? Because that's the only thing that will actually deliver on that statement.
Who is this guy?
4 pm est…
Not bad. Lawsuit filed. Solid news.
He's got a tweet that says 4pm ET. So about 45 minutes.
He got a book deal? KEK
This is just another form of abuse, like the woman waiting for a marriage proposal that will never come. Just saying.
Of course it's so huge news because it's about him. LOL what a tool.
Getting cutoff from my money only has one benefit. I can't spend it.
Yellen and Powell won't give it a second thought as they funnel your hard earned money over to Ukraine.
The banking collapse is Trumps fault. 🤣. You can’t make this stuff up.
Monday is close to over and I still don't know.
Wasn't the time change. Wrong day. I bet it was good though.
I hate to be the guy to revive this term but... nothingburger?
Trump. Iowa. This afternoon after market close.
Its 3:24pm My friends that are Crickets really don't appreciate being referred to during a moments like now.
is it the announcement of the 2nd edition of Trump Trading Cards? cause last time someone hyped an announcement like this, we got the 1st edition...
2 more weeks I promise. Just follow me and use my discount code at Patriot Supply
70% off all MyPillow products. Every order comes with free Giza dream slippers