Yes Blair white is a conservative who did not transition until an adult. She also says that these parents doing this to kids have munchausen biproxy and she thinks they're evil and should all be stopped. I like her as far as that goes.
conservation of values is not the definition of conservatism. that is traditionalism. conservatism is the belief in limited government, as opposed to liberalism: the belief in a liberal amount of government.
they go well together, because traditional values tend to be sustainable ones that allow the people to govern themselves.
but two traditionalists may never agree, because they may not have the same traditions. even if they are both Christian traditionalists!
limited government is our rallying call that unites the people of earth. conservatism. a republic.
There is a reason why constitutionally the only objection to human behavior is harming others. Outside of implementing a totalitarian system such as the one we currently live under, how would you suggest controlling people's behavior to such a degree that you eliminate such behavior completely?
As far as I can tell if you want to have more control over someone's life than what we have agreed on as a society is acceptable, things like not stealing from or physically harming others, you will by necessity need 24/7 surveillance of everyone at all times, and to very strictly control their behavior and interactions with everyone else. Things like being harmed you will obviously have one party that is a victim who is capable of reporting that a crime happened, but if you want to control behavior between two consenting individuals, how do you propose doing it without also having the strict totalitarian police state we have now?
I'm genuinely curious for an answer.
You don't have to like this person by any means, but surely you can see the difference between someone who behaves in a way you do not like but is otherwise not harming someone, and someone who behaves in a way you don't like who also promotes the castration, manipulation, and molestation of children, yes? Or do you not differentiate between the two?
You are the one conflating "tolerance" with "acceptance", I literally said that you do not have to like these people and celebrate them, but if you do not plan to keep in place a totalitarian police state, how would you suggest we go about controlling people's behavior to such a degree when it doesn't involve harming other people? You are perfectly welcome to tilt at windmills of your own design, start talking about tax payer funded concentration camps, etc. While completely ignoring everything else I said.
So again, what is your suggestion to change behavior such that this type of person doesn't exist and we do not have a totalitarian system? You ultimately have to tolerate people doing things you don't like when it doesn't harm other people, it doesn't mean that you have you accept or celebrate it, but if you aren't going to tolerate it, what is your plan to be rid of it?
Then say this type of stuff instead of jumping straight to calling OP a faggot. Insulting to get your point across is literally for faggots. The point of this person's post was the content of what was said, not the person saying it as well. This post by no means is celebrating the person saying it, the title is literally drawing attention to the content of what was said and the post has nothing to do with who said it other than being a repost of a Twitter post. Essentially, get a life man! You're yelling fire where there's a luke warm cup of water and calling people faggots when you should be explaining stuff.
We shouldn't physically force anyone to join our side and I don't think that's what Demijinx was saying. But we don't have to glorify this 'sexual degenerate' by reposting its tweets either. I think Demijink expected more discernment from this community. Then again maybe most people who upvoted OP don't know that MsBlaireWhite is actually a dude.
I hardly see reposting a tweet as glorifying the way a person behaves, especially when you include the context that the point of the post was what was being said, not the person who said it. If OP had posted "holy shit I love this Trany look at how cool they are and all these glorious things they are saying, yay tranies let's slice and dice some genitals now!", maybe I'd agree, but come now, surely you can see the point of this post isn't the person saying it but what is being said. Like you say, I don't think most people even knew this was a trany, because this post had absolutely nothing to do with tranies otherwise!
Maybe instead of calling OP a faggot he should've taken the time to explain his position more thoroughly rather than cutting straight to the insults.
This shit, the fact that this dude has 50k likes, is why we lose ground and why the country is more left now then ever, it's sad more people on here don't see that.
Maybe make the check black or something... except then they'd cry racist. Actually now that I think about it, is there even a color that they wouldn't have some type of nonsensical reeeeeaction to?
you know.. if they got verified and then passed the account to an assistant to tweet while they are filming, or sleeping or sodomizing....what have you. and then never reengage directly with the account... that is a much different "broadcasting misinformation" liability scenario than if they are paying every month for an account that they can say they no longer control... if a liability arises.....A stroke of genius by Musk!
In a series of 6 triangles attached to a six sided polygon with six points outward. That way they would know they are evil because of the 666 symbolism.
Do we know Elon has a list of Epsteins clients? If yes, then a pizza slice would be a good alternative to a red noose.
He’s commented on the list before, but I don’t think he has a copy. this tranny a conservative?
People with a dick have a higher chance of being a conservative.
Always has been.
Actually no. Because it’s a tranny.
trannies are capable of believing in small government too.. so yes
If you mean conserving the degeneracy and decline of our nation, sure.
Yes Blair white is a conservative who did not transition until an adult. She also says that these parents doing this to kids have munchausen biproxy and she thinks they're evil and should all be stopped. I like her as far as that goes.
Yeah exactly. Could someone else please post this?
Blair White is a psyop to normalize whatever it is to conservatives.
r u sure its not a psyop to normalize conservatism? people like blaire neuter the lefts ability to call us exclusionary.
this is a movement of the people. all people. even the weird ones
conservation of values is not the definition of conservatism. that is traditionalism. conservatism is the belief in limited government, as opposed to liberalism: the belief in a liberal amount of government.
they go well together, because traditional values tend to be sustainable ones that allow the people to govern themselves.
but two traditionalists may never agree, because they may not have the same traditions. even if they are both Christian traditionalists!
limited government is our rallying call that unites the people of earth. conservatism. a republic.
The sliding Overton window both parties marching us to the same destination as we continue moving to degeneracy
There is a reason why constitutionally the only objection to human behavior is harming others. Outside of implementing a totalitarian system such as the one we currently live under, how would you suggest controlling people's behavior to such a degree that you eliminate such behavior completely?
As far as I can tell if you want to have more control over someone's life than what we have agreed on as a society is acceptable, things like not stealing from or physically harming others, you will by necessity need 24/7 surveillance of everyone at all times, and to very strictly control their behavior and interactions with everyone else. Things like being harmed you will obviously have one party that is a victim who is capable of reporting that a crime happened, but if you want to control behavior between two consenting individuals, how do you propose doing it without also having the strict totalitarian police state we have now?
I'm genuinely curious for an answer.
You don't have to like this person by any means, but surely you can see the difference between someone who behaves in a way you do not like but is otherwise not harming someone, and someone who behaves in a way you don't like who also promotes the castration, manipulation, and molestation of children, yes? Or do you not differentiate between the two?
Edit: I'm not the one who downvoted btw
You are the one conflating "tolerance" with "acceptance", I literally said that you do not have to like these people and celebrate them, but if you do not plan to keep in place a totalitarian police state, how would you suggest we go about controlling people's behavior to such a degree when it doesn't involve harming other people? You are perfectly welcome to tilt at windmills of your own design, start talking about tax payer funded concentration camps, etc. While completely ignoring everything else I said.
So again, what is your suggestion to change behavior such that this type of person doesn't exist and we do not have a totalitarian system? You ultimately have to tolerate people doing things you don't like when it doesn't harm other people, it doesn't mean that you have you accept or celebrate it, but if you aren't going to tolerate it, what is your plan to be rid of it?
Then say this type of stuff instead of jumping straight to calling OP a faggot. Insulting to get your point across is literally for faggots. The point of this person's post was the content of what was said, not the person saying it as well. This post by no means is celebrating the person saying it, the title is literally drawing attention to the content of what was said and the post has nothing to do with who said it other than being a repost of a Twitter post. Essentially, get a life man! You're yelling fire where there's a luke warm cup of water and calling people faggots when you should be explaining stuff.
We shouldn't physically force anyone to join our side and I don't think that's what Demijinx was saying. But we don't have to glorify this 'sexual degenerate' by reposting its tweets either. I think Demijink expected more discernment from this community. Then again maybe most people who upvoted OP don't know that MsBlaireWhite is actually a dude.
I hardly see reposting a tweet as glorifying the way a person behaves, especially when you include the context that the point of the post was what was being said, not the person who said it. If OP had posted "holy shit I love this Trany look at how cool they are and all these glorious things they are saying, yay tranies let's slice and dice some genitals now!", maybe I'd agree, but come now, surely you can see the point of this post isn't the person saying it but what is being said. Like you say, I don't think most people even knew this was a trany, because this post had absolutely nothing to do with tranies otherwise!
Maybe instead of calling OP a faggot he should've taken the time to explain his position more thoroughly rather than cutting straight to the insults.
r/T_D deja vu. Happened over there in Jan 2018 and look at those faggots now.
And a free pair of "RED SHOE'S" ! ( concrete shoe's would be more fitting. )
Based chick with dick is right.
There can be a chick with a dick if they had the addadictomy operation.
They're not a man though - still just a chick with a dick.
Don't forget the strapadicktomy option.
Whoever created Blaire White lol did a damn good job. I still like real vaginas though.
Would be better off having said “no homo.” Because it would not have left the implication you’ve tried fake vaginas before.
Ok, "no homo" I guess. Never had a fake vagina. Just lots of real ones.
There is such a thing as red concrete dye so both are possible at the same time.
It's a trap!
This shit, the fact that this dude has 50k likes, is why we lose ground and why the country is more left now then ever, it's sad more people on here don't see that.
Nah but our tranny is based! Have you seen Lady maga our based drag queen??? Next up: Our drag queens carry guns to their story times so it's based!
damn that's a hell of a trap what the
F that - give them a red noose.
How about some other symbol, since Truth Social uses Red Checks as verified users.
I always thought the blue checks were tied to the dems. are they trying to get the red checks so they can insinuate that the pedos are right wing?
Maybe make the check black or something... except then they'd cry racist. Actually now that I think about it, is there even a color that they wouldn't have some type of nonsensical reeeeeaction to?
I would imagine any color NOT in the rainbow.
F#%k yes!! That would be great!!
just make it a little white plane logo.
Just label them what they are, pedophiles. Like they did with state sponsored media. The time for beating around the bush is over.
And they don't even have to pay for it.
oh they will love that!!!!
you know.. if they got verified and then passed the account to an assistant to tweet while they are filming, or sleeping or sodomizing....what have you. and then never reengage directly with the account... that is a much different "broadcasting misinformation" liability scenario than if they are paying every month for an account that they can say they no longer control... if a liability arises.....A stroke of genius by Musk!
how about little Epstein temples?
Blue and white stripes.
A blue and white striped Disney Castle,, nah, how about a little pizza? or a picture of Clinton?
How about a little Epstein head next to their name.
That might work I think that a noose would be going too far (for an ELON, Titter a subsidiary of X, move)
In a series of 6 triangles attached to a six sided polygon with six points outward. That way they would know they are evil because of the 666 symbolism.
Blaire bringing the spice. Nice.
Savage. I love it.