Pfizer building hit by tornado - Rocky Mount, NC
Karma Is a BITCH!
Tornado season has been bad this year and my prayers go out to all who have been impacted, but I do not have the same feelings of sorrow for the company called Pfizer.
I did Nazi this coming at all
tornado was anti vaxx
Hijack. Video footage:
WOW. I had no idea of the magnitude. Thanks for sharing the video. That building is not salvageable.
Oh no! Anyway...
Those cube looking things at the end remind me of the palettes / stockpiles of vaxxes in the Utopia series (2013 UK / 2020 US )
Howls. You are right.
We’ve all seen so many newscasts followed by the advertisement, “Brought to you by Pfizer”, maybe this story was brought by a higher power.
☝️☝️ This.
You guys remember when God sent a tornado to take the steeple off that church when they passed their gay agenda thing? I forget which denomination it was, but it was with 24 hrs.
Also remember how that one random mural of the left's saint George Floyd got struck by random lightning in only that one spot and no where else? Pepe Farms remembers.
I hadn't heard about that one actually. But it gave me a little smile, hearing just now.
Wait, it wasn't a lightning strike and fire? Our did I miss one?
Heavenly Father, if it be thy will, do Moderna next.
Joining you in that prayer, plus all other vax makers🙏
7/20/2023 headline article:
7/20/2023 next article:
A massive destruction of America's health infrastructure was caused by aberrant weather due to Climate Change yesterday. This has created an interruption of Covid Vaccinations in a time of crisis. A special session of the United Nations was called early this morning. Despite much reluctance, world leaders have declared a world wide Climate Change emergency.
7/21/2023 headline article:
Due to an inability to cover all of the United States by the US military, United Nations Peacekeeper forces will be deployed throughout the country as soon as possible. Masks must be worn at all times on penalty of death. Sneezing, coughing, clearing your throat or sniffing loud enough to be heard six feet away have been deemed harmful to world health. Anyone found to be doing these actions must be detained as soon as possible. Please help us keep America safe. If you see something, say something.
Call: 1-800-MALTHUS
This is chilling bro. Still trusting the plan. But i better not see any blue helmeted “peacekeepers”.
target practice
Nice bright blue targets!!
I'm still waiting for a Total Recall "two weeks" animated .gif to be used for this forum...
Is this a joke?
Look at the dates. It's either satire, or I'm a prognosticator.
Hopefully I'm a good satirist, or a bad prognosticator.
God will not be mocked.
Please let it scatter documents.
I just saw that as well. Looks like it tore the roof off the pfizer building and then some. That pfizer location manufactures injectables.
There are reports of injuries as well, prayers for them.
Archive link for those not wanting wral
Uh oh, is any of that crap AIRBORNE now?!?
Kind of odd that the tornado seemingly only hit that building, without damaging the building right next to it. HAARP? Rods of God? Destroying evidence?
There was one near me early this year that was only on the ground for about 20-30 seconds. Long enough to go across a school baseball field but not damage a single thing. Our tornado siren went off for about 2 minutes. It was really weird, but I'll give them credit. I'm surprised they even caught it on radar.
Yeah I know you can have very small area touchdowns and whatnot. It's just that I don't take anything at face value anymore.
Good I hope it was where they made that bioweapon of theirs.
Puerto Rico got hit with a tornado a few days ago, which they don't get many, I read about 24 including this latest one since 1950.
Video of different people who filmed it -
Fellow NC frog here. A Pfizer building was wiped out by a tornado last year, too. God has a sense of humor
I don’t live too far from there and we still have tornado watches here.
But hot damn that is awesome!
Take care fren! 🙏
Was Fauci sucked up?! Was he thrown like a rag doll and ended up impaled on a steel fence a few hundred yards away, and paramedics didn’t arrive in time?!?! Oh please someone tell me God certainly took care of him on this blustery day!
It appears 50,000 pallets of end of life Pfizer product that no one wants were destroyed. Pfizer’s probably happy that an insurance claim will be in the works. Could they have colluded with HAARP for a plan?
Pfizer pretends to be concerned about its “patients” and their supply chain, while the world says, “how many lives do you think were saved”?
God has a sense of humor.
Yes he does
He sure does.
Act of God.
Good. Kalamazoo facility next.
The whole diseased temple
Brought to you by God and White Hats...🌪️
Oh - good thought! If any Pfizer employee was injured enough to go to the hospital they should not be allowed to be seen without getting one of their shots. Like they tried to do to everyone else.
There was ZERO damage around the building, how exactly did a tornado hit that building? Not one car in the parking lot was even moved.
God who rebukes the winds and calms the seas will also send that wind to crush the evil ones 😊 Our God is so good