NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States
Now we have proof? We’ve had proof for years..
Yes indeed. OP topic should read "Yet more proof of what we already know..."
GWP seems to always have click bait headlines.
I don't know, a lot of the so called "proof" was very speculative. There was a lot of bumbling that happened in 2020. Every time I tried to show things to my family, they would often point out legitimate issues. I think I burned all my credibility with people with Cyber Ninjas and Mike Lindells symposium. Seriously, why were people hording the evidence and trying to drip feed it to us, its so frustrating.
all of that was true but way too deep. that was for us too see the TRUTH. normies were still stuck on COVID
You need to show them this short clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGRnhBmHYN0 Before you engage them about election fraud topics, then ask them if they think there is enough evidence to at least launch a formal investigation, or for the courts to hear election cases.
I can't trust anything this guy says
The fact that there's so much controversy, so many questions, etc. is proof in and of itself.
If the "election" were in fact 1000% legit, why the need to block poll watchers? Why the need to literally physically lock observers out of the area where they were counting votes (i believe Michigan was one of the most flagrant examples) and literally board up the glass with cardboard / plywood, to prevent people from even looking in through any windows / openings.
That's NOT what honest winners do.
Why the complete & total refusal to not only do recounts, but AUDIT any of the "votes"?
Why - in the year leading up to Nov. 2020 - did almost every single state in the country drastically change ALL their voting / election laws?
Specifically; how people vote (almost universal mail-in), who counts the votes, HOW the votes are counted, etc. etc.
Why did the congress feel the desperate need to reform the Electoral College Act?
Why are they STILL trying so hard to do anything & everything to prevent Trump from running again?
Why are they still so intent on persecuting, prosecuting, and locking him up?
Why were there so many - thousands upon thousands - of SWORN AFFADAVITS filed by so many average people alleging all sorts of 1st-hand witnessed vote fraud, chicanery, suspect and suspicious and outright illegal actions?
When you sign a sworn affadavit, you do so under penalty of going to jail if you are proven to be lying.
Why would so many thousands of average Americans put themselves in that position? How many of those people were proven to have been lying and got locked up for perjury?
The fact that they didn't gleefully agree to all our requests for audits, recounts, etc. so they could shove it in our faces, PROVES that there was tons of shadiness going on.
Like; if you were playing a sportsball game and there was disagreement about a call, and the team REFUSED to allow anyone to watch the instant replay; why?
If they were in the right and truly acted fairly; why not let people see the instant replay video?
Not the strongest analogy, but it's been a long day......
I believe the fact there are so many questions, so much shadiness, hiding, deceit, etc. is a massive mountain of proof in and of itself.
Here's some more resources - incl. "real" proof for you too:
They really do, but they also do seem to do solid reporting, AND they seem extremely vocal about the J6 persecuted folks, vote fraud, etc.
Their hearts & actions definitely seem to be in the right place....
Yeah,,, this post gives excellent info, but it still gets under my crawl.
Another address and name is 5809 FIFER DR, GBI Strategies, they donated to all democrat campaigns, and not even a registered company from my knowledge..Pelosi is literally on their homepage picture, and these are their clients https://www.gbaostrategies.com/clients
Why wouldn't the article mention who was arrested? Surely someone was arrested? Right?
In any normal second world country or better arrests would be televised...
Reportedly AG Barr silenced it. Witness protection ?
The MI State Police investigator assigned to the case spoke with the female suspect who explained that she was being paid $1150/week “to find un-registered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.” The only problem is, the handwriting on the voter registrations was the same on several of the registrations and many of the addresses were non-existent or fake.
MI Attorney General Dana Nessel, who is currently attempting to prosecute 15 senior citizens and the former MI GOP co-chair for casting an alternate set of electoral votes in the 2020 election, asked the MI State Police to join the Muskegon Police and AG’s investigation of the potentially massive, multi-city voter fraud operation.
Two members of AG Dana Nessel’s Criminal Investigation Division were assigned to the operation, yet curiously, she failed to mention the investigation to the public. To this day, Dana Nessel is still claiming there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Michigan, despite the fact that she knew her office and the office of her friend, Michigan’s crooked SOS Jocelyn Benson, were involved with the MI State Police in a large scale investigation that took place across the state before it was taken over by the FBI.
...and no one will be punished, no one will be held accountable and the story will be flushed down the memory hole.
I'd like to optimistic about this story, but...
Plea bargained to an illegal parking ticket.
Citation issued.
Move along now.
Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in the history of America:
US President says he 'sold a lot of state secrets'
How do you release evidence legally ? By criminal trials or civil trials. Keep the faith.
THAT cunt...I put Dana Fucking Nessel RIGHT UP THERE with Black Jesus as one who needs to be perp-walked in orange jammies to the gallows, fitted with a nice thick rope around her weak neck, and I watch her final piss/shit drip down her useless and dying legs as the last of her life twitches out of her. Absolutely CANNOT stand that one.
At least she will get a fair trial. Something she is not affording the innocent. Her exposure is now making news. .
Dirty cops FBI will help cover it up as usual.
Does anyone else read this stuff and yawn? 😄
I’m so far past this that it’s hard for me to wrap my head around ppl being here that don’t already know and accept this as something that happened waaaayyy in the past.
I guess I need to keep reminding myself that ppl are still waking up, arriving here and they’re all not going to have woken up while knowing the election WAS actually stolen.
i cant look at this stuff. i still havent brought myself to watch 2000 mules. Its like rubbing salt in the wounds as they get away with it all...
I am sure there are people who read and yawn. Fewer then there were in the past I suspect.
Never accept it as something of the past. Otherwise they are no longer elections but selections. Those behind this would never face justice.
More people are waking up so when justice comes forth. There will only be a few fanatics who will rise up and will quickly be dealt with. We minimize the number of victim also.
I hear ya. I’ve read enough to be convinced of the election fraud, people, process and technology were all compromised. I don’t really care that they found a box of signed ballots numbered in sequence. While it is amazing how stupid they are, it no longer changes my perspective of the election. Covid is a other subject I find difficult to read about these days.
We've had enough proof on day one to send thousands to GITMO
So many of us pointed this out early on. Now take a look how many more of us are out there then back then. I believe President Trump when he stated he wanted to avoid a civil war. So it supports it had to be this way.
Highest mountain ranges: Himalayas, Andes, mountains of evidence of voter fraud.
It is coming soon. Keep the stand up and pray up going. God prayer and truth are winning.
My guess is, we will have Trumps last indictment soon to drown out this story.
Reportedly coming this coming week. FOOLtown County Ga.
"Guns with Silencers" ???
This looks well organized and backed by some vip.
That thing would make anyone comply.
PLEASE arrest these criminals and FREE the Great State of Michigan from the commie lunatics. It's a wonderful state with endless outdoor activities (paddle-boarding)
Silenced firearms? What do they need those for? Oh i think i know. Helpnus out we give you a firearm and an applebee's gift card as trade
How did the ATF miss and or ignore this ?
Selective focus. If you help their cause you get perks. The rest of us swine though, oh man you better get in line
Exactly. So much for crime does not pay.
Willful accessories... Or one of the orchestrators.
I find it super interesting that the affidavit stated that in the business GBI (or was it GIB? lol) stated that there were four pistols and four rifles in the premises and on the white board it had a bullet point that read: “Weapons in the field”.
Why the hell would a canvassing non-profit need to have people strapped up to that extent? Why did they have those weapons at all? While the weapons were legal did they actually have the qualifications to have them (such as security filings?).
I mean, yeah, the 10,000+ fraudulent ballot registrations from that one woman is super big, but the weapons leads me to believe that there was also something else going on there, because shitlibs hate firearms unless it’s Big Gov.
Vote count gapping up is fraud
I suspect the SAG is no longer feeling comfortable these days.
can i say BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM or is it too SOON!!!! asking for a Fren
I feel a little to soon. Lets see the Corporate MSM bad mouth this before the evidence gets dropped in their laps.
Definitely should look at this article later.
worth reading.
Does this evidence clear Matt DePerno?
It should.
Well, at least the State Police made a report about it.
Amen. Makes it hard to claim conspiracy theory now.
Ive always wondered, with how popular Gateway Pundit is, and how many anons we have, why hasn't anyone offered to redesign this site and make it.... functional?
Good question.
Why can't we post to X /aka twitter from GWP??
Appears we have free speech with no overreach . If that is the case it is not free speech. Gooddog is still being shadow banned and the CEO is connected to WEF ?
if you do not want to see corruption the you will not see corruption. Real Ville is looking at the tipping point on 11 5 24.
Then what!