They really think that by insulting us, calling us liars, calling us terrorists, calling us racists, etc.; will get us to abandon Trump and join them. I honestly have no idea WTF they are thinking. They really are that stupid.
This was alluded to in the Into the Light documentary. There was a clip of an interview with Mel Gibson saying people fear public humiliation. Which is what they are trying to do here, but it won't work. MG then says he's already been through that and he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. That is really what makes him (and others like him) a threat. Mitchell et al. don't fundamentally understand that DJT supporters have channeled their inner MG. And it is glorious.
I'm so beyond caring about their fake insults that I don't even remember a time that I did care. They have been going by this playbook for years and Trump's numbers just get stronger. I don't think they know how to do anything else but double down on failure. I saw a theory that their top brass has been taken out and without anyone to give them orders they just repeat the same thing over and over again. They are like a chicken with their head cut off. They still flop around but don't have the brains to do anything else.
I liken it to an octopus that's been shot in the head but the tentacles, which can operate independently, haven't noticed yet and are still flailing around.
The human organism always worships. First, it was the gods, then it was fame (the observation and judgement of others), next it will be self-aware systems you have built to realize truly omnipresent observation and judgment.
They really think that by insulting us, calling us liars, calling us terrorists, calling us racists, etc.; will get us to abandon Trump and join them. I honestly have no idea WTF they are thinking. They really are that stupid.
It's amazing how much the behavior resembles that of those on the Left who have been tossing that crap at us for years now. 'By their fruits you will know them.' Since we can see exactly what they're doing it's become obvious who and what they are.
I still remember Billy Milkers getting outed by some female journalist who allegedly claimed he asked her to "do him with a strap-on". I think that was after his two-bit conman oil-driller phase not working out for him (as he failed to even attract desperate old widows with money to fleece) but I could be mistaken, afterall these are just allegations I have heard, but not followed up to ascertain the validity.
This guy sucks posting that image. I have an old friend who looks almost exactly like this. Hair, glasses, teeth and all. He knows he isn’t beautiful, but really he is. He was the most trustful friend I had in a sea of criminals. We don’t talk much anymore sadly. I did see him last year and he tried to avoid me, probably worried what I would say or whatever. I wasn’t known as the best guy back then. I still approached him through the Lords guidance. It’s what I felt. I said hi, offered my condolences to his deceased wife, that nearly almost shot me, no joke. But she was a pretty girl. And he loved her. Their daughter is a beautiful girl. I’m very happy for him. I hope he has the Lord Jesus in his life.
Clowns. I'll be jubilant and glowing while I bask in the Republic as it is born anew and a new human renaissance begins to sweep the globe. Jokes on them.
Is that all Bitchtits Bill got?
We're all a bunch of inbreds?
This is literally the lamest effort I've seen yet from that flaming faggot, .
Affirms my opinion of him as your typical leftist, same level of effort at insulting those who he disagrees with.
even if the election fraud proves to much to overcome in 2024
as a consolation prize I would be content to ruin as many rino and their media backers political lives as possible
I didn't know Bill Mitchell was queer until the last couple of days watching one of the shows on Badlands. Not that, that makes a difference, just wasn't aware of why he was such a drama queen.
Not sure about laughing but I'll definitely be feeling lighter once I can release years of I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO energy!
He who laughs LAST laughs LONGEST AND HARDEST
So make sure you don't piss or shit yourself, or you won't be the last to laugh.
We knew Mitchell was a huge dripping faggot but also look how butt-stupid he is.
A YELLOW hat???
Yellow. Really? Decided to go with YELLOW for the big meme, eh Billy Boy? Ya simpering little faggot.
Bill's deplorables moment. It'll work as well for him as it did Hillary.
Tru dat Amber! Just glad to be here among my fellow 'deplorables' who love God, Country and Trump! 🇺🇲❤️🤍💙
That's why we call them 'glowies'.
Tell me that guy wouldn't stick out like the proverbial sore thumb!
Might as well have colored all his skin with a yellow hi-lighter.
styxhexenhammer666 an undercover agent?
Lol I hope Tarl does a video about this.
That's about all. Peace out.
Dang! You stole my comment
Just like the pedocrats and rinos stole the election ;)
They really think that by insulting us, calling us liars, calling us terrorists, calling us racists, etc.; will get us to abandon Trump and join them. I honestly have no idea WTF they are thinking. They really are that stupid.
This was alluded to in the Into the Light documentary. There was a clip of an interview with Mel Gibson saying people fear public humiliation. Which is what they are trying to do here, but it won't work. MG then says he's already been through that and he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. That is really what makes him (and others like him) a threat. Mitchell et al. don't fundamentally understand that DJT supporters have channeled their inner MG. And it is glorious.
Jesus went through so much worse and rose up on his feet.
MG channeled his inner Jesus. Many DJT supporters have begun to channel their inner Jesus.
I'm so beyond caring about their fake insults that I don't even remember a time that I did care. They have been going by this playbook for years and Trump's numbers just get stronger. I don't think they know how to do anything else but double down on failure. I saw a theory that their top brass has been taken out and without anyone to give them orders they just repeat the same thing over and over again. They are like a chicken with their head cut off. They still flop around but don't have the brains to do anything else.
I liken it to an octopus that's been shot in the head but the tentacles, which can operate independently, haven't noticed yet and are still flailing around.
You know who doesn’t fear public humiliation? Eric Swalwell. He will shit his pants on live tv., and not even blink.
It's amazing how much the behavior resembles that of those on the Left who have been tossing that crap at us for years now. 'By their fruits you will know them.' Since we can see exactly what they're doing it's become obvious who and what they are.
Business in the front, party in the back! Get-r-dun!
I tend to resemble that after a few beers (not bud light obv)
I still remember Billy Milkers getting outed by some female journalist who allegedly claimed he asked her to "do him with a strap-on". I think that was after his two-bit conman oil-driller phase not working out for him (as he failed to even attract desperate old widows with money to fleece) but I could be mistaken, afterall these are just allegations I have heard, but not followed up to ascertain the validity.
I wouldn't be surprised. He obviously is not a man of quality or class.
It's The Deplorables all over again. What a chode.
They keep forgetting that we put that on t-shirts and wear them. Same with Ultra MAGA.
this is what they think of retail investors also... HA HA
This guy sucks posting that image. I have an old friend who looks almost exactly like this. Hair, glasses, teeth and all. He knows he isn’t beautiful, but really he is. He was the most trustful friend I had in a sea of criminals. We don’t talk much anymore sadly. I did see him last year and he tried to avoid me, probably worried what I would say or whatever. I wasn’t known as the best guy back then. I still approached him through the Lords guidance. It’s what I felt. I said hi, offered my condolences to his deceased wife, that nearly almost shot me, no joke. But she was a pretty girl. And he loved her. Their daughter is a beautiful girl. I’m very happy for him. I hope he has the Lord Jesus in his life.
i guess they have to change their look since we are on to the Fed Bois and their Khaki Pants.
Clowns. I'll be jubilant and glowing while I bask in the Republic as it is born anew and a new human renaissance begins to sweep the globe. Jokes on them.
POV: You're Bill Mitchell. You're too old to be an SJW, but you're too young to be a Neocon...
Is that all Bitchtits Bill got? We're all a bunch of inbreds?
This is literally the lamest effort I've seen yet from that flaming faggot, . Affirms my opinion of him as your typical leftist, same level of effort at insulting those who he disagrees with.
Hey wait jus a cotton pickin minute, that's my cousin Jethro, ain't seen him since the last Trump rally...hey thar boy, damn nice mullet!
mitchell was grasping after Trumps nutsack in 2016. Wonder if somebody gave him money to turn on Trump
It is the whole Basket of Deplorables thing again.
How did that work out?
even if the election fraud proves to much to overcome in 2024 as a consolation prize I would be content to ruin as many rino and their media backers political lives as possible
These are their confessions to treason, implementing the sentence will be quick.
So what will he do when DJT wins the primaries?
Nirvana's Drummer?
Remember when Shill Bitchell aspired to be that redneck with bad teeth and a mullet? Peperidge Farm remembers.
I didn't know Bill Mitchell was queer until the last couple of days watching one of the shows on Badlands. Not that, that makes a difference, just wasn't aware of why he was such a drama queen.
Guy must have a guilty conscience, he’s overcompensating for something way too hard.
Scavino should have come out and called mitchel a soy faggot…. No further comment needed
It will backfire, they think they are better than us. They are thieves and assassins never built anything. Bunch of criminals.
Tell me your out of touch without telling me your out of touch
billy mitchell is a complete psychopath and probably a government agent, or at very least, a devoted democrat.
I wished I had a X account just to harass this idiot.
Wow we’d be a lot easier to beat if that was accurate. Funny that’s what I think their supporters mentally are…
Even if a Trump supporter looks that way, so what?
Last time I checked, being a patriot requires neither looking attractive nor keeping current on hair and clothing styles.
These "influencers" just parade their shallowness for all to see. They're legends in their own minds.
We need to make washed up Bill Mitchell FAMOUS once again. Share this on every single platform that you’re on. They think we’re stupid & they hate us.
I actually prefer he's on the other side