I am confused by some of these upper level globalists deaths. So much info that surfaced or leaked, stated that these people took saline jabs.Or are the higher ups starting to dispose of people underneath of them who have or may become whistle blowers but blame their deaths on such things that are proving to be the result of being vaxxed??
She will not die suddenly because they knew the vaccines were dangerous maybe White hats in action? It is a coincidence there are too many that have kicked the bucket.
Sad... my good friend who unfortunately is a total normiette, her husband had a brain tumor that was supposedly a best-case scenario for such a tumor: very small and what the doctors called "well behaved", not likely to grow or spread.... He had an excellent prognosis until last summer when it suddenly started misbehaving. They had to do surgery a couple weeks ago and the pathology report came back as grade 4, which means the most aggressive, worst behaving, biggest danger of spreading. I had warned her about the Vax, but normies gonna norm.
It's a play on words because the Title says, "Mary Luise McLaws does suddenly", but should say, "Mary Luise McLaws died suddenly. There is no edit capability for the tile bar for some reason. Myself, I've been nailed by it at least once or twice in the past. Back to your question,
"What did she do?" It's what she does suddenly......... Ergo, she did die suddenly.
I don't hear all the vaxtards calling us stupid and selfish anymore. Is that because they're all dead?
Just upvote a bunch of very based comments.
I don't use x much but I will upvote a lot.
Wishful thinking.
... still wishing ...
Yeah. It's sure gotten quiet. Almost no masks either.
Not yet. Sadly.
Doctors are baffled!
They shouldn't be because she obviously died of climate change and gardening without gloves.
You forgot Putin and racism.
Or racism?
I thought it was morning showers causing vaxxtards to die?
Sure doesn’t give us confidence in their diagnostic abilities, does it? I guess when you fail at the Hippocratic oath nothing else makes sense either.
Lots of vaccine promoters have died
or went underground...
Or underwater...
Or under dirt.
6 feet
Or making funny faces like Justin Bieber
Or baby sitting their clots like his wife.
This virus cured stupidity one way or the other
It just hit me... Are DS shitbags going TRANS so they can fake their death and re-surface AS MEN and/or WOMEN?
check the man hands:
i'm wondering if a lot of them are at GITMO and using cancer and other things as an excuse as to why they are gone?
Intriguing new theory. If this is a possibility, these people must be hunted down.
Try the new McClaw sandwich!
Sumptuous, succulent artificial crab claw meat served in a dirty McDonald's ashtray.
McDonald's hasn't had ashtrays since its burgers contained beef.
Zoom in a bit and check the vascularity on the forearms....impressive.
She had a brain?
By the time you finish reading my post she will be forgotten.
Ok what did we learn?
Timing belongs to God but can he hurry up?
I am confused by some of these upper level globalists deaths. So much info that surfaced or leaked, stated that these people took saline jabs.Or are the higher ups starting to dispose of people underneath of them who have or may become whistle blowers but blame their deaths on such things that are proving to be the result of being vaxxed??
IMHO a direct hit.
What you do unto others, you do unto yourself.
She will not die suddenly because they knew the vaccines were dangerous maybe White hats in action? It is a coincidence there are too many that have kicked the bucket.
i agree and these people KNEW the jabs were poison and i'm saying they didn't take them. so i'm sticking with, these higher ups are probably in GITMO.
Strangely it doesnt surprise me to find out she was jewish
Turbo? Like in a gas engine?
Gas engines are baffled.
The comments are 🔥
Underrated and baffling comment section.
As someone who’s business was destroyed and denied medical care, had their dad die of this poisoning. I welcome their suffering.
I’ll take your word for it. I am not on the site.
Enjoy hell.
What did she suddenly do? (sorry, couldn't resist :) )
Sad... my good friend who unfortunately is a total normiette, her husband had a brain tumor that was supposedly a best-case scenario for such a tumor: very small and what the doctors called "well behaved", not likely to grow or spread.... He had an excellent prognosis until last summer when it suddenly started misbehaving. They had to do surgery a couple weeks ago and the pathology report came back as grade 4, which means the most aggressive, worst behaving, biggest danger of spreading. I had warned her about the Vax, but normies gonna norm.
Same diagnosis as No Name
When your usefulness is done. Dead men tell no tails. I can't believe she drank the coolaid.
Nelson says...
HA ha!!!
Here's a link. https://twitter.com/ichudov/status/1690722600874278912
Well well well .
"... Mary Luise McLaws does suddenly."
You mean she "did" suddenly." 😉😉
What did she do?
It's a play on words because the Title says, "Mary Luise McLaws does suddenly", but should say, "Mary Luise McLaws died suddenly. There is no edit capability for the tile bar for some reason. Myself, I've been nailed by it at least once or twice in the past. Back to your question,
"What did she do?" It's what she does suddenly......... Ergo, she did die suddenly.
Got it.
There should be an edit function for titles.
Most certainly. You can say that again.....
Another sacrificial scapegoat?
Scapegoats are baffled
Play stupid games.......................
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Justice served.
Good fucking riddance.
Does WHAT suddenly?
I always thought that one looked like a troon.
escaped the day of the rope... but that's OK.
Karma is a bitch lol. She waits then boomerangs on your ass. FAFO
Could ugliness cause death?
Ugly soul.
If that were the case it certainly took awhile.
And Pelosi is still alive. Maybe. Or maybe just pickled.
And Feinstein