Yes but they didn't donate crap for your worthy feast anon!
Ranchers, truckers and butchers did. Cows say Hooray for humans! We bred them, fed them, vetted and sheltered them, protected them from predators, told them they were good happy cows, and waited on them hand and hoof... til they died the most humane, instantaneous, and painless way possible, by stun gun (great for global mass executions too! :).
Cattle OWE their very lives to us. Becoming burgers and steaks pays their debt, making them happy so they can rest in peace.
Our atmosphere has only 0.04% CO2 and is very stable and needed for plants to grow. There's never been anything excessive or wrong with CO2 even at the height of the coal and wood burning fueled industrial revolution.If this was the problem than why did the Netherlands go after farmers for nitrogen usage. Nitrogen constitutes 78% of the atmosphere.
Everything about the climate change agenda is patently false and easily disproved.
When they can actually prove that human emissions have anything to do with so called climate change, I might start taking them seriously. Until then: "Beef, it's what's for dinner"
Well, I just dispatched a 40 lb suckling pig this morning and prepped it for an oven roast tomorrow.
Now with this news, I will reconsider my plans. I will add on another dispatched suckling pig for the spit over the fire this weekend, and in the meantime get a deposit in to a local rancher for a half steer to fill the freezer by October.
The amazing early 20th century research carried out by observing the diets of Eskimos and their amazing health and zero tooth decay was directly contrary to claims that high fat diet is unhealthy.
Reminder, Dill gates has a vaccine for cows. Hundreds of thousands of people are developing life long meat allergies. Weird , well luckily Dill has invested heavily in to fake meat products. Mmmm, yummy. Why do I get sick eating a hamburger.
I developed a lifelong wheat allergy from a medication. I would think it's not outside the realm of possibility for them to engineer a medicine that causes a meat allergy...and then mandate everyone to take it.
Some people think the tick carrying that sickness was lab created. If so, then they're already causing meat allergies, just not through medicine. I definitely think it's possible for them to be more direct and create medicine or a vaccine that causes a meat allergy.
First, it's spelled "foregoing"...not the misspelling "forgoing." I'm not really sure what "forgoing" is, it's not in my dictionary.
Second, I've had enough crazy talk to last a lifetime and I'm sick of it. I plan to continue having beef brisket with my eggs for breakfast, hamburgers, and whatever the hell else I wish to eat. AND WITHOUT GUILT TOO!!
Beef is one of the best delivery vehicles in existence for complete protein, healthy saturated animal fat, also other important nutrients...oh and also the immense oralgasmic pleasure of that rich, succulent, juicy dead-cow flavor.
Flavor you just don't get from beans mashed into curd and then squeezed into a grayish cube of spongy blandness.
Excellent news, I will move Ribeye to Twice a week instead of just once. We all must do our part
Who knew, i could eat steak and have fun trolling!
I should make a youtube channel of me eating a steak every day!
Dooo it!
Excellent! I’m literally eating filet mignon while reading this - all from local cows who donated their lives for our well-being.
Yes but they didn't donate crap for your worthy feast anon!
Ranchers, truckers and butchers did. Cows say Hooray for humans! We bred them, fed them, vetted and sheltered them, protected them from predators, told them they were good happy cows, and waited on them hand and hoof... til they died the most humane, instantaneous, and painless way possible, by stun gun (great for global mass executions too! :).
Cattle OWE their very lives to us. Becoming burgers and steaks pays their debt, making them happy so they can rest in peace.
Well said!
Tater on the side with CHEESE and SOUR CREAM. Wash it all down with a cold glass of MILK.
God bless the cows. The cows ate the grass so that we don't have to.
There's room for ALL God's creatures.......right next to the mashed potatoes!
An Elite Pedo Globalist produce 3100000000000x more carbon than beef.
Just listened to them talk, that is the real global warming.
Enough hot air to fly a million hot air balloons.
Glad that I was able to visit Outback for lunch today and piss off a POS globalist.
Our atmosphere has only 0.04% CO2 and is very stable and needed for plants to grow. There's never been anything excessive or wrong with CO2 even at the height of the coal and wood burning fueled industrial revolution.If this was the problem than why did the Netherlands go after farmers for nitrogen usage. Nitrogen constitutes 78% of the atmosphere.
Everything about the climate change agenda is patently false and easily disproved.
60,000,000 bison once roamed the plains of America.
We are all dead now.
They don't bother to count the CO2 that is emitted to produce the soy beans and then process them.
When they can actually prove that human emissions have anything to do with so called climate change, I might start taking them seriously. Until then: "Beef, it's what's for dinner"
Well, I just dispatched a 40 lb suckling pig this morning and prepped it for an oven roast tomorrow.
Now with this news, I will reconsider my plans. I will add on another dispatched suckling pig for the spit over the fire this weekend, and in the meantime get a deposit in to a local rancher for a half steer to fill the freezer by October.
Desperate times call for desperate choices.
What about the beeeeeef
I'm happy to piss off a globalist 8 - 10 times a week.
The amazing early 20th century research carried out by observing the diets of Eskimos and their amazing health and zero tooth decay was directly contrary to claims that high fat diet is unhealthy.
THE FAT OF THE LAND by Vilhjalmur Stefansson
A lot of information on Pemmican as being the ultimate food.
Breaking news....Eric Swalwell emits more gas than 237 cows.
Reminder, Dill gates has a vaccine for cows. Hundreds of thousands of people are developing life long meat allergies. Weird , well luckily Dill has invested heavily in to fake meat products. Mmmm, yummy. Why do I get sick eating a hamburger.
I developed a lifelong wheat allergy from a medication. I would think it's not outside the realm of possibility for them to engineer a medicine that causes a meat allergy...and then mandate everyone to take it.
They do have the Lonestar tick that can cause a meat allergy if bitten by one.
Yeah, I was aware of that one.
Some people think the tick carrying that sickness was lab created. If so, then they're already causing meat allergies, just not through medicine. I definitely think it's possible for them to be more direct and create medicine or a vaccine that causes a meat allergy.
They are injecting the cattle. So people eating beef are starting to develop meat allergies.
First, it's spelled "foregoing"...not the misspelling "forgoing." I'm not really sure what "forgoing" is, it's not in my dictionary.
Second, I've had enough crazy talk to last a lifetime and I'm sick of it. I plan to continue having beef brisket with my eggs for breakfast, hamburgers, and whatever the hell else I wish to eat. AND WITHOUT GUILT TOO!!
Eating beef must be incredibly healthful for humans if they are fighting this hard to discourage it.
Eat more beef!
Just had grilled NY strips for dinner. Locally sourced, if course! Burgers on the grill for dinner tomorrow!
mmmmm, beef
I notice that there's no circle for the emissions that all those cargo-container ships produce. Maybe they should use that for comparison purposes.
You think that's bad, you should see the carbon cost of a giraffe ribeye!
Beef is one of the best delivery vehicles in existence for complete protein, healthy saturated animal fat, also other important nutrients...oh and also the immense oralgasmic pleasure of that rich, succulent, juicy dead-cow flavor.
Flavor you just don't get from beans mashed into curd and then squeezed into a grayish cube of spongy blandness.
I am going to prepare a biteme sandwich... I hope they enjoy.
This is proof that beef is good for you. So there must really be something to the claims of those on a carnivore diet. 🤔
Bovine excrement from the economist? Who'd a thunk it.They'll be coming after your chickens next.
Billionaires: don’t eat meat, don’t own stuff don’t travel. Also Billionaires: eat own and go all the places
Who is going to tell everyone to stop eating rice as well?
The ((Economist)) these people really do love us
I have a Hindu friend, cooks a great stake!
They fail to mention how much better steak is for you than tofu. I'm guessing way more than 31x better.
Stop right there !! An even BETTER way to piss them off - buy TWO steaks. eat one and throw the other one away -- just because you can.
I know what's on the menu tonight.
The Economist article is pure bullshit.
But I'm still a vegetarian.
Yeah, yeah, yeah -- I'm a faggot, I'm a soyboy, I'm unhealthy, I'm gonna die any minute.
But after fifty years, I'm still a vegetarian.
Carry on with the Fifteen Minutes of Hate.
Globohomos...Bessa Me' Cula' (Kiss My ASS)