Evacuations as 🔥 Breaks Out on the Canary Islands
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The Globalist Puppet Masters are running out of options. They desperately need these kinds of distractions and fear mongering. Aside from the screeching MSM whores and useful idiots, the global warming, er, climate change scam is not going over with the majority of useless eaters.
More fires needed!!! Get the Dews or mind-controlled arsonists out there! My only peace of mind comes from knowing the evil, unrepentant ones behind these false flag events will eventually burn in their own personal hell.
Maybe the Canary Islands is a big human trafficking location with similar issues as Maui, i.e., rich people looking to take land from locals. (Burn it down and Build Back Better. ) —————— CANARY ISLANDS: THE URGENTITY OF A RESIDENCE ACT AND RESTRICTION ON THE SALE OF HOUSES TO FOREIGNERS. Link Below
—————— Migrants replace tourists on Canary Islands’ beaches as human traffickers target Spanish resort. Link Below
That is an astute observation. Wouldn't be surprised at all to learn it's an Elite playground to Build Back Better.
Which island is next?
The Seychelle Islands have all the earmarks for a “climate fire” to Build Back Better.
Thé Islands have a lot of shady visitors and residents. The islands have a history of trafficking too and lots of rich with the typical globalist initiatives in the climate change money grab.
“Seychelles moves to World Bank’s rich list as income per capita increases”
————- Just look at their creepy list of famous honeymooners:
https://www.weddingsutra.com/blog/10-celebrity-honeymoons-stunning-seychelles/ ———— Seychelles and human trafficking: sinister new trend emerges from appeal
“Fight against human trafficking: “Seychelles is leading the way for Africa,” says US diplomat.” (Sure they are)
Didn't one of the last Q posts mention "Ascension"? Well, looking around back then, I tripped across an island named that which seems to have some odd history. Maybe worth eyes on?
I remember reading about a strange spying island with a prison a few years ago but wow, there is so much history and strange happenings there:
Darwin, NASA, Free Range Prison, Napoleon, a barren volcanic island with artificial forest, 7,250ish miles from the U.K., U.K. Territory governed by the queen, U.S Air Force basé there, migrant processing center, Planning ‘Rwanda Plan B’ there, un-located spying station, large marine biodiversity project, plant species experiments, 443,000-square-kilometers of mineral mining and industrial fishing banned, large population of migratory marine and bird species, both hot and cold temperatures at the same time, small population of people (700 ish), mostly laborers, migrants, white horse, Jesus, handful of U.S. and U.K. military, and historic figures, plans to build a floating wall, wave machines, NASA, unimaginable weapons, strange names of island locations (Devils Riding School, Wideawake, Devils Cauldron, Tartar Rock, and more), and an airport - whose runway was once the longest in the world, designed to accommodate the Space Shuttle - is operated by the US Air Force, which granted limited access to Britain. (Supposedly Nasa tracked the Apollo Moon landings from Ascension and the European Space Agency monitors rocket launches from here.), and I haven’t even scratched the surface on this place!
Thank you. I have a lot of digging to do. NCSWIC
Yes. Thank you. Very long and odd history to say the least.
Just recently the UK govt aired plans to put migrants on Ascension Island:
Curious. Especially with a mention of 'Rwanda' as a previous option...
I saw that. Very disturbing-Talking about floating living quarters for the migrants. Maybe they take them off-planet, or worse. So much going on there with so many satellites yet the pics I’ve seen so far don’t match up with what I’ve read.
The Ascension Island is a good bet, was covered here when Q made the drop.
I’m sure it has double meanings as well though, going along w a post all about protecting your dna?
Do the Vineyard next!
Start with Obongo's murder shack. Then move along to all those lily white bitches that couldn't put their illegals where their mouths were.
Complete with tunnels connecting every mansion they build
No doubt. I pray that most of these tunnels and underground hell holes are destroyed or cleared out.
High Quality rant, my fren.
These fires are definitely a distraction. Trump is about to go scorched earth himself on the deep state..
It's part of the next forced precipice: Enact lockdowns for muh "global warmhing change climate warming" emergency acts to piss off leftists
Thats how I see it. Desperation can cause that.
Just a bad bout of climate change suddenly and unexpectedly all hitting at precisely the right moment to inflict maximum damage.
The only way to stop the fires is to turn your guns in, eat lab grown human meat, and take z injection..
The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
Nature can be unpredictable
Who had "Burning Islands" for August?
Hank says just flip it over and use the other side
Hank epitomizes the term “Dumb as a rock”.
For those who might not have gotten the reference, anon Dontstopbelieving was referring to Congressman Hank Johnson’s concern that the island of Guam might tip over if thousands of military troops were stationed there. Kudos to the Admiral answering Johnson’s astoundingly idiotic questions for keeping a straight face and maintaining his honor and professionalism. You literally have to see this to believe it, just a couple minutes long.
We must mock them until they cry and then mock them for crying.
Oh, but it’s so easy to mock them when they provide so very much material for us to do so with.
In searching for the video clip I linked, I came across other videos and articles of the lefties of FNM trying to cover for this gem from ol’ Hank, saying “Oh, he just meant it metaphorically.” I honestly don’t believe Mr. Johnson even knows what that word means. His IQ must be closer to his shoe size.
Your take on it is just perfect. I’m still laughing. 😂
It gonna capsize!!!!
Seriously. They're not even trying to hide it now, ehh?
Not me. I had power grids going down, while the weather modifiers were cranking up the heat. Resulting in one heat advisory after another.
So is this going to be like the train derailments or the big food factories and farms being destroyed? It'll just happen one after another like nobody notices. I guess we are onto forest fires now. Let's see how many islands go up in flames.
Just an interesting data point: In season 1 of Hunting Hitler, they explore a Nazi tunnel base in the Canary Islands built into the hillside. Huge tunnels that accommodated trucks carrying U-boat torpedoes were bored deep into the hill. The islands were used as U-Boat waypoints and had a countryside chateau for Nazi officers.
Go to 40 minutes into the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4R1Kir2ovg
Thanks fren! Was that based on a real investigation or a movie made to look like one?
Hunting Hitler was a TV show that lasted 3 seasons. You can watch it on Youtube or Prime. Some of the dialogue seems scripted but the facts they uncover were real. They make an indisputable case that Hitler and thousands of high ranking Nazis escaped to South America.
Makes a lot of sense Mr Winston. I've heard of that years ago. Argentina in particular I believe. Some have had close encounters with those who most likely were & etc. I think I've even seen a photo of an older Hitler with his children & etc. Canary Islands makes sense. Just in watching that one episode I surmised that when Hitler couldn't talk Franco into joining him he probably at least negotiated this secret back door if all else failed as it eventually did.....
the most ironic thing about all this fvcking bullshit, is that the very people that claim we must change our way of life to fight climate change & global warming... are the ones STARTING THESE FIRES & DESTROYING THE PLANET & WILDLIFE... all in the name of propaganda.
there wouldn't be fires like this, if they didn't start them. there wouldn't be a lack of clean air, if not for their spraying of chemtrails & poisons or cutting down the woods & forests.
its the exact same playbook they used with boogeyman terrorists & the fake $camdemic. they CREATE THEM, set them loose on the world, then come along with a SOLUTION, that is worse than the original problem.
and isn't it funny how, no matter the problems or solutions, it ALWAYS results in less FREEDOMS & a shittier way of life for everybody that isn't one of [THEM]?
It’s like how the whole leftist progressive obsession with virtue signalling started with people who were actually handicapped: people in wheelchairs, the deaf, the blind. At the time it didn’t seem unreasonable to people to give the handicapped some extra privileges in society to make up for their disadvantage.
Then the leftists used Marxism to warp this idea of kindness to the handicapped into a victim hierarchy of racial and sexual identities. Now the most “disadvantaged” people weren’t in wheelchairs, they weren’t deaf, they weren’t blind - no, they were the people who really really liked anal sex. The sodomites, they were the true victims. Oh and the blacks. Forget about the deaf and blind, Michael Jordan is over here and look at him with his poor, disadvantaged skin. Morgan Freeman, he’s the real victim. Jay Z, feel sorry for him.
When was the last time anyone’s seen a leftist give a shit about a blind person? Or a deaf person? They put muzzles on the mouths of every person and put deaf people who relied on lip reading into a world of silence, cutting them off from the rest of us. Ever heard a liberal bring this up? Of course not! They don’t give a fuck. Beyoncé, she’s the one really suffering, out on her yacht with her poor, poor black skin.
Damn! I never realized this, but this 100% is how the victim mentalities started.
Shush! They'll cut off the fudge rounds!!!
Underrated comment
Same way the mafia sells it's 'insurance'
They say chemtrails aren’t real, just an idea, as they spray us, and then offer to spray us to combat the problems they created.
This younger generation has no idea what the sky should look like, has no idea what natural rolling thick cold and damp clouds look like.
They have no idea how late and bright the sun should be shining, all they know is forever rainy and grey skies, trapped and amplified sunlight w thin air, and dark by 4pm ready to give up the day and start the next, spray rinse repeat.
Damn climate change strikes again
fire must have gotten mad because ice caps are expanding
It would be a shame if fires like this started happening in Davos.
Klaus is at it again!!!!!!!
Can't birds just fly away though?
that's the evacuation, silly
Canary Islands are the lead for Agenda 2030 for Spain. They do want to get rid of a refinery in Santa Cruz, northeast of the fires quite a ways. Tenerife was smack in the middle of the agenda.
Yes, burn islands to the ground because that's the only ammo you have left. Good one, commies!
They trying to make fortress islands to try to stand against white hats maybe. I dunno but the repetition is most taxing to one’s patience.
The more electric vehicles we have, the hotter this planet gets. Can someone do a graph of EV production to Climate Change? LOL
I'm confused. Does Space Force not have intel on who owns and operates DEWs? Is there no way to prevent more such fuckery? Is this going to happen all over the planet as a goodbye kiss of death from the DS?
Assuming, of course, that it's not a White Hat psy-op.
I reckon we don't get to know the truth behind most of this shit.
Well, a crazed-blue haired faggoty antifa with a can of gas and a handful of matches (or road flairs) can effectively do this crap too, as we found out in WA/OR/CA not too long ago.
Just sayin' .... might not be DEWs
Yes where is Space Force?
I am hopeful that we are reaching the FAFO precipice for the global militaries to fight back. It better be soon though or all will be lost.
Just ask the elders of Lahaina about their historical buildings and artifacts dating to their time as the Seat of the Kingdom of Hawai'i .. or rather pray to them because they and everything they preserved over the centuries were all torched to death last week.
I personally think there are two militaries - they're split.
The 🤡 controlled one, and the God fearing, respectful US military.
Climate terrorism strikes again!
They are picking all the best pots to live on the planet, so they can leave there themselves. Only the elite will be allowed to go to tropical places and enjoy life.
They are all running to islands then running us off. We won’t be able to touch them when they take control.
Either they are burning everything down because they know they are going to lose or they are burning everything down to burn the people out so they can steal all the land. One or the other.
If they can do this to them, what's to stop them from doing it on the mainland U.S.?
It already happened on mainline 🇺🇸 Paradise, CA
So all the rich and powerful will live on islands where tbey cant be touched?
That's the plan yes.
I don’t get it….. why are they allowed to do this?
Isn’t that where one island has a big rock that would send a tsunami to east coast if it ever fell into ocean?
This may be another land grab by the cabalites and/or the “incident” that will prompt the Potatus to declare a “clymate emergency” (misspelling intentional) as the left has been itching for him to do.
They may be clearing out their escape routes. Didn't gislane Maxwell have a UN sanctioned virtual nation. If they get the non pedofiles off the island then declare sovereignty with no extradition then they are home free
Because Revelations says the next end of us all will be by fire? They are playing God, all the more to terrify. Plus convenient that fires make people think about dry hot weather.
Sand from Afrika mix in smoke off the coast
Arsonists start wildfires in California and the Pacific NW every year. I don't recall similar island wildfires.New phase of warfare.
Paradise, CA was different. People escaping the fires recorded blue beams. Look at photos of the aftermath. We were in a severe drought. Those trees should have burned but the house is ashes and the lawn and bushes, trees untouched. Very similar to what was seen in Maui
they are just intentionlaly burning islands worldwide nwo?