Shadow of Ezra
Dianne Feinstein receives the same wrinkled flag John McCain received.
A traitors salute.
Shadow of Ezra
Dianne Feinstein receives the same wrinkled flag John McCain received.
A traitors salute.
I've been waiting to see this picture. This confirms PANIC. Patriots Are IN Control.
Ahh! A python reference, went over my head entirely
They stand there in the darkness, committing their fellow traitor to the father of darkness, lucifer, pretending to care and pretending to show respect.
They are selfish, corrupt, evil people that care only for themselves.
Some changes to the memorial service tomorrow?
"The memorial service will no longer be open to the public."
"A major change if they are deciding the public is no longer invited."
They don't want people seeing their ritual yet again.
They used to enjoy performing them in front of us and fed off that energy, now they prefer privacy... shuttering awakened eyes from observing them.
"public not invited" "Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, will deliver remarks via video"
Yep everything looking normal here
Maybe Pelosi, Schumer and Biden no longer want to appear in public together. They may be skittish about an arrest or something.
If the public were invited; it would show nobody would come and nobody voted or liked the traitor.
Even the normies on /r/oldschoolcool were crapping on Feinstein when people post pictures of her to karma farm.
The Great Awakening
probably trying to save themselves the embarrassment of either no public showing up, or maybe they are worried if the public does show there will be booing or throwing rotten vegetables, eggs, etc.
Does anyone else see that weird shadowy figure in the upper right?
Damn, I'm blind. Wow! WTF?
"Seasons dont fear the reaper"
“Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain” 🎶
Yes. That looks creepy AF
That is not normal.
The most wrinkled one yet.
But I hate seeing it wrinkled AND draping a traitor.... it should be forbidden to be used this way.
Nah, it's part of our History. Thing is, only a handful of people even know the significance.
Correct, it's comms for those that know. But strangely enough, Ronald Reagan's flag was really a wrinkled mess too.
Ronald Reagan fell in line after the message was sent (got shot). Confirmed by his second term that was mired in controversy which most remember was the Iran/Contra BS but there was a bit more not so highlighted.
His first term was great for America, but the DS said no.
More people know the significance of the ones draped this way.
Moving forward, I hope this tradition is changed.
There's a whole lotta fuckin ugly right there...
It's not wrinkled enough for the amount of treason involved
Hope they publish the grave location so we can pay our respects...
Boy I gotta take a whiz...
Bush 41
Queen Elizabeth
Who's next?
They should've draped it in the Chinese flag, and every traitor should be draped in the country that owned them.
Yeh, it's like that idea someone had of forcing them to wear corporate patches like NASCAR to show who sponsors them. Nice👍
I'm not graphics proficient, but that would make a lasting meme.
Dingy harry had one too
Jimmy Carter?
I pointed that out to my husband today.
is there one that can be compared that isn’t wrinkled?
Not sure how this is really ‘a thing’. Even Reagan’s flag was visibly wrinkled
Reagan was controlled after the statement was made; i.e. getting shot. Fell in line after that. Iran/contra ring any bells?
Being retired mil, I can say with great authority that every detail is made to honor those deserving include hand ironing the flag for the ceremony to show respect.
I got 24 yrs in too. Just interested in seeing one that isn’t wrinkled.
Pictures of others:
I see, heroes are tucked in. Traitors get itlazily draped over. Good post fren
I thought she would be covered with the CCP red flag since that is who she served!
By bitch we are glad you’re gone you traitorous wrench I hope all the money you milked from the taxpayers and all the wars you sponsored and voted for serve you well
Has anyone responding here seen the movie Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon? Just wondering if what is depicted in the movie is accurate for the way it's illustrated? A wrinkled flag would be notable.
It should have been a Chinese flag.
OK, wrinkled flag,,,, got it, just a question... do you have a pic of proper flag draping on a casket? do they iron the flag? every new flag usually has some wrinkles.
Died natural or was offed, that is the $64,000 question.
She was barely there at the end.
Death penalty would only be of any value when there is still life left to forfeit.
That old hag wouldn't even be worth a ritual sacrifice.
Just dont let the record of EOtech optics company donating to her campaign die with her
A wrinkled flag was also placed on JFK's casket....hmmmm
Jigsaw in the upper right corner.
Seeing all those dopes solemnly standing there is in fact torture... so seems about right.
I can’t wait to see all these “Presidents” with that salute. TRAITORS
Probably just got hammered 🤣.