First off .. YES, shameless datefagging ensues … but please hear me out …
The Continuing resolution runs out on 17 November.
Then comes:
10 Days.
Stay with me Anons … Q posted “DARNKESS” in post 97. K and N are switched. K is 11th Letter. Switched with N. November is the 11th month (duh).
Q was asked in a QnA: “ 10 days. darkness … WHEN?”
Q answered “SHUTDOWN”
On 17 November, the govt will SHUTDOWN. Cant approve a new budget or CR without a SOTH. Need the shutdown to “turn off” the deepstate mechanisms. I bet you the kabuki theater in Congress right now is to make for sure the resolution runs out. On the SEVENTEENTH (theres that number again!) the govt shuts down.
On the 27th of November we emerge from DARK to LIGHT
It's as good a guess as any. But government shutdowns aren't that rare.
Agree 100%. Been through a few. This one will not be like the others. Without a SOTH there likely wont be consensus to reopen quickly like in the past
4+ weeks is a long time for kabuki. I better dash out to the lobby for the big popcorn.
For EXAMPLE: "SOTH"???? WHAT IS It??? State of Thermal Hypocrisy?
uhmm... I will take "Speaker of the House" for 100 please
State of the Haitians ...-->> CGI = CLinton Global Initiative --> it takes a village => village people => The People.
lol 😂
Reminds me of
Science of the Heavens
(another name for "wise guys")
What happens during the shutdown is key
@Donny_Fiasco FOR THE WIN!!!!
I want Ten Days Of Dankness, thank you...
Yeah, 10 jays of dankness!
clever. 😂
gonna need more than 10 😂
I'm on #2...
Would love to upvote that about 42Q times
Greatest Christmas wreath EVER!!!!
hey man ... that would be cool with me.
Be high AF.
Cyber Monday.
Clever. Happy Thanksgiving!
Datefagging comin' in HOT!
I saw that too. i thought about posting it but I didnt want to sound crazier than I already do 😂😂😂.
You only sound crazy smart bro. In this community finding coincidences is one way to prove you are smart, not prove you are crazy.
When Is Thanksgiving 2023? Mark Your Calendar When is Thanksgiving 2023? ... This year, we celebrate Thanksgiving on November 23, 2023— (Think of something to be thankful about)
There will be more.
That will be right smack in the middle of the shutdown! We will be celebrating!
Well, if you count 10 days from Nov 17 with that day you get the 26th. 11/26/2023 = 17.
Including the 17th, the 26th is the last day of the darkness .... assuming my premise is correct (huge assumption). The 26th will still be inside the darkness window.
wait ... I see what u did there. NICE!!!!!!!
Q's anniversary is coming up.
6 years.
Also, February 21, 2024 falls within Trump's "five months."
Mmm tasty. Fag harderrrr!!! Kek
Haha - I absolutely Love date fagging! Why? Because it’s happened so many times that it’s simply interesting and fun to consider since we all know it will happen so why not 11/17! Excellent case btw! I’m all in! Let’s Go!
Nov 7 - Q post 2450
Those who are blind will soon see the light!
I’m not disagreeing with you that this wouldn’t be cool AF. I’m just saying we’ll see what happens.
100%. I know its probably another swing and a miss. Datefagging is a chronic condition usually brought on by freebasing excessive quantities of Hopium.
Ah crap, I’ll have flown to Chicago the day before for the Muscle Car And Corvette Nationals that weekend. Hope I’m not stuck in Chicago for an extra ten days.
I hear that it's windy.
I love me a good date fag, added to the calendar.
27th November was also the last Q drop.
This 27th Nov will be 1 year delta after the last drop.
It’d be really “dark to light” if Q posted again on that day, … especially after 10 Days Of …
Holy shitballs ... HOW DID I MISS THAT!!!!!
My theory is around when FISA runs out December 31st the darkness will have their ability to look and listen (spy) legally removed. Now could they still do it without the FISA auth, well yes they did it to Trump and associates. Just a thought.
"Trust me bro"
Matrix wise, yesterday was interesting. Today was more fun. Let's see what tomorrow brings...
This was all on a personal level... Personal experience, childhood stuff... Carry on! And cherish past memories
I like your thought process. It's creative and insightful. There is one problem though. All that the cabal has to do to get a speaker and avert a shutdown is to blackmail (or call in their blackmail) 5 RINOs to vote for Jeffries. I don't think they want to do that yet but if the need arises it will be an easy fix for them. This is my biggest worry with these votes, and the republican caucus better get their people on board or they will pay dearly next November.
Republicans have 1/2 of 1 or 3 branches of government. If they piss it away they will blow up all the goodwill they got from the last election and from Trump's endorsements.
I agree with the plausibility of your premise 100%. No question that FAR FAR FAR more Rs are blackmail fodder than just 5. Yes sir, defection is a MAJOR threat.
And Nov 14th is 1700000000 on the Unix epoch
1000000000 was two days before 9/11
Why couldn't Q just answer the damn question straight up? Asking Q questions is like asking the Attorney General questions during a Congressional hearing!
Happy 17th
It's also a Friday & it's been said that bank machines will appear to freeze on a Friday, so people will think it's just a weekend thing...
We need to make that a thing on every 17th.
Perhaps the NK is a comm for North Korea.
That’s good but I think it eludes to a shutdown of the communication and energy grid because Q explains they can bring it back up in 10 days in some post. I can’t remember which but I’m certain I’ve seen it.
Wheres my voat goats? I remember someone there coming up w darnkess meant Pain. 10 days of pain.
It's a long month away.
We’ll just have to see. I think it’ll be some time during Trump’s Jackass Smith court trial. So who knows.
farpointpatriot, this is very interesting, but please explain the part about NOV. 11 in regard to DARNKESS/DARKNESS. I do not understand the significance of Nov. 11th. I may be having a brain freeze. Thank you.
not Nov 11. Just November time frame. never said 11 November.
Thanks, farpointpatriot, thought I had missed something important.
The N and K switched…does that have to do with North Korea?
As I recall, that was a suggestion at the time.
Second datefag posting on the internet shutdown has failed. RIP
Here was the first attempt
100% correct!
Datefagging is like Rehab. You fail, and fail, and fail, until eventually … you figure it out, or die. The later has the highest degree of probability. 😂😂😂