Sticky for a true wag the dog/frog moment y’all!! And for a major scene here in the movie.
This is no different than Jan 6th?! Each of these people should be arrested or all Jan 6th prisoners should be let go and charges expunged if nothing happens to these people!
How is this stopping Israel (which is about 5900 miles away) from protecting itself? be careful of self-important LL, she's not original, she's not a thinker, it's all about her. She's trying to get on what she thinks is the winning side.
We have so many talented posters here that really do real research and a loomer post gets stickied?
This post doesn't have an abnormal upvote count.
If you can't do it right,,don't do it at all. DONT sticky any thing.
Loomer is not an America First person. Everyone that's been paying attention knows that.
We need to do better America.
Probably optics to get us riled up but still do not care. Perhaps U.S should stop being the world police and drop out of all agreements and treatise with the rest of the worl
Sticky for a true wag the dog/frog moment y’all!! And for a major scene here in the movie.
This is no different than Jan 6th?! Each of these people should be arrested or all Jan 6th prisoners should be let go and charges expunged if nothing happens to these people!
Yup! The dems wanted to make an example on J6 and set a set a precident.....lock them up!
u/#jail u/#libcry
AOC almost got raped
Until they realized she was a donkey, and not a goat.
Look at all those violent insurrectionisms /s.
Is this Loomer the self-proclaimed Zionist saying this?
Yeah, I'm wondering about Loomer.
They are just jealous of HER superior ash-kee-nazi IQ. I.E. she thinks you are cattle
Well that was reveling.
Kudos for the man being a gentleman and trying to disengage from her clinging drunken rant…
confirms all my suspicions about her, aposematism emanates from her, stay away.
Just posted an article with a ton of Twitter links, I’ll delete and post here…
Video via MTG:
(5pm EST)
Question tho for clarification...Is it an insurrection or peaceful protest? Asking for a fren...🙄🙄🙄
Kash seems to wonder the same thing:
“Jews say ceasefire now” = “pro-terror”??? Unhinged.
The t-shirts they are wearing have them claiming to be Jews. If they get removed, like all good Leftists, they'll claim everybody to be "antisemitic".
What??? Terrorists in the Capitol!!!!!
Continue watching on livestream here:
Loomer is Israeli intelligence...........
How is this stopping Israel (which is about 5900 miles away) from protecting itself? be careful of self-important LL, she's not original, she's not a thinker, it's all about her. She's trying to get on what she thinks is the winning side.
At 7:20 pm EST, not a single MSM news station is reporting about what has been happening in DC since 2 pm this afternoon.
If they want to point out any differences Ill point out people who were on the Capitol lawn tbat never went inside that are in prison.
How did they get in?
Ah, but was Pelosi hiding under her desk?
That's quite a bipolar view
Loomer is a trans zionist war hungry loser......
We have so many talented posters here that really do real research and a loomer post gets stickied? This post doesn't have an abnormal upvote count. If you can't do it right,,don't do it at all. DONT sticky any thing. Loomer is not an America First person. Everyone that's been paying attention knows that. Sad. We need to do better America.
so, just to be clear, we're not talking about "the squad" here? lol
Probably optics to get us riled up but still do not care. Perhaps U.S should stop being the world police and drop out of all agreements and treatise with the rest of the worl
The FBI can’t arrest them, because then no one would be at the Christmas Party
Nothing to see here. Stop pointing out the obvious. Go back to sleep please.
Mainstream Media is finally getting around to reporting it at 7:30 pm EST.
Half past a monkey's ass A quarter 'til his nuts?
I bet laura loomer has a microdick for a clitoris. God i can’t stand that ugly bitch