Each vial is apparently different, which is why someone who is vaccinated needs to go to the web site that tracks those vials as indicated on their shot card, to see what the lethality rate is. Don't have the link but it's out there.
Jennifer Anniston was brutal in her outspoken hatred for the unvaxxed.
I recall hearing that the whole cast of Friends sold their souls for fame and fortune. Don’t know if this is true or not, but a few truthers early on in my awakening shared videos that the cast would begin each show by praying to satan.
She's good buddies with Oprah. Also Anniston grew up in Hollywood her dad was in Days of Our Lives for decades. I saw a video a few months ago talking about the hatred between Anniston and Angelina Jolie. People assumed it was over Brad Pitt. The video implied it's what she knows about Anniston and she's friends with Oprah. Sorry I don't have the source. Many videos about Hollywood actors and other celebrities were popping up after Sound Of Freedom was released. I'm not claiming to know anything about her other than that.
Yes. Ancient people used solstices and equinoxes and the moon to keep track of the seasons, and tracked those days using standing stones and ring circles (like Stonehenge.) That's why you'll find such things all over Europe and the British Isles, and other places, too.
They were actually quite good at natural science - their lives depending on tracking the seasons - and that's how they did it.
The modern Julian calendar was not put into practice until 45 BC, but there were people living and thriving around the world for at least 2,000 to 3,000 years before that.
From 8kun Board
Anonymous 10/28/23 (Sat) 21:29:51 3bd34e No.19821703
Matthew Perry’s father is a duel citizen of US and UK, name is John Bennet Perry
From his Wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bennett_Perry
His first wife was Suzanne Langford, a former press secretary to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau,(Justin Trudeau’s father) with whom he fathered son Matthew Perry.
PM TRUDEAU? Coincidence?
UPDATE: "More details are surfacing about the circumstances surrounding Matthew Perry's death ... as sources tell us he actually died at his own house after some physical activity this morning." (TMZ)
"We're told Matthew came home sometime in the AM after a 2-hour round of pickleball, and that he sent his assistant out on errand shortly thereafter. We're told when the assistant returned about 2 hours later, he discovered Matthew unresponsive ... and called 911."
Joshua Del Chandler, a Clinton man, was sentenced to 210 months in prison for Receipt and Distribution of Child Pornography. He was ordered to serve seven years of supervised release to follow his prison term and pay $100 to the Crime Victims’ Fund and $11,000 in restitution. Chandler was identified as a suspect after a cell phone and laptop belonging to him were turned over to the FBI in April 2020. Officers obtained a search warrant for the devices and located 22 images and three videos depicting child pornography.0 President Clinton commuted the sentence of David Ronald Chandler, the first person who was sentenced to death under the Federal drug kingpin statute, because it turned out that the star witness was the actual triggerman, Charles Ray Jarrell, who now says that he killed Martin Shuler, his brother-in-law, for family reasons having nothing to do with Chandler.1
There were two routes that could be taken: "Nooo", or doubling down on no, "No, no". Both of these would have implied sarcasm, and of course you could have added additional subtext not that it was needed because your name says enough in my opinion.
Drowned just like Obama's chef. No evidence of foul play, and no drugs found allegedly. Police responded to a call of Cardiac Arrest.
and like Whitney Houston, her daughter, Aaron Carter, Delores O'Riordan, Natalie Wood ... 👀
also poet Percy Shelley
Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys
Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones
John Jacob Astor IV
Cardiac arrest...
Why isn’t every celebrity dropping dead then? Why only a select few?
Each vial is apparently different, which is why someone who is vaccinated needs to go to the web site that tracks those vials as indicated on their shot card, to see what the lethality rate is. Don't have the link but it's out there.
I'm sure some got saline or didn't take it as well.
Where was Big Mike?
Aka Deadly Dick
Rachel Chandler
I find it weird that his Friends character name was also Chandler. Koinkidinky ya thinky?
I think he struggled with addiction. They made excuses for his odd actions at a friends reunion.
His addiction problem has been out in the public for many years.
And he had moved beyond it.
Maybe it didn't help, but I'm sure this was in part brought to you by Pfizer.
Either that or he was a cooperating witness.
Yep heroin junkie.
Catturd found that he was jabbed https://twitter.com/catturd2/status/1718434849055203824/photo/1
Jennifer Anniston was brutal in her outspoken hatred for the unvaxxed.
I recall hearing that the whole cast of Friends sold their souls for fame and fortune. Don’t know if this is true or not, but a few truthers early on in my awakening shared videos that the cast would begin each show by praying to satan.
She's good buddies with Oprah. Also Anniston grew up in Hollywood her dad was in Days of Our Lives for decades. I saw a video a few months ago talking about the hatred between Anniston and Angelina Jolie. People assumed it was over Brad Pitt. The video implied it's what she knows about Anniston and she's friends with Oprah. Sorry I don't have the source. Many videos about Hollywood actors and other celebrities were popping up after Sound Of Freedom was released. I'm not claiming to know anything about her other than that.
This guy did the same with his stupid vax shirt
This does happen. My cousin died in a hot tub. She'd been drinking and they think she got too warm, relaxed too much, fell asleep and drowned.
So did my friend's mother.
Doctors are baffled.
Hilarious….until you realize they really are baffled - schooled to stupidity
So is Killary. Hmmmm?
Sacrifice, someone wants to move higher???
Samhain is Tuesday.
Halloween is being celebrated this weekend.
Today is a full moon lunar eclipse — the last one in the Taurus/Scorpio lunar nodal axis
Did they need a ritual sacrifice before they start WW3?
No - Samhain is the second full moon after the autumn equinox. (The ancients did not use modern calendars.) That's tonight, October 28.
Samhain is an Irish word that simply means "end of summer," because the morning after Samhain night was the first day of winter.
Wait, so are you saying Samhain is actually tonight?
Yes. Ancient people used solstices and equinoxes and the moon to keep track of the seasons, and tracked those days using standing stones and ring circles (like Stonehenge.) That's why you'll find such things all over Europe and the British Isles, and other places, too.
They were actually quite good at natural science - their lives depending on tracking the seasons - and that's how they did it.
The modern Julian calendar was not put into practice until 45 BC, but there were people living and thriving around the world for at least 2,000 to 3,000 years before that.
That is what I am thinking too.
red towels laying around?
Another vaxtard that died suddenly - baffling.
From 8kun Board Anonymous 10/28/23 (Sat) 21:29:51 3bd34e No.19821703 Hmmm…interesting Matthew Perry’s father is a duel citizen of US and UK, name is John Bennet Perry From his Wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bennett_Perry His first wife was Suzanne Langford, a former press secretary to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau,(Justin Trudeau’s father) with whom he fathered son Matthew Perry. PM TRUDEAU? Coincidence?
Think about how much worse it could’ve been if he wasn’t vaxxed!
UPDATE: "More details are surfacing about the circumstances surrounding Matthew Perry's death ... as sources tell us he actually died at his own house after some physical activity this morning." (TMZ)
"We're told Matthew came home sometime in the AM after a 2-hour round of pickleball, and that he sent his assistant out on errand shortly thereafter. We're told when the assistant returned about 2 hours later, he discovered Matthew unresponsive ... and called 911."
911 Audio dispatch: https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1718452041767432496
from a Brave Search:
Joshua Del Chandler, a Clinton man, was sentenced to 210 months in prison for Receipt and Distribution of Child Pornography. He was ordered to serve seven years of supervised release to follow his prison term and pay $100 to the Crime Victims’ Fund and $11,000 in restitution. Chandler was identified as a suspect after a cell phone and laptop belonging to him were turned over to the FBI in April 2020. Officers obtained a search warrant for the devices and located 22 images and three videos depicting child pornography.0 President Clinton commuted the sentence of David Ronald Chandler, the first person who was sentenced to death under the Federal drug kingpin statute, because it turned out that the star witness was the actual triggerman, Charles Ray Jarrell, who now says that he killed Martin Shuler, his brother-in-law, for family reasons having nothing to do with Chandler.1
Chandler?? Any relation to Rachel?
There is at least 90% proof that the clot shot took Matthew Perry's life.
There were two routes that could be taken: "Nooo", or doubling down on no, "No, no". Both of these would have implied sarcasm, and of course you could have added additional subtext not that it was needed because your name says enough in my opinion.
This isn't the first time his heart stopped beating... "Don't Look Up".
Funny that they're already calling the cause of death before the autopsy is even done lol. That's if he already wasn't dead long before any of this.
RIP Matthew. Welcome Home.
Q. Anything tied to the doorknob?
New meaning to " watch the water".