Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Let's talk about our health ... I saw on fb that there's a cough going around that lasts 3-4 wks. Several natural suggestions that were good but does that mean you have to go thru the 3-4 wks blowing and spitting it out? It sounds bronchitis or pneumonia like. Any fast remedies? Obviously the baseline of either hcq or ivm and zinc. But the additional mullein or nac just thins or loosens it.
There are lots of people at church with a deep sounding cough and its been quite a bit longer than a month.
My daughter just announced that we are going to be grandparents again! God is so good! I want to shout from the rooftops about our new addition, but she hasn't had an opportunity to share with the rest of the family, so I am sharing it here with my frens, who won't accidentally spoil the surprise for the rest of the family! She and her husband are both wide awake, and together they are raising wonderful children, so my cup runneth over with one more precious soul to love!
Congratulations! Also, today is the day you will find out how many of your family have tracked you down and secretly keeping an eye on your posts here!
Bah ha ha! I doubt any of them, most of them only use a computer for work and don't even own a tablet, and basically only use a cell phone for text messaging and facebook. I'm pretty sure I'm safe here.
What does DJT have set up during the debate tonight? He normally does his own thing.
To give them lower ratings. The only person who matters in the race is Trump.
I didn’t even realize there was a debate tonight. I don’t pay those people any attention. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a round up during the debate tonight. ❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸
Now I see he has a rally in FL that will be televised on rsbn. If timed right it will be overlapping. 😉
Yes and I did watch it last night ❤️
Trump doing hour long talk with buck and clay starting now, if anybody wants to listen. I don't know that they have a live link anywhere. Never looked.
In the last couple weeks someone mentioned in general chat watching Billy the Kid & the secret societies. I started watching it and I don't believe I ever learned about his story growing up. With out giving it away, I can see how the tragic events in childhood can affect how a person chooses to lead their adult lives. I'm not making excuses because wrong is wrong no matter how bad or good your childhood may have been. After watching it all I'd love to find a good source for the true details of his life and the other outlaws of the west. I never believe anything made by Hollywood is 100% truth.
If you don't want to pay for streaming I'm using a good website with out spam. Just ask if you want link. I'm not sure if it's ok to post. It works better than the paid subscription we have. Nothing wrong with the service it just lags at my house.
Frens, I ask today for some prayer, not for myself, but for my adult daughter. She is at a very low point in her life and I am heartbroken for her. She hasn't worked in quite some time and spends most of her time caring for her mother (and me, a bit). She starts a job next week that is beneath her skills and education but it's income and possibly, benefits.
Please offer up some words of intercession for her.
Thank you all.
Praying for her now.
I will lift her up. Things always have a way of working for our good in the long run. This could be where God wants her for such a time as this. Instead of being discouraged, think of it as a window to crawl in to unlock a door. ❤️🙏🏻
I will say prayers for her. Would she like to set up her own business doin bookkeeping for companies? Classes are free. Program is free. Lots of support. Can be up and running in a couple weeks.
Not enough people doing this. Demand is much higher than supply. Rates vary from $25 to $100+ an hour.
Is it me, or was there an usually high number of chemtrails in the sky this morning?
Yes. My town was covered in chemtrails this morning, and again late afternoon.
It's you. Water, carbon dioxide, some soot and a bit of unburned POL.
We did land on the moon.
The earth is not flat and
Adolph Hitler died in the Reich chancellery garden in early 1945.
Terrible a few days ago..............lots of money in that I guess
Anybody going bald? Found an interesting https://www.healthline.com/health/rosemary-oil-for-hair#research
I'm not going bald. Three years ago my hair was falling out by the handfuls. Maybe it was my age, menopause or weight loss or gain (don't remember what stage of the weight yo-yo I was on). I read dermatologist were seeing women at an alarming higher amounts for hair loss and it was implied could be Covid or just stress of the times. I changed to a shampoo beneficial for scalp health, Rahua. I altered between sandalwood & cedar essential oils. In a four ounce bottle with shampoo first I used sandalwood and when that was empty add cedarwood. Sorry, I don't remember how many drops. The amount is important for safety because to much EO can be to strong. Should be able find the info on essential oil sites. It took about 9 months and I was back to normal. There's other oils that people advise works. I used those because they work and I like the scent.
Oh nice! Ty for the exposition and testimony. Currently trying to restore my own lol
RANT: was just behind an old urban guy in line at the supermarket checkout. He paid with EBT. Saw him pull out of the parking lot, IN HIS TESLA.
I want reparations.
My state just legalized. Weed...I paid a hundo ticket and they stole my weed. I want reparations too
I posted yesterday in general chat about food stamps app (sorry I refuse to say EBT, let's call it what it is!) being hacked. The victim said she got 2K a month. I have never spent that much on food in a month. About him in Tesla, if SS knew about the car he would never have been approved. In the 90s we were barely making it and I went to SS for help. We had a truck that was maybe three years old and we were denied because the vehicle was to new. Maybe they don't check now, IDK. I'm glad we were denied I think I went out of desperation because we had a baby. We made it by and better off for it because we figured out how to survive.
I have to say that I personally believe God will judge people for that. That is stealing, plain and simple. I would give all I have to help a person in need, true need that is. I would be afraid to be in that Tesla to be quiet honest with you.
Me too
I was out on my walk this morning and I was thinking about all the crazy stuff going on right now and then I realized would President Trump (knowing everything that we know about him) just allow them to steal the election from him without any consequences? No way. This is where it’s going to really start getting good.
Like everything else we have seen over the past 7 years, things become clearer as time passes.
Love those walks
Mark 14:25, 26.
A Song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sCUfTx8dzE4
Have a blessed day.
Revelation 3:23 And unto the angel of the church of GAW write............
These things saith he that fits you with the full Armor of God
I know your works how you stand on truth, and accept no lie.
On this episode we speak with my friend Matt (Exila on communities.win). Matt and I met on the Prayer Garden Server and he is one of our first members that came over from Reddit. We get to hear Matt's testimony and how growing up with his grandparents pointed him in the direction to Christ. We also listen to the very honest discussion about battling the flesh when it comes to lust and how the Bible's instruction in 1 Corinthians 6 : 18-20 is instrumental to avoiding temptation. We then discuss how Matt feels lead by the Lord to help his local community in advancing the Gospel and the coming Kingdom of God.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
0:01 - Introduction
1:31 - Opening Prayer
2:20 - Bible Verse (Psalm 23:4)
4:40 - Announcements
6:12 - Beginning of Testimony
7:42 - Matt's Grandparents
10:25 - Teenage Years and Turning Away from Jesus (Battling the Flesh)
16:30 - How Matt Returned Stronger in Jesus
19:34 - God's Design for the Family
24:33 - How Sin can Creep Back In and Control Us (We NEED a Savior)
30:45 - Helping the Local Community
38:36 - Creating the Prayer Garden Website
44:50 - How Talking With Each Other Helps Overcome Our Strongholds (1 Corinthians 6 : 18-20)
49:17 - Closing Prayer/Remarks
Votes are still being molested, elections are still being stolen.
... WHs are still monitoring and recording their communications. WHs are still building legal cases against these people. WHs are still tracking through their finances to see who is still funding these crimes. ...
Glass half full.
As a Pennsylvania resident I am disappointed.
Not a PA resident, but I share your disappointment.
You make the world a better place
Enjoy this beautiful season with some beautiful music...
Autumn Leaves - Eva Cassidy
One of my Mom's favorites. Thanks Tweety!
She listened to this version... https://youtu.be/MueIzCR7tTg
And this one:
Thanks for the Nat King Cole version...the song is SO beautifully written it really was wonderful no matter who sang it or played it (Roger Williams)...these older songs just have such substance to them...the jazz versions are also great...
Edit...thanks for Roger Williams...I had his piano book way back when and I could actually play some parts of Autumn Leaves...🤣...it sure was fun trying...
Yep.. I can relate.
Is zinc helpful to the body when taken alone? I heard that it needs help getting to the cells. Does the helper (hcq, ivm) need to be taken at the same time or could one be am and one pm?
"A zinc ionophore is a substance that transports zinc particles across the cell wall barrier into the center of the cell. This plays a critical role in boosting immune system function. Viruses reproduce in the center of the cells. For zinc to be able to stop the viruses from reproducing, it needs to get to the center of the cells but it cannot do it by itself. A zinc ionophore is required to push zinc into the cells where it needs to be. Quercetin is a plant pigment that has been identified as a zinc ionophore. It is found naturally in green tea, apples, peppers, red wine, and berries."
I take quercetin with my zinc that also contains copper. People with thyroid issues may not be able to take quercetin but can substitute green tea capsules and yes I would take them at the same time. There is a lot of good info online...
Drinking green tea is also helpful for other things, highly recommend. We've gotten creative with our iced teas...
I like a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in my glass of tea.
Um, too much for me thanks
You only really need to "shove it in", as it were, if you have a specific reason, such as being sick or apparently if vaccinated, or a deficiency.
Our body is pretty solid at bringing in nutrients we need from a decent diet while tossing what we don't.
While we may not absorb zinc as readily, as long as you have a diet that makes some amount of sense, you are probably okay in terms of average day to day life with regards to how much you get.
He asked if you NEED something to absorb zinc, I included both times you don't need it and times you do.
That's not missing the point, and don't be an ass hole for no reason. That is suspicious.
If there was something I missed, it's probably because I was up dealing with a puppy who has a significant amount of parasites trying to keep him comfortable.
And the answer is yes -- zinc is helpful to the body when taken alone.
"Is zinc helpful to the body when taken alone? I heard that it needs help getting to the cells. Does the helper (hcq, ivm) need to be taken at the same time or could one be am and one pm?"
I answered the question as asked: "Is it helpful to the body when taken alone", yes. "I heard that it needs help getting to the cells", it doesn't need help unless you are using it for a very specific reason, such as for COVID protocol which was not specified in the post.
I did miss the last bit (does it need to be taken at the same time) but the puppy was acting up so I guess I apologize?
Don't have the answer to your question but some info:
Let’s talk about zinc. Zinc is involved in 300 different enzymes and over 1000 factors related to DNA.
Zinc is involved in your sleep cycles, cognitive function, and making neurotransmitters. Having low zinc increases your risk of diabetes.
Zinc also makes up an important group of antioxidants involved with your brain, heart, and muscles. It even helps reduce oxidative stress involved with the mitochondria.
Instead of masking a symptom related to zinc deficiency or any other health issue, it's crucial to get to the deeper problem to help prevent further concerns. Learning how to support a healthy body and avoid health issues or recognize the early stages of one is much more simple than trying to fight a health problem.
Side effects of advanced zinc deficiency can include: • Loss of appetite • Necrosis • Ulcers • Hypogonadism • Low testosterone • Thymus atrophy • High cortisol • Muscle loss
The organ that is most affected by zinc deficiency is the pancreas. The most common early sign of zinc deficiency is foul-smelling stool that floats.
Other early signs of zinc deficiency include: • Shortness of breath upon exertion • Cramping • Diarrhea • Abdominal pain • Bloating
Top causes of zinc deficiency: • Lack of zinc in the diet • Malabsorption • Inflammation in the gut • Phytates or phytic acid (grains) • Consuming sugar • Diabetes • Stress • Drinking alcohol • Infection
Foods rich in zinc:
8:32 Learn more about the dark side of zinc!
Thank you
Tonic water helps get zinc to the cells. Way cheaper and more available than the other ones you mentioned.
I don't know. I always took liquid Quinine (what I believe HQC is derived from in it's natural state) & Zinc together. Often I would sleep it off because it can make you nauseous. Haven't had any active cold feeling last more than 36 hrs yet & sometimes it is gone in 18 hours.
That said I took way more zinc than suggested & seem to be defecient at times (ie took it 3-4 times per day & slept most of the day to sleep through the potential nasuea).
If you take lots of zinc, add copper from my experience it helps. Do some research on why, essentially it sounds like zinc depletes the copper in your system & too much copper can deplete zinc.
Is Journey to Bethlehem a decent movie? I don't know much about it.
Romans 12:5-16
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love in Action
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Have a good night frens
First verse of today's chat:
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Matt 6:22.
The bible can be beautiful and mysterious, and has many verses still open to interpretation. I have heard many interpretations, and it is one of my favorites.
Voting. It's that day in a few states.
A boomer today waved to me on the street so I said hello. He had a "I Voted" sticker on, so I mentioned that. I was positive and excited, and also asked if voting was a problem in any way, because I was going later.
He was frustrated about something. OK, what's eating you? Traffic? Hard choices? Protesters or interference? No. He said: "I still don't like Trump, and don't want to vote for him a year from now."
Dude. That's next year!!! Why on a State election day?? Don't you care about your own choice and the consequences??? This is why we can't have a Great Awakening yet. Damn boomers.
Tell them to turn off the TV for a week or two and form their own opinions instead of being told all the time what to think.
found out a best friend got herself on hormones etc and is now a he. wild. will continue to offer my support, but i'm bad at the pronoun game. she was very unhappy so i hope this helps. yeah i'm thinking positively. no need to state the obvious here. maybe some people just gotta mutilate themselves to snap out of depression. she could never accept God, but maybe He'll have mercy nonetheless
I saw a video awhile back from a founder of the church of satan down under. And he had been saved, had a vision of Christ and changed completely. If he can, then your friend can, nothing is impossible. Well pray for her and everyone around her including you. Stay strong pede!
It's not easy. All we can often do is try to support their mental state even if we don't agree with their choices.
If they're an adult, they need to make their own way and figure their own things out.
Sadly, people scramble to find some huge change they can make and some end up thinking their sex is the source of their problems or thought processes -- or worse, are guided into believing that way.
I have a couple friends that have gone down this path but aren't raging leftists so they haven't been removed.
None of them are fully happy, one of them is very suicidal. It's not far from 41% ratio weirdly.
I actually had gender issues and was a raging leftist. barely made it out with my junk lmao. sure happy i did tho
I mean that's good, haha. I just don't associate with leftists anymore, COVID-19 BS (and thus, vaccines) made me shout Deus Vult at all my friends lists and contacts.
yep as soon as i heard there was a vax I started praying and carrying a knife lol. encounter more based folk than you'd expect being homeless on the west coast of canada, but... still lots of BS. at least I found a great church
Wow, I enjoy your sharing.
thanks! anytime. my life has been a bit of a trip. maybe i should write a book or something lol
My wife's life is the same, 32 years and she never did write the book.
It is very hard & I am there with you. I feel terrible for them & the biggest concern I have is the 40‰+ suicide rate both pre & post transition.
I still love the one in our fam & pray for them. It was crazy when I expected to hear her voice & out came a mutilated man sound. Their mother & father went way off the deep end around the beginning of Trump's Presidency. Ended up dissavowing God. Had to correct my children when they said that their cousin became a boy. Had to have a hard talk with young children that should never need to be taught these things T such a young age.
Abraham Lincoln- how many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg? Four.
Works well with kids.
This is awesome!
Wow. What a shock. I'm shocked when I see a stranger who obviously transitioned. Must be much more difficult with someone you know.
I've got an Aphex Twin CD at home! Can't remember the title, but it has a weird painting of a man's face. It's the one with a track called Alberto Basalm, my main reason for buying that CD.
My exact feelings on him and his experimental turn after the early stuff. I tried my darndest to enjoy his mid 90s stuff - and I worked a job for years where I listened to music for 8+ hours doing literally mindless work, so I had time to TRY - but it never clicked. At all. It was frustrating, lol.
Syro was pretty damn good, and from what I understand he's released an almost literal ton of stuff since then via SoundCloud dumps and proper releases, but when I've stumbled across some of it here and there (Collapse comes to mind) it just never hits.
Now that I think of it, I might not even consider myself an Aphex fan. Not a hater, but not really a fan. It feels strange to say that.
Appreciate the link, here's an oldie for you:
P.S. When, oh when, will Boards of Canada release something new? My absolute Spirit Animal artists. ♥️