President Donald Trump won the “in person vote” in ALL 50 states in 2020, while Biden only won the “mail-in ballot” vote for each state...
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Biden won fuck all. Even his mail In ballots were mostly fake.
A visibly demented and pedophilic moron, who barely manages double digit views and crowds, the few times he deigned to leave his basement, does NOT organically beat his opponent by 8 million votes, who incidentally trounced his own previous total and has millions of views and thousands to see him wherever he goes, EVER. And no amount of psyop, gaslighting and cognitive dissonance will convince me otherwise.
He's not even that; he's a dead man being impersonated by an actor in a mask.
Why do we keep going with the mask thing when his brother James already has attached ear lobes and looks like current day Joe? Him being replaced by James sounds less crazy as well.
We go with it because he doesn’t talk or look the same. And like I said in a different post the other day, we already know McCain was executed almost 7 years ago. You think they just halted hearing and executions? Hell no.
Still an actor
No way a dead man wins without cheating.
Exactly! Not only did he not win, but he isn't even here to gloat.
I know that's likely, my only thought is that it would have to be an actor who is willing to molest children. Oh...
From what I've seen of the current crop of actors in hollyweird, this one would be easy...
And there's this past performance that would cause any to choose others...
535 to 3 is a ginormous fucking obliteration and they took it from us!
It doesnt even pass the common sense test. People really have taken leave of all sense.
I guess if you tell a lie big enough most people will swallow it unfortunately.
According to Noah at 100percentfedup, he asked Google’s Bard AI to give a state-by-state breakdown of who won each state in the 2020 election in two different categories: in person election day votes and mail-in ballots.
The data given is below...
I don’t get some of this when the entire west coast only votes by mail?
It doesn't. There were many who went in person, but also many who were turned away. It wasn't for lack of trying.
I was in line to vote when we were discussing mail voting fraud and someone down the line said "my relatives in Oregon have only had mail voting for years without issues." I asked "then why are you here in line with us" and she never said another word the entire time.
and it was pretty much predicted before the election in 2020.
Trump talked down voting by mail.
Some on the left coast until recently didn't even know how to pump their own gas.
That might be an Oregon thing as I've never seen that in California.
Am I missing something? This depends entirely on output from Bard (an LLM notorious for hallucinations)? Even so, it doesn't seem to support the conclusion? Many states show Trump with a minority of "In-Person Election Day Votes".
You haven't missed anything, you're one of the few people on this thread using their noggin. Well done.
"If Absentee ballots were not counted" and re-counted, and counted again, and copied, and counted again, and reprinted and copied again.
Don't forget unloaded in the middle of the night when they knew exactly how many more were needed. I'm sure that's a coincidence.
It's not a coincidence. It's the law. Some states start processing mail ballots as soon as they come in. Other states wait until election day including three big ones.
In Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan — officials aren’t allowed to start processing early ballots until on or just before Election Day itself,
Not surprising. Most conservatives were told to vote in person to avoid voter fraud. Most liberals bought the covid narrative hook, line, and sinker, and voted by mail in ballet.
I gotta see the mail in ballet. Sounds entertaining.
Goes something like dancing to Stalin singing "ain't the vote that counts but who counts the vote"
If they did use fraudulent mail in ballots and it worked, Why does anyone think they wont just do it again?
Everyone knows they are going to do it again. And they did use fraudulent ballots. Both by mail AND the drop boxes.
Ok so how can we possibly believe we have any chance in 2024?
The same way we won in 2016. You think they weren’t cheating then?
yep, that's why Killary's campaign was such a shit show, she knew they were going to cheat her fat cankles in, she didn't give a shit that her rallies were so small, until the time came when she realized they couldn't cheat hard enough or fast enough to out pace the patriots or deplorables! haha! we're not so deplorable now are we BITCH!? you lost and we won!! we will ALWAYS have 2016! the year that we will always treasure as we NEVER ever had to call you madam prez!
Oh i agree i think they were and they never expected the number of votes theyd have to overcome…but doesnt that mean they now will just have as many votes ready as needed and wont let that ever happen again?
This shit show ends when the morons break from their cocoons, take a look around and wake up. Election fights everywhere. Ballot harvesting works two ways. I believe in the Q team. That they 'have it all'.
We may have to play by their rules for a bit. It is a war so we don't win every battle. Congress must be cleansed enough so that an American majority rules the roost.
This is what I see today. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine.
why do we have to continue to play this fucked up game IF, as Q says there are more good people than bad?
i don't give two shits about the libtard melt downs, we can take care of them ourselves. it's the Q team that needs to take down the cabal and we can be done with all of this back and forth bullshit. who the fuck cares if the libtards whine or cry, it's the evil at the top that is causing all this evil. once the cabal is gone, the libtards will fall in line.
It's true, most people are sheep. The evil at the top goes then the sheep will fall in line with "the good guys" in charge.
That is an insane stat.
There is a difference between "absentee" ballots and universal mail-in voting. It's dishonest to not make that distinction in this case.
God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader too.
especially those " mail-in ballots " which were never folded and didn't have corresponding envelopes.
Those at Re not absentee ballots. They are fake ballots v
...according to...Google Bard?!
Yeah we know. A guy posted that on 4 Chan just after the election.
I wish the news (and the American people for that matter) would get it right. Mail-in ballots are NOT absentee ballots. You have to request absentee ballots. They are for military, the sick or infirm (including people in nursing homes), and people who are more than 50 miles away from their polling places on business or at school.
Mail-in ballots were just blasted out to anyone and everyone, with some houses receiving dozens or more.
Which makes it all the more confusing that Trump and other Republicans are changing their tune about mail in voting.
The closer the election gets, the more you hear them talk about how we shouldn't rely on in person, day of voting.
This is what Trump said in a speech back in March of this year:
"Republicans must compete using every lawful means to win. That means swamping the left with mail-in votes, early votes and Election Day votes. Have to do it. We have to change our thinking.”
I don't think the mixed messages will be helping anything. They need to pick a stance and stick with it.
Only 2/3rds (66%) of eligible voters turned out on election day in 2020. It was the highest turn out of any national election, but there were still millions who decided not to vote. I believe Trump is talking to them, trying to get them to take some form of action.
NJ had required mail in ballots for EVERYONE. I’m not sure how they calculate this for NJ.
How does this work in WA state as all ballots are mail in?
I've been saying this from the beginning. Why has this not been our angle to show the fraud from the start? Next we need to see the percentage of Dem in person votes vs mail in ballots.
Isn't that how we vote in America? In person on election day or early voting in person?
I mean elections by mail, what is this Publishers Sweepstakes?
Because Donald Trump spent the campaign saying people should vote in person.
This is was known before the election.