Nixon managed the placement of Nazi scientists et al into America via Operation Paperclip. He knew where the bodies that should have been hung and buried were working. He came up via the Rockefellers, but then they set him up. They had run Spiro Agnew out of the VP position so they could get Nelson Rockefeller in but Nixon wasn't having it. He appointed Gerald Ford. And Gerald Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to be his VP when he ascended to the presidency when Nixon resigned.
Nixon understood the dirty game all of these bastards were playing, but he had learned it the hard way. Which made him the perfect person to teach Donald Trump what he needed to know. Nixon was apparently somewhat naive when he first got into politics, having grown up as a Quaker.
He was a very popular president until he got rolled by the dirty tricks squad and smeared by the Mockingbird media.
I think someday we're going to know that Nixon was one of the good guys. Not perfect, but definitely not like the Bushes, Clintons, or Obamas that came after.
Pretty good synopsis. Nixon did his best to navigate through what he knew was a nest of vipers. He was saddled with traitors everywhere. Kissinger being the obvious. Ford was on the Warren Commission and surely knew the truth about JFK. Nixon was aware of the coup too. The Watergate burglers were C_A. The Deepthroat informant that gave MSM propagandists and probable C_A operatives Woodward and Bernstein their 'leads' was the FBI assistant director, Mark Felt.
Nixon once said that Bohemian Grove was ""most faggy god dammed thing you could ever imagine" but he also wanted to give the keynote lakeside talk in 1971. So yea he was set up for sure but its the question of why that needs to be explored. Nixon was known to be a petty man, did the cabals move to replace Agnew with Rockefeller piss him off enough to turn a once willing player against the cabal? If so, why replace Agnew with what Nixon had to know was another cabal plant in Ford? Or was he always an enemy that used them to further his own political ambitions but remained uncompromised himself?
If Cathy O'Brien is accurate in her book Trance Formation of America, then Gerald Ford was anything but an amiable duffus. He was a crime-family guy out of Michigan. Sadistic and greedy. What we're used to today in politicians actually.
And as bad as Gerald Ford is in that book, Dick Cheney is the arch villain in it. Uber sadist.
Yep. His fatal flaw is he observed a Big Problem going on in the American government and in its bureaucracy. A problem often called “The Jewish Problem”. Well, let’s just say he was put in a position where he couldn’t do anything about it.
You can listen to the Boss himself talk about this Problem —
I've heard mixed stuff on Nixon in relation to JFK. One source I heard that I consider reliable said that Nixon and Kennedy were actually friends. The had served in WWII together or at least in the vicinity of each other. Nixon knew he won the election against Kennedy, but he also knew that contesting it would tear America apart. So when Barry Goldwater was pushing him to fight the election fraud (and everybody now knows that Joe Kennedy bought the election in Chicago, which is how JFK won) Nixon said it would be too divisive and conceded so as not to divide America. There's reportedly a tape of Nixon straight up saying that the CIA was behind JFK's assassination and that LBJ had his hands in it too.
And apparently somebody warned Nixon that people were planning a break-in to the Watergate to try to take Nixon out, but Nixon didn't think they would actually go that far. He sure found out differently.
And didn't Q talk about Hillary being a 27-year-old intern back then who was looking to get her hands on the pedophile list, which is what the Watergate break-in was really about? Or maybe that was just on Q research. I can't remember for sure. But I know there was some discussion about Hillary being fired for her shenanigans that actually related to Watergate and her being seen as a lowlife even that far back.
I think that most presidents knew politics is a dirty game. I think what they didn't know was HOW dirty. And how low these people were willing to go to have their way. I think Nixon figured that out when JFK was assassinated and maybe he had a different approach from that point forward.
Goldwater liked Jack Kennedy. He was looking forward to the debates, where conservative ideology would challenge and be challenged by the best of liberal ideology. He despised Nixon because Nixon looked him in the eye and lied to him, which prompted his famous rebuke that Nixon could stay in China.
No, not at all. Never read Goldwater"s late in life memoirs. In regard to JFK s campaign, Goldwater knew it was being run by Joe. He was steeped in old west tradition about a man's word and honor, but he was also a realist who could separate the son from the father.
Seems like the big questions are.. “what did he cover up that got him impeached”, “why”, “did he even cover anything up or was that a lie, too”, “what did they actually find to get him to go along with the impeachment and resign”?
One other reason they hated him…. He shut down their offensive bioweapon production labs at Fort Detrick. Kek.
He wasn't impeached. He resigned before they could vote on the articles of impeachment against him. They weren't petty back then. Democrats today would impeach regardless of a resignation.
Yes, Nixon was not a warmonger. But apparently he had come to the conclusion during World War II despite his Quaker upbringing that in the face of evil, you can't just stand idly by. I agree with him on that. Didn't always, but I do now, for sure.
There were those daily recordings in the oval office revealed by Butterfield. Then John Dean spilled the beans because he figured out he was being set up as the fall guy. Those recordings indicated strongly that Nixon ordered the cover up. The WH was checking daily on how Nixon supporters would vote, and when evidence pointed to probable cause, supporters had to switch sides, and it was an honest reckoning, and thus lose in the House. That's when he resigned, and some believe his reasoning was to save the country.
Yes. When President Trump was in office, he had a framed letter on his desk from Nixon's wife, telling him that she hoped he would run for President someday because he would make a great President. Nixon also knew Tesla's free-energy mathematical formula by memory, which is why the Rockefeller's didn't just take him out. When the Watergate stuff was happening, he wrote down the formula on a piece of paper in front of the messenger he sent it with to Rockefeller. Didn't explain what it was. He didn't have to. Rockefeller knew. And if it had gotten out back then, it could have potentially been the end of Standard Oil.
Not just a Nazi-lover, an actual Nazi himself. Their surname is Scherff, not Bush. There's a picture out there that purports to show George Sr as a young man in a family picture and among the guests in the picture is Joseph Mengele, also a young man. The Hydra infiltration is real.
17 friends went to western SD to relax/plan Mt. Rushmore.
"After railroad tracks spanned the Missouri River and were extended west to Rapid City in 1907, Robinson had easy access to the Black Hills for the first time. The region offered intriguing history, and it was a perfect place to relax. In 1908 Robinson arranged a camping adventure for 17 friends, relatives and Pierre colleagues. The party stepped off the Crouch Line train in a beautiful canyon west of Rapid City and pitched tents. Robinson loved making up words and announced he would call the spot Hisega, a name derived from the initials of six women in the group: Helen, Ida, Sadie, Ethel, Grace and Ada."
"That was 1923. Robinson talked to people who might help, especially Senator Norbeck, and sometimes took heat from South Dakota newspaper editors who considered the scheme ridiculous. But in short order internationally renowned sculptor Gutzon Borglum was on board and in 1927, as Robinson looked on, President Calvin Coolidge was present for a ceremony launching the project. Only the location wasn’t the Needles but nearby Mount Rushmore because, Robinson’s grandson understood, the Needles spires contained too much feldspar and Borglum didn’t want to alter that stunning piece of God’s handiwork."
"The Mundt–Nixon Bill, named after Karl E. Mundt and Richard Nixon, formally the Subversive Activities Control Act, was a proposed law in 1948 that would have required all members of the Communist Party of the United States register with the Attorney General.[1]"
appreciate the encouragement🐸 good to know someone finds the info useful, it's amazing seeing the connections with these conservative characters over an extended period of time. shows how big Q's plan is!
Nixon had a target on his back ever since he exposed Alger Hiss. He had some negatives during his presidency like signing the law that established the EPA, and taking us off the gold standard, but he did get us out of Vietnam which the Deep State intended to be a longer forever war that further weakened and divided the USA, but also depopulated patriotic men while increasing the number of anti-American men. His big move was trying to destroy the Democrat Party because he was aware of their sexual deviance and he wanted to expose it. The CIA did Watergate without his approval and therefore stabbed Nixon in the back. Nixon thought the CIA got evidence of the sex crimes and started the cover up because Nixon thought he was protecting people on his side. Instead, the CIA slowly dripped out information, both true and false through several assets that eventually turned public opinion against him. Remember that Nixon was reelected in 72 with a huge landslide. By 74, the country hated him. I was in MI in the late 70s, and this was told to me by older people in MI who watched all happen both in the spotlight and behind the scenes.
Trump was mentored by Nixon. Here is a letter from Nixon predicting Trump would become president one day. iirc Trump had this framed in the White House.
Yes, and not just that, Nixon is a cousin to Bushes. Hence, he was allowed to get where he got. He was an insider just like JFK was.
However, no mater how much they corrupt and groom the leaders, at some point most puppets figure out the true intentions and goals and turn against their puppet masters, I believe same happened with Nixon.
Damn right he did, let’s see, oh that’s right the FBI had its DNA and fingerprints all over it, just like Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska the Democratic Party and FBI took him out, just like Martin Luther King took him out, there is no difference of the FBI and The Mossad taking out who ever gets in their way. They use your stolen tax dollars to execute or steam roller over who ever they like.
Yes, I heard something similar. That part of the reason Nixon took us off the gold standard was that France after WWII had all of these American dollars that had been poured into France for the rebuilding and the French being, well, the French, were bringing them into America and cashing them in for gold and taking the gold back to France. I doubt France was the only one doing that and likely it was really the deep state / bloodline families in France (and elsewhere) behind that scheme, but Nixon from this perspective actually helped America by ending the gold standard when he did.
No, I don't think he was framed but I do think he was caught up in something that there was no escaping. The cabal ran him, hello, well, goodbye, Kissinger.
Nixon managed the placement of Nazi scientists et al into America via Operation Paperclip. He knew where the bodies that should have been hung and buried were working. He came up via the Rockefellers, but then they set him up. They had run Spiro Agnew out of the VP position so they could get Nelson Rockefeller in but Nixon wasn't having it. He appointed Gerald Ford. And Gerald Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to be his VP when he ascended to the presidency when Nixon resigned.
Nixon understood the dirty game all of these bastards were playing, but he had learned it the hard way. Which made him the perfect person to teach Donald Trump what he needed to know. Nixon was apparently somewhat naive when he first got into politics, having grown up as a Quaker.
He was a very popular president until he got rolled by the dirty tricks squad and smeared by the Mockingbird media.
I think someday we're going to know that Nixon was one of the good guys. Not perfect, but definitely not like the Bushes, Clintons, or Obamas that came after.
Pretty good synopsis. Nixon did his best to navigate through what he knew was a nest of vipers. He was saddled with traitors everywhere. Kissinger being the obvious. Ford was on the Warren Commission and surely knew the truth about JFK. Nixon was aware of the coup too. The Watergate burglers were C_A. The Deepthroat informant that gave MSM propagandists and probable C_A operatives Woodward and Bernstein their 'leads' was the FBI assistant director, Mark Felt.
Nixon once said that Bohemian Grove was ""most faggy god dammed thing you could ever imagine" but he also wanted to give the keynote lakeside talk in 1971. So yea he was set up for sure but its the question of why that needs to be explored. Nixon was known to be a petty man, did the cabals move to replace Agnew with Rockefeller piss him off enough to turn a once willing player against the cabal? If so, why replace Agnew with what Nixon had to know was another cabal plant in Ford? Or was he always an enemy that used them to further his own political ambitions but remained uncompromised himself?
I have always said Nixon was the perfect Shakspearian character: a good and competent man with a fatal flaw.
You were there too. Until Trump, I was baffled. I simply had no idea of the depth of evil.
Gerald Ford was just an amiable duffus you ran into on elevators and meetings.
If Cathy O'Brien is accurate in her book Trance Formation of America, then Gerald Ford was anything but an amiable duffus. He was a crime-family guy out of Michigan. Sadistic and greedy. What we're used to today in politicians actually.
And as bad as Gerald Ford is in that book, Dick Cheney is the arch villain in it. Uber sadist.
I get the feeling the Ford was like Biden but not completely incompetent. He was just really good at playing it.
Adopted. Wonder who was in charge of that. I never read the book, but these days, I wouldn't be surprised.
Yep. His fatal flaw is he observed a Big Problem going on in the American government and in its bureaucracy. A problem often called “The Jewish Problem”. Well, let’s just say he was put in a position where he couldn’t do anything about it.
You can listen to the Boss himself talk about this Problem —
I've heard mixed stuff on Nixon in relation to JFK. One source I heard that I consider reliable said that Nixon and Kennedy were actually friends. The had served in WWII together or at least in the vicinity of each other. Nixon knew he won the election against Kennedy, but he also knew that contesting it would tear America apart. So when Barry Goldwater was pushing him to fight the election fraud (and everybody now knows that Joe Kennedy bought the election in Chicago, which is how JFK won) Nixon said it would be too divisive and conceded so as not to divide America. There's reportedly a tape of Nixon straight up saying that the CIA was behind JFK's assassination and that LBJ had his hands in it too.
And apparently somebody warned Nixon that people were planning a break-in to the Watergate to try to take Nixon out, but Nixon didn't think they would actually go that far. He sure found out differently.
And didn't Q talk about Hillary being a 27-year-old intern back then who was looking to get her hands on the pedophile list, which is what the Watergate break-in was really about? Or maybe that was just on Q research. I can't remember for sure. But I know there was some discussion about Hillary being fired for her shenanigans that actually related to Watergate and her being seen as a lowlife even that far back.
I think that most presidents knew politics is a dirty game. I think what they didn't know was HOW dirty. And how low these people were willing to go to have their way. I think Nixon figured that out when JFK was assassinated and maybe he had a different approach from that point forward.
Goldwater liked Jack Kennedy. He was looking forward to the debates, where conservative ideology would challenge and be challenged by the best of liberal ideology. He despised Nixon because Nixon looked him in the eye and lied to him, which prompted his famous rebuke that Nixon could stay in China.
No, not at all. Never read Goldwater"s late in life memoirs. In regard to JFK s campaign, Goldwater knew it was being run by Joe. He was steeped in old west tradition about a man's word and honor, but he was also a realist who could separate the son from the father.
Seems like the big questions are.. “what did he cover up that got him impeached”, “why”, “did he even cover anything up or was that a lie, too”, “what did they actually find to get him to go along with the impeachment and resign”?
One other reason they hated him…. He shut down their offensive bioweapon production labs at Fort Detrick. Kek.
He wasn't impeached. He resigned before they could vote on the articles of impeachment against him. They weren't petty back then. Democrats today would impeach regardless of a resignation.
Yeah, my language is off, but I’m basically wondering what the actual pressure was that caused him to resign.
The narrative was, if I recall, that “he didn’t want to put the nation through it”.
I’m just wondering what it actually was. We may never know.
Nixon got the US out of Vietnam. Nixon got impeached.
Trump got the US out of Afghanistan. Trump got impeached.
Yes, Nixon was not a warmonger. But apparently he had come to the conclusion during World War II despite his Quaker upbringing that in the face of evil, you can't just stand idly by. I agree with him on that. Didn't always, but I do now, for sure.
They started to impeach Nixon. He however was not impeached.
There were those daily recordings in the oval office revealed by Butterfield. Then John Dean spilled the beans because he figured out he was being set up as the fall guy. Those recordings indicated strongly that Nixon ordered the cover up. The WH was checking daily on how Nixon supporters would vote, and when evidence pointed to probable cause, supporters had to switch sides, and it was an honest reckoning, and thus lose in the House. That's when he resigned, and some believe his reasoning was to save the country.
Clinton threw PNACs crap in the shredder. Got impeached. If anyone thinks it was about his affair they are crazy. That was a cover.
You're saying Nixon personally mentored Trump?
Yes. When President Trump was in office, he had a framed letter on his desk from Nixon's wife, telling him that she hoped he would run for President someday because he would make a great President. Nixon also knew Tesla's free-energy mathematical formula by memory, which is why the Rockefeller's didn't just take him out. When the Watergate stuff was happening, he wrote down the formula on a piece of paper in front of the messenger he sent it with to Rockefeller. Didn't explain what it was. He didn't have to. Rockefeller knew. And if it had gotten out back then, it could have potentially been the end of Standard Oil.
Nixon told Trump he would be president!
Saw a photo where Prescott Bush was poking Nixon in the chest like he better do what I say!
Like that photo of a Rothschild poking then Prince Andrew?
Thought it was Charles
What I remembered but the photo was Prescott adjusting Nixon's hat like a good little boy. Prescott if I remember was a Nazi lover!
Not just a Nazi-lover, an actual Nazi himself. Their surname is Scherff, not Bush. There's a picture out there that purports to show George Sr as a young man in a family picture and among the guests in the picture is Joseph Mengele, also a young man. The Hydra infiltration is real.
Not Andrew. Charles. The man who would be king. Pretty telling.
He was absolutely framed, by the CIA.
Here's the thing about Nixon: He was not a fighter. He didn't want to start a war in the US to establish constitutional law again. Same for Reagan.
I think Trump is a fighter, though, but he sees a way we can win without a war.
And as long as he is alive and confident, then I keep my weapons on their racks.
assassinated without firing a shot
This is when the DS discovered more subtle forms of assassination, which they had brutally used against Kennedy - character assassination.
It’s not a simple yes or no but .. Yes
Grin. We may know each other. Washington was a big small town in those days. I believed, and I was wrong.
He called the bohemian grove people the most god damn faggiest bullshit hes ever seen in his life.
yes I believe so.
and think that is one of the main ideas behind Q; people that were wronged by the cabal and Fake News,
joining together to defeat them drip by drip til a flood starts.
Nixon loved animals, he was a Quaker, he had a good sense of humor, and obviously President Trump knew him.
JFK jr. was also fond of Nixon, which says a lot when a child likes someone.
think this is the 'real' Richard Nixon;
interesting that he chose a song about the prairie, not the city👩🌾
and of course a hint to Ireland. have noticed a lot of these politicians mention Irish heritage.
What a sweet remembrance. The most memorable thing in his resignation speech was what he said about his mother.
Coolidge had a lot to do with advising Nixon.
that's interesting and makes sense.
Coolidge was a big fan of South Dakota & Mount Rushmore, there's even a campground named after his wife Grace.
Mt. R. is Full of Q hints & connections to conservative politicians.
of course President Trump & Q are also fond of the area, speculation that someday he might be the 5th face on Mt. R.
17 friends went to western SD to relax/plan Mt. Rushmore.
"After railroad tracks spanned the Missouri River and were extended west to Rapid City in 1907, Robinson had easy access to the Black Hills for the first time. The region offered intriguing history, and it was a perfect place to relax. In 1908 Robinson arranged a camping adventure for 17 friends, relatives and Pierre colleagues. The party stepped off the Crouch Line train in a beautiful canyon west of Rapid City and pitched tents. Robinson loved making up words and announced he would call the spot Hisega, a name derived from the initials of six women in the group: Helen, Ida, Sadie, Ethel, Grace and Ada."
"That was 1923. Robinson talked to people who might help, especially Senator Norbeck, and sometimes took heat from South Dakota newspaper editors who considered the scheme ridiculous. But in short order internationally renowned sculptor Gutzon Borglum was on board and in 1927, as Robinson looked on, President Calvin Coolidge was present for a ceremony launching the project. Only the location wasn’t the Needles but nearby Mount Rushmore because, Robinson’s grandson understood, the Needles spires contained too much feldspar and Borglum didn’t want to alter that stunning piece of God’s handiwork."
And Nixon worked with Mundt-from SD.–Nixon_Bill
"The Mundt–Nixon Bill, named after Karl E. Mundt and Richard Nixon, formally the Subversive Activities Control Act, was a proposed law in 1948 that would have required all members of the Communist Party of the United States register with the Attorney General.[1]"
I love you guys! This place is a treasure trove of information. I didn’t know about the Mundt-Nixon bill.
appreciate the encouragement🐸 good to know someone finds the info useful, it's amazing seeing the connections with these conservative characters over an extended period of time. shows how big Q's plan is!
I'll havet to find it, but DJT said in an interview that he learned alot (personnaly) from Nixon, so yess, I thing he was one of ours. Praise de lord.
You do the math:
During the Watergate scandal, the secret source in the FBI called DEEP THROAT turned out to be Mark Felt, Deputy Director of the FBI
During the Russiagate scandal, the secret FBI source running CROSSFIRE HURRICANE turned out to be James Comey, Deputy Director of the FBI
James Comey, Director of the FBI 2013 - 2017
Crap, I meant McCabe, anyway, who ran point on the entire thing. Dammit.
hahah. Yeah. I was gonna say, hang on, it wasn't COMEY who ran point. Yeah, I think it was McCabe, and he WAS the Dep.
Nixon was one of my favorite historical presidents when I was a kid.
“4 of the 5 'burglars' at the Watergate Hotel worked for the CIA”
If 4 of the 5 did, then the real number is probably closer to 16 out of 5.
He was my favorite President and yes, I do believe he was framed!
Nixon had a target on his back ever since he exposed Alger Hiss. He had some negatives during his presidency like signing the law that established the EPA, and taking us off the gold standard, but he did get us out of Vietnam which the Deep State intended to be a longer forever war that further weakened and divided the USA, but also depopulated patriotic men while increasing the number of anti-American men. His big move was trying to destroy the Democrat Party because he was aware of their sexual deviance and he wanted to expose it. The CIA did Watergate without his approval and therefore stabbed Nixon in the back. Nixon thought the CIA got evidence of the sex crimes and started the cover up because Nixon thought he was protecting people on his side. Instead, the CIA slowly dripped out information, both true and false through several assets that eventually turned public opinion against him. Remember that Nixon was reelected in 72 with a huge landslide. By 74, the country hated him. I was in MI in the late 70s, and this was told to me by older people in MI who watched all happen both in the spotlight and behind the scenes.
Trump was mentored by Nixon. Here is a letter from Nixon predicting Trump would become president one day. iirc Trump had this framed in the White House.
Yes, and not just that, Nixon is a cousin to Bushes. Hence, he was allowed to get where he got. He was an insider just like JFK was.
However, no mater how much they corrupt and groom the leaders, at some point most puppets figure out the true intentions and goals and turn against their puppet masters, I believe same happened with Nixon.
He was likely framed
Damn right he did, let’s see, oh that’s right the FBI had its DNA and fingerprints all over it, just like Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska the Democratic Party and FBI took him out, just like Martin Luther King took him out, there is no difference of the FBI and The Mossad taking out who ever gets in their way. They use your stolen tax dollars to execute or steam roller over who ever they like.
WaterGate was PedoGate; 70% of Top US Officials Compromised
Trying to record and find evidences of deep states plus CIA but failed
Good guys not always won, but I am sure white learn the lessons and plan better that’s why Trump could have all evidences needed.
Was Hitler framed?
Watch “Europa: The Last Battle” to find out…
Framed and defamed beyond recognition
CIA , funded by us to fuck us. Who is P ?
This. He was a complicated driven man. Many good things, many bad. Shakspearian.
Someone pointed out something a few days ago that may or may not be true, but interesting to consider…
…By ending the gold standard, he may have allowed us to actually keep the gold.
Would we still have it if we’d stayed the course?
Yes, I heard something similar. That part of the reason Nixon took us off the gold standard was that France after WWII had all of these American dollars that had been poured into France for the rebuilding and the French being, well, the French, were bringing them into America and cashing them in for gold and taking the gold back to France. I doubt France was the only one doing that and likely it was really the deep state / bloodline families in France (and elsewhere) behind that scheme, but Nixon from this perspective actually helped America by ending the gold standard when he did.
Not a bad argument at all.
Deep state never liked how Independent of action Nixon displayed. Gave no shits
He sure didn’t like all those faggots he met at Bohemian Grove… so ya.
Yes he was framed. Can't have a decent Quaker in office now can we.
Nixon was a good president. Set up and taken down by the clowns and the press.
He was totally framed. But, we're getting even right about now. Or soon.............
"Only Nixon can go to China" Old Vulcan proverb.
Nixon also had HRC on his team.
Missing audio on tapes, managed health care, taken off gold standard. Yes, Nixon was a true Paytriot of his time.
that picture is all the evidence you need.
What a great question.
reading on and hoping all the programming about Nixon melts away when we later find out the truth.
Why did he take us off the gold standard?
Is this a joke? Guy who took US off gold standard and sold US out to China is not a good guy.
No, I don't think he was framed but I do think he was caught up in something that there was no escaping. The cabal ran him, hello, well, goodbye, Kissinger.
Of course, Kissinger. The family needs to go