I still don’t trust Vivek. I am with Trump the whole way through. I don’t know who’s a white hat and who’s a black hat. I have my hunches, but I don’t truly know until we see the finale of this movie.
I will say though, ANYONE advocating for, partaking in or signing laws that allows for doctors to cut the penises off little boys and the breasts off little girls will ALWAYS be my enemy. There isn’t a soul on this planet that will convince me otherwise. It is wrong, it is evil and whoever does this to children deserves a free helicopter ride to GITMO.
Edit: 2 downdoots eh? So 2 of you angry that I’m calling out evil people that mutilate the bodies of children. I almost wish the doots on here weren’t hidden so we can see who you scumbags are 👍
FEC records show that on March 29, 2016, Vivek Ramaswamy made a $2,700 ActBlue donation to the Friends of Dena campaign group, which is associated with Democratic Party congressional candidate Dena Minning Grayson.
"Both are terrifying. Unfortunately Trump's egregious behavior last week blinds us from seeing that Big Tech's cure is worse. Makes for a winning game for China in the long run."
8.) Vivek Company Roivant Linked to the CCP In 2018, Vivek's company Roivant partnered with a Chinese asset management company to back a Chinese company named Sinovant.
Sinovant then formed a partnership with a CCP-linked non-profit managed by the CCP's Ministry of Civil Affairs of China.
9.) Was Roivant involved in creating the Covid-19 vaccine?
Roivant Sciences'?Genevant Sciences and Arbutus are suing Pfizer with a lawsuit alleging that Pfizer infringed on their lipid nanoparticle technology to create the covid-19 vaccine Comirnaty.
10.) In 2020, Vivek said Wearing is a personal Responsibility & was very condescending to conservatives.
"Wearing a mask = personal responsibility. It's puzzling when conservatives oppose it. But before deriding them, remember this: CDC and WHO discouraged wearing masks in March - a "noble lie" to save masks for healthcare workers. Institutional lying erodes public trust in science."
I agree there. Although he reminds me of Obama too much for me to warm up to him. He could very well be a white hat for all I know. Maybe one who’s being used to reach the people that refuse to take that leap of faith into full awakening? I dunno 🤷🏼 but I do know this next year is gonna be one hell of a ride!
My first thought was this seems like a set up, to give Vivek a reason to deliver a prepared speech for the awakened - like those of us here on GAW - a speech that he will never get a chance to deliver in any other forum.
Yup, pure scripted psyop bullshit if ya ask me. They count on emotional responses made in the moment to keep you dumb. You must step back and look at the totality of his education and work to gain insight into what he really is and stands for.
(Copied from a reply below, though hoping this gives a different possible perspective)
My personal experience with the ones I have known, is they simply want to know someone else can love them regardless of their decision. They simply want to know that they will be safe from the bullying (many times unwanted abuses - see molestation/rape) they perceived in their youth, warranted or not.
There have been multiple times that explosive discussions, in the events I have been involved with, ended up with everyone laughing & recognizing that this extremely right leaning guy could love the sinner & not the sin. Leaving room for every single person to live with the natural consequences of their own actions & allow for compassion from those who are willing to give it without the threat of loss of freedom or deadly force.
If I had not had multiple times this has happened in my life, then I might knee jerk this way. Having enough wisdom & logic in my past, along with enough emotional depth to have compassion for those that do not understand the world & God the way I do, gave me the ability to do very similar things that Vivek did here.
I chalk this up as genuine because of my own personal experiences & there isn't enough background known to me on Vivek/his team to make a different call. I could certainly be wrong, though I agree with his approach that all adults should be free to make their own choices & we need to be able to discuss differences without resulting to throwing our hands in the air & giving up on each other.
Someone here talked about Bernie losing control by offering a mic & it should never happen. So they believe it was staged. I completely disagree. If you have the ability to read the room, or are in a situation where a one or two of a hundred are wanting to lob their alternate ideas that oppose what the other 98-99 believe, you do not risk losing control. Rather, there is a risk to that individual for speaking up & not being respectful enough to engage in a civil discourse.
IIRC Vivek was pro forcing vaccines on others, but I only read that on here from other Anons & didn't dive too deep because I am all for Trump & the White Hats taking our country back to our roots. That said, I am happy to have any who are able to help wake up other portions of the populace do their part.
I could be completely wrong, though this just makes sense from personal experience. The key is to be genuine.
Yeah it's like rule #1 (obviously not number 1 but it is of importance) of public speaking to never give some random a mic because you have no idea what they're gonna say or do. Hell Bernies own supporters completely hijacked his rally after taking the mic. It's just something you don't do...
... unless you know exactly who your giving the mic to, what they're gonna say, and have them lob you a nice slow softball that streers the conversation perfectly to exactly what you want to say.
Just like how a psychic or a comedian has plants in the audience to seem more authentic or funnier. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Unpopular opinion, but my immediate gut reaction was that she’s a plant. Nothing natural or rational about the situation.
Let’s start with a leftist lesbian showing up at a GOP campaign town hall. Sure, you want to call her a protester? Ok fine — protesting what? Who? Why? The guy who’s polling 6% and hasn’t made regime change war or anti-lgbtq central to his platform? C’mon, it’s insulting to our intelligence.
My personal experience with the ones I have known, is they simply want to know someone else can love them regardless of their decision. They simply want to know that they will be safe from the bullying (many times unwanted abuses - see molestation/rape) they perceived in their youth, warranted or not.
There have been multiple times that explosive discussions, in the events I have been involved with, ended up with everyone laughing & recognizing that this extremely right leaning guy could love the sinner & not the sin. Leaving room for every single person to live with the natural consequences of their own actions & allow for compassion from those who are willing to give it without the threat of loss of freedom or deadly force.
If I had not had multiple times this has happened in my life, then I might knee jerk this way. Having enough wisdom & logic in my past, along with enough emotional depth to have compassion for those that do not understand the world & God the way I do, gave me the ability to do very similar things that Vivek did here.
I chalk this up as genuine because of my own personal experiences & there isn't enough background known to me on Vivek/his team to make a different call. I could certainly be wrong, though I agree with his approach that all adults should be free to make their own choices & we need to be able to discuss differences without resulting to throwing our hands in the air & giving up on each other.
Someone here talked about Bernie losing control by offering a mic & it should never happen. So they believe it was staged. I completely disagree. If you have the ability to read the room, or are in a situation where a one or two of a hundred are wanting to lob their alternate ideas that oppose what the other 98-99 believe, you do not risk losing control. Rather, there is a risk to that individual for speaking up & not being respectful enough to engage in a civil discourse.
IIRC Vivek was pro forcing vaccines on others, but I only read that on here from other Anons & didn't dive too deep because I am all for Trump & the White Hats taking our country back to our roots. That said, I am happy to have any who are able to help wake up other portions of the populace do their part.
I could be completely wrong, though this just makes sense from personal experience. The key is to be genuine.
Sticky, and worthy listen. I’m actually impressed with Vivek’s 1980s-early 2000s view of how things were, and still should be due to the gender “cult mentality”. Here is the full article as well to go with the X post here.
Oh for God sake, people still are responding with "I don't trust Vivek! I'm still voting for Trump! "
No shit. We all are. Anyone who was going to vote for Trump before V still intends to today.
With that in mind, why in the hell would anyway care where this info comes from? We need it out there. We can't be so possessive over message vs messenger. We're past that and it's high time we ascend above the completely manufactured lefty vs righty thing.
I wouldn’t say it’s lefty vs righty thing. I would say it’s an us versus the cabal thing. And, with that being said, I don’t think we should let our guard down for a single second. By that I mean we should never stop digging on people who throw their hat in the ring to run against Trump. Are they a cabal plant? Are they WEF backed? What is their true purpose in running? Is it to sew division? Is it to unite with Trump and Q? I think we can be possessive over message vs messenger because if the messenger is a cabal plant spreading misinformation, then the message and the messenger are not to be trust and should be called out.
But I don't think anyone is asking to trust him, just continue to allow him to espouse the info that we agree with.
As for the cabal planting him to recite redpills to the world, well that just doesn't make sense. Because the endgame for them is to get him to win and you just aren't going to get voters who hate Trump to jump on board with a trump parroting candidate.
The only way their plan works is if Trump cannot run. Then they have a shot of getting Vivek elected. And if Trump can't run, we have far bigger issues than a replacement candidate.
My personal thoughts on Vivek and really the rest of these people running for the gop nomination is that they were instructed to do so in order to divide up the Republican voter base. To create infighting between republicans and grow that division. All in an attempt to pull support away from Trump and keep us fighting each other rather than calling out the real evil. Especially when Vivek was on the WEF young global leader thing. Then he sued them and told them to remove him from the list. I thought that was all just a show to distance himself from the WEF so that he could lure more republicans in towards him to take that support away from Trump. I could be wrong, but that’s just the thought process I’ve been having throughout this whole thing.
Yeah. Agreed. Open debate is a healthy way to solve conflict. It (open debate) was not happening in 2020, 2021, 2022, and most of 2023, but it does seem like the tide may be turning….I’m forever optimistic, and ready to deliver some truth wherever it will be tolerated.
sure, I like what he is saying now. but it is what he said before and his actions prior that make me not support him. I also believe the vast majority here will not be supporting this guy for president, but let him keep on talking through the campaign. I also think when Trump wins, he should support this guy for some elected position somewhere else and lets see if he really walks the walk instead of just talking the talk.
Vivek is turning into an interesting wild card. He could still be a Deep State plant, but he might also be waking up a lot of normies. Which is, I admit, weird. Remember that Deep State no longer has its act together. They became too obvious, and their fuckery is revealed in a way it never was before.
Can we stop giving attention to this guy. They already put it in our face that he's Obama 2.0 by having him say a few lines in a speech that were the same things Obama said with nearly the same tonal inflections.
This guy is the DS "sensible option" they want to use to steal Trump and/or defecting democrat votes. Stop feeding the beast.
FEC records show that on March 29, 2016, Vivek Ramaswamy made a $2,700 ActBlue donation to the Friends of Dena campaign group, which is associated with Democratic Party congressional candidate Dena Minning Grayson.
"Both are terrifying. Unfortunately Trump's egregious behavior last week blinds us from seeing that Big Tech's cure is worse. Makes for a winning game for China in the long run."
8.) Vivek Company Roivant Linked to the CCP In 2018, Vivek's company Roivant partnered with a Chinese asset management company to back a Chinese company named Sinovant.
Sinovant then formed a partnership with a CCP-linked non-profit managed by the CCP's Ministry of Civil Affairs of China.
9.) Was Roivant involved in creating the Covid-19 vaccine?
Roivant Sciences'?Genevant Sciences and Arbutus are suing Pfizer with a lawsuit alleging that Pfizer infringed on their lipid nanoparticle technology to create the covid-19 vaccine Comirnaty.
10.) In 2020, Vivek said Wearing is a personal Responsibility & was very condescending to conservatives.
"Wearing a mask = personal responsibility. It's puzzling when conservatives oppose it. But before deriding them, remember this: CDC and WHO discouraged wearing masks in March - a "noble lie" to save masks for healthcare workers. Institutional lying erodes public trust in science."
Vivek will be great to reassess in 2028, hes putting out Trumps message in the most effective manner possible, and i think its coordinated that way. Its possible for a kid to get a WEF grant and realize it was wrong or that it isnt where they want to be. its obvious vivek knows which side is correct, and we are going to need great young leaders in the future. After Trumps second term there is going to be a power vacumn of sorts because there is no way 4 years is enough to fix all of this. Do not forget about this guy because hes really smart and worth looking into. i could care less what color the guy is because your character is how you should be judged. I realize after seeing how bad Obammy turned out that its reasonable to feel aprehensive but i got to say this guy is winning me over slowly. we have a job to do in 24. After that we need good young leaders that have the capability to lead, this guy has that stuff in spades.
Trump '24
Imagine not coming across as an angry dyke all the time. This drama club is fine if they want just adopt that and stop expecting everyone else to care. I don't give a damn what you do, who you love, or what mental disorder you have. Just stay away from kids, and stop your constant crying. Stop acting like you are special or more importantly "brave". You aren't brave for doing what everyone else in media and government praise you for. You are cattle. You are weak. You are boring. Now go scissor someone so we can watch unless you are 300 lbs. (joking calm down)_
She just said “LGBTQ.” Lol. How do we know this isn’t a plant? I love what he’s saying. But, you’re telling me the other guys aren’t smart enough to do the same? Only guy I trust is Trump.
This girl is quite a sight to watch. Same ol stuff with that group. As long as they are doing the talking and screaming it’s ok. But when someone comes back with truth, then they jump and and start yelling profanity. She made a fool of herself. Good conversation but still don’t trust him.
I still don’t trust Vivek. I am with Trump the whole way through. I don’t know who’s a white hat and who’s a black hat. I have my hunches, but I don’t truly know until we see the finale of this movie.
I will say though, ANYONE advocating for, partaking in or signing laws that allows for doctors to cut the penises off little boys and the breasts off little girls will ALWAYS be my enemy. There isn’t a soul on this planet that will convince me otherwise. It is wrong, it is evil and whoever does this to children deserves a free helicopter ride to GITMO.
Edit: 2 downdoots eh? So 2 of you angry that I’m calling out evil people that mutilate the bodies of children. I almost wish the doots on here weren’t hidden so we can see who you scumbags are 👍
Or a free helicopter drop
Over trees is best, Then they aren't spared the pain by a quick jolt and crash through branches on the way down.
I've heard of people whose lives were spared by trees when their parachute didn't open
Well that's not good, dead is dead, so splat it is.
That's even better. I hope we get a vote.
He will have big pharmas back not the people.
pushed to have tracked jab status
FEC records show that on March 29, 2016, Vivek Ramaswamy made a $2,700 ActBlue donation to the Friends of Dena campaign group, which is associated with Democratic Party congressional candidate Dena Minning Grayson.
Use below to help research and vet candidates...
It only took Ramaswamy three days to not only abandon but completely reverse his "America First" policy.
1.) Vivek Criticism on Trump re J6:
"What Trump did last week was wrong. Downright abhorrent. Plain and simple. I've said it before and did so in my piece."
2.) Vivek Criticism on Trump re J6:
"Both are terrifying. Unfortunately Trump's egregious behavior last week blinds us from seeing that Big Tech's cure is worse. Makes for a winning game for China in the long run."
3.) Vivek Praised Snapchat for Banning Trump
4.)Vivek was a Soros Fellow
5.) Vivek praised George Soros
"Well said George Soros I consider Mr. Xi the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world."
6.) Vivek says All Americans are responsible for J6
7.) Viveks Company Roivant highlighted by Soros Fellowship & Vivek as a very friendly
8.) Vivek Company Roivant Linked to the CCP In 2018, Vivek's company Roivant partnered with a Chinese asset management company to back a Chinese company named Sinovant.
Sinovant then formed a partnership with a CCP-linked non-profit managed by the CCP's Ministry of Civil Affairs of China.
9.) Was Roivant involved in creating the Covid-19 vaccine?
Roivant Sciences'?Genevant Sciences and Arbutus are suing Pfizer with a lawsuit alleging that Pfizer infringed on their lipid nanoparticle technology to create the covid-19 vaccine Comirnaty.
10.) In 2020, Vivek said Wearing is a personal Responsibility & was very condescending to conservatives.
"Wearing a mask = personal responsibility. It's puzzling when conservatives oppose it. But before deriding them, remember this: CDC and WHO discouraged wearing masks in March - a "noble lie" to save masks for healthcare workers. Institutional lying erodes public trust in science."
11.) Vivek owns a BLACKROCK aggressive growth portfolio for his child worth up to $250,000.
Vivek's "Ramaswamy Trust" owns up to 5 million dollars of a BLACKROCK Equity Fund. Source Vivek's financial disclosure
12.) In 2021, Vivek said "we should aim to safely vaccinate everyone who is eligible." Does Roivant have a deal with Pfizer?
13.) Vivek called on other candidates to Pardon Trump
This one personally irked me. Pardon Trump? By saying you will pardon him you're suggesting he did something wrong in the first place.
He is doing what Obama did.
Just watch the word for word in the beginning. It shows Obama and him doing "their" speech.
Vivek is all for getting us back into the TPP Trade Agreement that Trump got us out of.
Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement
Well there you go. There are all the reasons he is a liar. Thank you Fren .
Thank you. You are doing MAGA work, my fren...
Good lord look at all that sauce! This comment deserves its own post!
I see him as this young kid w/ good speaking abilities, but he doesn't have alpha energy like Trump.
I agree there. Although he reminds me of Obama too much for me to warm up to him. He could very well be a white hat for all I know. Maybe one who’s being used to reach the people that refuse to take that leap of faith into full awakening? I dunno 🤷🏼 but I do know this next year is gonna be one hell of a ride!
He is doing what Obama did.
Just watch the word for word in the beginning. It shows Obama and him doing "their" speech.
But can you imagine what he'll sound like when he's As Old As Trump
Asset forfeiture and public execution for any degenerate psychopaths that have harmed children.
Iagree with everything you said, even the scumbag part! Must be trolls…
My first thought was this seems like a set up, to give Vivek a reason to deliver a prepared speech for the awakened - like those of us here on GAW - a speech that he will never get a chance to deliver in any other forum.
Yup, pure scripted psyop bullshit if ya ask me. They count on emotional responses made in the moment to keep you dumb. You must step back and look at the totality of his education and work to gain insight into what he really is and stands for.
(Copied from a reply below, though hoping this gives a different possible perspective)
My personal experience with the ones I have known, is they simply want to know someone else can love them regardless of their decision. They simply want to know that they will be safe from the bullying (many times unwanted abuses - see molestation/rape) they perceived in their youth, warranted or not.
There have been multiple times that explosive discussions, in the events I have been involved with, ended up with everyone laughing & recognizing that this extremely right leaning guy could love the sinner & not the sin. Leaving room for every single person to live with the natural consequences of their own actions & allow for compassion from those who are willing to give it without the threat of loss of freedom or deadly force.
If I had not had multiple times this has happened in my life, then I might knee jerk this way. Having enough wisdom & logic in my past, along with enough emotional depth to have compassion for those that do not understand the world & God the way I do, gave me the ability to do very similar things that Vivek did here.
I chalk this up as genuine because of my own personal experiences & there isn't enough background known to me on Vivek/his team to make a different call. I could certainly be wrong, though I agree with his approach that all adults should be free to make their own choices & we need to be able to discuss differences without resulting to throwing our hands in the air & giving up on each other.
Someone here talked about Bernie losing control by offering a mic & it should never happen. So they believe it was staged. I completely disagree. If you have the ability to read the room, or are in a situation where a one or two of a hundred are wanting to lob their alternate ideas that oppose what the other 98-99 believe, you do not risk losing control. Rather, there is a risk to that individual for speaking up & not being respectful enough to engage in a civil discourse.
IIRC Vivek was pro forcing vaccines on others, but I only read that on here from other Anons & didn't dive too deep because I am all for Trump & the White Hats taking our country back to our roots. That said, I am happy to have any who are able to help wake up other portions of the populace do their part.
I could be completely wrong, though this just makes sense from personal experience. The key is to be genuine.
Glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was just being cynical and jaded, but this stinks of a set up.
Yeah it's like rule #1 (obviously not number 1 but it is of importance) of public speaking to never give some random a mic because you have no idea what they're gonna say or do. Hell Bernies own supporters completely hijacked his rally after taking the mic. It's just something you don't do...
... unless you know exactly who your giving the mic to, what they're gonna say, and have them lob you a nice slow softball that streers the conversation perfectly to exactly what you want to say.
Just like how a psychic or a comedian has plants in the audience to seem more authentic or funnier. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Thank you
Unpopular opinion, but my immediate gut reaction was that she’s a plant. Nothing natural or rational about the situation.
Let’s start with a leftist lesbian showing up at a GOP campaign town hall. Sure, you want to call her a protester? Ok fine — protesting what? Who? Why? The guy who’s polling 6% and hasn’t made regime change war or anti-lgbtq central to his platform? C’mon, it’s insulting to our intelligence.
My first thought exactly. Planted.
Agreed, "pretend to walk out of the room and then come back." They had to have paid her to remain that calm. Those lesby LGBTQ's are psychotic
My personal experience with the ones I have known, is they simply want to know someone else can love them regardless of their decision. They simply want to know that they will be safe from the bullying (many times unwanted abuses - see molestation/rape) they perceived in their youth, warranted or not.
There have been multiple times that explosive discussions, in the events I have been involved with, ended up with everyone laughing & recognizing that this extremely right leaning guy could love the sinner & not the sin. Leaving room for every single person to live with the natural consequences of their own actions & allow for compassion from those who are willing to give it without the threat of loss of freedom or deadly force.
If I had not had multiple times this has happened in my life, then I might knee jerk this way. Having enough wisdom & logic in my past, along with enough emotional depth to have compassion for those that do not understand the world & God the way I do, gave me the ability to do very similar things that Vivek did here.
I chalk this up as genuine because of my own personal experiences & there isn't enough background known to me on Vivek/his team to make a different call. I could certainly be wrong, though I agree with his approach that all adults should be free to make their own choices & we need to be able to discuss differences without resulting to throwing our hands in the air & giving up on each other.
Someone here talked about Bernie losing control by offering a mic & it should never happen. So they believe it was staged. I completely disagree. If you have the ability to read the room, or are in a situation where a one or two of a hundred are wanting to lob their alternate ideas that oppose what the other 98-99 believe, you do not risk losing control. Rather, there is a risk to that individual for speaking up & not being respectful enough to engage in a civil discourse.
IIRC Vivek was pro forcing vaccines on others, but I only read that on here from other Anons & didn't dive too deep because I am all for Trump & the White Hats taking our country back to our roots. That said, I am happy to have any who are able to help wake up other portions of the populace do their part.
I could be completely wrong, though this just makes sense from personal experience. The key is to be genuine.
Sticky, and worthy listen. I’m actually impressed with Vivek’s 1980s-early 2000s view of how things were, and still should be due to the gender “cult mentality”. Here is the full article as well to go with the X post here.
Oh for God sake, people still are responding with "I don't trust Vivek! I'm still voting for Trump! "
No shit. We all are. Anyone who was going to vote for Trump before V still intends to today.
With that in mind, why in the hell would anyway care where this info comes from? We need it out there. We can't be so possessive over message vs messenger. We're past that and it's high time we ascend above the completely manufactured lefty vs righty thing.
I wouldn’t say it’s lefty vs righty thing. I would say it’s an us versus the cabal thing. And, with that being said, I don’t think we should let our guard down for a single second. By that I mean we should never stop digging on people who throw their hat in the ring to run against Trump. Are they a cabal plant? Are they WEF backed? What is their true purpose in running? Is it to sew division? Is it to unite with Trump and Q? I think we can be possessive over message vs messenger because if the messenger is a cabal plant spreading misinformation, then the message and the messenger are not to be trust and should be called out.
Just my opinion.
But I don't think anyone is asking to trust him, just continue to allow him to espouse the info that we agree with.
As for the cabal planting him to recite redpills to the world, well that just doesn't make sense. Because the endgame for them is to get him to win and you just aren't going to get voters who hate Trump to jump on board with a trump parroting candidate.
The only way their plan works is if Trump cannot run. Then they have a shot of getting Vivek elected. And if Trump can't run, we have far bigger issues than a replacement candidate.
My personal thoughts on Vivek and really the rest of these people running for the gop nomination is that they were instructed to do so in order to divide up the Republican voter base. To create infighting between republicans and grow that division. All in an attempt to pull support away from Trump and keep us fighting each other rather than calling out the real evil. Especially when Vivek was on the WEF young global leader thing. Then he sued them and told them to remove him from the list. I thought that was all just a show to distance himself from the WEF so that he could lure more republicans in towards him to take that support away from Trump. I could be wrong, but that’s just the thought process I’ve been having throughout this whole thing.
I completely agree with him that open debate is the way forward--and look how they found a point of agreement. This is a fantastic clip!
Yeah. Agreed. Open debate is a healthy way to solve conflict. It (open debate) was not happening in 2020, 2021, 2022, and most of 2023, but it does seem like the tide may be turning….I’m forever optimistic, and ready to deliver some truth wherever it will be tolerated.
sure, I like what he is saying now. but it is what he said before and his actions prior that make me not support him. I also believe the vast majority here will not be supporting this guy for president, but let him keep on talking through the campaign. I also think when Trump wins, he should support this guy for some elected position somewhere else and lets see if he really walks the walk instead of just talking the talk.
I I I I , me me me generation. On full display. She should feel ashamed
Ramaswampy will always be Ramaswampy - Yoda
Vivek is turning into an interesting wild card. He could still be a Deep State plant, but he might also be waking up a lot of normies. Which is, I admit, weird. Remember that Deep State no longer has its act together. They became too obvious, and their fuckery is revealed in a way it never was before.
Can we stop giving attention to this guy. They already put it in our face that he's Obama 2.0 by having him say a few lines in a speech that were the same things Obama said with nearly the same tonal inflections.
This guy is the DS "sensible option" they want to use to steal Trump and/or defecting democrat votes. Stop feeding the beast.
Sauce to help
He is doing what Obama did.
Just watch the word for word in the beginning. It shows Obama and him doing "their" speech.
... and then something surprising happened
(Surprising to the audience but not him, because this was clearly set up and planned).
The whole thing seems staged.
I agree it looks like it was set up.
He will have big pharmas back not the people.
pushed to have tracked jab status
FEC records show that on March 29, 2016, Vivek Ramaswamy made a $2,700 ActBlue donation to the Friends of Dena campaign group, which is associated with Democratic Party congressional candidate Dena Minning Grayson.
Use below to help research and vet candidates...
It only took Ramaswamy three days to not only abandon but completely reverse his "America First" policy.
1.) Vivek Criticism on Trump re J6:
"What Trump did last week was wrong. Downright abhorrent. Plain and simple. I've said it before and did so in my piece."
2.) Vivek Criticism on Trump re J6:
"Both are terrifying. Unfortunately Trump's egregious behavior last week blinds us from seeing that Big Tech's cure is worse. Makes for a winning game for China in the long run."
3.) Vivek Praised Snapchat for Banning Trump
4.)Vivek was a Soros Fellow
5.) Vivek praised George Soros
"Well said George Soros I consider Mr. Xi the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world."
6.) Vivek says All Americans are responsible for J6
7.) Viveks Company Roivant highlighted by Soros Fellowship & Vivek as a very friendly
8.) Vivek Company Roivant Linked to the CCP In 2018, Vivek's company Roivant partnered with a Chinese asset management company to back a Chinese company named Sinovant.
Sinovant then formed a partnership with a CCP-linked non-profit managed by the CCP's Ministry of Civil Affairs of China.
9.) Was Roivant involved in creating the Covid-19 vaccine?
Roivant Sciences'?Genevant Sciences and Arbutus are suing Pfizer with a lawsuit alleging that Pfizer infringed on their lipid nanoparticle technology to create the covid-19 vaccine Comirnaty.
10.) In 2020, Vivek said Wearing is a personal Responsibility & was very condescending to conservatives.
"Wearing a mask = personal responsibility. It's puzzling when conservatives oppose it. But before deriding them, remember this: CDC and WHO discouraged wearing masks in March - a "noble lie" to save masks for healthcare workers. Institutional lying erodes public trust in science."
11.) Vivek owns a BLACKROCK aggressive growth portfolio for his child worth up to $250,000.
Vivek's "Ramaswamy Trust" owns up to 5 million dollars of a BLACKROCK Equity Fund. Source Vivek's financial disclosure
12.) In 2021, Vivek said "we should aim to safely vaccinate everyone who is eligible." Does Roivant have a deal with Pfizer?
13.) Vivek called on other candidates to Pardon Trump
This one personally irked me. Pardon Trump? By saying you will pardon him you're suggesting he did something wrong in the first place.
He is doing what Obama did.
Just watch the word for word in the beginning. It shows Obama and him doing "their" speech.
Vivek is all for getting us back into the TPP Trade Agreement that Trump got us out of.
Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement
The last 5 seconds are priceless
I like what he is doing, but I can't look past his blatant copying of Obama.
Agree with me or I'll scream and walk away!
That was amazing. 100% how I feel on the subject.
I think that was a good conversation, some believe staged. He went there and said trannies are mentally ill. Truth.
Vivek will be great to reassess in 2028, hes putting out Trumps message in the most effective manner possible, and i think its coordinated that way. Its possible for a kid to get a WEF grant and realize it was wrong or that it isnt where they want to be. its obvious vivek knows which side is correct, and we are going to need great young leaders in the future. After Trumps second term there is going to be a power vacumn of sorts because there is no way 4 years is enough to fix all of this. Do not forget about this guy because hes really smart and worth looking into. i could care less what color the guy is because your character is how you should be judged. I realize after seeing how bad Obammy turned out that its reasonable to feel aprehensive but i got to say this guy is winning me over slowly. we have a job to do in 24. After that we need good young leaders that have the capability to lead, this guy has that stuff in spades.
Trump '24
Imagine not coming across as an angry dyke all the time. This drama club is fine if they want just adopt that and stop expecting everyone else to care. I don't give a damn what you do, who you love, or what mental disorder you have. Just stay away from kids, and stop your constant crying. Stop acting like you are special or more importantly "brave". You aren't brave for doing what everyone else in media and government praise you for. You are cattle. You are weak. You are boring. Now go scissor someone so we can watch unless you are 300 lbs. (joking calm down)_
She just said “LGBTQ.” Lol. How do we know this isn’t a plant? I love what he’s saying. But, you’re telling me the other guys aren’t smart enough to do the same? Only guy I trust is Trump.
This girl is quite a sight to watch. Same ol stuff with that group. As long as they are doing the talking and screaming it’s ok. But when someone comes back with truth, then they jump and and start yelling profanity. She made a fool of herself. Good conversation but still don’t trust him.
Don't trust Ravaswampy. He can say a lot good things but he is a Soros plant