Oddly enough… Despite everything that they are throwing at us, I am comfy in Christ. Hell has no place for me, or my family. I’m really looking forward to 2024, even knowing they’re going to throw everything at us… even the kitchen sink (Elon photo here).
I’ve grown so much in Christ in the past year, I don’t have fear of the future. I know it’s going to get rough, but we are prepared, we have a great community, and we will all be standing together whatever happens.
Trust in the lord, with all your heart… lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will direct your path!
Proverbs 3:5-6
I was born and raised atheistic/meh about religion. Only this past year or two I’ve become fascinated with who or what Jesus really was.
I entertain it but I still don’t have 100% certainty? Idk how to describe it/I’m just not sure about literally everything nowadays.
I don’t even understand how to live in this world righteously because every fucking thing supports evil somehow.
How can one appear loyal to goodness in modern society, other than buying property (expensive, not possible) and growing fruits and veggies and that’s it.
Read the Bible. Even if you aren't religious, it offers a great many passages of wisdom to help us all see our way more clearly and hold ourselves at peace during chaotic times.
Not really easy to start at page 1 and treat it as a page turner, but search for verses related to a keyword you are feeling - worry, sadness, anger, love, etc... - and you will find guidance beyond simple faith.
Chickens for eggs and meat are also another good prep, if you want a more direct answer, beyond tying it into your exploration into Christ.
Get a Bible, start reading the new testament. Start reading the book of Matthew. Read it every day. Once you get done with the New Testament, start with the old testament. Starting the book of Genesis.
Find yourself a Bible believing church, non-denominational something like a Calvary Chapel. They teach the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse, they don’t pass up any of the uncomfortable stuff, and you will find truth.
Whatever your sex is, go to a Bible study. Men’s or women’s. This is where you’ll find like believers, who will build you up in the faith, and help you to see who Christ is. They will be able to answer any questions you have, and when you’re ready, they will lead you to the Lord.
Each persons journey of their faith in Christ is different. There’s no one way to do it. The fact that you are asking and interested, tells me that God is drawing you to Him.
If you’re really interested… Just say the Lords prayer of Salvation, and ask Him into your heart, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will.
What an exciting time to be alive! Talk about the precipice. You’re on the precipice of salvation! I am so excited for you.
Dear Lord; forgive me, I am a sinner… come into my heart, and grace me with your salvation! Make me a new creation in Christ!
In Jesus name - Amen
2024 has the biggest and best possibilities for your future! May the Lord lead you and may you find salvation, hope, and confidence for a bright future, in knowing where you’re going when you die.
The answer is already in your heart. If you have a lamp, do you put it on the table or under the bed? Worry not what you will eat or clothes you wear for God even takes care of the birds and the untouched fields. He knows the number of hairs on your head.
The system is evil, world is evil because they're in darkness. God is light. If you read the New Testament and learn more about Jesus, trying putting yourself in his shoes and follow him through his journey. You'll slowly start to understand WHY Jesus said what he said, did what he did. Why?
You'll be confused at first because you're trying to understand it from a man's point of view. God is light and love. If you try to leave behind your old ideas and ways of thinking and based your understanding from unconditional love and compassion and 100% holiness, purity, grace and glory point of view, you'll begin to understand how Jesus felt and the immense sadness he had to overcome to the point of coming to acceptance that there is only one way to save humanity.
Jesus first miracle was turning water into wine. He said you cannot put new wine into old wine. You'd need a new skin to put the new wine in. Your whole mentality based on human experience has to be thrown out the window. To become a new man, born again in Christ, baptized in water (John the baptist) and fire (Jesus is fire =holy spirit) and read the Bible, add prayers and songs and worship. Trust God wholeheartedly so that you will truly see and hear. When you're confused and going through a storm, hold Jesus' hands and He will calm the storm down (in your heart) and lead you on the right path. You won't understand everything at first but faith is like a muscle. Use it everyday and it will grow stronger. It becomes your life's journey.
Here is an analogy to go along with Scripture.
Imagine you are a plate.
The plate is covered in greasy butter (which represents sin).
You cannot put the greasy plate into the cupboard because all the dishes in there are clean. A greasy plate isn't allowed, no matter how much it is wanted to be placed in there. (The grease represents the fact that we all sin.)
Good people think, "I am sure if I am good enough, I can rinse this sin off with my good works". (That effort to draw close to God by being a basically good person is represented by us rinsing the plate in running water. But, no matter how hard we try, water will not mix with the grease enough to lift it off.)
The solution is to apply dishsoap. Soap is part grease and part water, so it links with the grease and lifts if off the plate. (This is representative of how Jesus is fully God and fully man. Only he can lift away the sin. He offers to do this for us. But, we have to apply the soap...repent of sin, desire to turn from it and ask Jesus to be our Savior.)
I just wonder why people want to keep their plate greasy when the soap is sitting right there, and we didn't even have to purchase it. It is a gift. This simple analogy isn't perfect, but it works well enough, I think. I am thankful to Jesus for paying the price for my sin while he was God and while he was human. Only he could do this.
No advice really, it's just faith. Keep yourself righteous. God will handle the rest. When I say my prayers at night, I ask God to please have world leaders who want to lead us back to him elected to office.
Faith is not always easy but it is always worth it. When I read or something that appalls me, I don't ask how God could allow it because God gives us free will. I agree with the Q team when they posted that most people are good.
Amen. Thank you for sharing that beautiful proverb. Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit direct our paths. We have no clue about tomorrow but that's okay because our lives are in God's hand. Whatever devil tries to do is always flipped to a greater good by God, the blessings in disguise is what we seek for, not the lies and illusions we see through man's eyes
I love this. You know, Q made me realize what faith really does to a person. I have no fear about the cabal. I almost think Q was a lesson for me to know what it's like to have faith in God.
Confessions and video proof, along with surprise re-appearances of some white hats/celebrities we thought had passed that have been in protective custody backing the shocking news.
I’ve been wondering about the illegals. Trump said we would have the biggest mass deportation ever. How will this be accomplished? Even with a lot of folks waking up, it will still be a hard pill for many people to swallow seeing people of all ages rounded up and sent packing. Most average conservatives wouldn’t have the stomach after the spin doctors made it look like genocide on the nightly news. Finacial collapse might cause some to return to where they came from voluntarily, but a small percentage at best. What will have to happen that will allow unfettered deportation? I believe it will take coordinated action by a literal foreign sleeper army of “illegals”. Sent by foreign governments to take control of regions of the US. This or similar scenarios are the only way the American people would get behind the military forcibly removing illegal foreign nationals from our country. Who knows this is just me brainstorming, maybe I’m full of shit or nuts.
1.) Ensure living in America as an illegal is not worth. No more hand outs, no more free rides, housing, EBT, support, jobs, etc.
2.) Ensure their homes are safe and have opportunity. We can't ensure opportunity, but changing how China funnels in fentanyl and the new drugs into the Mexican ports will reduce power in the brutal cartels that are moving them. I don't believe America will ever be in a silent or open war with cartels, but cutting off the supply and "enabling" South American governments to destroy the labs will help divert power away from the brutal cartels that are causing people to want to escape their countries.
Pray for all the illegals to accept Jesus Christ and do no harm and be led back into the path of righteousness. May they all repent and become good instruments of God instead of the harm they were meant to cause to our beloved country.
There will be many signs, more than now, it is accelerating, I can feel it, as HE comes closer, many will have so many chances to turn around their life. The alarms are getting louder. Darkness will come to light, the Epstein client list, the pharmacuetical industry will be exposed, panic may ensue, there will be more natural disasters, as people accumulate false wealth, the bottom will drop out. Many world leaders will be exposed for their betrayal to their countrymen. The time is running out for those who refuse to declare Jesus Christ as Messiah, we will learn the secrets that were left out of the Bible, the people will rise against the authorities, the wise will continue to pray and watch and follow Christ, and learn to take care of one another, as the governments of the world will prove they are useless. Brotherhood is just around the corner, have hope and faith and stay healthy.
"For this is the day that the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world, it's CHRIST IN YOU!!! the hope of glory.... "
The question is: who still needs to wake up and what will it take to wake them up. Some big DS lies will be exposed. Trump will win some court cases on appeal and that will send those with TDS over the edge. One or more nuclear missiles from Iran will be shot down by the Israelis. Democrats urge no response. Uranium traced back to U1. More coddling of illegals in the cities and decreasing services to black communities. More cognitive dissonance shoved down the throats of 20 somethings. And a narrative being pushed as to why the entire election must be cancelled.
This is more of a spiritual battle imho. Those whose hearts and minds are corrupt will never be able to see. They worship men, the medical and woke educational institutions, and would be the ones most likely going to doctors often and taking all kinds of meds whose side effects will block their minds or pineal glands from seeking truths. The filter in their eyes and ears will prohibit them from seeing the truth presented in front of them.
Hence it's mentioned in The Bible those needs plenty of fasting (detox) and prayers
We are in zero hell. Actually we are ascending to a wonderful new level, and like it or not, the Sheeple will “mostly” be Awakened and dragged along. We Will Win with God and that turd Satan is going to lose badly!
We’ve been prepped for this and most of us are ready.
All the "immigrants" are being positioned to riot and take our resources. Something will happen, maybe a cop shoots a Mexican mother and it goes all george floyd on us. We later find out the mother had a knife but only after they burn down chicago. Small cities with 15k and about will have their stores plundered and people will generally being freaking out about food, guns, and the police ability to protect. Then they blame Trump and say if he's elected the "immagrants" will lose their free ride, and the election will be destroyed. Like the machine will be destroyed in riots
Harsh lockdowns in blue states.
Trump will be arrested, again.
The left will begin going after Trump's kids and grand kids.
Internet failure close to the election so people won't see how strong Trump has become.
The push to make it legal for illegals' to vote, get a driver's license and green cards,certify all Dominion/Smartmatic voting machines in as many states as possible,2020 Elections' Fraud 2.0 but far worse than 2020,ZUCKERBUCKS 2.0,even more push for mail-in-ballots more drop boxes ,but the real big HELL will be ,META/GOOGLE hiding censoring all real time Poll Data searches for Trump and of course the fake MSM like never seen before outright LIES, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Dems last ditch effort to avoid the inevitable will be their attempt to postpone the election, due to "cyber attack", likely blamed on NoKo, Russia or Iran.
Too bad for them CISA has backup paper balloting processes built in their charter. A
I’m very curious to read responses here….
My biggest fear - as the father of 2 young children - is the “rumors / speculation” by bill gates + his ilk, that the next pLandemic will target children, and be a LOT more fatal.
I’m terrified that these psychotic, satanic demons might actually release a bioweapon specifically targeting children.
I hope & pray with every fiber of my being that these only remain rumors, but I started doing some digging into these “rumors” compared with Event 201 & similar globalist elite proclamations prior to covid, and am very concerned.
I can post more sources & such later…. Likewise, if anyone has anything to contribute on this topic - good or bad - I’d love to see it.
No idea. God is good all the time. I put my life and faith in Jesus Christ. They can do whatever but my soul is not for sale and can never be moved by fear or bought by gold and promises.
It is here. This is the year I was waiting for since 2019. Patiently waiting.
My question is why?
Why do we care about these leftist people?
If it offends thee, cut it off-Matthew 5:30.
Romans 13:1-7 - we have 2 governments one is with God and one is without God.
We should just separate. We are unable to keep up with these leftists. All they do is progressively become more evil. Seattle put a kids playground with a lgbtq nude beach as an example.
Why should we continue to have two thoughts. One being they will change and two being it is only doing us harm to worry about them changing.
Let them be separated either by leaving this country or just separating the country. If not now when? If not in 2024, when?
Just a question to why?
If it is your 401k, guess what they want that too. So either kneel and be poor or stand up and be poor.
They are talking about a Black Swan event. Diana Larkin's latest video talks about giants in the sea who will bring fire to the land, and that we should pray that their "firing mechanisms" will be deactivated.
She mentions that there are 5 giants and that our urgent prayers will stop their fire throwing activities, and that we have a commission from the Lord to command angels not only to protect us but to command them to deliver us from all manner of evil. This means these black bombers lurking in the depths as well as exposing the swampies on land. God has given us the power to do this, to command angels.
Oddly enough… Despite everything that they are throwing at us, I am comfy in Christ. Hell has no place for me, or my family. I’m really looking forward to 2024, even knowing they’re going to throw everything at us… even the kitchen sink (Elon photo here).
I’ve grown so much in Christ in the past year, I don’t have fear of the future. I know it’s going to get rough, but we are prepared, we have a great community, and we will all be standing together whatever happens.
Trust in the lord, with all your heart… lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will direct your path! Proverbs 3:5-6
Amen. I am right there with you.
I was born and raised atheistic/meh about religion. Only this past year or two I’ve become fascinated with who or what Jesus really was.
I entertain it but I still don’t have 100% certainty? Idk how to describe it/I’m just not sure about literally everything nowadays.
I don’t even understand how to live in this world righteously because every fucking thing supports evil somehow.
How can one appear loyal to goodness in modern society, other than buying property (expensive, not possible) and growing fruits and veggies and that’s it.
Any advice?
Read the Bible. Even if you aren't religious, it offers a great many passages of wisdom to help us all see our way more clearly and hold ourselves at peace during chaotic times.
Not really easy to start at page 1 and treat it as a page turner, but search for verses related to a keyword you are feeling - worry, sadness, anger, love, etc... - and you will find guidance beyond simple faith.
Chickens for eggs and meat are also another good prep, if you want a more direct answer, beyond tying it into your exploration into Christ.
Get a Bible, start reading the new testament. Start reading the book of Matthew. Read it every day. Once you get done with the New Testament, start with the old testament. Starting the book of Genesis.
Find yourself a Bible believing church, non-denominational something like a Calvary Chapel. They teach the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse, they don’t pass up any of the uncomfortable stuff, and you will find truth.
Whatever your sex is, go to a Bible study. Men’s or women’s. This is where you’ll find like believers, who will build you up in the faith, and help you to see who Christ is. They will be able to answer any questions you have, and when you’re ready, they will lead you to the Lord.
Each persons journey of their faith in Christ is different. There’s no one way to do it. The fact that you are asking and interested, tells me that God is drawing you to Him.
If you’re really interested… Just say the Lords prayer of Salvation, and ask Him into your heart, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will.
What an exciting time to be alive! Talk about the precipice. You’re on the precipice of salvation! I am so excited for you.
Dear Lord; forgive me, I am a sinner… come into my heart, and grace me with your salvation! Make me a new creation in Christ! In Jesus name - Amen
2024 has the biggest and best possibilities for your future! May the Lord lead you and may you find salvation, hope, and confidence for a bright future, in knowing where you’re going when you die.
Thank you, I really appreciate your response. I am begging the list you’ve suggested.
The answer is already in your heart. If you have a lamp, do you put it on the table or under the bed? Worry not what you will eat or clothes you wear for God even takes care of the birds and the untouched fields. He knows the number of hairs on your head.
The system is evil, world is evil because they're in darkness. God is light. If you read the New Testament and learn more about Jesus, trying putting yourself in his shoes and follow him through his journey. You'll slowly start to understand WHY Jesus said what he said, did what he did. Why?
You'll be confused at first because you're trying to understand it from a man's point of view. God is light and love. If you try to leave behind your old ideas and ways of thinking and based your understanding from unconditional love and compassion and 100% holiness, purity, grace and glory point of view, you'll begin to understand how Jesus felt and the immense sadness he had to overcome to the point of coming to acceptance that there is only one way to save humanity.
Jesus first miracle was turning water into wine. He said you cannot put new wine into old wine. You'd need a new skin to put the new wine in. Your whole mentality based on human experience has to be thrown out the window. To become a new man, born again in Christ, baptized in water (John the baptist) and fire (Jesus is fire =holy spirit) and read the Bible, add prayers and songs and worship. Trust God wholeheartedly so that you will truly see and hear. When you're confused and going through a storm, hold Jesus' hands and He will calm the storm down (in your heart) and lead you on the right path. You won't understand everything at first but faith is like a muscle. Use it everyday and it will grow stronger. It becomes your life's journey.
Here is an analogy to go along with Scripture. Imagine you are a plate.
The plate is covered in greasy butter (which represents sin).
You cannot put the greasy plate into the cupboard because all the dishes in there are clean. A greasy plate isn't allowed, no matter how much it is wanted to be placed in there. (The grease represents the fact that we all sin.)
Good people think, "I am sure if I am good enough, I can rinse this sin off with my good works". (That effort to draw close to God by being a basically good person is represented by us rinsing the plate in running water. But, no matter how hard we try, water will not mix with the grease enough to lift it off.)
The solution is to apply dishsoap. Soap is part grease and part water, so it links with the grease and lifts if off the plate. (This is representative of how Jesus is fully God and fully man. Only he can lift away the sin. He offers to do this for us. But, we have to apply the soap...repent of sin, desire to turn from it and ask Jesus to be our Savior.)
I just wonder why people want to keep their plate greasy when the soap is sitting right there, and we didn't even have to purchase it. It is a gift. This simple analogy isn't perfect, but it works well enough, I think. I am thankful to Jesus for paying the price for my sin while he was God and while he was human. Only he could do this.
No advice really, it's just faith. Keep yourself righteous. God will handle the rest. When I say my prayers at night, I ask God to please have world leaders who want to lead us back to him elected to office. Faith is not always easy but it is always worth it. When I read or something that appalls me, I don't ask how God could allow it because God gives us free will. I agree with the Q team when they posted that most people are good.
Amen. Thank you for sharing that beautiful proverb. Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit direct our paths. We have no clue about tomorrow but that's okay because our lives are in God's hand. Whatever devil tries to do is always flipped to a greater good by God, the blessings in disguise is what we seek for, not the lies and illusions we see through man's eyes
Amen. Standing with you all.
I love this. You know, Q made me realize what faith really does to a person. I have no fear about the cabal. I almost think Q was a lesson for me to know what it's like to have faith in God.
JUST THINK. What will wake up my family, my neighbors, my friends, my work colleagues ? YOU have your answer.
Confessions and video proof, along with surprise re-appearances of some white hats/celebrities we thought had passed that have been in protective custody backing the shocking news.
Tough to think it will happen tho.
Does anyone think McAfee is still alive?
I do.
Me too, I also think Epsteins still alive and could be another form of proof for the brain dead.
But I really hope Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain, and Norm MacDonald all re-appear
Great minds think alike 😁
Its fresh and its hell, for the Cabal. We know its the road to the precipice and we have been anticipating this for a while now.
They’re going to try to stop what’s coming, then what’s coming is going to come.
just saying... Hope yall got some groceries put away...
I think the illegals are a huge part of the precipice.
I’ve been wondering about the illegals. Trump said we would have the biggest mass deportation ever. How will this be accomplished? Even with a lot of folks waking up, it will still be a hard pill for many people to swallow seeing people of all ages rounded up and sent packing. Most average conservatives wouldn’t have the stomach after the spin doctors made it look like genocide on the nightly news. Finacial collapse might cause some to return to where they came from voluntarily, but a small percentage at best. What will have to happen that will allow unfettered deportation? I believe it will take coordinated action by a literal foreign sleeper army of “illegals”. Sent by foreign governments to take control of regions of the US. This or similar scenarios are the only way the American people would get behind the military forcibly removing illegal foreign nationals from our country. Who knows this is just me brainstorming, maybe I’m full of shit or nuts.
Make them want to go home.
I see it as two focuses:
1.) Ensure living in America as an illegal is not worth. No more hand outs, no more free rides, housing, EBT, support, jobs, etc.
2.) Ensure their homes are safe and have opportunity. We can't ensure opportunity, but changing how China funnels in fentanyl and the new drugs into the Mexican ports will reduce power in the brutal cartels that are moving them. I don't believe America will ever be in a silent or open war with cartels, but cutting off the supply and "enabling" South American governments to destroy the labs will help divert power away from the brutal cartels that are causing people to want to escape their countries.
Pray for all the illegals to accept Jesus Christ and do no harm and be led back into the path of righteousness. May they all repent and become good instruments of God instead of the harm they were meant to cause to our beloved country.
There will be many signs, more than now, it is accelerating, I can feel it, as HE comes closer, many will have so many chances to turn around their life. The alarms are getting louder. Darkness will come to light, the Epstein client list, the pharmacuetical industry will be exposed, panic may ensue, there will be more natural disasters, as people accumulate false wealth, the bottom will drop out. Many world leaders will be exposed for their betrayal to their countrymen. The time is running out for those who refuse to declare Jesus Christ as Messiah, we will learn the secrets that were left out of the Bible, the people will rise against the authorities, the wise will continue to pray and watch and follow Christ, and learn to take care of one another, as the governments of the world will prove they are useless. Brotherhood is just around the corner, have hope and faith and stay healthy.
I hope to see traitors swaying in the winds of a certain storm.
"For this is the day that the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in this world, it's CHRIST IN YOU!!! the hope of glory.... "
The question is: who still needs to wake up and what will it take to wake them up. Some big DS lies will be exposed. Trump will win some court cases on appeal and that will send those with TDS over the edge. One or more nuclear missiles from Iran will be shot down by the Israelis. Democrats urge no response. Uranium traced back to U1. More coddling of illegals in the cities and decreasing services to black communities. More cognitive dissonance shoved down the throats of 20 somethings. And a narrative being pushed as to why the entire election must be cancelled.
This is more of a spiritual battle imho. Those whose hearts and minds are corrupt will never be able to see. They worship men, the medical and woke educational institutions, and would be the ones most likely going to doctors often and taking all kinds of meds whose side effects will block their minds or pineal glands from seeking truths. The filter in their eyes and ears will prohibit them from seeing the truth presented in front of them.
Hence it's mentioned in The Bible those needs plenty of fasting (detox) and prayers
They will try their very best to scare us all into submission. Will it work? Not without us SCARING them back. {NCSWIC. WWG1WGA. 2024 edition}
It is difficult to frighten a person who fears no man and who knows there is a power beyond all knowing holding him in the palm of His hand.
a bunch of noisemaking, and then heaven on earth
We are in zero hell. Actually we are ascending to a wonderful new level, and like it or not, the Sheeple will “mostly” be Awakened and dragged along. We Will Win with God and that turd Satan is going to lose badly!
We’ve been prepped for this and most of us are ready.
All the "immigrants" are being positioned to riot and take our resources. Something will happen, maybe a cop shoots a Mexican mother and it goes all george floyd on us. We later find out the mother had a knife but only after they burn down chicago. Small cities with 15k and about will have their stores plundered and people will generally being freaking out about food, guns, and the police ability to protect. Then they blame Trump and say if he's elected the "immagrants" will lose their free ride, and the election will be destroyed. Like the machine will be destroyed in riots
Harsh lockdowns in blue states. Trump will be arrested, again. The left will begin going after Trump's kids and grand kids. Internet failure close to the election so people won't see how strong Trump has become.
Im thinking our fist pain of the year will be tax season
The push to make it legal for illegals' to vote, get a driver's license and green cards,certify all Dominion/Smartmatic voting machines in as many states as possible,2020 Elections' Fraud 2.0 but far worse than 2020,ZUCKERBUCKS 2.0,even more push for mail-in-ballots more drop boxes ,but the real big HELL will be ,META/GOOGLE hiding censoring all real time Poll Data searches for Trump and of course the fake MSM like never seen before outright LIES, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Dems last ditch effort to avoid the inevitable will be their attempt to postpone the election, due to "cyber attack", likely blamed on NoKo, Russia or Iran.
Too bad for them CISA has backup paper balloting processes built in their charter. A
I’m very curious to read responses here…. My biggest fear - as the father of 2 young children - is the “rumors / speculation” by bill gates + his ilk, that the next pLandemic will target children, and be a LOT more fatal.
I’m terrified that these psychotic, satanic demons might actually release a bioweapon specifically targeting children.
I hope & pray with every fiber of my being that these only remain rumors, but I started doing some digging into these “rumors” compared with Event 201 & similar globalist elite proclamations prior to covid, and am very concerned.
I can post more sources & such later…. Likewise, if anyone has anything to contribute on this topic - good or bad - I’d love to see it.
This was from 1999. They saw it coming and I'd bet all I had that such a thing exists today, ready to use.
If is possible to be made someone has already done so, I'm certain the next man-made plague will be an ethnic bioweapon and it will be devastating.
Yeah, I’d heard of that…ethnic-specific viruses / bio-weapons. Absolutely insane.
My fear: no Q posts, no clear and obvious big wins. Trump is “assassinated” even if it’s a deep fake. I fear these things.
No idea. God is good all the time. I put my life and faith in Jesus Christ. They can do whatever but my soul is not for sale and can never be moved by fear or bought by gold and promises.
The video on the building in Dubai for new years fireworks was quite interesting.
My question is why?
Why do we care about these leftist people?
If it offends thee, cut it off-Matthew 5:30.
Romans 13:1-7 - we have 2 governments one is with God and one is without God.
We should just separate. We are unable to keep up with these leftists. All they do is progressively become more evil. Seattle put a kids playground with a lgbtq nude beach as an example.
Why should we continue to have two thoughts. One being they will change and two being it is only doing us harm to worry about them changing.
Let them be separated either by leaving this country or just separating the country. If not now when? If not in 2024, when?
Just a question to why?
If it is your 401k, guess what they want that too. So either kneel and be poor or stand up and be poor.
They are talking about a Black Swan event. Diana Larkin's latest video talks about giants in the sea who will bring fire to the land, and that we should pray that their "firing mechanisms" will be deactivated.
She mentions that there are 5 giants and that our urgent prayers will stop their fire throwing activities, and that we have a commission from the Lord to command angels not only to protect us but to command them to deliver us from all manner of evil. This means these black bombers lurking in the depths as well as exposing the swampies on land. God has given us the power to do this, to command angels.
I’ll take WW 3 for 666 there Alex.
I am excited and can't wait. Wake me up when the killing starts