You can't say all of California doesn't want newsom- some indeed do. There are a lot of elitists in California because of the industries that are prevelant there, just as here in NJ. And as much as I want to defend the citizens of my state like you just did, I have to admit the truth-the elitists want these laws. And they have no issue telling you so.
It doesn't mean they are the majority but they pull the financial strings, and thereby inform policy.
You can't say all of California doesn't want newsom- some indeed do.
I don't personally know any, and I know a lot of Democrats. That doesn't mean they hate him, but no one really likes him. There just isn't any alternative, even for them.
Even if there are some who actually wanted Gruesome and love his policies, of which I have no doubt, they don't represent a majority, not even close. There are stupid people everywhere. Calling out CA as if it were the People who are to blame, and "their stupidity" doesn't have anything to do with the truth in any reasonable scope.
Even those who really, really to want to lick Gruesome's boots clean and think he walk's on water (assuming some exist) aren't to blame at all. Nothing that happens on that level has anything to do with any person who is not Cabal. NOTHING.
The beliefs of the few do not "influence policy," unless by "the few" you mean explicitly those few who are Cabal, or acting on their behalf (whether they know it or not). The reality of our system is not "the will of the people," no matter who those people are, but the will of the Cabal. Any blame on any group other than the Cabal is misplaced, doing exactly what the Cabal wants you to do: seeing the wrong enemy, misdirecting attention away from them for them.
How do you think they have remained hidden for so long? By putting false enemies in front of them. Presidents are puppets. Foreign leaders are puppets. Hitler was a puppet. If you see a puppet but don't bother to look if strings are attached (and why would you?), you don't see the puppet masters.
Blame the puppet masters. They are the only ones complicit. Period.
These bills didn't start at Newsom, Newsom signed them. There are other people involved that are supported, at least if you are in the camp of pushing people to vote and run in local elections.
Hmmm, not the other blue states....face diapers in hospitals around here. I need to see an md--think I have strep throat. They are insisting on a covid test. I told them to shove it.
From quick research, scooter chargers have a wattage between 24 and 120w, which is not all that different than many phone or, say, a 140w MacBook Pro charger.
With all of the electronics in homes now, and all of the simultaneous powerful charging solutions, there is basically no reason to assume that the scooter will be any more or less of a risk than any other electronic except in the event of a battery failure, which can happen on literally any product (go read some horror stories about people who have lost everything due to a battery failure in an old phone in a drawer for example).
Li ion batteries in scooters, bicycles etc are significantly larger than phone battery. Thermal mass gets out of control much quicker. If battery vehicle batteries aren’t an issue, why are parking garages beginning to prohibit them in some areas? Beyond the excessive weights.
We’ll see how it goes. We’re waiting for the first ones torching off homes and garages in our fire district. Will be a good show.
Size of battery is irrelevant in regards to every day safety when charging.
why are parking garages beginning to prohibit them in some areas?
Pick a reason. They could dislike EVs, weight could be a factor, or they rightfully understand that the heat and pressure from charging at up to 22kW is likely to damage the battery in some fashion, and it will cause incredible damage if the battery is compromised.
A reminder that 22kW is roughly 157 times stronger than a MacBook Pro charger. That is a huge amount of energy to store in this kind of battery, especially just shoving it in on quick charges.
Size matters. And low quality China crap will degrade and create shorting issues in a shorter timeframe.
And more people plugging low quality crap into overloaded outlets drawing higher watts is creating higher fire danger inside households and apartments.
Causing higher numbers of Li ion battery fires. Which are difficult to extinguish. Simple physics and thermodynamics.
I only saw one that I agree with and think it should be implemented across the nation for transparency.
For voters seeking more transparency on their ballots, Assembly Bill 421 now requires the voter information guide to include more information about veto referendums. For clarity, “Yes” and “No” will instead be phrased as “Keep the law” or “Overturn the law.” In addition, the top three donors trying to get the law in question overturned will now be listed. For example, Ballotpedia noted that a bill that would regulate fast food wages and working conditions is opposed by Chipotle, In-N-Out and Starbucks.
I smh everyday at the tom foolery and insane fuckery that happens everyday here. Most of CA is red, but the nepotism and gov corruption runs deep. I plan on moving out of this state of insanity summer of 2025 if not sooner. I will b taking my MAGA vote somewhere else where it (hopefully) will b counted. In the meantime, I poll watch, I attend rallies and encourage everyone I know to vote orange man rad in 11 months.
Every time Cali hate comes up people act like election fraud isn't a thing. The largest ports and landmass on the West Coast and people think it wouldn't be fully controlled by the Khazars?
The state is made up of 30 million people. Almost every voter roll is tainted with millions of ghost and dead voters. [They] perfected Cali control.
we def know election fraud is real, but it seems that a lot of people that flee CA and OR states, and go to good areas of the country, they bring their libtard feelz with them and then wreck the new state they move to.
Most of the people leaving are not liberal. Some are, narrative shielding helps those swamp creatures pass dumb ass laws then everyone just looks at Californians and blames them. Elections are bullshit the whole world over. Narratives abound and both sides are using them.
I asked someone before. “So you think that if someone lives in Texas and want to terminate their pregnancy they should be able to order pills online or travel to another state to get an abortion with no repercussions from their home state even though it’s illegal there?” They told me yes it’s their right to do it if they want.
Then I asked “So if they live in California & they want to buy an assault rifle then they should be allowed to order one online or travel to another state and buy one with no repercussions from California right?” She tried to argue that the gun could be used to kill people until I pointed out that an abortion definitely kills a person. Then she got pissed off and started yelling at me.
You forget, these lunatics are brainwashed to not see it as a human life as long as it's inside of the mother. Ron Paul has told the story quite a few times that it started with the push for doctors to call it a fetus or embryo rather than a baby.
Californians aren't voting for these bullshit policies. icymi
Do you think they voted to let people poop in public or shoplift up to $949.00 as a misdemeanor? They didn't vote to let out the convicts either. They didn't vote to ban building of dams to collect the trillions of gallons that spill into the ocean causing drought in order to spare an obscure fish not even on the endangered list.
We didn’t vote for Newsom. When the race for California gov. happened, when we went to bed John Cox, a Republican was winning. When we woke up, Newsom had won. Just like Trump and Potato. We also voted to recall Newsom and they cheated then too.
Yes, there are a lot of weirdos here. But you know what? Most of them moved to California from other states. And the weirder California gets, the more weirdos want to come here for a free life compliments of the California taxpayer and the NWO to be amongst their own kind.
The Democrats take over the most beautiful places in the world and take it for themselves. Just like beautiful New Zealand is infested with the Dems and NWO.
California has been hijacked by Democrats and NWO. California is the whipping-boy of America.
You're on to a bit of something, the only people I know who want to move to California are leftards who bitch that Illinois isn't becoming commie fast enough and want warm weather but can't afford to move to the left coast.
Cabal darling Newsom has dedicated his life to screwing up California. He has manipulated two recall attempts, that is how corrupt things are there. Sickening. Too bad Kimberly Guilfoyle his ex wife apparently has an NDA. Very sad for Californians. I lived there 30 years and love the way it was back in the day.
I am turning 60 next year. I have lived in California since I was a freshman in high school. It was culture shock for me to be forcefully relocated here from Colorado (which at that time was a very conservative state). Lord bless my deceased parents, but I never forgave them for this move. I hated California then and I hate this "God forsaken" state now. The only redeemable thing about this state (if you can call it's really not) is the weather and the town of Carmel. Other than that...this place is a liberal hell hole! Were it not for the liberals that control everything about this place it would literally be a wonderland. There would be the best of everything America has to offer...but alas...this is not the case because of the communist authoritarianism that makes doing everything here a pain in the ass and/or cost prohibitive except for the very wealthy. Bottom line...all conservatives need to learn this phrase and say it loud and say it the point of the complete marginalization of each and every liberal cuck in this country. Memorize this and say it often...
"Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and the only cure is deportation or incarceration!"
Anybody who works with a company that does business nation wide already knows what a pain it is to work with California or New York! You'll have business processes that work with the entire nation, then separate processes for California and New York (often those are different from each other)
Um. ... who says that? As a former Californian, I know people there think they're important enough to lead the nation. However, the rest of the nation thinks otherwise.
Senate bill xxx is a fucking trojan horse. Weiner is up to no good again. Claiming to protect LGBTConfused foster kids, what it actually does is ensure ALL foster parents are LGBTQ friendly and ready to brainwash the kids placed under their care.
Expect trans/gay conversion of Foster kids to outpace trad.families by another factor.
These people sacrifice kids on the alter of their narcissism.
Well, a lot of those are stupid like employers not being able to "discriminate" based on very specific habits unlike all the other habits they can discriminate for, or Ronda's "will people be there for you out of the ring?!" line made manifest (no, people were there for you in the ring and I'm sure you made enough money before you even entered kayfabe).
But honestly? Somehow the least stupid thing in that list is having a "state mushroom". That's pretty benign, not really all that strange considering all the other "state" objects across the U.S. and it doesn't have further restrictions, so no big deal.
For voters seeking more transparency on their ballots, Assembly Bill 421 now requires the voter information guide to include more information about veto referendums. For clarity, “Yes” and “No” will instead be phrased as “Keep the law” or “Overturn the law.”
That was said when Republicans ran CA, and is fundamentally why Democrats worked so hard to take it over. But, the Simulacrum of California that it has become is no indicator of anything.
Soon, you won’t even need to be nabbed by the cops to get a speeding ticket. California approved a pilot program to place speed cameras on the streets of San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Los Angeles, Glendale and Long Beach. That means a camera with a license plate reader could automatically send a speeding ticket to your house.
The five-year trial period begins in 2024, although it may take half a year or more for the cameras to be installed and operational. If you’re ticketed in the first 60 days of a camera being installed, you’ll just get a warning. After that, though, citations from $50 to $500 will arrive in your mailbox.
Wow. What's next?
The Protect People From Evil Thoughts Act of 2026
Beginning in January, all Citizens of California will have compulsory neurolinks implanted into their brains tied to our expertly created Society Protection AI. If people have thoughts that fall outside of what is healthy for society an aneurism is caused by the device to ensure those unhealthy thoughts do not contaminate the collective, you know, for The Greater Good.
For the first sixty days of the program this device should only cause a nosebleed. It would be unfair of us to implement such a system without a training period.
This is bullshit .California doesn't want Newsom any more than America wants Joe Biden.
Californians are abused and the reaction isn't "their elections are stolen" but rather, "they're stupid."
Sad. Stop legitimatizing their theft. Californians aren't stupid. They are enslaved like the rest of us.
You can't say all of California doesn't want newsom- some indeed do. There are a lot of elitists in California because of the industries that are prevelant there, just as here in NJ. And as much as I want to defend the citizens of my state like you just did, I have to admit the truth-the elitists want these laws. And they have no issue telling you so.
It doesn't mean they are the majority but they pull the financial strings, and thereby inform policy.
I don't personally know any, and I know a lot of Democrats. That doesn't mean they hate him, but no one really likes him. There just isn't any alternative, even for them.
Even if there are some who actually wanted Gruesome and love his policies, of which I have no doubt, they don't represent a majority, not even close. There are stupid people everywhere. Calling out CA as if it were the People who are to blame, and "their stupidity" doesn't have anything to do with the truth in any reasonable scope.
Unfortunately, I have a sister who supports Newsom. She also supports Maxine Waters. Her husband tells her who/what/when/where as far as politics.
I just try to open her eyes every once in awhile with questions and ideas that aren't too far for her.
Newsom is absolute garbage, and needs to be taken out with the other trash.
I don't think you're to blame and I should have added that.
Just pointing out there are some to blame and they're probably not the majority
Even those who really, really to want to lick Gruesome's boots clean and think he walk's on water (assuming some exist) aren't to blame at all. Nothing that happens on that level has anything to do with any person who is not Cabal. NOTHING.
The beliefs of the few do not "influence policy," unless by "the few" you mean explicitly those few who are Cabal, or acting on their behalf (whether they know it or not). The reality of our system is not "the will of the people," no matter who those people are, but the will of the Cabal. Any blame on any group other than the Cabal is misplaced, doing exactly what the Cabal wants you to do: seeing the wrong enemy, misdirecting attention away from them for them.
How do you think they have remained hidden for so long? By putting false enemies in front of them. Presidents are puppets. Foreign leaders are puppets. Hitler was a puppet. If you see a puppet but don't bother to look if strings are attached (and why would you?), you don't see the puppet masters.
Blame the puppet masters. They are the only ones complicit. Period.
North Jersey liberals, South Jersey Maga :)
Is California's full of dumbass Union workers especially to california teachers Union
These bills didn't start at Newsom, Newsom signed them. There are other people involved that are supported, at least if you are in the camp of pushing people to vote and run in local elections.
Yup a bunch of libtards in the State Legislature. Sacramento needs to be drained next.
Not really, because the nation divorced California a long time ago
Hmmm, not the other blue states....face diapers in hospitals around here. I need to see an md--think I have strep throat. They are insisting on a covid test. I told them to shove it.
Awesome. You can store your electric scooter in your apartment...and burn it down when the charger burns.
Safe and effective
I guarantee you that this is a non-issue.
From quick research, scooter chargers have a wattage between 24 and 120w, which is not all that different than many phone or, say, a 140w MacBook Pro charger.
With all of the electronics in homes now, and all of the simultaneous powerful charging solutions, there is basically no reason to assume that the scooter will be any more or less of a risk than any other electronic except in the event of a battery failure, which can happen on literally any product (go read some horror stories about people who have lost everything due to a battery failure in an old phone in a drawer for example).
Guarantee, eh?
Li ion batteries in scooters, bicycles etc are significantly larger than phone battery. Thermal mass gets out of control much quicker. If battery vehicle batteries aren’t an issue, why are parking garages beginning to prohibit them in some areas? Beyond the excessive weights.
We’ll see how it goes. We’re waiting for the first ones torching off homes and garages in our fire district. Will be a good show.
I've seen two phone fires since they came out. Zero scooter or bikes. One tesla on the side of the road burning. Thats about it.
Waaaiiittt for it...
Size of battery is irrelevant in regards to every day safety when charging.
Pick a reason. They could dislike EVs, weight could be a factor, or they rightfully understand that the heat and pressure from charging at up to 22kW is likely to damage the battery in some fashion, and it will cause incredible damage if the battery is compromised.
A reminder that 22kW is roughly 157 times stronger than a MacBook Pro charger. That is a huge amount of energy to store in this kind of battery, especially just shoving it in on quick charges.
Size matters. And low quality China crap will degrade and create shorting issues in a shorter timeframe.
And more people plugging low quality crap into overloaded outlets drawing higher watts is creating higher fire danger inside households and apartments.
Causing higher numbers of Li ion battery fires. Which are difficult to extinguish. Simple physics and thermodynamics.
Sticky for the very good article covering the mass stupidity of California’s DemoLibs and its phucktard leader Gavin NewScum.
I only saw one that I agree with and think it should be implemented across the nation for transparency.
I smh everyday at the tom foolery and insane fuckery that happens everyday here. Most of CA is red, but the nepotism and gov corruption runs deep. I plan on moving out of this state of insanity summer of 2025 if not sooner. I will b taking my MAGA vote somewhere else where it (hopefully) will b counted. In the meantime, I poll watch, I attend rallies and encourage everyone I know to vote orange man rad in 11 months.
Every time Cali hate comes up people act like election fraud isn't a thing. The largest ports and landmass on the West Coast and people think it wouldn't be fully controlled by the Khazars?
The state is made up of 30 million people. Almost every voter roll is tainted with millions of ghost and dead voters. [They] perfected Cali control.
Yes, with 55 electoral votes, which is more than any other state, it’s obvious that CA is the crown jewel of election fraud.
we def know election fraud is real, but it seems that a lot of people that flee CA and OR states, and go to good areas of the country, they bring their libtard feelz with them and then wreck the new state they move to.
Most of the people leaving are not liberal. Some are, narrative shielding helps those swamp creatures pass dumb ass laws then everyone just looks at Californians and blames them. Elections are bullshit the whole world over. Narratives abound and both sides are using them.
I asked someone before. “So you think that if someone lives in Texas and want to terminate their pregnancy they should be able to order pills online or travel to another state to get an abortion with no repercussions from their home state even though it’s illegal there?” They told me yes it’s their right to do it if they want.
Then I asked “So if they live in California & they want to buy an assault rifle then they should be allowed to order one online or travel to another state and buy one with no repercussions from California right?” She tried to argue that the gun could be used to kill people until I pointed out that an abortion definitely kills a person. Then she got pissed off and started yelling at me.
LOL…common sense ain’t so common anymore
You forget, these lunatics are brainwashed to not see it as a human life as long as it's inside of the mother. Ron Paul has told the story quite a few times that it started with the push for doctors to call it a fetus or embryo rather than a baby.
Californians aren't voting for these bullshit policies. icymi
Do you think they voted to let people poop in public or shoplift up to $949.00 as a misdemeanor? They didn't vote to let out the convicts either. They didn't vote to ban building of dams to collect the trillions of gallons that spill into the ocean causing drought in order to spare an obscure fish not even on the endangered list.
We didn’t vote for Newsom. When the race for California gov. happened, when we went to bed John Cox, a Republican was winning. When we woke up, Newsom had won. Just like Trump and Potato. We also voted to recall Newsom and they cheated then too.
Yes, there are a lot of weirdos here. But you know what? Most of them moved to California from other states. And the weirder California gets, the more weirdos want to come here for a free life compliments of the California taxpayer and the NWO to be amongst their own kind.
The Democrats take over the most beautiful places in the world and take it for themselves. Just like beautiful New Zealand is infested with the Dems and NWO.
California has been hijacked by Democrats and NWO. California is the whipping-boy of America.
You're on to a bit of something, the only people I know who want to move to California are leftards who bitch that Illinois isn't becoming commie fast enough and want warm weather but can't afford to move to the left coast.
The 2016 movie “Idiocracy” eerily mirrors what California has become.
I always thought that 'Idiocracy' was a non-fiction liberal/communist play book.
Every Governor of Pa always models themselves after California.
Cabal darling Newsom has dedicated his life to screwing up California. He has manipulated two recall attempts, that is how corrupt things are there. Sickening. Too bad Kimberly Guilfoyle his ex wife apparently has an NDA. Very sad for Californians. I lived there 30 years and love the way it was back in the day.
There were plenty of signatures in that recall too.
I am turning 60 next year. I have lived in California since I was a freshman in high school. It was culture shock for me to be forcefully relocated here from Colorado (which at that time was a very conservative state). Lord bless my deceased parents, but I never forgave them for this move. I hated California then and I hate this "God forsaken" state now. The only redeemable thing about this state (if you can call it's really not) is the weather and the town of Carmel. Other than that...this place is a liberal hell hole! Were it not for the liberals that control everything about this place it would literally be a wonderland. There would be the best of everything America has to offer...but alas...this is not the case because of the communist authoritarianism that makes doing everything here a pain in the ass and/or cost prohibitive except for the very wealthy. Bottom line...all conservatives need to learn this phrase and say it loud and say it the point of the complete marginalization of each and every liberal cuck in this country. Memorize this and say it often...
"Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and the only cure is deportation or incarceration!"
As good patriot Jericho Green says, "California refuses to be out-stupided."
NJ would like a word
Northeast is equally bad if not worse.
they made a new law that we can be fined if we throw food scraps in the regular trash.. has to go in compost.
Anybody who works with a company that does business nation wide already knows what a pain it is to work with California or New York! You'll have business processes that work with the entire nation, then separate processes for California and New York (often those are different from each other)
Um. ... who says that? As a former Californian, I know people there think they're important enough to lead the nation. However, the rest of the nation thinks otherwise.
Senate bill xxx is a fucking trojan horse. Weiner is up to no good again. Claiming to protect LGBTConfused foster kids, what it actually does is ensure ALL foster parents are LGBTQ friendly and ready to brainwash the kids placed under their care.
Expect trans/gay conversion of Foster kids to outpace trad.families by another factor.
These people sacrifice kids on the alter of their narcissism.
The only people who say that are from California. They also say that men can have babies.
Please don't tempt them. LOL
Methinks they got a little too much inspiration from the Babylon Bee.
Well, a lot of those are stupid like employers not being able to "discriminate" based on very specific habits unlike all the other habits they can discriminate for, or Ronda's "will people be there for you out of the ring?!" line made manifest (no, people were there for you in the ring and I'm sure you made enough money before you even entered kayfabe).
But honestly? Somehow the least stupid thing in that list is having a "state mushroom". That's pretty benign, not really all that strange considering all the other "state" objects across the U.S. and it doesn't have further restrictions, so no big deal.
It ued to be as new Hampshire goes so goes the nation.
Not for nothing - but a couple of their new "laws" make some sense...
The rest are useless.
But it doesn’t prevent government from imparting illegal fees on citizens.
Colorado legislature has been illegally adding ‘fees’ which have caused taxes to balloon.
This is actually a GOOD idea
That was said when Republicans ran CA, and is fundamentally why Democrats worked so hard to take it over. But, the Simulacrum of California that it has become is no indicator of anything.
Some are stupid, but a few of them are pretty good, IMHO.
Wow. What's next?