I watched Joe Kidd right after High Plains Drifter. The wife was very pleasant through the 2 so I plan to watch some more after she goes to bed. I plan to watch "For a Few Dollars More", "Fistful of Dollars" and "2 Mules for Sister Sarah" tonight. I will save "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" for Saturday when it is supposed to rain all afternoon.
Thank you for the suggestion. I believe I've only seen that movie once before I reached a significant level of awakening. I'll have to revisit it now, thanks again!
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. Matthew 5:44 King James version
I personally find it very difficult to pray for Justin Trudeau.
The Lord said to do that - I would never set that for myself. But because He has done so much for me, I try to honor Him even when I don't really want to. But admittedly, it's tough.
You can love, bless, and pray for your enemies while you’re fighting them. Doing good to them is sometimes complicated. If someone is behaving monstrously, it’s in the best interest of his eternal soul that his monstrous behavior be stopped.
we are allowed to get angry, we are not to sin in our anger.
plus God has been with many of his people in real battles with real lives being lost, so i'm gonna say He's with us and He's going to guide our stone(s) just as he guided David's stone that killed Goliath.
It's called the razors edge. Staying conscious while calling out the unconscious. Staying balanced while exposing evil. We know ultimately that evil is not real and its appearance has no real power. However, we must stand for justice as right now in this dreamscape it feels very real. Just don't get too entangled. That's the test of the spiritual warrior.
The Archangel Michael fights Satan and serves God. He did not bring accusation against the devil himself but said "Lord rebuke you" when Satan sought to claim the Prophet Moses. Michael tempers his sword with mercy when the Lord requires and subdues the dragon when the Lord requires.
By comparison, St. Peter was reckless. He did not meditate that the Lord desired to suffer for our salvation. Thus he said "you shall never be crucified" and was rebuked by Christ for trying to avoid the Cross. And in that same error he later attacked Malchus as the Romans who came to arrest the Lord. Thus Satan could mislead Peter for a while until Christ's prayer for his restoration and repentance took place and he served as an example to "feed his lambs" with the faithful Word.
Michael always tunes his will to Christ's will. Subduing his righteous passion with the wisdom to seek and know Christ's will for why the suffering transpires. To know when suffering truly benefits God's Kingdom and when it must be trampled out immediately along with the foul dragon who sows it.
Become spiritually evolved with a focus on language, you can say things over and over that beat people up. Sometimes you won't even know you're doing it until they come out with a triggered response!
I hate how I feel when I am that angry, of course nothing will come of it, a strong breeze could tip me over at this point in my life. My struggle is in some of the shows I enjoy, there is violence in them, and it does not bother me, I cannot watch children, women, or animals get violently treated, but I do love some of those gangster movies and I loved a show called Banshee, Boardwalk Empire, etc, and crime novels that chase serial killers. I am sure a man of the cloth would disapprove that it may be harming my soul. I figure that anyone who is living and breathing today, descended from various backrounds, our evolving to be alive now came from ancestors who were no strangers to violence, either they knew how to fight or knew how to be crafty and run like hell.
Finally got myself over the false sense knowledge solution. Feels good to not be so wound in want to you know...the bad guys. Now I am convinced their days are numbered and I don't have to much but pray, vote and help others get over that difficult hump. They will all pay with their lives eventually.
Stoicism has both and while it considers anger and revenge unvirtuous and weaknesses, it does consider punishment justified, even i.e. a public execution, IF it benefits the punished individual or society as a whole by practically enacting the 'fuck around and find out' died to deter others from doing the same thing. If you just want to beat someone off to show off your strength though that is weak and retarded 😆
Oh yeah, sometimes on line it's difficult not to say your true feelings. It would just cause to much headache. I just bitch at the TV and not one that connects to the internet either. I also don't have a smart phone in the house.
The struggle is real.
For REAL, real.
Watching Clint Eastwood westerns restores my faith in the struggle of good versus evil.
Coincidentally I just watched The outlaw Josey Wales over Christmas and couldn't agree more!
I'm watching High Plains Drifter now which ties into the Deep State situation.
Nice! I watched it 2 days ago. Joe Kidd yesterday. I’ll start Josey Wales tomorrow.
I watched Joe Kidd right after High Plains Drifter. The wife was very pleasant through the 2 so I plan to watch some more after she goes to bed. I plan to watch "For a Few Dollars More", "Fistful of Dollars" and "2 Mules for Sister Sarah" tonight. I will save "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" for Saturday when it is supposed to rain all afternoon.
Thank you for the suggestion. I believe I've only seen that movie once before I reached a significant level of awakening. I'll have to revisit it now, thanks again!
Yes!! Just watched one last night
I can never read the word struggle without hearing it said in Big Mike's voice.
Im sorry to hear that. Hopefully this wasn't too triggering. 😝
If you'd spelled it schtruggle it would have been.
Kek, Well thank goodness for that.
Here's what God's Word says you should do:
I personally find it very difficult to pray for Justin Trudeau.
That sure is a challenge you've set for yourself!
The Lord said to do that - I would never set that for myself. But because He has done so much for me, I try to honor Him even when I don't really want to. But admittedly, it's tough.
I understand Justice is His so I dont pray against them but I struggle to pray for them
Ahh. Its not justice. Just think of it as. Active encouragement to take up boxing.
You can love, bless, and pray for your enemies while you’re fighting them. Doing good to them is sometimes complicated. If someone is behaving monstrously, it’s in the best interest of his eternal soul that his monstrous behavior be stopped.
Well said.
Exactly what I was thinking, it's a good thing we correct bad behavior.
Very good share. Always bring it back to the Word.
I like to think God will forgive us for beating up the evil ones just a bit.
"We cannot expect God to do all of the work." - Joshua Graham
"pray to God. But to keep rowing to shore."
It’s ok if you say “bless your heart” when you’re doing it.
Noted. Very true!
I prayed and asked jesus to take away my sinful wrath. He refused
He can be a jerk but sometimes it's all part of his plan 🤷
we are allowed to get angry, we are not to sin in our anger.
plus God has been with many of his people in real battles with real lives being lost, so i'm gonna say He's with us and He's going to guide our stone(s) just as he guided David's stone that killed Goliath.
Jesus...money changers...tables
Oh my gosh, spot on. Great meme.
It's called the razors edge. Staying conscious while calling out the unconscious. Staying balanced while exposing evil. We know ultimately that evil is not real and its appearance has no real power. However, we must stand for justice as right now in this dreamscape it feels very real. Just don't get too entangled. That's the test of the spiritual warrior.
The Archangel Michael fights Satan and serves God. He did not bring accusation against the devil himself but said "Lord rebuke you" when Satan sought to claim the Prophet Moses. Michael tempers his sword with mercy when the Lord requires and subdues the dragon when the Lord requires.
By comparison, St. Peter was reckless. He did not meditate that the Lord desired to suffer for our salvation. Thus he said "you shall never be crucified" and was rebuked by Christ for trying to avoid the Cross. And in that same error he later attacked Malchus as the Romans who came to arrest the Lord. Thus Satan could mislead Peter for a while until Christ's prayer for his restoration and repentance took place and he served as an example to "feed his lambs" with the faithful Word.
Michael always tunes his will to Christ's will. Subduing his righteous passion with the wisdom to seek and know Christ's will for why the suffering transpires. To know when suffering truly benefits God's Kingdom and when it must be trampled out immediately along with the foul dragon who sows it.
Yep... everyday.
I want to make human tire swings out of some of these people.
Ty for this cats, good to be reminded we're not alone in this struggle. 🙏
Every GD day!
And I thought I was the only one.
LOL🤣🤣🤣 Describes me perfectly!
You can be.
Become spiritually evolved with a focus on language, you can say things over and over that beat people up. Sometimes you won't even know you're doing it until they come out with a triggered response!
I just say Trump 2024 and then I hear RRREEEEEEEEEEEEE! My work is done🐸☘️
That's one way to do it :)
You are not the only one. Just dont become the person that belives they have evolved by beating people up.
I hate how I feel when I am that angry, of course nothing will come of it, a strong breeze could tip me over at this point in my life. My struggle is in some of the shows I enjoy, there is violence in them, and it does not bother me, I cannot watch children, women, or animals get violently treated, but I do love some of those gangster movies and I loved a show called Banshee, Boardwalk Empire, etc, and crime novels that chase serial killers. I am sure a man of the cloth would disapprove that it may be harming my soul. I figure that anyone who is living and breathing today, descended from various backrounds, our evolving to be alive now came from ancestors who were no strangers to violence, either they knew how to fight or knew how to be crafty and run like hell.
Wasn't Jesus both?
"spirituality involved"?
Ahhh, the law of free will, without infringing on free will….. damn it hurts!!!!
Reading thru these comments.....You pedes make me proud. I would stand along side each and every one of you at the gates of Hell.
(Gut laugh)
What a Qoincidence! i watched this a few minutes ago.(don't watch if you don't believe in God)
Exactly what I’m feeling. You articulated it perfectly.
Just sent that to a bunch of friends. To comment- put it on a t-shirt!
Finally got myself over the false sense knowledge solution. Feels good to not be so wound in want to you know...the bad guys. Now I am convinced their days are numbered and I don't have to much but pray, vote and help others get over that difficult hump. They will all pay with their lives eventually.
Stoicism has both and while it considers anger and revenge unvirtuous and weaknesses, it does consider punishment justified, even i.e. a public execution, IF it benefits the punished individual or society as a whole by practically enacting the 'fuck around and find out' died to deter others from doing the same thing. If you just want to beat someone off to show off your strength though that is weak and retarded 😆
Oh yeah, sometimes on line it's difficult not to say your true feelings. It would just cause to much headache. I just bitch at the TV and not one that connects to the internet either. I also don't have a smart phone in the house.
Yup. This.