Joel Osteen Church shooter identified - 1) Tranny dude, 2) Bernie Bro; 3) "Free Palestine" written on barrel of firearm 4) Immigrated from El Salvadore (illegal alien?)
Surprised Look 🫨 SALT -
I knew it wasn't a woman. Yet the MSM Whores and police are still calling the shooter a woman.
What is a woman? Are you a biologist?/sarc
Ha, ha, NOT! :-)
I called it yesterday on a post reporting the shooting, it's become a pattern, hasn't it?
Sure has. And yet we're considered the dangerous domestic terrorists. :-O
Pretty sure its the other way around
Are you sure you didn't just see "Tranny" and assume its a dude? The transexual mind sickness affects both men and women.
'twas a woman, pretending to be a male. So they are actually correct.
Legally and biologically a woman, masquerading as a man.
Other, older mugshots show her more clearly. Seems pretty clear that she is a female, but 'identifying' now as a male. Apparently the child is her own birth child.
See also:
Biological woman, 'transitioning' (i.e. mentally sick) to become 'a male', using the name Jeffrey instead of her original name Genesse.
How they are hypocrites is that they will call her a woman, when she clearly identifies as a male, so why the about face, MSMS
Drug companies need to be held liable for the mental illness they cause to people who ingest hormone products that their bodies were not designed to accept.
Ruinous class-action lawsuits. Transvestite crazy-shooters didn't exist prior to the hormone drug epidemic.
Nah, 'accountability' is only for firearms manufacturers that had absolutely zero to do with how a person uses their items once they leave the factory.
And any deaths as a result.
Agreed. These are the meds that makes all these people crazy plus I know all is done on purpose by the cabal for a maquiavelous plan and don’t know what these evil entities are doing with these trannies or what kind of project they are using, but the only thing I am worry about it is their evil plans. They are not doing these shootings for nothing.
Moreno "had prior arrests for assault, forgery, marijuana possession, theft, evading, and unlawful carrying weapon."
Question: Why wasn't this freak DEPORTED to El Salvador after being arrested for theft, forgery, assault and carrying an unlawful weapon? Those crimes alone should win an "immigrant" an instant ticket back to their home country.
And also "ZERO" crimes should win an ILLEGAL an instant ticket back to their country.
And for the record, there aren't any ZERO crime illegals as they have at least 2 crimes under their belt.
Entering the country illegally.
LYING on their "asylum" application form.
That's 2 just for starters. People who commit criminal acts from the start are going to continue to commit criminal acts later.
Call for gun control in 3...2...1...
We don't need gun control, we need tranny control.
I know I'm ultimately just repeating you, but we need government control and border control.
With all of this information coming out about the mental patient shooter, I don't think Pravda will run with this one.
They'll rise to their defense, in fact.
I’m waiting for the Manifesto, 3,2,1 Trump made me do it!
Is this a man that dressed up like a woman?
Yes, it appears so. What are the odds?/sarc
Yes, a transvestite with XY chromosomes
No, the opposite. It's a woman who became mentally ill and began to identify as a male. According to reports and the medical examiner, etc.
Damn… it just ticks all the boxes…
Things just don't add up here.
Joel strikes me as weird, really weird. I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually involved in this in some way....
He's David Miscavige kind of weird to me
Hes a puppet like the rest of them
"The shooting unfolded Sunday afternoon before the Houston megachurch's 2 p.m. Spanish service was set to begin." fox news
All perfectly accountable by the theory that the woman is mentally ill. Sick people do sick things.
Question is, was she manipulated into this position? A history of drugs, violence, etc. Was she MK ultra'd into this, or merely just very badly mentally sick?
they think they can take our guns when illegals can still get them?
Trans people are dangerous
Toxic af
More evidence why there should not be gun free zones. He/she was killed by two off duty police officers.
In the script, the shooter usually dies in some less-than-honorable way,
And i assume the reason for that, is to tie up loose ends. With the suspect “dead”, theres no courtroom drama etc
Notable exception is Tsarnaev; whose case went all the way to SCOTUS, clearly demonstrating the principal that a fish rots from the head, down.
Tsarnaev’s lawyer is Judy Clarke, and she seems to be the go-to solution for crisis actors who need a fake lawyer.
With how huge that church is I would expect them to have armed security during the day when it's open.
Is it just me, or does all of the weaponry and accessories in the photos look pristine, like it was never used?
Well, at least he didn't attack a real Church. Real churches do not have leaders that buy $10 million homes.
Speaking of, why was that Catholic NGO funding illegal aliens (re: Jame's O'keefes recent video where he dressed like a vagrant)
I believe parts of the Vatican are in near open service to Satan.
Comms to the bitcoin world right before the halving? El Salvador connection
dude thats the whole damn liberal bingo card sheet
It figures it would be a tranny. Women don't do shootings like this. Of course, it was no doubt set up by the government or one of their 3-letter agencies. Just trying to stir people up by having a tranny, illegal alien, go into a church and start shooting people. The enemy is SO predictable.
Looks like its a female version of tranny. Female, transitioning to aka pretending to, be male. Adopted the name Jeffrey.
The transexual mind virus affects both men and women.
That POS has pictures on its IG showing it at the park. All the more reason you need to carry everywhere.
If one of these scumbags hurts my child, I'd be forced to hurt their entire family...innocents be damned. So let's not even get to that stage. If they decide to chimp out or pop off, it's go time.
I have to admit, that's a pretty funny thing to write on your barrel.
Filled out the bingo card
How long has IT been here! Does IT still have Rio grande made on ITs shoes?
So much for back ground checks.
Trini DeSoto
Who does the 5 year old little boy that was killed at the scene actually belong to?
Reports say that it is actually the woman's son. She has apparently had a lot of conflict with her ex-husband and his family, who are reportedly jewish.
While we should be careful about MSM reports, it appears there is some factual basis to all this.
I would say his handlers stand by Israel
I'm sure "it was Israel" comforts you, but sorry to say, our own FBI winds these kids up and sics them on disfavored groups. Blaming "Da Joos!" doesn't really help.
Nobody said it was the Jews. There are just as many sick Christian and secularists that "stand by Israel".
Found da joo
The East has suicide bombers and the USA has suicide shooters.
These suicide shooters in the USA always try to spin their looks to be what they think a conservative is supposed to look like.
Both are part of the same cult that worships Satan via the proxy of self being god. In the East they are to get virgins and the USA cultist get a free AR and directives to appear like a Trump supporter.
The media helps hide it and the law enforcement is ordered to not talk about ongoing (forever) investigations.
Fuck Joel.
Jesus himself would shoot him. At a minimum spit on him.
He's just another antichrist.