I have seen several posts recently regarding the things, topics, etc., and I would really like to hear your insights about how they fit together, and if they do.
My understanding thus far is that the Cabal is the umbrella label, and it begin with the Khazarian Jews, and over time morphed into the Jesuits who established the Illuminati movement. The Freemasons are a "local" front for the Cabal. The 13 Families are actually the highest level of control within the Jesuit Illuminati.
All of them are Lucefarians.
Please share your thoughts. Thanks.
PS: Thanks for the sticky, but more importantly I am very thankful for everyones input! Great reading and learning!
The only person who has provided a solid foundation to udnerstand what "Cabal" is, and how it relates to all the secret societies if Bill Cooper's mystery babylon series. This comment summarizes the links you need to get started.
Just to give a summary, it all starts with Sun worship - which is really worshipping Satan. Satan's goal is to ascend to become a God. Satanists are followers of Satan who think that by helping him ascend to God, he will also bring all his followers along with him as Gods.
Satan convinced his followers that the only way to do this is to destroy/enslave the rest of the Humanity. They call this "Great Work".
These teachings are passed along from the dawn of time from teacher to student, and in the process they created tons of secret societies to accomplish this goal in secret.
My understanding is that the Khazarian Jews - the synagogue of Satan - refers to these original people who are the ones who are behind every secret society.
Jesuits are Khazarians controlling the Catholic church. Freemasons, Illuminati, even Islam, New Age movement, Rosecrucians, etc etc - every one of them can be traced back to the secret occult.
The 13 families are the original satanic blood lines - probably Nephilim that survived and propagated their bloodline in secret.
yes, only person who provided a solid foundation. clarification Bill Cooper used in his book https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-FKj0lS414wJslfGL/cooper+BEHOLD+A+PALE+HORSE+PG+333+JONATHON+M currency Y_djvu.txt in chapter 2, p. 68 the terms Brotherhood of the Snake and Brotherhood of the Dragon and never “Khazarian Jews”. The reason for this is that his shortwave radio opponent was Tom Valentine of “Sun Radio” and “Radio Free America”. T. Valentine / Liberty Lobby blamed the Jews for everything, pointing to Khazaria, and Bill did not go with the Khazar theory, as the Khazar empire was Turks in the 6th Century C.E., and Babylon, mystery Babylon goes back to the dawn of time, at least Egypt and Babylon. I think I understand that not all people here who use the term “Khazarian Jews” blame Jewish people for everything. But what I am getting at is that the Jews who formed the Jesuits, married into Catholic families… they really were descendants of people from Judea, and not of Turkish Khazar descent. National Library of Medicine study, DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC18733/. Bill, though the DNA science was not available, never would have called the people at the top Sataanists or Khazars. Although he would be aghast if he were with us today and saw how the Luciferian agenda has led to so much display of Sataan in culture. And some Jews know that their people have been part of leading the world astray. 3 of about 20 to 25 CAJI conference attendees in 1995 were Jews, and Bill promoted Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership because he wanted all people to walk away from Babylon and come to be freedom loving people.
Good summary, thanks. Looks like you were following Bill Cooper while he was alive?
What if we were to call “Obelisks”, oh I don’t know, “Asherah Poles”?
What is commanded in the OT to do with such things?
Well doggone if you didn't give me homework and a rabbit hole now
Let me know what you find! They seem connected but I haven’t found anything concrete yet.
If they are that, though, Numbers 33:52 all the way.
Who says the OT ain’t fun?
I thought Lilith was the first woman.
Eve was… there was no preAdamic race.
What about the elongated skull folk? Paracas being one prominent example... (DNA traced back to... Black Sea Caucasus area!)
Who the heck were they in all if this? Wonder what made them run all the way to South America 4 to 5 thousand years ago?
Good question, some think the earth is literally about 6,000 years old and I was taught this in school. At university I was introduced to the idea of Genesis and 6 days being symbolic, what is time to God? Elohim is plural in Hebrew, is it one God who represents God’s-self indifferent ways, a Spirit, and when interacting on earth, as a Son? Or Is Elohim a family, 7 spirits of Elohim, I think mentioned in Proverbs, and 7 lampstands representing 7 spirits ofGod in Revelation? Anyways, perfectly legitimate to ask questions.
Who is Lilith? Lilith is known to be the first woman to ever be created according to many rabbinic texts (the source of much Jewish mythology). There are several different perspectives of who Lilith is and why she was so dangerous, but all of them involve her hatred towards Adam, Eve, and their descendants. https://mythology.net/demons/lilith/ this sums it up pretty good
Thanks, yes, I regret that I did not find and talk with him before Waco mass murder, April 19, 1993. I heard of him around Feb. or March but did not find and talk with him until autumn, ‘93. Joined in. After his passing, I found others to volunteer with, but none were the same as Bill. I was not a buddy, nowhere near that, but what was important was being part of the team, like good people here being part of the team for Great Awakening. I am thankful for Mods and great researchers here.
That must have been an amazing experience talking to him. How did he come across as, as a person? Did you keep in touch with any of the CAJI members? Are they still active?
Actually, when I talked with him, it was very brief. At some alternative out of the mainstream conference, he stood up as a guest speaker and told the crowd that we needed to get our military asses out of Somalia. Some of the crowd stood up and left the conference room. I stayed and listened. (I knew right away that he was the right guy to join in with because 6 months earlier I had read a small report from ambassador at-large Robert Oakley who said that the mere threat of sending U.S. troops there brought all of the Somali warlords together, against us. No need to actually send troops in to stop their infighting.) Anyways, Bill was too impressive to me, I could not say much as I am kind of a shy, timid guy. But I was ready to learn. ___ CAJI, the last great project was a promotion by some Canadian CAJI members, whose friends produced “O Canada, the Movie”. It is a comedy expose how the banking system in Canada is a fraud, exactly as the Federal Reserve is a fraud. https://rumble.com/v2gor82-april-6-2023.html. I don’t think the producers were members, but could have been. Hour of the Time website is still there, but I have not written. I believe that CAJI members act locally and are involved in their own way, like here. Someday maybe there could be an official or unofficial reunion, but I think that is a few years away once America gets stabilized and headed in the right direction. I remember some of the guys men and women, and I am sure they are doing good things in their locations. Michelle who headed up the Oklahoma investigation sadly passed a couple of years after Bill. https://beholdamessenger.com is a good site for remembering him. At conferences, he was serious, imposing, and got my respect at all times. His volunteer assistants gave a lot. Sometime I would like to share the trust research, in a couple of years. It is not on topic at this point, but will be good for us to carry forward in the future.
It’s been looking to me like they might have been Phoenicians, with the Edomite branch of the Canaanites looking likely (they all being the same tree).
The Israelites were told to wipe them out completely, lest they be a persistent thorn, and didn’t do it.
Would lead to a potential option for the current time being “Biblical”. And Revelation 20:3’s “for a time” potentially being now.
Edomites | Phoenicians -> Babylon | Rome (via Carthaginian infiltration) -> Persia -> ??? -> Prussia | Hanseatic League (Revelation 18:3) -> “German Nazis” | English Monarchy -> US Fed Gov. | Banks/Merchants/Intel
Good thinking! One of my friends has a similar or same conclusion. He pointed out to me what happened with story of Solomon’s Temple: Phoenician builders were utilized, and King Hiram was involved. Solomon , 666 talents or some measurement of gold, introduction of foreign wives and foreign gods, and everything “went evil and downhill” from there.
Also the first 10 Episoded of the original Fall of The Cabal goes into simpler summaries of all the families, their history, and their power in the Cabal.
Excellent. Thanks!
What’s really indicative of how far they’ve gotten - there’s a decent chance that a lot of the Mother Mary / Baby Jesus statues are actually intended to be Semiramis and Tammuz (son of Nimrod).
There are a lot of different groups. A good summary is in the series “The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal”. Takes a few episodes to go over the groups. Nothing is for certain because the history is very old, but the theories in this series laid out things well.
I appreciate it.
I echo what Primetime said. "The Sequel" is a bit peculiarly named in that it goes back in time (to the origins of the cabal) in comparison to the original series on the Fall of the Cabal. IMO it makes sense to watch the Sequel first.
This link isn't very detailed, but I think it is a good summary by Reverend Glynn Adams:
I also think this is a good resource:
I have a standing theory that these groups are mirrored after demons, and while they to a degree at the micro-level all strive against each and vie for power, they as an aggregate in the wider view all confirm to the same satanic alignment and agenda. Like the beings they are modeled after.
Do I care really about the fine esoteric differences about the demons of child abuse, and other demon factions that care about oppressive crushing tyranny and the crushing of hope via slavery, financial capture and debt bondage? Not really, I dont need to categorize their minutiae. Different tendrils of the same creature sure, but in the end they are of like nature.
I like this perspective. Thanks.
Amen! i agree 100!
think of each of those thing as a circle, and part of each circle intersect with the others. They're not all the same, and some of the groups you mention contain innocent/aloof individuals who are just there to give their group a veneer of respectability before the public.
Helpful perspective. Thanks
To clarify, the "Khazarian Jews" means the Khazarians who usurped Judaism and continued to be Satanists.
Lot of zionists left that haven't or won't take that red pill. I'm watching in amazement how many are noticing now. My family won't even talk to me anymore because I point out tuff truths showing their blindfolds to last names of people at the root of the problems they're all complaining about.
Same. Welcome brother.
There are important clues here.
There is a club. Some are in it, and some are not. Thank you George (Carlin).
This is a critical topic. Why?
It is important to know how their structure works, as knowledge is power. Therefore it is a threat to them if those of us who are not in their club understand the structure of their club, as we could then understand their weaknesses, and possibly know how to take down their structure.
Therefore, controlled oppo. How extensive is this club? How all-pervasive is it? Use critical thinking.
What is the most terrifying thing for us to think about? Is that also the thing they don't want discussed, or known? Why is it also terrifying to them?
Is a picture forming?
Are you following me?
You got banned for continual indiscriminate Jew blaming and name calling rather than discussion about the composition of the cabal.
Evil is evil. Being a Jew, or a Hindu, or a Christian, or a Muslim is irrelevant.
Goes back to the Pharoah's. Then to the Vatican. Then to Switzerland and the nazis. Ukraine was khazaria and they were the name stealers . They hide behind Zionism. Use these as references and you will find a pattern
I forgot to add Zionism . Thanks
Black Nobility is another phrase to search for. They are all the Synagogue of Satan.
Fritz Springmeier Fritz Artz Springmeier is an American author of conspiracy theory literature who has written a number of books claiming that a global elite who belong to Satanic bloodlines are conspiring to dominate the world. He has described his goal as "exposing the New World Order agenda."
John Coleman
Thank you for this!
Part 1 of 2:
I would say it all starts with the fact that we have been lied to about the Bible.
You brought up a lot of terms in your OP:
And I will add: Satan (not merely Satanists, but Satan itself -- not a "he" or a "she," but a "them").
I have looked into quite a bit of it, but not all. Here is my take:
The general term we are using today to describe the criminals who hide in the shadows and plot to harm the world's people by using various types of control so they can gain wealth and power at the expense of everyone else.
These are most likely a mixture of people (not one ethnic or religious or any other particular group). They probably have similar beliefs, in terms of wanting more power and money for themselves, but likely do not know what all the others who are like-minded think, or even who they are.
Think of the Council on Foreign Relations. People are invited to join. Because they are of a particular religion or ethnicity? No. Because they are useful tools in the oveall scheme to control the world.
People like Klaus Schwab would be a part of the Cabal, but there are others behind the scenes pulling his strings, and they are always in the shadows, never ever in public for any reason.
Many politicians would be in this category, as well. Most have no idea what is really going on, but they get personal benefit by taking jobs and making speeches, and it just sort of "works out" for themselves, so they go with it.
Many also are dumb people. They are not critical thinkers and do not question why they get cushy jobs and good pay for doing not much. Many of them probably came from easy money families, and don't even understand how most people live. Mitt Romney would be another good example of a stooge. Not stupid, but also someone who doesn't question why he gets the good jobs and the big money. He might not be stupid, but he is no genius, either. Clearly, he has no deep substance to his thinking, and probably would not even be capable of having this conversation if he were invited into this discussion.
MOST of "The Cabal" are useful idiots BECAUSE they are not deep thinkers. Not true, bumbling idiots, but "idiot" in the sense that they do not question the world around them. They probably loved the vaxx, and did what they were told, without questioning if they were getting the death jab or the placebo.
13 Families
I don't know if it is literally 13, or if those people/families change over time. But someone has to be in the shadows, pulling the strings.
G. Edward Griffin gave a great lecture about Cecil Rhodes, where Rhodes' book discussed how he loved the idea of the Illuminati concept of a "circle within a circle within a circle." By that, he meant that the true insiders would be totally unknown to the outside circle, by design of the organization.
When I say [they] or [them], I am talking about these people specifically, but also their minions who do their bidding, such as the useful idiots who don't know what the true insiders do. But they all work together, as a machine, to push for the same basic agenda. It's just that the insiders know what that true agenda is, and everyone else only knows their part ("need to know basis").
I think this is merely one strategy they use to convince people to go along with their plan. If people think they are part of a super secret club that only they get to know about, many people will thrive on that, and enjoy the secrecy they are sworn to.
Does the "Illuminati Handshake" REALLY mean something other than, "Oh cool, you are part of the club, too?" Do they KNOW what is going on (big picture)?
Do those who participate in crimes against children KNOW what the overall agenda is, or are they merely degenerate scum who get some sort of joy about that particular act?
Having a fake religion (Lucifarianism) as cover can get them to justify their own heinous crimes. Again, these are not deep thinkers, most of them.
Your average redneck farmer, who these people dispise, is a deeper thinker than these lemmings.
We KNOW to be historical FACT that the Illuminati was a real organization, founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, agent of Rothschild.
We know this because a messenger for the organization was riding his horse between the German and French branches, carrying important papers. He and the horse were struck by lightning and died. People found these papers in the saddlebags, and reported it to the Bavarian authorities.
The Bavarian authorities raided their headquarters. They discovered a plot to infiltrate all the governments of Europe, as well as the Church, for the purpose of maneuvering their own people into positions of influence within, so they could control the powers from behind the scenes.
The official "Illuminati" may not exist by that name today. They change names all the time, even for corporations that are CIA front. This hides their past. So today, they go by different names, but the ideas are what matters, not the names.
This is the EXACT SAME plot that goes on today.
This organization started out as an honest apprentice program to teach young men the building trades. But when the Illuminati were discovered, the kings of Europe outlawed membership in secret societies.
But these types of people have a blood thirst for power. So, they didn't just pack up their bags and go home. No, they began to infiltrate respectable societies, and build their own secret society within the respectable society.
We are back to Rhodes' "circle within a circle within a circle," that Rhodes had learned about, and wrote in his autobiography more than a century later. This organization is what he was describing.
This organization was founded in 1540, so before the Illuminati, but of the same type of people with the same type of agenda.
It is interesting to note that this was within a few years after Martin Luther discovered the lies of the Roman Catholic Church, and sparked the split in the Church, and the Protestant Reformation. It is also around the same time that Luther was learning about the jewish influence within Christianity (over many centuries), and published his book, "On the Jews and Their Lies."
I suspect the Jesuits were either founded by, or soon after infiltrated by, jews. But this is my least researched part of this whole puzzle, so I can't say for sure.
Khazarian Jews
We also know for a fact that Khazaria was a real place at one time. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which is Judaism's "official" authority for what "is" jew and jewish and Judaism, has entries about Khazaria.
But we don't learn about them in our schools, because the Cabal controls what is (and what is NOT) taught in the public schools.
We also never see this on the History Channel or other mainstream media sources, because the Cabal controls what is (and what is NOT) allowed on mainstream media.
There must be a REASON for this, huh?
Khazaria is particularly important to consider. WHY are we not told about this part of history?
The Cabal, which has been a "thing" since the beginning (goes back waaaaay more than a couple hundred or even thousands of years). The METHOD they use to control the masses is by RESTRICTING INFORMATION.
The word "occult" does not mean magic potions. It simply means "hidden knowledge." If a small group of people can learn truths about the world, keep it to themselves, AND HIDE it from everyone else -- not only that, but convince everyone else that the OPPOSTITE is actually true, then this small group of people can gain power over everyone else, at their expense.
Think about the Federal Reserve. There is a lot of nonsense surrounding why a central bank is "necessary" for the "good of the public." It is ALL lies, though. The REAL reason for a central bank is to CREATE MONEY FROM NOTHING, AND GIVE THAT MONEY TO THE INSIDERS, SO THEY CAN GAIN WEALTH, WHICH GIVES THEM POWER.
ALL other reasons given are to DECEIVE the general public so they will believe lies.
Consider JFK. What if it quickly became known by the public that JFK was intentionally murdered in a conspircy ("muh conspiracy!") by the government, and NOT by some "crazy lone gunman."
How much power would the insiders lose if the people were demanding that their head must roll NOW? They HAD to lie and promote fake stories, so the people could be kept in line.
THAT is how the criminal, corrupt system works.
So, information is the most valuable commodity. The problem we have now is we are in the Information Age, and also the Instant Communication Age, worldwide.
This, I believe, is why they are pushing the fake AI narrative. Yes, there ARE some smart people who like to smell their own farts and believe what they hear in their own echo chamber, but machines will NEVER have human-like intelligence. They will ONLY be able to do and compute what their human programmers program into them.
If the AI computers/robots (which are just computers) start doing horrific things, it is BECAUSE HUMANS PROGRAMMED THEM TO.
That is ALWAYS what it has been about for those who want to control.
This is also why Martin Luther was such a revolutionary figure in history. He upset the apple cart by calling out the power of the Roman Catholic Church and its FAKE doctrines of the Bible. The RCC had been promoting lies about the Bible for over 1,000 years. Luther awaked the public to this scam. He also learned about the corruption caused by the jews, and that was around the time the Jesuits were formed.
Anyhoo ...
The story of Khazaria is both (a) true and (b) has a fake aspect to it.
ANYTIME the people learn the truth about something, the cabal creates a counter-narrative to throw people off the trail of the REAL truth (see: Covid and the "muh lab leak theory," where lab leak is a less evil thing than the truth that the entire thing was fake from the beginning).
Khazaria was a kingdom, circa 800-1000 AD, located in the area roughly around modern day northern Iran. To the north was Christian Russia. To the west was Christian Byzantine Empire (aka Eastern Roman Empire, aka Holy Roman Empire, aka modern day Turkey), and to he south was Persia, which had been taken over by Muslim arabs.
The Khazarians were known to commit various crimes, including robbery and name stealing (sound familiar?). There are different versions of the story, but one version is that the Christian Russians to the north got tired of these criminals and demanded they convert to a "real" religion, since the Khazarians were Pagan. It was thought that converting would bring moral values to their society.
So, the king decided that he did not want to be Muslim because they he would be at war with the Christians to the north and west, and did not want to be Christian because he would be at war with the Muslims to the south. So, he chose Judaism, and everyone in the kingdom had to convert.
The kingdom didn't last much longer, and disappeard from the "official" history books, but the Jewish Encyclopedia still has their history (occult stuff).
The claim is that this conversion to Judaism was because they were following a Babylonian religion, which had influence over the king.
But this aspect of the story is, IMO, false. I believe they were always practicing Judaism, but kept it secret (secret society type of stuff), and only made it official later. They never really changed their behaviors or practices because Judaism comes from the Tradition of the Elders, which is a nasty religion. There was no need to utilize Babylonian religious ideas when those ideas were already within.
We can use both the Bible and historical records and archeology digs to try and put the pieces of the puzzle together.
[To be continued ...]
Part 2 of 2:
If we go back to the early Hebrews of the Bible, we will discover that they were never the jews. The Hebrews would have a specific blood line (which is why the Bible is full of "this man begat that son, who begat that son, etc. -- to trace the genetic history of this particular family tree), who became the Israelites of the Bible.
The story of the Bible is primarily about the Israelites and an important side story is their antagonists, the jews.
Most people today have been taught to believe that Satan (aka Devil) is a little red guy with horns and a pitchfork who does dastardly deeds to anyone and everyone he can.
But that is not what the original Hebrew scripture of the Old Testament says. You will not find that anywhere in the Bible.
In Hebrew, the word "Satan" means "Adversary." Nothing more; nothing less.
Most people today have also been taught that SOMEDAY a figure will appear who will be the Antichrist.
But the Bible tells us otherwise.
1 John 2:22 --
The concept of "antichrist" is nothing more than those who not only do not believe, but who are actively AGAINST Christ.
Who is it that does not believe in the New Testament?
The jews, among others.
They were the adversaries to the Israelite people.
As noted before, they have always been "name stealers." We see it in how they changed their names to German sounding names to blend into Germany. They have changed their names to Polish sounding and Russian sounding names to blend into those populations, as well.
And they have convinced Christian thinkers to believe that they were the original Hebrews and Israelites of the Bible, "God's Chosen People," but the jews lied about that, too.
The Israelites in the Kingdom of Israel were captured by the Assyrians, and taken to Assyria around 700 BC.
Artwork by the Assyrians of that era has been discovered and found to have Israelite figures depicted. They look White European.
There is also artwork were the Assyrians depicted the Canaanites, who they also captured, and those people are depicted with jewish features, including the hook nose.
Throughout the Bible, the jews are the antagonists (adversaries) to the Israelite people. This does not mean they are "the Devil," but they DO work to destroy the Israelite people, and have been doing so all the way through to today. The Khazarians were doing it 1,000+ years ago to the Christain Russians.
They did it again to the Russians in 1917 when they infiltrated and overthrew the Russian government, only to go on to murder 60,000,000 Christians in Russia and Ukraine.
When the Israelite people were eventually released from captivity in Assyria, most of them migrated north into the Caucasus Mounain region (ironically, very near where the Khazarians would show up many centuries later).
Later, they would migrate westward into Europe, a wilderness, and they would settle Europe. These people were called "Caucasians" due to where they came from. But they also had forgotten that their ancient ancestors had once been the true Israelites and Hebrews of the Bible. Today, the biblical tribe of Dan, for example, are the ancestors of modern day Danish people. Most of the names have been lost over the years, though, so that is the most obvious.
The Kingdom of Judah was also filled with Israelites, of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. They were captured partly by the Assyrians and the rest by the Babylonians around 500 BC.
They were taken to Babylon, along with many of the Canaanites and others. Many years later, when they were released from captivity, many of them returned to the land they came from, but the Kingdom of Judah no longer existed. By now, it had been taken over by the Roman Empire and was called Judea, a Roman province.
During their absence, the Edomites to the south had moved into Judea. They had worked out a deal with the Romans to let them be the power structure in Judea, subject to overall Roman authority.
These Edomites are the ancestors of modern day jews.
It is right there in the Jewish Encyclopedia that "Edomites are within Jewry."
Many centuries later, those Edomites would migrate north, where they eventually became the Khazarians.
Later still, they would migrate into Europe, where they would wreak havoc in Europe as, once again, they would be the adversaries of the White nations of Europe.
God's covenant with Abraham/Isaac/Jacob was that their decendants would do 3 things: Create many nations in the world, have many kings, and be a blessing to the world.
White Europeans created many nations all over the world ("The Sun never sets on the British Empire," although the Brits, really Germanic Angles and Saxons were not the only Chosen People, but were among them).
The jews have never created any nations. Even the modern day Israeli government was created by the White Europeans.
White Europeans have had many kings. The jews have had none.
The White Europeans have created almost all inventions in the world that have made life better for everyone, and have provided more opportunity and charity to the rest of the world than all other people of the Earth have ever done, combined, thus becoming a blessing to the world. Jews have done nothing but take, take, take.
But of course, that is a taboo subject in a world where the Cabal dictates what can and cannot be discussed.
Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. I salute you!
For future understanding, I am going to refer to this over and over...
Thank you profusely!
Also, I see what you did there at the end. It might possibly address Tefl0nDon's confusion...
I really enjoyed your synopsis. Thank you.
Wow... thank you for your effort, and the insights!
Outstanding work!
I thought the Roman Empire still runs things. The Jews married into Royalties tied to the Roman Empire.
Then they took over.
I don't think they did.
I think they are front facing stooges that were put into power by the Roman Empire.
The fact that we can notice them in Powerful places. Tells me there is hidden players more powerful then them.
there's a reason you always hear rothschild but rarely the families that they were just recently allowed to marry into. Aldobrandini, orsini, Breakspear, Somaglia, Farnese, etc.
Well said!
If everyone can see "It's the Jews". Then logically that tells me it's not the Jews.
The real top players do not want to be traced.
https://stateofthenation.co/?p=157022. also this https://rumble.com/v4n9nmk-israels-second-911-how-zionism-conquered-jfk-america-and-palestine.html
I appreciate the links!
My pleasure fren...
Gary Wayne the author of Genesis 6 theory has some great interviews on YouTube where he ties it all together. This really is biblical.
The relationship goes back to Babylon and Nimrod. They have controlled the world through deceit, lies and murder. Now can you guess who their father is?
My info ( Charlie Freak ) says that the Freemasons are God fearing good guys.
i believe the first few layers of Freemasons are. they have no clue what the top layers are doing, each layer gets more secretive and more evil. all of the Freemasons i know in my area are low on the totem pole and are actually regular people that work, have families, go to church, fund raise, etc.
this is how they hide in plain sight. you see the lower levels running around doing good, then you hear a Freemason is running for office and you think, ya! but in reality the higher ups are doing bad shit.
LoL that's a good one.
See: Cabal Ministry on wikiless here: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Cabal_Ministry?lang=en
Note: 1672: disaster year for the Dutch Republic: Louis XIV (Catholic), Charles II (Catholic) Freiherr von Galen Bishop of Münster combined in conspiracy to destroy the Dutch popular government and institute their version by the Grace of God order.
See also Secret Treaty of Verona.
Cabal means: those in government conspiring for regime change in another country.
All that shit came from the "old world" and that's where it all needs to go back to.
Deep State Cabal Read Vatican Assassins
I would think they are the same things infiltrating as different things to throw off the masses.
They all work for satan.
They are all scales on the same snake. Comments below are well said.