American Rancher Has Advice To The Idaho Farmers Having Their Crops Destroyed By The Half A Million Acres Of Farmland Water Being Shutoff By The US Government
“Group up together and go open those valves up and guard them. — Go get your water. Turn it on. Keep guards on all the…
The US Government swamp wants all of us to starve. Farmers protecting water rights is therefore an act of self defense.
"Farmers protecting water rights is therefore an act of self defense."
Yes but apparently they don't know that yet.
They better listen to this old rancher, then. He isn't wrong, IMO.
He is if these farmers are getting government subsidies. Refuse those and the farmers might have something to work with. Also this is why farmers need to find their own water supply, as was done back in the day.
Farmers love to suck the gov tit for free money. My area anyway. I do know one that has, his entire life, refused ANY gov handout. He didn't even cash the rona/stimulus check (his wife had to do it). Plot twist - he's a democrat and proud of it.
Mind = blown
Good point!
I think it's more of a land grab. Bankrupt them and they a forced to sell
Happening in central California for the past 20-30 years. Largest farmland in the country. Total land grab. Cut off the water rights and literally starve the nation.
These terrorist politicians need to hang.
You're right, but [THEY] wouldn't pass on two-in one opportunity like this. It's not either/or, it's both/and.
I'm pretty sure they just need to fire up their own pump sheds. What happens next is they'll shut off the power, question is what their move will be after someone like me wires up solar or runs a generator.
LMAO. I'm only laughing because this would literally be history repeating itself. I wish I could remember the name of the fight, but I recall a bunch of farmers fighting government troops over water about 100yrs ago. Much 30-06 was exchanged. I seem to recall this occurring in CA but I can't remember the name of the battle to confirm.
The Gov are bastards. Can't change my mind. Meanwhile in Victoria Australia culling poultry everywhere. Prior was NSW and the bees even if not affected the gov poisoned the areas to ensure their deaths
Yes. They. Are. Murderous.
Do not comply.
Watch the water?
They are buying up aquifer lands all over the world. This is what watch the water means.
Remember those "We Believe..." signs that used to be everywhere? (Dont see them anymore) One of the beliefs was "Water is Life". This is a true statement. So how do you control life? Control the water.
Yup it’s not the land they want. It’s the water rights that go with them.
Shutting off water is tyranny. The 2nd amendment is a check against tyranny.
That's the first thing I though of. Just do it.
Saw also Idaho is about to lose 100,000 acres of forests to install windmills… that will supply California with energy.
Same thing happened in Atherton tablelands in Qld, Australia. So much bushland has been cleared to provide access roads to cart in all the windmill parts. Do they not realise deforestation is also part of the current problem?
What current problem is that?
Oh, they realize exactly what they are doing..
What would happen if all the potato farmers were to get all the water they needed?
Would the civilians in the city run out of tap water?
Farmers are also civilians
Air, land and water. The only things that contain real value. Protect yours.
Air, land and water. The only things that contain real value. Protect yours.
Gadsden. Come and take it! Next: Class Action Lawsuits are Effective.
Yes! Q told us!
To keep their place in office the politicians will gladly kill anyone in their path, just my opinion
100% This! Take it back yourselves and arm up. Optics is everything. Arm up and protect the water and see what they do? I bet nothing because if they do, I would suspect there will be a massive influx of people coming into Idaho to back up the farmers.
The commies want all that water diverted to Southern kalifornia.
Possession is 9/10 of the law.
Sticky. Sometimes patriots you must dumb their tea into the harbor.
Yes! Time to start dumping!
Maybe I'm a little naive here but can't they just drill well on their own property?
kek. we see you