Good morning and happy Thursday, frogs! I thought we could all do some pre-gaming ahead of tonight and then keep the discussion going as the debate unfolds. Regardless of expectation or prediction, I think we all know that it certainly will not be uneventful.
Helpful Info (I'll try to update this throughout the day):
Confirmed Coverage NOT named CNN:
One America News - www.oann.com
Newsmax - www.newsmaxtv.com
Louder With Crowder - https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-2024-debate-livestream-1
Badlands Media - https://rumble.com/v540l6k-badlands-special-coverage-of-the-1st-2024-presidential-debate.html
Biden said he created 50 million jobs and I am tired of people saying this is a lie! The people will always be grateful to Biden for this. The people of China that is!
All a part of the plan. Do a debate before the convention so everyone can see Biden is out of touch with reality. Now all attention will be on who is going to replace Biden...and Trump will be old news.... Hopefully Trump has his next move ready.......
I feel asleep. Biden looked lost and confused most of the time, standing still with his mouth open. His voice was weak and gravelly.
Looks like they replaced C'mon Man with The Idea.
Trump was perfect.
CNN did a good job sticking to the questions, not expanding everything so they could hear themselves talk, like I thought they would.
I couldn't tell if they abused the mute button, it didn't seem like it, but they controlled the entire scene, so who knows.
At one point during PDJT speaking and it was a split screen, the potato had a shadow move across his face - I wonder what that was.
Maybe the angel of death was circling him.
But seriously, that was a 101% inappropriate thing to happen at such an event.
I wonder if the full, unedited version will be released....
Re the shadow: https://youtu.be/p7YYpnk14VU?si=sd2F4psaP6SgRppG
That's a good one!
the shadow knows!
I stopped watching last night at the 2nd break and resumed this morning for the closing remarks.
I think I can sum up my feelings on this debate with this:
We're watching a movie.
CNN did run it better than I was expecting, but really just reinforces that this is the end of bye bye Biden.
I think that was the most surprising bit, they were actually quite neutral!
Some great quotes from Biden:
The problem with our tax system is we have thousands of trillionaires.... erm.... hundreds of billionares....
choke choke gargle we finally beat medicare...
...and there's the woman that got murdered by the illegal immigrant...
Trump talks about 3 wonderful girls as young as 12 killed by sick illegal foreign invaders.... biden: EVERYTHING HE JUST SAID IS A LIE!! (Should Biden be sued for saying this like Alex Jones and Sandy Hook???)
United nations sh-sh-sh-security council...
....attempts to start a fight with Trump over golf
Like what Aussie Karen said to Tucker: You have said it four thousand times.
Tucker: I challenge you to cite one time because I don't think I said it.
My brain is not intelligent enough to decode this english phrase into something meaningful please dumb this down for me
Pure in your face absurdity. It caused me pain to watch our great Patriot President have to stand next to this addled traitor for 90 minutes.
It is a movie and it was so obvious.
Trump said Brandon called "blacks" super predators. HILLARY SWAP confirmed.
Yeah, I caught that too. She was the one that said that.
She was well known to have said that, but what if he had also said it at some point back then, but we don't have the footage of it?
Jan 6 question.. "you rallied your people and then insurrection" uh - the storming was happening WHILE he was speaking, and it was rogue FBI. I wonder why Trump doesn't stomp on that.
The differences between Trump and Brandon (kek) could not be starker.
It seems to me, Brandon has been prepped such that he is only capable of doing 2 things:
The hate this Brandon is imbued with. Incredible.
But the most egregious issue is when he started talking about women and children being raped. I have to wonder whether Trump considered responding:
At least that slipped my mouth.
What a total disgrace, this Brandon Character is.
Honorable mention: [..]CiC, if you can call him that.
added: I am still reminded of what Trump said: the 25th will haunt him.
For once, I'm speechless except for 1 more question - How could ANYBODY with enough functional neurons even think for a New York Minute that Biden would have performed differently? Now, they all seem so surprised. I don't get it! What is this game???
The game is to seed messaging for swapping Biden out
Target Obliterated. Gavin to sub in any minute now...
How was the MSM trying to spin Biden went OK (all over the Western world) but the they no longer control the narrative thanks to social media (its a two edged sword as the left learnt today).
The volume of chat re how bad Biden was left them with no choice but to change the narrative. It was glorious, they no longer control the narrative they had to cave in. But it was too late more people saw them for what they are, part of the same crooked system.
In other words, people no longer believe what their lying eyes are telling them. People are waking up.
Love and Light 💕
“I don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows either.” That’s my man!
https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw?t=19049s 5:17:30, listen for it... Biden may have shit himself
Anyone catch dementia joe trying to adjust his ear piece in his right ear, twice!
Thanks for pointing that out, fren. That's obviously Barry telling him what to say
That's just what they want you to believe.
So what do you think it is?
Him pretending to be getting advice in his ear, so people can ask the question, "Who is talking to him?" Did he sound like he was actually getting advice? This is all for show.
I would like to know why you are refusing to tell me what you think.. What do you think their agenda is for acting like that or are you just rambling in order to try to confuse us?? He was obviously being given things to say.& botching it.
You are acting like you think all of this is real. ALL of this is being done to make Biden, and the left, look completely insane and crooked. Who do you think is really in control? Obama? That boogeyman isn't anywhere near power. However, having Biden act like he's listening to something in his ear makes people THINK he's getting marching orders from Obama.
Again, every last bit of this is to wake Americans up. It's all playing out like a movie for a reason. I thought we were all past thinking all of this was real. Enjoy the damn show already.
Thank you for making your point clear, fren
Did this faux admin ask to have this debate? If indeed so, I think its part of their plan to start the MSM parrots on narrative shaping the demsimps into accepting a pinch runner.
And can anyone at clown network elaborate specifically on these trump falsehoods? Oh, ok. Just say it so many times they'll believe it.
Sleepy Joe was up there bragging about his golf game. He claims he's a 6 handicap, which made Trump laugh. I so wish that Trump would have just made the following wager: Hey Joe, if you are so confident, how about instead of having an election, you and I just play 18 holes and the winner gets the presidency for the next 4 years?
It's clear that Joe actually wants Trump to win so that the elder abuse will finally end!
Dementia joe- historic failure and completely clear that the msm and dems have carried the water for this failure. LOL. I enjoyed joe adjusting his ear piece twice too.
Biden's mouth gapes like a 2 dollar whore
No, she actual spoke after the debates. Cnn started spinning how great she is and how she should have been out speaking earlier. Kamala is a failure too, except at blowing willies, ask willy.
2016 on steroids. So much enjoyment that it feels like elderly abuse! Praise Kek. Dems panicking, nancy dusting off article 25. Newsom prepping to step in.
After watching this debate I am more certain that Trump will win the election. The moderators kept trying to get Trump to answer the question if "he would accept the results of the election no matter what." They even alluded to political violence.
The scenario below assumes Biden is the candidate for 2024. (Change of batter coming). You know what, Big Mike would be a great change of batter because now Obama is forced back into the public picture for the finale...
Make no mistake, there will be political violence in this election. The question now becomes who controls the narrative of the violence? If Biden wins, it will look bad for the White Hats when the violence starts. The narrative will be that Trump supporters are usurping democracy.
But if Biden loses, well guess what, the narrative around the political violence that will be happening is that the "protesters" are unhappy with the results and are voicing their voices or whatever. The American people will easily see through the BS. I would LOVE for Biden to then throw away the election results and attempt to remain in power to "save democracy." That would be a poetic climax to this sh*tshow of a pResidency. We'll just throw in WW3 for the hell of it at this point.
I loved his answer about it being a fair election. IF it's a fair election. Of course he will respect a fair election, because it'll be a landslide the likes of which we haven't seen since 1984.
Does anybody else think Biden had a prompter? At many stages he is looking at a fixed point to his left and you can see the micro movements of his eyes, and he did a horrible just reading those prompts. His tonality was off, and flat. He only had expression when he looked away from the prompt to yell at Trump.
Thought it was common knowledge here that it's not actually Biden, and we're all watching a movie? The actor who's been purposely playing the fool has been doing a great job like he's supposed to lol. But it's not him, this has been dissected on here a million times since the election
Unfortunately, some people still don't get that.
So I know that it’s an actor and an incredibly good one who is aptly showing the dementia decline. I even mentioned that to my husband during the debate. Trump is also a great actor as he pretends that it is truly Biden. But he dropped little hints as to what was coming!
But that said, I still parse “Biden’s” behavior as if he is real. I think others are doing that here also.
Seen it before obviously, but always chalked it up as newbie or oblivious (Not everyone will reach this level of autism I know that). Been swamped last 2 weeks only had time to see headlines briefly on GAW. But going through everything tonight especially with the debate hype? People genuinely reacting and having convo's over "biden" which is throwing me off. And don't think their bots or trolls. Did GAW get this watered down without me noticing?
Anyone catch Trump snuck in trafficking at the border?
It was a SLAUGHTER. And why was Biden looking to HIS LEFT, away from the mods when speaking? Really looked to me like he was poorly reading from a prompter! I cannot believe, it seems to be mod neutral!
Now they have to swap Biden out, there's NO WAY anybody could believe Biden would win legitimately. They won't be able to steal if for Biden.
That was so bad it stunk to high heaven. All MSM now blabbing about 'change of batter'. I think Obama set old Joe up ..... so what now? Things are gonna get hot!
The had newsom at the very beginning at cnn ranting real quick, you know it's him or hillary.
81 million votes my ass. People please wake up.
It's so clear to anyone who looks now, that dementia joe has been this way for a lot longer than just tonight. Its also clear that the dnc and their media arm, the msm has been carrying the water for the left and dementia joe. It's joever for him.
Yes, he's just a little worse than before. At this phase of dementia, though, I was expecting him to have been much worse, actually, knowing how dementia progresses. They must be giving him some very good dementia medication.
I was pleasantly surprised that CNN noticed him failing. I was expecting another "Let's go Brandon" moment. I guess their know even their base won't buy it anymore. Good sign
Purely speculation on my behalf, I am betting something similar to an insulin pump, filled with adderall or another stimulant. It also looked like he had an ear piece. The whole rip on joe by cnn seemed like it was a preplanned setup. Agree with others on that point.
I am sure they are doing that too but he was actually attempting to be in the debate. He didn't wander off stage or try to physically attack Trump. He even remembered playing golf with him! It's these things that that tell me the dementia is progressing slowly, right now. He is even able to complete a sentence almost 1/2 the time! That's pretty good for someone who has had dementia this long, isn't it? I wonder what sort of dementia medicine he is on.
He's certainly unfit for any sort of job. That goes without saying. The numbers he kept jumbling up was him trying to repeat what was in his ear piece. Same ear piece when he was 'inaugurated' & it's 3 1/2 years later. Yes his mental condition has declined but not as much as I would have expected. There must be a breakthrough in dementia medication.
I am betting that joever backed away from his original promise to step down when asked. Everything I am reading, the babysitter (literally and now figuratively) is not keen with him dropping out. The negative comments from cnn and the media were like covid statements- all the same. Just did not feel organic. Still enjoyed it none the less, but as others have said, this way, they can torpedo joe and have the voting base energized to get muhhh trump's a nazi. Timing works perfect, right before the convention. It's a gamble but, it's her turn ;-) (hearing killary might be tapped) All of the usual subjects seem tainted, but the left would vote for a ham sammich at this point over joever.
So they are infighting! That would be good news. Let them wear themselves down. No I don't think Joe will go easy. Best would be if Kameltoe would work with them on the switch but I would bet she's just as bullheaded. The convention might get fiery - maybe even literally. I do hope they have a hard time
I was typing this comment before GAW crashed. I used a chess timer during the debate and Biden was given more time. It was only 2 minutes+, but if it wasn’t for Biden’s poor performance, it could’ve been a difference maker.
i thought i noticed some quick cuts in the video where his position changed, but i'd have to go back and check to be sure.. but it looked like they may have cut trump off. we'll have to see if he drops a recording of it
They absolutely cut away from joever many many times trying to hide that mentally lost looking face. He also appeared to have a ear piece in his right ear. Time wise, fully agree that it seemed the timer was off, but they also were really handing trump softballs too, like it was a setup to take out joever from the start. Queue with full left base support, before the convention, new leftist candidate.
Did you see the shadow move across Biden's face? Like a someone walked by.... weird
Maybe what we watched was a recording of it. Noticed it never said 'Live' on the screen during the debate.
So no VP announcement?
VP choice was there. Trump will reveal his choice before or during the convention.
The CNN debate panel afterwards is making it very clear that the fix is in for Joe and always has been. They were 100% ready to demand a change of batter for Joe.
I am going to guess Mike Obama. David Axelrod has done much of the talking and he just reaks Obama all the way.
Agree 400000% Don't forget 2019 when nancy the drunk wrote up the new article 25 and made it clear it was not for trump. Pretty boy was given talking time right before the debates. Either he gets in or I have also heard killary, believe it or not. Joe will have to accept stepping down, at the beginning, he agreed he would step down when asked. If not, its article 25 or he gets pushed down the stairs. They're also mentioning he has a cold right now or just getting over it, which might turn into the Shanghai Shiver. Watching kamala word salad was kek worthy too. But always watch for the other hand, this all seems planned. I got that vibe too. Not going to lie, I almost- almost felt sorry for that pos. It came across as elderly abuse damn near. Trump held back on being as blunt as he could have been.
KeK vibes of Nov 2016. Let's continue to enjoy but watch what the other hand, behind the curtain is doing too.
Mark Halperin on newsmax just said his inbox is filled with dems saying it's over for "Biden", his funding will crash, and the loser tonight is Trump because now it's clear he won't be running against "Biden".
Rick Grennell sez no way. Too late to change.
I think this was not a setup to replace Biden, but rather a setup to have him run in November as the weakest candidate in history.
Then watch Blueanon theories start engulfing the left, like the Conservatives somehow infiltrated and rigged the DNC to make & keep Biden the candidate with the goal that Trump would swoop in and destroy "our democracy!" 😵💫
that's what it seems like to me too
Think about it. Let the left melt down for a few months. They brought this on themselves when they denied the real results of 2020. They pushed the lie, enabled it, just to get Trump out. Now? Now, instead of Trump finishing up a second term, Biden has destroyed the Democratic Party, AND Trump is about to get 4 more years. The damned fools should have dealt with the fraud of 2020 instead of dragging the country through this shit for 4 years.
It's glorious, really.
Indeed it is a long game of strategy and President Trump and the white hats are playing it out this way.
“We have to admit, this was a VERY bad night for Joe Biden” - Jonathan Karl, abc chief White House correspondent
I have watched more cnn tonight than I have in a decade. Immediately afterwards, everyone was speaking that dem leadership is panicked, do not know what to do, shock, not understanding how biden could be this bad.
It has never been clearer that the dnc and their media arm, the msm has been covering up for dementia joe for years, well prior to 2020. This has to help wake up some- some of the npc's. Joe's funding going forward is going to be reduced, it's going to be fun to watch.
The dnc convention is the next big thing, imagine if you will, a repeat of 1968. They have done everything to stop pushing the illegals and how pissed the citizens are at US citizens getting passed over while illegals getting cash and housing right away, Add to that the veterans. Crime is really bad too. August will be hot, which almost guarantees more rioting for chiraq. This is going to be 2016 - potentially 2020 level of fun.
They must really not have been paying attention if they were shocked by his performance.
THIS - dementia joe is dementia joe. This guy has been wandering off stage well before 2020.
I thought Trump talking about having a press conference next week to talk about election fraud was highly interesting.
OOH, Shouldn't have missed that.
Indeed! That was a very deliberate statement. I believe the 2020 election fraud will be made clear to the American people before the 2024 election in November.
Oh how sweet that would be....
Yes that is probably the plan to really hammer home the crimes of election fraud.
Joe Biden looked so bad tonight, they might just be open to listening about the 2020 fraud now.
Thank you all. I loved watching this with my Frens!