And we thought it was just being applied to the DS players. Q did say that 5%-10% were hopelessly lost. I'm hoping they get dealt with as well - we don't need them.
To some extent that is true. But, the DS has been very effective at trying to remove all consequences for poor decisions and bad behavior. Negative feedback is the only way change that behavior.
One of my liberal friends said this morning, "I watched the first five minutes and I can tell you who has the energy for the job and who doesn't. I don't expect Biden to last one day past re-election."
To which I replied, "I don't expect him to last to the election, let alone past it." lol
My issue is the amount of braindead normies who think they are smart because "both sides suck" or whatever
They have been absolutely brainwashed if they do not see things for what they are. The entire premise of the establishment is that at least it is "not Trump"
I really wonder, do normies feel so self absorbed they think they are that morally superior? What has Trump really done except maybe be a playboy for a small part of his life? He doesn't like immigrants? He is an international businessman, he can get along with all races just fine.
They just hate Trump says the truth and their moral grandstanding falls apart under scrutiny. Even if you try to look at it their way, are abortions and LGBT "rights" really worth setting the whole country on fire? Two issues that affect maybe 2% of the population total versus the entire fate of the western world?
My issue is the amount of braindead normies who think they are smart because "both sides suck" or whatever
Yeah I'm so fed up with such people, they just complain and never have any solutions to anything either. They're blackpillers who are just not as loud as the vocal doomers but if you speak them they just passively try to suck the fight out of you. Some of them are prepper-types but they have no response for if you ask them "okay so you're holed up on your farm with food and guns and They eventually come for you, how long do you think you'll last especially as you have to fall asleep at some point?" And they might not even physically try to take what you have, they'll just ramp up the taxes and screw the markets and bankrupt you over years as they have the patience.
It's like it doesn't occur to them that They will never leave you alone no matter how far you try to retreat and hide from it. They want you to blackpill and check out as it means even less resistance.
And yeah a lot of these "both sides suck" people totally ignore (or are ignorant of) the things that Trump accomplished for us. They often just bitch about one thing he did that they don't like, like a segment of the 2A community who are still mad about the bumpstock thing and can't see the long game of what really happened there and how it turned out recently, while ignoring everything else that he did for them. Such people keep thinking they'll get the perfect candidate someday while their position continues to be slowly eroded.
And then proceeded to state his disagreement with the states going for full bans. Supports exceptions, and he's against a federal ban, which is a rejection of personhood for unborn babies. If unborn babies are people, killing them is already murder.
And we can't get around the fact that he hugged the pride flag. He's simply not a staunch opponent of anything other than the brainwashing children aspect of the gay shit. Hence: liberal.
So as I said; not a left wing radical, but a big lib nonetheless.
Though, he gets full credit for killing Roe vs. Wade. That crime against law being shot down is the first step.
That's a known tranny who used to be Elizabeth Warren's campaign back when he was known as John Walker Flynt. He later trooned out, married a guy named Frank Wu, made himself a prominent leftoid when Gamergate was a thing, ran for Congress, lost, left a small dog outside where it froze to death, actually released a (crappy) video game using character designs from the newspaper comic he did in college, and is now tying to chase that high of making the current video game wokenification all about him again.
He's also acquaintances with the (actual) woman who started the ongoing and ever deepening redpilling of Candace Owens.
And brother, that is a VERY brief synopsis there's plenty more I couldn't be bothered to remember.
He's confused about every cell of his body, so it's natural to loathe Trump with every cell. But yeah, most don't know why Trump is bad. They just know the magic TV box told them to hate Trump, so they do.
It's getting more obvious that Obama is running the show. Everything Biden does has Obama's foul stench attached to it. All the off-site drama was just a distraction to fool people into thinking Obama was living a post presidential life. And why should we be surprised? He was installed in the first place, and we all knew it. I'll never forget that Hannity told people to cross party lines to vote for Obama to keep Hillary out of the WH. How did that turn out?
Why do people loathe/hate Trump? Is it because they have been primed by the MSM to do so? Is it because they have listened to the MSM about his “crimes”? Is it because they believe Congress should have impeached him twice and he skirted the reckoning? Is it because they believe the 51 former intelligence officials that say Hunter’s laptop was disinformation and the MSM backed them? Or is it because they believe there is irrefutable evidence that all the crimes he was convicted of in NY were real and that the pending criminal cases in Georgia and Florida are proof he is corrupt? If the answer is yes to any or all of the above then ask yourself: 1). Is it okay to blackmail any government to withhold promised funds, if they don’t fore an official threatening to investigate your son’s involvement; 2) is it okay to steal confidential information from a skiff as Senator or VP, store it unsecured in your garage, or Chinese funded university library/offices or in Chinatown offices when a Senator or VP has no right to do so nor can declassify the information (but a former President, who has the right to declassify, has the materials in his possession, and legally has the right to declassify, is prosecuted while other former Presidents and VP’s are not; 3). Is it okay as VP, Senator, private citizen/Presidential Candidate to accept funds from foreign countries, establish shell companies through which funds are funneled; 4). Is it okay as President to ignore the SC decisions and circumvent via executive orders; 5). Is it okay to ignore the Constitution and aide and abet personally or via carte blanche to one’s administration: entry of illegals over running our borders, release without vetting or even fly them into the country using taxpayer dollars or funds obtained illegally through drug, human and weapons trafficking? Then illegally register non-citizens to vote in order to win and obtain power and wealth for perpetuity? If you never heard of these acts, then the MSM has not been truthful or ignored covering that news and you have not researched or listened to anyone or site beyond the MSM government controlled “news”. Then you are just following the same government brainwashing that told you Covid shots were safe and effective, would protect grandma and grandpa, would prevent you from getting or spreading Covid. That too was MSM lying and supporting the government (NIH, CDC, FDA, HHS, CIA) directives and Big Pharma’s lies.
People would rather see some weak ass pussy run and get run over by the Dems and the MSM than see a strong white man win. Him winning goes against the narrative they have been taught for the last fifty years.
There are some people that may have conservative leanings but would still vote for a democrat over Trump. My sil is like this. She and my mil only know what the fake news tells them. They bought all the lies about Trump. MIL even said he was good president but should keep his mouth shut. I believe he will win but people like this will always be blindfolded.
Implying that people who follow politics closely will be wise enough to... vote AGAINST Trump in favour of this vegetable. hilarious.
"These people are stupid."
Man, I hope that dude in the screencap doesn't do something stupid like cut his dick off or something.
And we thought it was just being applied to the DS players. Q did say that 5%-10% were hopelessly lost. I'm hoping they get dealt with as well - we don't need them.
The only way to deal with them is to speak the truth and don’t back down and lead them. They are lost, but it’s not their fault.
To some extent that is true. But, the DS has been very effective at trying to remove all consequences for poor decisions and bad behavior. Negative feedback is the only way change that behavior.
One person said “I’d vote for Biden if he were in a coma.” And that shows you the maturity and intelligence of Biden voters.
And I quote again,
"These people are stupid."
Well, I would have voted for someone, anyone, in a coma in ‘16, if it meant voting against HRC.
I’d have written someone in.
Also shows the successful brainwashing of TDS hate
He'd vote for Biden, if he was in a coma as well.
Cry harder cunt
That's a dude playing dress up.
One of my liberal friends said this morning, "I watched the first five minutes and I can tell you who has the energy for the job and who doesn't. I don't expect Biden to last one day past re-election."
To which I replied, "I don't expect him to last to the election, let alone past it." lol
So is your friend is thinking the Dems are going to steal another election?
I don't see strong evidence that he is alive right now.
My issue is the amount of braindead normies who think they are smart because "both sides suck" or whatever
They have been absolutely brainwashed if they do not see things for what they are. The entire premise of the establishment is that at least it is "not Trump"
I really wonder, do normies feel so self absorbed they think they are that morally superior? What has Trump really done except maybe be a playboy for a small part of his life? He doesn't like immigrants? He is an international businessman, he can get along with all races just fine.
They just hate Trump says the truth and their moral grandstanding falls apart under scrutiny. Even if you try to look at it their way, are abortions and LGBT "rights" really worth setting the whole country on fire? Two issues that affect maybe 2% of the population total versus the entire fate of the western world?
Yeah I'm so fed up with such people, they just complain and never have any solutions to anything either. They're blackpillers who are just not as loud as the vocal doomers but if you speak them they just passively try to suck the fight out of you. Some of them are prepper-types but they have no response for if you ask them "okay so you're holed up on your farm with food and guns and They eventually come for you, how long do you think you'll last especially as you have to fall asleep at some point?" And they might not even physically try to take what you have, they'll just ramp up the taxes and screw the markets and bankrupt you over years as they have the patience.
It's like it doesn't occur to them that They will never leave you alone no matter how far you try to retreat and hide from it. They want you to blackpill and check out as it means even less resistance.
And yeah a lot of these "both sides suck" people totally ignore (or are ignorant of) the things that Trump accomplished for us. They often just bitch about one thing he did that they don't like, like a segment of the 2A community who are still mad about the bumpstock thing and can't see the long game of what really happened there and how it turned out recently, while ignoring everything else that he did for them. Such people keep thinking they'll get the perfect candidate someday while their position continues to be slowly eroded.
Those are the intellectually weakest people. I'd say afraid and fatalistic in their thinking.
The irony is that Trump is himself a big lib on abortions and LGBT.
He's just not an extreme left-wing radical on the issues like these people want him to be.
And yet we have a court who ended the abortion and trump is going to go after the woke stuff according to his agenda.
And then proceeded to state his disagreement with the states going for full bans. Supports exceptions, and he's against a federal ban, which is a rejection of personhood for unborn babies. If unborn babies are people, killing them is already murder.
And we can't get around the fact that he hugged the pride flag. He's simply not a staunch opponent of anything other than the brainwashing children aspect of the gay shit. Hence: liberal.
So as I said; not a left wing radical, but a big lib nonetheless.
Though, he gets full credit for killing Roe vs. Wade. That crime against law being shot down is the first step.
If you "loathe" Trump, then you can be trained. Just watch some TV.
Fully programmed by the idiot media.
Ah, Brianna Wu, one of the most infamous anti-gamer SJWs of the Gamergate Era
Trying to stay relevant after her 15 minutes were up nearly a decade ago.
His 15 minutes. That's a tranny.
I've never seen a close up picture so I went off of name alone. Also not every ugly woman is automatically a troonie so chill out.
That's a known tranny who used to be Elizabeth Warren's campaign back when he was known as John Walker Flynt. He later trooned out, married a guy named Frank Wu, made himself a prominent leftoid when Gamergate was a thing, ran for Congress, lost, left a small dog outside where it froze to death, actually released a (crappy) video game using character designs from the newspaper comic he did in college, and is now tying to chase that high of making the current video game wokenification all about him again.
He's also acquaintances with the (actual) woman who started the ongoing and ever deepening redpilling of Candace Owens.
And brother, that is a VERY brief synopsis there's plenty more I couldn't be bothered to remember.
She also ran for a seat in Congress for MA
...and just exactly why do you "loathe Trump with every cell in my body?"
Somehow, libs never have a clear answer to that question.
Well, she's a guy, so...
He's confused about every cell of his body, so it's natural to loathe Trump with every cell. But yeah, most don't know why Trump is bad. They just know the magic TV box told them to hate Trump, so they do.
Um. We are talking one cell.
Biden mandated poison or lose your job.. WHY, would anyone vote for him? they would have to be way out on the farm stupid.
Well our dear government is still telling people to get their Covid boosters!
Biden has always been the Trojan Horse.
They will usher in who they want now bypassing what even their people want on the demon-cratic side.
Newsom seems the one at the moment but could Nancy have ruined him? One can dream
It's getting more obvious that Obama is running the show. Everything Biden does has Obama's foul stench attached to it. All the off-site drama was just a distraction to fool people into thinking Obama was living a post presidential life. And why should we be surprised? He was installed in the first place, and we all knew it. I'll never forget that Hannity told people to cross party lines to vote for Obama to keep Hillary out of the WH. How did that turn out?
Is she saying that she does follow politics closely and voted for a pervert corpse?
She ran for a MA seat as a Demonrat. She is involved in politics. I know someone who worked on her campaign
Why do people loathe/hate Trump? Is it because they have been primed by the MSM to do so? Is it because they have listened to the MSM about his “crimes”? Is it because they believe Congress should have impeached him twice and he skirted the reckoning? Is it because they believe the 51 former intelligence officials that say Hunter’s laptop was disinformation and the MSM backed them? Or is it because they believe there is irrefutable evidence that all the crimes he was convicted of in NY were real and that the pending criminal cases in Georgia and Florida are proof he is corrupt? If the answer is yes to any or all of the above then ask yourself: 1). Is it okay to blackmail any government to withhold promised funds, if they don’t fore an official threatening to investigate your son’s involvement; 2) is it okay to steal confidential information from a skiff as Senator or VP, store it unsecured in your garage, or Chinese funded university library/offices or in Chinatown offices when a Senator or VP has no right to do so nor can declassify the information (but a former President, who has the right to declassify, has the materials in his possession, and legally has the right to declassify, is prosecuted while other former Presidents and VP’s are not; 3). Is it okay as VP, Senator, private citizen/Presidential Candidate to accept funds from foreign countries, establish shell companies through which funds are funneled; 4). Is it okay as President to ignore the SC decisions and circumvent via executive orders; 5). Is it okay to ignore the Constitution and aide and abet personally or via carte blanche to one’s administration: entry of illegals over running our borders, release without vetting or even fly them into the country using taxpayer dollars or funds obtained illegally through drug, human and weapons trafficking? Then illegally register non-citizens to vote in order to win and obtain power and wealth for perpetuity? If you never heard of these acts, then the MSM has not been truthful or ignored covering that news and you have not researched or listened to anyone or site beyond the MSM government controlled “news”. Then you are just following the same government brainwashing that told you Covid shots were safe and effective, would protect grandma and grandpa, would prevent you from getting or spreading Covid. That too was MSM lying and supporting the government (NIH, CDC, FDA, HHS, CIA) directives and Big Pharma’s lies.
People hate Trump because he has an ego.
People hate Trump because he has balls.
People would rather see some weak ass pussy run and get run over by the Dems and the MSM than see a strong white man win. Him winning goes against the narrative they have been taught for the last fifty years.
I Think she underestimates the sheer stupidity of Biden voters.
There are some people that may have conservative leanings but would still vote for a democrat over Trump. My sil is like this. She and my mil only know what the fake news tells them. They bought all the lies about Trump. MIL even said he was good president but should keep his mouth shut. I believe he will win but people like this will always be blindfolded.
Get what you vote for moron
Ed Zachary!
Sounds like a personal problem. You loathe Trump with every cell of your body. You people have a serious problem!
Wu she sounds bright!
But you will vote for joe won't you? You blind mouse.
From the Gamergate tranny.
Consequently, all the pedos in Hollywierd and DC also prefer $10 gas to giving the reins back to Trump. Also WWIII.
Their fears and priorities are …not ours.
Sounds like the person who said $10 gas is a small price to pay to support Ukraine.