TL;DR (Schedule is critical. See below)
4000mg L-lysine/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ a bit of juice/toast/carbs. NO protein for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Lysine doses.
L-lysine absorption is impaired by protein. (Via amino competition)
4000mg Vitamin C/ day total, taken in (2 separate) 2000mg doses on empty stomach or w/ protein meal. NO Carbs for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Vitamin C doses.
Vitamin C absorption is impaired by carbs. (Via glucose competition)
Lysine and L-lysine are the same thing. It is a constituent of protein, naturally occurring and cheap.
Vitamin C made out of fruit extracts, etc. is probably best because it's natural. I've read that capsules are preferable over hard-pressed pills for absorption.
NO time release/buffered Vitamin C.
Vitamin C can be hard on an empty stomach so some protein like deli meat is recommended.
The goal is 2x daily maximum blood concentration of each.
How I completely cleared out my father-in-law's arteries in 4-weeks. His scheduled Heart Stent procedure: Cancelled.
In 2011, my 47yo FIL was diagnosed with heart disease (atherosclerosis) after a heart attack and had one stent put in. He smoked a pack a day and drank a 12 pack of Pepsi a day.
He plays golf 4+ times per week w/ his friends. In summer 2015 he began getting out of breath playing golf. It got to a point where he was too tired to do more than 9 holes. After another month he was too tired to golf at all. Doctor did a heart scan 'with contrast' and found 3 blockages between 70% and 90%. His left ventricle ejection fraction was barely 40%. Doctor scheduled heart stent surgery (technically regarded as non-surgical).
When I heard about his situation I immediately asked him to postpone the procedure for four weeks. He couldn't even work in his condition and he was very afraid to have such bad heart problems at only 51 so this was a big ask but knows that I am a strange breed when it comes to separating signal from noise when it comes to obscure research like this so he trusted me.
I put him on the Linus Pauling therapy exactly as stated above. You could add more shit to it (that might fuck with the absorption) but I'm telling you here what worked. TWICE.
I wrote out a schedule for him and he took it religiously for four weeks. Four weeks later, during the stent procedure, the doctor said his arteries were "clean as a whistle." Then the doc sort of got worried because he thought it was SO IMPOSSIBLE. He checked to see if his office might have made a mistake and mixed up heart scans with another patient. Upon further checking, there was no mistake.
Before, my father in law was 51, average build, active and couldn't walk across the room without getting out of breath. One week into the LP therapy he was playing 9 holes again. Two weeks in and he already felt 100% normal. Went back to work feeling years younger with more energy.
Now here's the Encore: 3 years after the above
After his first scheduled heart stent procedure was concluded with NO stents put in, he immediately stopped the treatment and didn't do it again.
Flash forward to 2018 after continuing (he never even quit during the therapy) to smoke now TWO packs a day and drink a 12 pack of Pepsi a day; the same thing happened only worse. He noticed it again when he was too tired to go more than 9 holes. Days later, he passed out on the green and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The next day a scan with contrast showed very clearly 3 blockages, 2 @ 80% and the 3rd was near total blockage. His left ventricle ejection fraction was 20%. This is approaching heart failure. 54 years old.
His cardiologist scheduled emergency stent surgery and a mechanical 'rotor-rooter' type procedure for the following Monday. FIL tried to buy time w/ the Doc so he could do the treatment again. Doc said any more than 2 weeks would be life-threatening.
FIL call me up to ask the dosage/schedule again. Two weeks later on 'procedure' day the same thing happened. Catheter scope/camera up the groin artery all the way to his heart. Camera sees NO blockages in the first 2 spots and only 20% in the one that was at near total blockage 15 days prior.
Doc abruptly ended the procedure with nothing needing to be done. ZERO STENTS AGAIN. The cardiac catheter camera was pulled from his groin and the doctor left the room.
As the nurses were wrapping everything up, the Doc and an unknown colleague (Doctor?) came back in with notepads and started asking questions. His ejection fraction was tested a few weeks later. It rose from ~20% to almost 70%.
TO BE CLEAR, two separate times the blockages were clearly visible and he was out of breath walking more than 30 feet. Two separate times he was on the table so to speak, with a cardiac catheter up his groin all the way to his heart and (after this therapy) both times there was nothing there and the catheter was withdrawn without mounting a single stent. It's now been 9+ years since the first time. He does two weeks of this regimen a few times a year and the problems have never returned.
SCHEDULE: Do not skip!
Before you take a single pill:
For yourself and for God,
My FIL's dose and meal schedule was:
7am: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
9am: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
Noon to 5pm eat whatever.
8pm: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
10pm: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after.
If you have a different sleep schedule, it's totally acceptable to take the 7am & 9am doses a few hours earlier/later, Or likewise move the 8pm & 10pm doses a few hours earlier/later respectively.
9am vitamin C.
11am Lysine.
1pm to 4pm eat whatever.
6pm vitamin C.
8pm Lysine
The HOW & WHY:
Linus Pauling, -the only one ever to win TWO unshared Nobel Prizes -invented this therapy when he discovered that the calcifications inside arteries featured a molecular "lysine binding site". This means Lysine gently but rapidly melts away blockages (atherosclerosis) like a sugar cube in hot coffee. No big pieces dislodge which could cause a stroke. By the way this therapy works for any blockages anywhere in the body.
The vitamin C helps heal the endothelial layer inside the arteries. Here's a mystery the medical establishment has never explained to you: Why do "clogs" start in larger arteries subjected to the highest mechanical load (pumping) rather than the itty-bitty single blood cell wide capillaries? Any plumbers here?
Heart pumping produces higher mechanical load on all the stereotypical points where blockages are typically found. It doesn't take a medical degree to see the wisdom in the above, just like it doesn't take a math degree to see the logic in 2+2 = 4. Linus Pauling saw that.
This causes microtears in the single-cell-thick interior of the artery called the endothelial layer.
These microtears occur frequently and are healed via a process in which vitamin C is CHEMICALLY REQUIRED.
Without sufficient vitamin C 'on tap,' sticky cholesterol sticks to the 'scabby' (if you will) microtears that form from high mechanical load on the artery and that don't heal properly w/o Vitamin C. This then builds on its self overtime.
If you're on a carnivore diet then congratulations, the gene you were born with that makes babies produce their own vitamin C is reactivated in you, therefore you don't need any vitamin C because you are producing it naturally like bears, wolves, and newborn babies. That's the answer to why people on "carnivore diet" do not get scurvy.
With no disrespect meant to any other method, because there certainly are many, I bring you this here with such conviction for two reasons:
Linus Pauling was a genius biochemist, chemical engineer, etc, whose hard work and treatment I presented to you all here tonight, was purposefully obscured and -after his passing in 1994 at 93yo -suspiciously added to. (you'll see if you dig)
This is the method I know first hand works from my own personal experience with a family member and their baffled doctors. Twice. 3 years apart.
I'm not a doctor
Hey Time Traveler ;)
Just wanted to thank you again. It's been a month and I feel soooooo much better. Keep preaching. I think your info was a Godsend.
Hi Buddy.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling better everyday as I've been following your and Linus Pauling's recommendations. Now, I only occasionally have a tiny bit of chest discomfort when I greatly exert myself. Several months ago before starting any treatment, I would have tightness after eating and just walking up the stairs. Last summer I was struggling manage long bike rides with my teenage sons. The risk of having a heart attack was likely much higher than I assumed.
I don't have time to search all your posts, but wanted to make sure that you saw this regarding how the Sugar Industry flipped-the-script on heart health over 50 years ago. This article certainly supports Dr. Pauling's research and would be a good addition to your bookmarks if you don't already have it.
Again, thank you SO MUCH. Just by sharing your research you've made a BIG difference in my life.
God Bless
I forgot to mention that I found it as one of the links provided in the Parasite Pill 2.0. It's a 108 MB file if you feel like downloading it.
Much of the material is VERY gross, but nearly everything in the document agrees with what I've personally observed and what I've learned since becoming awake.
Just found out my husband has a blockage in his brain, so scary to think about. Do you think this will help clear the blockage? I'm so worried about him, would like him to retire but with costs the way they are, it will be hard on us. He's been so stressed lately.
I would give it a try as close to my schedule in the OP as you guys can. I'm not a doctor so I can't give medical advice but if you have nothing to lose…
Prayers for your husband.
Thank you!
I started taking high dose lycine and vitamin c some 5-6 weeks ago now, I think. Right after I read the first post of this.
Before, I felt constantly tired, ankles swollen (if I wore socks you could see impressions from them for hours) got light headed and dizzy standing up too quick, face got red and dizzy and drenched in sweat from light exertion, and more. I felt, truly, like my life was near its end. I'm not that old, but I have decreased Mobility from an injury and my cardiovascular health has gone downhill fast over the last few years. When I had my bp checked, the nurses checked 3-4 more times because it was so high they didn't believe it.
After just a few weeks I felt so much better. Most of my symptoms described above gone, and those still around severely reduced in how bad they were and getting better daily.
I was honestly at the point where I was worried about dropping over dead any day, I felt it in my heart, in my bones, if something drastic didn't happen I wasn't going to make it long. That shadow is no longer over me, and I cant describe how incredibly happy I am today.
To the one who originally posted this treatment, and to Dr. Pauling, thank you so much!
I'm well versed in chemistry and science, went to college for physics. I researched all of the background of why this works chemically and the theories behind why humans get these issues with high cholesterol in our arteries in the first place. To me, it all makes sense and I tell everyone I can about it.
In just the last two weeks (I saw results after 3 weeks, and some friends started at that point and have been on it for two weeks) several friends and family have already been noticing a difference in their lives and health. One friends relative is scheduled for some heart related surgeries and they feel like it may no longer be necessary, though time will tell.
In short, I believe everyone - even those without obvious symptoms - can benefit from adding these two items to their lives. And for those like me who have had issues with their arteries, this may give you a second lease on life.
Tell. The. World!
This is exactly how I have been feeling for about the last 6 months. After the death of my father, I feel like my body took a turn for the worse. I also started drinking quite a bit more, but literally if I wasn't drinking my chest felt like it was going to cave in. I am not real old and honestly not in bad shape, but I am guessing my heart is having some issues. Anyways, I just started this today. I will be sure to throw some updates in here at some point!
I have no doubt that if your problem has to do with cholesterol in your arteries, this will help!
I hope and pray for quick, positive results for you. Keep us informed!
Do you have any update yet?
Tell me, does the order or the dosage matter? Could I cycles of more (or less) & could I do the Lysine 1st?
Which one you take first doesn't matter.
The dose does not need to be 'exact' per se but it is important that your blood concentration reach a high enough level.
My FIL's issue was very serious so he did not want to skimp on the dose.
Use your judgment but this is what worked for my ~200lbs father in law.
I love how tenacious and committed to compliance with the regimen your FIL was—despite smoking two packs a day and swilling Coke like private planes flying to "global warming" conferences guzzle jet fuel.
This is great information. Thank you!
Another option is to take daily vitamin K2. Most arterial blockages are caused by calcium deposits, not cholesterol or anything else. We've been lied to about this for decades. Vitamin K2 helps to regulate blood clotting so that the blood doesn't clot too much or too little. But it also moves calcium throughout the body to the places it is supposed to be like bones, teeth, and muscles. Over time, it will remove calcium from places it is not supposed to be, such as calcium deposits in the arteries and vessels and relocate it to places it should be.
I highly recommend researching vitamin K2. Japanese researchers published a lot of great peer reviewed information last year that should be relatively easy to dig up.
This is incorrect. The calcium collects in the plaque when it remains in place for an extended period of time. They use it to screen for the plaques that can only be seen by more expensive methods
But K 2 good.
Or Natto. I mean, Natto contains K2 which is why Natto is known to be the heart healthy food in Japan and as an added bonus it has fantastic taste and texture (once you get used to it)
For some people, there is no way to get used to that texture haha.
why, what's it like
Natto is snotty and slimy, not the most appealing texture ever.
Even if 4000mg Vitamin C/ day doesn't clear your arteries, it will clear your bowels. Even just 1000mg works for me!
Exactly. I have been taking ascorbic acid 1000mg for years, sometimes 3/day, sometimes 1/day, sometimes none, but anyway, I had a coronary calcium score done a few years back and it came in as zero!!
Hahaha mostly true
I had a bout w/ prostate cancer and fought it off naturally. Part of the treatment included 3K-5K daily of C. I took my regular C w/ ascorbic acid = 1K mg. But the balance I did w/ LivOn Laboratories Lypo–Spheric Liposomal Vitamin C packets. Although it cleared out my digestive system, I did not get the reflux. Possibly worth a try.
Depending on where you get it (I use vitacost) you can also use sodium ascorbate powder. The kind I get says it's non-GMO.
Ester-C is your friend.
Make your own lyposomal Vit C at home. Most of the tablet/cap forms you take you are just pooping out and never absorbed. All you need is a ultrasonic cleaner, ascorbic acid, sunflower lecithin (not soy-no soy boys). Here is one recipe Here
This form is much better absobed and WAY cheaper than buying it.
It caused heartburn for me as well so I bought the Powder form. Zero heartburn.
I started this therapy June 1st after reading and researching the original post. I read Linus Pauling's book "How to Live Longer and Feel Better" and began following his complete suggested vitamin regimen as well. While not a sufferer of heart disease, I do hope to prevent it's occurrence. I can say I do feel a lot better. I am getting better sleep, my joints and ligaments are firmer, more mobile and less painful, my mind is clearer, and generally just overall feel better. TY for the life-changing advice, my friend.
95% of ascorbic acid comes from China and India. They do not use food lol. Fermentation and some ultraprocessed grizzly methods. Research it if u are curious.
The best product comes from Scotland, sold as Quali-C.
Liposomal and Natural w/ cofactors are two decent formulations.
I order my liposomal vitamin C from Dr. Mercola’s website.
I use a powder non-GMO sodium ascorbate most of the time.
Oh MY GOODNESS!!! I just sent this exact thing to my son's cousin in the Philippines along with the full protocol of Vit C and L-Lysine!! She's gonna do it alongside a friend, I sent giant bottles of both. FREAKY to see this appear tonight!! Total goosebumps!!
Praying for your son's cousin. And be sure to report back to us.
So great to hear ,, I am going to get disciplined and start ,, ty for your testimony and all who commented !
Excellent! Good for you.
I've also been taking them together for about the same amount of time. Any chest tightness I had after eating a large meal or running with the dogs is now gone.
I'm early 50's and my dad had his first heart attack at 46 with a triple bypass in his early 60's. I quit taking a cholesterol lowering statin 1.5 years ago and with a better diet I now have better blood test results now than when on the meds. I also lost ~25 lbs by occasionally walking 3 miles, fasting 14 - 18 hours several times a week and avoiding unnatural sugars.
It took me 5 hours to completely disassembled my kids dilapidated swing set in 88°F high humidity weekend weather and I still had energy afterwards. No chest tightness at all.
Congratulation on your F-in-L Recovery and NO STENT Operation...OUTSTANDING NEWS...
Also, I have been taking L-Lysine for over 20 years and the docs can't find any clogged it works...AND I'M 73!!!!!!!
IT's called Nature's Sunshine - 450mg...
You can get it from their website: !!!!!!
NOTE: ONE has to be religious about taking it...Everyday and keep at it.
I had blood work done and it came back NOT good and was put on a statin, and started researching and found this brand and started taking it...Next blood work came back better...
I get blood work every six months due to the age thangy and Doc says the labs look good and that has been awhile since I had a bad lab!!!!!
I started February 1, 2024, taking 2000mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) mixed with water and also 2000mg of L-Lysine once a day. I also take many other mineral and vitamin supplements for heart health. I will go back to my Vascular Surgeon in January 2025 to have an ultrasound of my Carotid arteries. I have a base point from January 2024 to compare too.
OP said somewhere to do this 2-6 weeks. Not sure you should go for a whole year. Please research this to be sure.
High quality extra virgin olive oil can trigger the body to produce C. Levy and another doctor noticed this under stress condition. More research needed but they estimated 75% of people are capable with the proper genes.
He authored an article on it
Thank you! I have been looking for this kind of methodology for years.
I am going to give this a go, thanks for the post!
I started the therapy, but apparently I can't handle the lysine. I did do a week's worth of the garlic/lemon extract therapy though. After I had covid, I did a coronary calcium scan, and it showed massive coronary artery calcification. My blood pressure was pretty high too. A year ago, when at a doctor's office for treatment of lyme disease, they measured my BP at 180/x (can't remember what the lower number was). What is odd is that they didn't even think it was such a big deal! After doing just a week of the garlic and lemon extract therapy, along with taking vitamin K2, my BP is down to ~ 135/80. My BP had been creeping up for decades, consistently in the mid 140s when last regularly monitored about 10 years ago. What is sad to consider is how many people with my history would have proceeded to be "treated" for high BP with all sorts of nasty pharmaceuticals.
I’ve been taking Lysine for years to control cold sores. Thanks for this information!
So, how many days do you need to follow this schedule to unblock arteries?
For this to happen do you need to be on exclusively carnivore diet with NO or very little carbs and greens ?
Or does it work as long as you eat enough meat regularly, along with other stuff?
If so, how much is enough meat?
To get Linus Pauling-type amounts of Vit. C, it's way easier to take a supplement than to try to get it from meat. Vit. C pills are so cheap, why not?
From what I understand, the epigenetic switch to turn back on the vitamin C producing gene that all humans have is a zero carb diet.
Carbohydrate consumption necessitates vitamin C consumption.
I would say 2 to 6 weeks on the therapy depending on how badly you feel you need it.
Thanks fren, most useful info.
You may not be a Doctor, but this is information.... Thank you so much for sharing this! 🇺🇸
Does the order matter?
Up top you wrote Lycine 1st & then Vit C For your FIL he had Vit C at 7am then Lycine at 9AM
As long as I leave the: NO protein for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Lysine doses. and: NO Carbs for minimum 2 hrs before AND 1 hr after Vitamin C doses.
can I make up my own schedule or does the Vit C have to be 1st? Can I leave more than 2 hours between Vit C & Lycine or could I even start the day with Lycine & move onto Vit C2 or more hours after?
Also, can I extend either of those periods by taking, say another 2 grams of Lycine 2 hours after the 1st dose and likewise with Vit C? Could it be harmful or will the effect just wane a little?
For instance, can I like to take my Lysine with sea salt and water 1st thing in the morning. If I take it without sweets then I should be able to take my Vit C dose just an hour later. Also, do I need to do exactly 2 cycles a day or could I just make that my one time a day regimen? (I haven't been diagnosed with any problems I'm just concerned about prevention)
Also can a increase or decrease the dosages? Like can I make it just 1000mg of each for a lesser effect or 3000mg of each for a greater effect? I tend to doubt that 2000mg is the optimal for all people of all bodyweights Thanks
I agree with u/Buttwipe
Vitamin C and lysine compete for absorption with carbohydrates and protein respectively.
They do not compete with each other and can be taken simultaneously.
Printed it out the first time, will definitely give it a rip - Thanks OP
Thank you so much. I do not have anything like this but it's always helpful with this type of information.
Congratulations, that is fucking amazing seriously!
Thank you for this post. I have many people in my family who can use this. 🙏🏼
ThanQ for this post. I am saving it for a later date.
Thanks (again)! Saved to disk.
Artery cleanse bookmark- thanks!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience!
Question: How important is the 2-hour spread between the Vitaming C and the L-Lysine? Could they be taken 1-hour apart or together, as long as the competing foods are not present? Reason I am asking is that I [usually] eat only once per day.
Makes sense. Thanks.
Good question. I can only speak with authority from what I witnessed firsthand.
I would NOT go any less than 2 hours between the doses of vitamin C and lysine because that's what I know worked for my father-in-law.
Maybe if you took both together on an empty stomach it would be totally fine. They compete with different foods, not each other.
It depends on your situation and whether your life is on the line or you're just looking for a casual maintenance run.
Since his life was on the line, he followed it to the T and it worked shockingly well.
Thank you. I'm looking for a maintenance routine that fits within my daily schedule. With this info I can manage it.
Isn't there a Linus Pauling supplement regime that combines the 2 to create strong blood vessels? I used to add it to ascorbic acid for that reason although I could never remember what the ratio was. Think it was something like 2000mg of Vit C, 3000mg of Lysine but can't be sure as was a long time ago I read it. I used to just put half a teaspoon of VitC, which worked out about 2500mg when I measured it on a scale (depending how rounded it was) and I just bunged a more heaped half a teaspoon of L-lysine powder in with it (I initially got that powder for my cat to keep the herpes virus down and it worked a treat).
Obviously if your life is on the line follow the OP protocol religiously, but if maintenance it should be ok to mix the supplements although avoid competing foods I guess. I had mine on an empty stomach but then I had a milky coffee and some toast half an hour later so probably nixed any good effect.
Very curious OP, if I follow fasting protocols and generally eat from 6 to 9 pm, could second dosages be pushed earlier?
Say 7a/9a, followed by 2p/4p, all on empty stomach?
Yes both supplements are absorbable on an empty stomach, but I did read somewhere that lysine is more absorbable with some carbs…
My father-in-law took his lysine every day with a Pepsi 🙄
Question: Assuming you dont eat during the blackout, can you combine the supplements? Why/why not?
Question 2: Is a cup of black coffee (no additives, just bean flavored water) or tea (again, no additives) appropriate consumption pairing with the supplements? Why or why nae?
I just wanted to say thank you for this information. I had been planning on doing this protocol since the last time you posted. Just waiting to get some trips out of the way so I can be back on a normal schedule.
I'm pretty heavy into supplement research and I was very surprised I never heard about this. I've been taking K2 and D3 for years now, but I've noticed that over the last couple of years I've just haven't had the endurance and energy that I should have. I'm hoping this will get me back to were I need to be.
I have some questions because I think I may try this.
You say this in the schedule
"7am: 2000mg Vitamin C on empty stomach or w/ small protein meal. NO carbs 2 hrs before & 1 hr after."
What is a small protein meal? Scrambeled eggs? Some meat?
"9am: 2000mg L-lysine on empty stomach or w/ a some juice/toast/carbs. NO protein 2 hrs before & 1 hr after."
If I just had a small protein meal at 7 AM how is my stomach empty for this 9 AM dose?
Same questions for the evening doses. Also, when you say small what do you mean? 4 ounces of meat? more/less? 1,2,3 eggs? Or possible a protein shake, 4 ounces or 8 ounces or what?
Thank you for any info you can provide.
When I say small I mean like taking vitamin C with a piece or two of deli meat or hard-boiled egg, and taking the lysine with a piece of toast.
I wouldn't use a protein shake unless it is "ZERO carbohydrate".
By all means you can put an extra hour between the doses, I just wouldn't go less than two hours.
Use your judgment.
Thanks for the reply. That helps.
u/Buttwipe yes taking him together on an empty stomach is absolutely an option. Should have stated that in the OP.
The reason I didn't is because maybe half of people taking them both together on an empty stomach will get an upset stomach or heartburn.
My father-in-law was the same way so I designed a schedule for him to avoid the stomach upset and allow him to eat a little throughout the day.
Because his schedule says not to.
username tracks
Lysine is a partial protein, an amino acid, so that may interfere... Says in the post if you read it, buttwipe.
u/tstr ... u/Buttwipe is correct.
Watch out for the upset stomach though
Agreed! If you can take both together on a on an empty stomach without getting an upset stomach then definitely fuck the schedule and make it easy on yourself.
Thank you!
I wanted to contribute my own anecdotal evidence to the thread. My history is pretty straightforward. Ever since getting Covid in 2021, I've struggled with high blood pressure and am in my mid 40s now. Starting last year, between work being stressful and eating junk, I was a good 50 pounds overweight with a BP of 148/99. Starting in November of last year, I started a Keto / Carnivore diet. While the results came slowly, I noticed my BP started trending downward after about 2 months of said diet and that I lost 30 pounds as well. My average BP readings were now 134/90, but my body was still sensitive to eating too much salt or sugar. I started taking potassium supplements and saw that it counteracted salty foods well, but my baseline BP remained a bit elevated. Three days ago, I decided to start the protocol described above. I didn't notice anything the first 2 days, but today I started to notice some changes. The first is that I awoke with a slight headache, but felt more relaxed than normal. Almost like I had a beer. Having a hunch, I went and checked my BP. 123/80. That's the lowest I've seen it in quite a while. Tonight, I went to the gym and my heart rate stayed about 5 bpm lower than it has been doing my intense elliptical workouts. My standard workout gets my heart rate up to about 138. Today, I was at 134. I will keep my eye on this, but even going in the hot tub, my heart rate never got above 98 BPM. Normally it would go up to 110 or so. I will report back as I continue the protocol, but so far in three days my BP has dropped by 11 points on average. I average the results of my BP by taking 1 reading when I wake up, 1 before lunch, and one before dinner to normalize for circadian differences. Are there any other folks here who have tried the protocol? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for the informative thread!
Again, I responded to your earlier post, Linus Pauling's supplement has both VitC and Lysine together in powder form. Just take then together:
I'm glad you mentioned this because if you follow the link and scroll down, you will see where it says that product was first offered for sale February 2007... 12 years after Linus Pauling's death.
NO SUPPLEMENTS SOLD TODAY were designed by Linus Pauling, and they have fucked up his method.
That's why I said this ⬇️
Nothing against you u/Surfsup and I enjoy your commentary, but please please remember that you know as well as I do that the medical establishment's tentacles eventually leave no establishment/group/party uncontrolled and whoever took over LP's foundation is going against specific things he said in his lectures recorded in the 80s that I have seen. Taken the wrong way, this therapy does not work to its full potential and that website's advice is ignorance at best and, more likely, intentional Pharma disinformation.
Perhaps. Thanks for noticing that.
As if they want you to purchase their VitC/Lysine continually like Bg Pharma Medicine.
Like Polls can you trust ingredient labels or manufacturing processes ?
Simile can be a difficult concept.
I am waiting for theday the world changes, or I die. The Father of Lies rules here now.
ThankQ very much for posting fren. Had a stent op several years ago so will definately add this into my daily doses. Recently started taking K2 also thanks to a recent post here.
Hope it all continues to go well for your FIL. All the best to you to!🐸