ASSASSINATION UPDATE: Trump is FINE campaign reports (RSBN)
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I hope to see a compilation of sound bites of every single politician and news person and entertainer who has called for Trump's assassination. I want it in a commercial.
Needs to be in the form of the "Brought to you by Pfizer" supercut or the big Brady Bunch scene of them saying "threat to our democracy" in sync.
Thank you, Dearest God, for protecting President Trump. Please enfold the families of the victims with Your peace and comfort.
In the name of Your Beloved Son, Jesus, Amen.
It needs to be played before the entire nation! No, the world!
A rally attendee has been killed.
Rest in peace and Godspeed. Prayers for this patriot’s family, and may they eventually find peace.
This is terrible. As I was writing this they reported the shooter and a rally goer are dead.
Oh, jeez. This is terrible. As I was writing this, they reported the shooter and the rally goer are dead.
Was the rally goer mistakingly shot by the secret service?
Not sure yet about this. The shooter was on the roof of a building outside the area of the venue so there was noone else around him. ICYMI:
Things I noticed: shooter was wearing desert camo, yet their were trees behind him? Talk about a .223, but can that make it at 209 yards? Any ammo experts here care to start a convo on ballistics and how the SS could have let a desert cammo guy through the woods up to a rooftop 200 yards away? I’m not military, just questions I have.
Good observation. Many in the crowd saw him climbing the roof with a rifle so it's not like he was trying to hide.
The bullet that went through Trump's right ear went through the rally goers head and blew out his brain
Ah, I see. ThanQ...
A martyr to our cause. God keep this person's family as they grieve.
Just heard RSBN report: "Suspect is DOWN."
So they know who did it?
Maybe they do, but we don't yet. Stay tuned.
The guy was Antifa recorded a video saying what he was going to do. Don't ask me how they have that so quick.
If true then sounds even more like a patsy. Usually they quickly scrub the shooter's social media profiles like they did with the last few tranny mass shooters.
They found his passport in mint condition, he was a russian named vladimir putin-zelenski. Or something.
Sauce? Not doubting just want to dig.
unfortunately its no longer there
Roof top shooter?
I've heard that the identity of the shooter is known, and that he was a member of Antifa.
This is the latest on the shooter:
I just posted this:
Rooftop Shooter Dead
I would need more proof and reference to this, especially considering their name automatically evokes an AI bias.
True. Dan Bongino would say give it the 48hr stink test.
Sounds like media is starting to confirm the scenario of a shooter on a rooftop for whatever that's worth.
Shooter dead on roof:
God was finished with Tupac, BiGGie, Bruce Lee, JFK, RFK, Abraham Lincoln, MLK, Andrew Garfield, Hendrix, John Lennon, etc…. BUT GOD AINT FINISHED WITH TRUMP YET AMEN.
Let’s fucking GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank ypu prayers being sent and prayers for the attendee victim and his his family.
Listening to a witness who saw the shooter climbing on the roof. He said he was pointing at him for at least 3 minutes. Saw the gun. He asked. As am I, why weren't the ss on those roofs? Something isn't right.
I wouldn't be surprised. Like what happened to JFK - Just before the shot, SS disappeared and left him unprotected.
From what I've been told, the shooter is dead, one Trump supporter was killed, and another had to be airlifted out.
This is supposedly the shooter.
Mark (Violet) from Antifa supposedly.
That's pretty much what I've been told.
Red Castle tweets this, then the attempt happens a short while after
This is what a propogandized media has produced. Assassination attempts and innocent attendees murdered at political rallies.
...and it should be pushed out there into the public mind as much as possible. Grab every single screen shot and video clip, shove it out there with, "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? YOU ARE THE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!"
This was mk ultra I was right again
" Trump Shooter Seen on Roof Before Trump Shooting! " - The Great Awakening - Where We Go Qne, We Go All!
Fortunately, the communist shooter could not shoot straight, and Trump is okay.
This might work for good if it tightens up security around Trump, and caused him to be a little more careful. (I can't believe he did not have glass partition up between him and crowd)
Can't you just hear the FBI, CIA fuming, "Damn, now we are not going to be able to get anywhere near him." is down hard. Getting a 503 error.
Have y'all seen this? Did POTUS's vest protect him?
Thank God! God bless you Donald Trump.
Did you see our old pal Vincent behind Trump and to the left?
Yes, I did. And Brick Suit was in the front rows in front of Trump.
If the left was afraid of retribution before, they must be absolutely terrified now. Sleep well bitches.
Someone said earlier in the week they would not be surprised if the left lunatics took out Biden and blamed it on MAGA. Now, if they took out Biden (God Forbid, I never want to see a President shot ever.), they would blame it on MAGA for retaliation.
Well, that would be a two-fer for them.
Total BS, fake as hell. So what’s going on?
I don't know guys... Trump is a big guy, hard to miss even for an inexperienced shooter at close range. If it's confirmed that he just got grazed in the ear then this smells like a show.
Hear me out:
Trump gets shot. No life threatening injuries. Just grazed in the ear with blood showing. (Great for pictures)
Immediately, we get a picture of a shot Trump with the American Flag in the background. An immortalizing picture. Convenient...
It's now coming out that Biden said a few days ago that Trump was now in the crosshairs. If Biden is an actor like we theorize on here, then this was done by the WHs ON PURPOSE.
The shooter is reportedly a member of Antifa and was shot dead. WOW, how convenient...
What I think happened was that a professional sniper grazed his ear with a pellet/airsoft gun. Probably was forced to shoot and kill some innocents to make it look like a true assassination. We get an Antifa fall guy who conveniently said that justice was coming for Trump. He gets shot and killed before he can talk. This smells like the WH's using the DS playbook against them.
This is an early theory. More info about Trump's health/physical status needs to come out to know if this was a WH op or not. If Trump was hit elsewhere in the body then this is a true assassination attempt. If not, then this is a show.
An attendee has been killed. Decorum is required.
Unbelievable. Are you actually a patriot thinking the WHs putting this on and allowing an attendee being killed for collateral damage? WOW!
I am sorry to say this, but your remark is so powerfully ignorant that I find it hard to express myself civilly. No one can shoot a moving target and make his shot within a tenth of an inch, as would be required for this absurd "scare" theory. A killing shot can be within an inch easily, if one is aiming for the center of the head. Trump was saved by a miss, not playing a part in the theater of your mind.
My God, when will you guys ever get serious about the world we are in? Why don't you wake up, for a change?
I'm kinda feeling that way about your post. I find it interesting how our individual knowledge changes what we perceive as "powerfully ignorant."
My investigation suggests that all the world's a stage. Fake, staged events happen more often than anything organic. That includes "assassinations." There are both false flags (real assassinations, but not by who the media reports as the assassin), faked deaths, and failed assassinations, where all three are, to one degree or another, staged events. I haven't actually found a single assassination in history that I can say, beyond a reasonable doubt, "history has correctly placed blame here."
For example, JD Rockefeller was the recipient of an "assassination attempt" twice. In both cases the people who attempted the assassination bungled it and blew themselves up. In both cases the group who were blamed were ultimately on Rockefeller's payroll. That's not recorded in history, but that is what my investigation turned up. In those particular cases the people who were the would be assassins were True Believers to the cause (they didn't know they were patsies), but the organization behind them was Controlled Opposition.
We have been told countless times "you are watching a movie," "enjoy the show," etc. by Q. The post you are replying to correctly addresses very suspicious facts found in numerous fake assassination attempts. I suggest it is you who is not "serious about the world we live in," and ignorant of exactly how much shit is not organic, but contrived. It is literally everywhere.
This isn't rocket science. It only takes a skosh of deductive reasoning skills to at least consider that this may have been a staged event, given what we have seen so far.
It does take familiarity with firearms, which I have. Not from watching movies, but by actually shooting them and finding how difficult it is to hit the target. I will rate my marksmanship more highly than your movie appreciation. My remark about a miss stands and is so far substantiated by reported information.
You criticize me for being ignorant of failed assassination attempts? It doesn't affect my recollection of successful attempts against Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, the Kennedy brothers, and Prince Ferdinand. And unsuccessful attempts against FDR and Reagan.
I've been hunting since I was 13. Not to brag, but just for context, I can hit a (slow) moving turkey at the base of the neck from 100 yards with an open sight.
I wasn't talking about hollywood movies, I was talking about my comprehensive investigation into the past.
Lincoln was quite possibly faked. All of the others have different organizations behind them than history records. Both FDR and Reagan were almost certainly intended to not succeed but were either intended to create a "political victim" (FDR) or intended as a warning (Reagan).
You have to actually dig in to history to see the fuckery. There is so much more on every single one of those events that isn't recorded in the standard version of history, but that you can find in congressional reports, biographies, financial records, etc. that paint a very different picture than the one given to the masses.
Regardless, in none of those cases were any of them hit in a way that will be completely obvious to the whole world, yet actually completely harmless to the "victim." Those "coincidences" are, I suggest, anything but coincidental.
Frens, let's not fight each other. Let's save it for the true foe. Let's not forget who our true enemy is (starts with S) and how he uses our emotions to manipulate us.
I'm not sure why you are responding to me in that way. I'm not really doing that much "fighting," nor are my emotions heated in any way (am I coming across that way)?
From my perspective, I am trying to help people understand how little is organic in the world (at least on the scale of stuff that makes it to the media). There are false flags everywhere, and everything is controlled opposition. People need to see that, really grok that, before people can wake up; before people can accept the real solution to the madness that is the "real world" (which is anything but real).
Didn't mean to single you out, Slyver. And belive me, I get you. I very much enjoy your posts and your keen observations actually. I was just speaking generally to the folks in this thread. Cheers, fren.
Strange fakery that ends up with a dead Lincoln. All sorts of backgrounds, but the perpetrators and the events are fact. I don't understand your remark about "completely oblivious" and "completetely harmless." I can't recall any attempts that were oblivious, but some that were failures. Failure does not mean fake. Especially when there are collateral casualties and a death.
I said "completely obvious" not "oblivious." His "face wound", the streak of blood across his face as he stood up to the camera; everyone will see that blood. It was in a perfect place for it to have maximum drama, while at the same time, it won't even affect his shaving tomorrow. It was completely harmless.
As for Lincoln, I am not convinced he died in the assassination attempt. I'm not going to get in to my investigation into that at this time, but there is a ton of shit that suggests that might not have been the case. I can say with reasonable confidence that either Lincoln didn't die that night, or that his son (Robert) was complicit in the assassination (which would also imply him as complicit in the assassinations of Garfield and McKinley).
Some were failures. Spectacular failures. Spectacular failures that turned out to be incredibly helpful to the "victim" (like FDR). In order to really understand these things, you have to understand that organizations like the KKK, or the corporatacracy that supposedly attempted to assassinate FDR were actually his biggest proponents. In order to understand that, you should probably read my report.
Regardless, this shit happens all the time. Where do you think Smollett got the idea from? History is absolutely riddled with such fake failed assassinations that vaulted people to some social victory (political, financial, "social justice," etc.).
Some succeeded. Some failed. Some were conspired. Some were not. You have a 2x2 possibility matrix, and any rational person would wait to see which was which. You are predicting the truth of the matter. I don't have a crystal ball, and I don't think you have, either.
But this one was not fake, it was deadly and Trump missed being killed by a small fraction of an inch---not within the realm of human capability to do deliberately, when the shooter was conspicuously missing shots and hitting other people.
Another idiot. A woman in the audience behind President Trump was killed by the assassination attempt.
Also reported for extreme stupidity. May the mods have mercy on your soul.
Cry harder, you don't know what's real or fake and if you don't like discussion log off and go watch fox news
You're not the only one thinking this, and to the other commenter's point, the fact that it lines up with Q's post so exactly... 🤔 Many are just afraid to speak their minds. But, we are free thinkers here, and we believe in free speech, so we should not be afraid to speak our minds and discuss things. Don't let anyone shame you into not saying something that occurs to you, especially if you are sincere. Of course, in the end, it could be or it could not be, but that should be decided in an open forum. Cheers, fren.
I am sincere. Cheers, fren.
This is the only place on the internet where I feel safe to truly speak my mind. Emotions are high, understandably.
Maybe the other commenter's are right and I jumped the gun. I didn't give the 72 hour rule after all. I'm awaiting more info like everyone else. I just spoke what came to my mind with the immediate facts I know about the assassination attempt, my knowledge of the Q posts, and my knowledge of staged events (both DS and WH).
If I turn out to be wrong I will update my comments accordingly with an "obligatory update" with corresponding links to evidence. For this, I will await the 72 hour rule.
I hope I'm not wrong and this is staged. Because if the DS did get a chance to assassinate Trump at one of his rallies, then I'm deeply concerned about where we are heading. After all these years Trump has been heavily guarded and Q said Trump is protected (even insinuating that Trump is protected by the military). Why fail to protect him now?
Godspeed, fren.
You and I think alike! Was going to also say; understandably, emotions are high. But we are all frens here, or that should be the going-in-assumption, and we are also American Constitutionalists, and in the spirit of that ideal, we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Our emotions, in the heat of the moment, can cause unjust harm in the end. Q also teaches us to use logic. And so, we should approach these things logically. Christ also teaches us to be gentle as doves, but wise as serpents. I suggest we approach any of these topics as foensics investigators, and discuss in the court of public opinion and present our case, and see where the chips fall after connecting sufficient dots. This will likely go down in history being discussed like the JFK assassination, with people endlessly debating about the grassy knoll, and the magic bullet that changed directions multiple times, etc. But in a forum such as this, we should be ruled by logic, tempered by the heart and guided by the spirit. I do not like to see frens attack frens, or cancelling those that dare to raise uncomfortable topics. Cheers frens.
Reported for extreme stupidity. I hope the mods give your account a permanent vacation.